Customer Persona Analysis For NEA

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Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) was established on August 16, 1985, with the consolidation
of the Department of Electricity (Ministry of Water Resources), Nepal Electricity Corporation,
and several Boards in the power sector. NEA derives its mandate from the Nepal Electricity
Authority Act 1984 (The Act) and takes policy direction from the Government of Nepal (GoN).

The primary objective of NEA is to generate, transmit, and distribute adequate, reliable, quality,
and affordable power by planning, constructing, operating, and maintaining power
infrastructure facilities. Its roles and responsibilities range from recommending policies,
serving as a center of excellence, and developing skilled human resources on matters relating
to the power sector. And NEA is only an organization devoted to electricity generation,
transmission, and distribution.

Due to technological innovation and the concept of sustainable development, throughout the
world, a trend of going green and using renewable sources of energy is ongoing. On the part of
transportation too, the production and use of electric vehicles have suddenly raised. The
government of Nepal has also encouraged the use of electric vehicles which has been reflected
by the tax relief program (elimination of excise duty and reduction on custom duty) on electric
vehicles in the Budget program for the fiscal year 2079/80. Present electric vehicles (EVs) that
are running in the country could be charged through alternating current (AC) as readily
available in common houses. However, it takes a longer period of charging- normally from 6
hours to 8 hours. At the same time, those EVs could be charged with fast direct current (DC)
within an hour to 1.5 hours. As the government of Nepal envisaged the extensive replacement
of convention vehicles with EVs, individual house-based charging will not be sufficient-an
extensive network of DC charging stations is a must.


The main base for separate customer segmentation for DC power supply for Electric vehicles
is envisioned and encouraged by the government of Nepal for EVs and subsequent replacement
of fossil fuel-driven vehicles. The other base comes from the data on the energy consumption
pattern of the country. If we look at the data, we find out of total energy consumption 16% of
the energy is fulfilled by the fossil fuel out of which 10% of fossil fuel consumption is made
by fossil-fuel-driven vehicles, and only 3% of the energy is fulfilled by electricity. (Source:
Corporate Development Plan, NEA). The current peak demand for electricity is 1781 MW

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(Source: and the current installed capacity of INPS is 2250MW. That means
we have a surplus power right the moment. Various generation power is also under construction
and will further strengthen our INPS capacity. If we could channel our power toward
transportation, it not only helps balance the foreign trade and boost the national economy but
also helps in a greener environment.


The data from the Department of Transportation shows that out of total fossil-fuel vehicles
registered in Nepal, 57% of the vehicles have been registered in Bagmati and Narayani Zone.
And it is estimated that more than 50% of a vehicle registered in the Bagmati Zone runs within
the Kathmandu valley. So, at the moment the target segment characteristics would be city

Initially, the Target segment could be divided into two sub-segments. One is the private EVs
owner who uses their vehicle mostly for Office to home and the other user is the commercial
vehicles like Mini and Microbuses, Vans, School buses, and the vehicles of government and
non-government offices which are usually run within the cities.

The private owner of EVs doing home-office may not be requiring the DC supply as that
vehicle could be charged with the usual AC and could be charged very similarly to the charging
of mobile phones. One of the beauties of this kind of segmentation is that usually people charge
their vehicles at the time of night, after getting back from the office. At that time usually, the
load on the INPS is minimum. The capacity of the INPS is the same throughout the day while
supplying the power which if not would go waste without making any revenue. Therefore, in
order to cash on the charging of Electric vehicles separate time slots and separate rates per unit
shall be specified creating a separate segment within the AC supply.

Another sub-segment would be the commercial vehicles which soon or later will adopt the
Electric option. The vehicle shall require huge power and for normal operation, it would be
difficult with usual AC charging. They must require a fast DC charging station. While
supplying Direct current to the charging stations placed at multiple points, especially within
the bus stations would be more beneficial.


As described earlier, we will here try to define the persona of two different sub-segmentation for EVs.

