Control de Inventarios

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Inventory control using a service " " c o n s t r a i n t on

the expected customer order waiting time
H o r s t TEMPELMEIER order waiting time, see e.g. [1,3,5,8].
Instit~t f~r Betnebwirtschaftslehre, Technische Brown [3] and Akinrfiy~ and Silver [1] treat the
Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany, Fed Rep. problem of determining the expected duration of a
s~oekout situation. By interpreting the demand
process as a special diffusion process known as a
Abstract. In this paper an analytical model is W~ener process, Ahnniyl and Silver [1] dera ee the
presented which permits the determination of .he pr;)bablfity dlsmbution of the durauon of a
minimal inventory reorder point sub}ect to (a) a stockout under normally as ~eH as Pobson d,smb-
maximum specified expected customer order wa~t- uted demand conditions ae~d given a fixed !ead
m g ~ime or (b) a maximum specified probability of t~me.
a customer order waiting more than a prede- The durauon of a stockout s~tuatmn can be
termined time span. The probability distribution interpreted as an upper b o u n d on the customer
of the customer order wmting time is determined order wamng t~me and can therefore be u,,ed to
for an arbitrary demand distribution (e.g. normal, bound the customer's risk of wamng too long. As
gamma or exponentml) and under stochastic re- wilt be shown ~ater, the durataon of a stoekouu as
plenishment lead time conditions by use of argu- used by A~nmy~ and Silver, is needed as an
ments from renewal theory. The results established intermediary in the process of determmarg the
can be used for the customer-oriented control of pret-~abality distr, bution of the customer order
inventory policy as well as for the analys~s of wamng tlme.
multi-echelon inventory systems. g ruse [81 derives the cusgomer (demanc' ,'ng~./
a' gtm.e {physical dabtr~bt~.t'~cn ser,a~e ur~,e~
£eywords: ~nvento~T, production distribution, sto- dist~ ~buuon m a conlgnuos rewew (,~, S ) mw~mtor~
chastic processes syst,.'m wath cortstant lcad t~mes. For the cas~ of
umt sazed demand h~ argur_aents ieaC ~o the Ye-
s, o r s L = ?oW formula [8J, which m the c u r r ~ '
co~e.~t ~tates that under stead}, ~tate con4:uor~s
Although theoretical considerations as wel~ as the e.,~pec~ed wamng ume unu~ d e h v e ~ / c l a one
the results of empirical mvesUgations lead to the unet demand as equal to the expected qt anuty
conclusion, that from a customers point of v~ew sho~t &vided by the mean demand rate per ume
the customer order wa~mg t~me as the most im- p e n a d (see also [5])
portant element in the physxcal dasmbution service One major imphca,~on o; Ka'use's results ,s that
mix, inventory theory and practice m general use eveL ff a customer ogders, say iC0 umts s~mttao
the expected quantity sl~ort (or some o~her cme- aeo'tsly, w~th respect to ser'v~ce t~me each d.~maed
rion) as a measure of those parts of the physical umt is treated separately and that, therefore ~t can
distribt~tion service, wh:ch can be influenced by be viewed as an asotated customer, o'dee T'ms
inventory pohcy [11,14]. moons that paruat dd~very must be allowed
Considering the amount of work that has been In many practical inventory satuauons ho~
done in the field of inventory the, wy, only rela- eve.~, customer orders are frequently cons~<,~erabt.~
tively ~ew researchers have d~,cu~sed measures of greate~ t.haa o~e umt and r0arua~,_.~ ~s r~ot
sepace, wi-uch are &rec~iy retatee to "me cus~.o~er allo,,vedo On the o;ner l~aad, a carte.act,:
toiera~e ~aruaI dehvery, g m t~e fed5 he ~ be_rig
seroe2 ~ad1? ,:s 1o,=:~ as lu; older ~s r~o ~'~,~
kecc~ved Dece~{t~er1983. revised March 19~4 cor~,spie:e@, ~_re~pec;,,'e ~,2 the ~ze of ~.?~eqa=nuL
short. [~ bo~h case?, w~gh ~_es~sgct to the cvstome:
European Journal of Operat~caN Research I9 (t985) 313-3 ~.3 order servise [[me obs::r.~ed, a customer conszde~

0377-2217/85/$3 30 © 1985, El,.e~er Sc~enc~Pabt~she~sB V (Nortk-[-iotlar:d)

314 H Tempelmewr / Inventory control t;~mg a service constraint

all umts of an order as an enti,~y. longer than the day the last replenishment order
In what follows, we shall derive the'. probabilits- placed arrives. Note thai this does not necessarily
mstribution of the waiting time for a customer mean that all backorders vanish when a replenish-
order m a daffy review (s, q) inventory system ment order arrives. In fac t, if q is small compared
with arbitrary d~screte distributed lead tL,ne and to the expected lead time demand, then sometimes
arbitrary distribution of demand quantity per day. it may not be lalge enough e~en to deriver all
This can be acNeved by using arguments from backorders waiting at the. end of a replenistmaent
renewal theory. It will be seen, that the results eyrie. If demand per day is a continuous random
w e n by Aldnniyi and Silver are special solutions variable with no upper bound (e.g narmMly nr
• v subprob~err.s of the general problem of de gamma distributexl), the fulfilment of this latter
terrmning the wo?ability distribution of the wait- assumption cannot be guaranteed in a strict
mg time for a customer order. mathematical sense. If 1he replenishment order
Knowing this probability distribution, we are quantxty plus the reorder point is greater than the
able to determine the minimal reorder pr~m~ subject maxam~Jm reasonable lead time demand, then it is
to a constra, nt on the ,,.xpected customer order extremely unlikely that the assumption is violated.
wamng tm~e. Alternativel.~, it is possible to use as a In deriving the probability distribution o7 the
constraint a managemer~-specified percentage of customer order waiting time, we make ase of the
customer orders being con t~letely lehvt red within a following definitions:
~:t,e~ rune span. Th~s last -mteno~ ~s often cited as - The duration o f a stoeko,.t situation, J(s), is the
~ m g :~ serwce measure wh,.ch ~s fr,.:quenfiy em- time span (re:tuber of days) during which the
ployed by practitioners [2, p. 8; 10, I,. 246; 13, p. inventory on hand is less than 0;
1i4]. - the coverage of an inventory on hand, N ( s ) , is
The inventory system ~xamined is a statmnary the number of days (one-period demands) that
(s, q)-system. The smalle ' tame umt considered xs can fully be satisfied from the stock on hand;
one day. Inventory posm ,n as re~,lewed at the end - the customer order wamng time, W(s), '~s the
of each day If it is e( ml to or tess than the number of days a customer order that arrives at
reorder point s, a reple ~tshment order of fl~ed an arbitrary day has to wait until complete
quantity q ~s placed. We assume the order quantity delivery.
,ts gwea, because we confine cur attention to the By dehnition, for a fi~ed lead t~me of length t
problem of deterrmnmg the ~ m m ~ l reorder prom the following relatmns hold"
subject to a service zonstramt. For a mode~ which
duration of a stockout
simultaneously determines s and q. see [18].
= max{0, lead time - co,zerage), (1)
If a replenishnner ~.order is placed at the end of
day ~, it amves aftei a chscrete rmadom lead time L J(s) = (0,1 -
(at the end of day ,' + L, that ~s, m the morning of lead time >f duration of a stockout
day ~ - - L + 1 before the delivery of that :lays >i customer waiting time, (2)
regalar customer orders), which has probability
d~stfibution P{ L = ~, i = lm,~. . . . . ;,~,~,,}. Daffy de-
mand quantmes ~re independentl5 and identically According to expression (1) a stockou situation
distributed random vmiables R, ( t = l . 2 .... ), occurs only when the coverage is less th~ n the lead
which m generM may be continuous or (hscrete. t~me. Expression [2] states that ~he dmatlon of a
For ease of our eq~osition, however, we aysume stocl-out situation ~s only an upper bound on the
the demanc., auaptmes to be conlmuogs. actually experienced customer order w a r m g time.
Ctastomer o~.ders w ~ c h cannot be dehve:'ed For simpficity of presentation we first assume
comple~l) because ,,f a stock,~ut smmt~on are that i~ame&atdy before a reple~fishment orde~ is
backordcre~! until t ) : end of the omrent reNem~h- placed, stoca: on hand is equal to the inventory
m~at ,end '~:me (in ~.~_emormng of da-, .~+ L + 1). position. Ir~ ger~eral tNs wilt only be the case, if
,vh,.~': they are de|iv~red w~h p~,ofityo Several re- there is at most one order omstanding~ Ccnse-
ptems~umev~, o~ders may be out;tanding s,i~'n,fl~a. ouences that arise when more ~han one replenish°
neeus!v, it ~s ass~nted, t.,zat the order quamtt) c! is m~m orders are allowed t~ be ottt~ta~dmg sb:li be
large enough tha; no custome~ order vdi want d~,~c.assed ia~er.
H. Tempelmeier / inventory co.*rg! J m g ~ aen'me ¢onstralnt 315