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A) Private EV Users
Section 1: Who?
Persona Name Mr. XYZ
Background • Works in the bank, education institute,
(Job? Career Path? Family) consultancy /any corporate office
• Married with children
• Conscious and aware of the environment
• Educated

Demographics • Male/Female
(Male or Female? Age? Income? Location) • Age- 30-35
• Income Rs. 80,000 per month
• Permanently resident within Kathmandu

Section 2: What?

Goals • Save the operational costs

(Primary Goals? Secondary Goals) • Tax saving
• Maintenance cost

Challenges • Safe charging within the residence

Primary Challenge? Secondary Challenge • Charging with a 15A electric meter
supply. (Domestic supply)
• Easy and cheaper installation of charging

What can we do? • Avail easy upgrade the lower Ampere

To help our persona achieve their goals meter to 15A meter supply.
To help our persona solve their problems • Collaborate with the EV manufacturer
and authorized dealer to help customers
establish the charging arrangement
including application and upgradation of
15A energy meter supply.
• Cheaper, constant voltage supply and
reliable power from 9 PM to 6 AM (Off-
peak period)

Section 3: Why?
Real Quotes • How much shall I spend my income on
About goals, challenges fuel?
• The climate of Kathmandu is getting
warmer each year with increasing vehicles.

Common Objections • Electric Vehicles are new, I don’t know

Why wouldn’t they buy your products/ services? their real performance. I need to have
reviews from people

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• Charging could be a problem.
• Concern over the electric safety of the
• What if I need to travel more and charging
stations are not available on the way?
Section 4: How?
Marketing Message • Approach the EV manufacturer/ authorized
How should you describe your solution to your dealer ensuring easy availability of 15A
persona? Meter upgradation.
• Train the EV manufacturer/authorized
dealer with the installation of electric
charging arrangements in the home with
earthing arrangements.

Elevator Pitch • We will provide you with a cheaper,

Sell your persona on your solution reliable, and constant voltage power supply

• Guarantee of continuous power during the

period of charging (9 PM to 6 PM) any day
through out the year.

B) Commercial and Government and Non-Government EV Users

Section 1: Who?
Background • Commercial buses, Minibuses, Van, and
(Job? Career Path? Family) Mobility vehicles for government and
non-government offices within
Kathmandu valley. education institute,
consultancy /any corporate office

Demographics • Male
(Male or Female? Age? Income? Location) • Age- 30-45
• Within Kathmandu Valley (City drive)

Section 2: What?

Goals • Save operational costs and increase the

(Primary Goals? Secondary Goals) profit margin for Commercial Vehicle
• Environment Saving, pollution control

Challenges • Safe and easily available charging

Primary Challenge? Secondary Challenge stations.
• Space requirement for commercial
vehicles that are undercharging
• Time requirement for Charging (up to 90

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What can we do? • Make negotiations with government
To help our persona achieve their goals offices to make their mobility vehicle
To help our persona solve their problems EV.
• Establishing enough DC charging
stations in their parking space or the
available space.
• Establishing separate charging areas and
stations adjoining every big bus park in
association with the Department of
• Aware the public about electric vehicles
making standardization and assisting in
modifying public taxis to Electric

Section 3: Why?
Real Quotes • We don’t require regular servicing, no
About goals, challenges regular change of Mobil, Mobil filter
• Pollution tax will be eliminated, and Road
tax will be less.

Common Objections • There are not sufficient charging stations

Why wouldn’t they buy your products/ services? • Charging takes a longer period
• What shall I do during the period of
Section 4: How?
Marketing Message • NEA shall be establishing a sufficient
How should you describe your solution to your network of DC charging stations with
persona? ample space and numbers
• Higher voltage supply can be a solution for
fast charging

Elevator Pitch • With EV you will be more competitive and

Sell your persona on your solution you will also increase the profit margin.


2. Corporate Development Plan, Nepal Electricity Authority

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