2. The coverage of a ~ a n f i t y o~ hand s The coverage N ( s ) is exactly n time periods, ~f

the cumulative demand during time [0, n] can be
General results for an arb*.trary demand &str~button dehvered from stock on hand ( s ) and if the cumu-
lative demand during time [0, n + t] exceeds r.
The relatmnship between an mventow on hand That is. N ( s ) = n ff Y~<<.s and Y~+~ > s . Fur-
(i.e. a reorder point) s and the customer order the:'raore, we have ?v(s)>i n ff Y~ ~< r, and N ( s ) = 0
waiting time may be described b y using concepts ff :~ > s.
from renewal theory, see [7,16]. Let's first de- Thus, by using expressmn (4), the probaNhty
termine the relationship between the inventory on for N(s) exceeding (or being equal to) n ~s given
hand s and its coverage N(s). by
Suppose at i m e t = 0 the inventory position has
fallen exactly to the reorder point and a replenish- (5)
ment order has been placed. In this case the quan- "i he proba.r, dtty &strebut,on of the co~'erage V(
tity (reorder point) s serves to fill the demands m a j now be stated as follows
arriving during the replenishment lead time', that is
the demands occurring during the time span [0, t] (6
(where l denotes the actual replemshment lead
time length, which is assumed to be an obsexwation and
of the random va_n_able ~ w~th p.~obacmty - " "" P( k = 2.5 ,
t}). J

Let { R , ( t = t, 2 . . . . . l)} denote the sequence of =

random varmbles for the (one-period) demand
quantities, which--as we will a s s u m e - - m e inde-
,~=t,2 .... (7)
pendently and identmatly distributed; then the C- _% express,on (5), ",~e obtain
accumulated demand during the time [0, t] ~s g~ven
-, p(n+l)(
by the random variable Y, such tha~ P ','!,l=n}
c=1o2, (t)
Y,=ZR,, ~ = 1 , 2 . . . . . l. (3)
Fc ~ar we have developed ~he probabA~ty d~tn-
Consider the &screte coum,ng process { N(,,'), s >1 bm<~.n of the coverage N(~) Using relation ~1 ,~c
0}, where N(s) represents the number of ume can r,ow construct the condmona] probab, k,y O~-,-
periods (demands) whmh can be complege~}' filled tnb~,t~oa of the du~amm oJ a sgoc/~.oul ,,t,ml.m
from the stock on hand s. N(s) can be termed the .l(s, gwen a fixed re~.~lemshraen, lead tnne o~
coverage of s. The coverage assumes the value }entre L aa foUcws:
N ( s ) = 0, if the demand quanUty of the first t~me P{J(~}=OIL=[]. =PfAqs)>~]",,_ =[~s, (9)
period (day) of the reptemshment lead time ex-
ceeds s.
The above mentioned processes, demand { R,(,,
j-!. ,l. {~0}
= 1, 2,. )}, counting {N(s), s > 0} and cumula-
t,ve demand { Y , ( t = I , 2 .... )} characterize a re- lr~ " rder to obtain tht~ probability d~_stnbu ~on
newal process [7]. we ~:cc2 not make an) specmf assumptions . m -
As the cumutat_,ve demand Y, ~s assumed to be cern_~:~g the demand d_stnbut~on as ~s doqe by
the sum of t independently and ~.dentically d~smb- Akmn.,yt and Silver. The resul~ gwen by d e.e
uted random varmbles R, ( ~ = 1 , 2, ¢), ~he auth ,-' :.,re :mohed m expres~mns (9) and { ~
cumulauvep,o~a~,d~.) c-,~-,%=" c, f ( )( ) c' " No,~. ,~:_ ~ thcoe retat~om, hold as ,vd! u i ~ n &~'-
given by ~he ¢-fotd convolution of the demand a h~gk, p~obabff~y of no dema,,d danng a ~,e: vJ
distribut,on F~(y) w~th itse!f. e.g ,, de,aand ~er day >; > o ~ s s o n d.~str:b,~, ed
{For °,n ~ a n , p ! e see :!9] }
&.':>(>,), (4)
> .:~ ~f ~.t:e rep!em~bment leac rote ~t~e!i ; c.
where the s~gn * denotes the convolution operator. dxscre~ ~andom variable L w:~h rmrt~mt~m v~]ue
316 H. ~ernpe~me&ve / l m , emor) control using a sermce ~onstramt

/:~,:a a~d ~aximum value l~,ax, we have where ~ Z ' ) denotes the s~andardized nonraat dis-
t n b u u o n function.

Gamma &stribured demaoM

= Z e{Ni,)>~l~=Z}e{c=e} ~1)
N o w let the demand £ w e a gamma distributmn
and of order ne and with parameter X~. G a m m a dis-
tfibuted demar, ds are often found in prac6ee, see
~{,,s) =,} [!4,18]. Define by F~(. ) its cumulative distrbufion
~ma., function. From the reproductivity property of the
= £ ?{N(s)=I-jIL=t}P{L=(}, gamma distribution it follows that the n-fo~:l con-
volution of th,. demand distribution is again
= : . . . . ~.~. :. (~2) gamma d,st~buted with parameter X~ and o~ order
n- n a, see [16, pp. 57-58].
These expres.xons c a : easily e, e', al~ated fc.r a Thereb~re we can easi3y obtain the probability
variety of continuous demand _istnbufions oc- dtstribuuon of the coverage N(s) by numerically
c,arrm~ it, inventor" practice, e g. 4orm,..,~' ~,,, ex-
ponermNly or gawma distfiLuted demand, as wet1
a for am a, b i m u y ~ iscrete demand di'~tribuuon, see P{ N(s) -- O} = 1 - Fa(s ), (20)
[17-201. In wh'~.t follows, we gave spacia! results for
e(N(~) = ,, } = : ~ " ~ ( s ) - r ~ °+ ~ ( s ) ,
tf~.e norma[ and the gamma distribution. A though
&use rcsu,t~ are well known, they are nevertheless n = 1, 2 . . . . . ~21}
presented because some of these formulas .,;hNt be
where F ~ " ( - ) ,s a gamma &stfibution with param-
referred to and modified with respect to the under-
eter ;k R and of order n - n ~.
shoot m the follovang secf~oa.

?G'rm~dh ~,zswlbuled~wmand
3. The rdafiensNp be~,veen the duration of a
s t e e k o u t and {he e~stemer ,,rder ~vai{h~g time
Define bx F, ~ .} the cum;olattve dist~ibufi.,u
fv ",c~oa of the detained, v hwh s normally dismb-
m,~d "a~tl, mean ~' ;e and vanano, e~. Using expre.~- As has becn stated in expressto~ (2), &e dura-
ttort of a ~tockout s~.tuatton :~ only art upper bound
on the waiting time. tka~. a customer order experi-
;'i Nis)=0)= t. -F,(s) (~.q ences. The customer order w a t m g rune ~s--as
taarketing literature and practice s h o ~ - - t h e pro-
and from relation ~S) ~t foEows tl~at
dora;ham element in the physical distribution
? ( .V(s , = .~'} =F,~"(s}-F(:'+~'~s) service mi-~. Furthermore. knowledge of the
0 : = t , ~ '~, .. 1!4} customer order waiting tm~e distribution as a func-
tion of the reorder point ~s needed in the anatysis
D,zfinmg of muk~-,:chdon mve,ator) sbstems; e.g° when the
:o = (s - ~a), "%- (15) customer ~rder waiting ume of the upper echelon
c.mtral ~,.~ehouse) is (part of) the replenishment
:, = ~s - ,,. ,,. ~~/{vn -o~ ) (le} tead rune of the lower echelon (remote warehouse}
{5.t9]. Therefore, ~t is o1"te~_ preferaek to use the
] - _
customer order wearing time as a constraint m
de~erm_;nme safety stocks.
Reeal~ that W the assumptions s t a ~ a nu
,~g ¢~m wp~e
costumer eree, a~I! watt !anger t h a q ~he day after
P( ~\q., ) = o} = ~ - ;%:{ 2.). i~8) :i~e end ot the ~ead time c o ~ e s p o a £ n g to . n o . .
P{;~: ~=,-~ = = ' ~ ' t ", "
rep!en:shment order p b c c d before ~. arty-ed, z~
v~aYan." ume of a cu3toraer order occurs, if kae
. ,£ ~.;ae q~zaai~t3, s ~s k;~s t ~" , a n tile re-
If. Tempelmeter / In~;e ~tor), control ugmg a ~e,z~ce constraint 317

plenishment lead tlme L Suppose the coverage is

N(s) --= n (n < I) days: then the demands (customer
orders) occurrhag during ume [n + 1, n + 2 . . . . . t]
of the replenishment lead time are delivered ~.f;er
waiting [t - n, t - n - 1 .... ,1] txme periods.
In Table 1 (ior a given replenishment lead nine
of l----7 days) aH one-period demands w~uch c~.n-
not be delivered from stock on hand immediazely,
given a coverage o f N ( s ) = n, are marked w i l t a
6~1~ °

If the coverage is three days. for example, then W

the demands occurring during time 1, 2 and 3 can
be delivered without any delay. In Table 1 these :<--
demands are marked with the sign * . Thus the
number of one-period demands experiencing a
waiting time of zero days is 3 (see last column in v/
Table 1). The demands which arrive during the
time periods 4, 5, 6 end 7, however, have to wait
until delivew for 4, 3, 2 and 1 da5 s, respectively.
In this example g~ven, the p °obability that the
situation described occurs is _given by P{ N(s) = 3 }. ,#

N o w by smmnation over all possible values of the p

coverage N(s), multiplying the number of one

p~.riod demands experiencing a waiting t~me W~ =
w by the respectwe probability of the coverage and
summang up (column-wise sumnmtmn in Table 1 ),
we obtain the expected n~amber L/(W~ = w) of
one-period demands that witl ~-'a,t a t:me span of
[w--- L ? - I . . . . . 0] days (see last row m Table t).
~here FV: denotes the wamng ume of a cus~o~,,~r
order thnt a:r:vco ~c~ when a replenishment order --7
is outstanding. For example, the expected number
of one-day demands wmtmg until dehv,er~ ~or
w = 4 days is gaven by P { N ( s ) = O } + P { N ( s ) = r~

1} ± P { N ( s ) = 2} +P{N(s)= 3} = P { N ( s ) ~< 3}
(see last ro,~ in Table I).
So far, we have treated the one-day demand
quanti)y as an enter), tn practice however, the
dema:°d quantity per day consists of a random
number A of independent customer orders, each
with a random demand quantity Denote by E { A } 5
the expected number of customer orders per day
and by V{ A } ks variance. If all orders arriving the
da3, m which the first backorder occurs are counted
as being backo:dered, the expected number H{ g/.
= ~ i s~ L = ;} o~ c~.stomer orders zha: ~ave to
wait ~o~ a time ~V,!s)= w up t.5 complete d e h v e u
:~ g B e n by (see b o t t o m row ~_n Tab!e ~)

.<.~-,,, i k = : ) .
b~ ~ e "~ ~ ¢q ~ "=2 ~ ,~D t~
w = i, 2 . . . . ? (22)
H. Toape[r,~e,er ," Inge~toO covtro[ u~i~g c, aer~ce cos~s~ramt

Customer orders, however, whic~ arrive before Now. m a m p d a t i n g expression (22). we obtain
the ir~ventor~ has become out of stock are de- H ( ~ q = w ts. L = ~) = E { A } P { _~:(s)
livered without any dday. Their expected number
~s gwen by <t- w- 1~L=t} +E{A,}P{ N~.)= t-w}.
. , = 1 . 2 .... 1-1, (26)
H(glq =O}s, L = I ) = E { A}[IP{ N(s)>II]L= l}
~ ( w ~ = w L~, L = t) = e { & }p{ N ( s ) = o},
+ I; w = t. (27)

(23) The first term on the right-hand side of expression

926) denotes the demands of those days, when no
which is the sum of the one-day demands with no customer order can be fired while the second term
deli~e~ ~ !ag given a coverage N ( s ) = n (see last denotes the expected number of customer orders
column of Table 1) mult~ptyed by the probabNt> experiencing a waiting time, that arrive the day,
of the caverage P{N(s) = n } (see first column of when stock on hand falls to zero. Expression (27)
Table i). denotes the expected number of customer orders
In forrmflas q22) and (23) we neglecz the fact. arriving the first period of a replenis~hment lead
that during the da S s~ock on hand falts to zero. time, that are backordered, when the coverage ~s
some customer orders ne~,ertheless may be de- N(s) = O.
livered ~athout delay'. In the above equations, The expected number of customer orders that
however, ali customer orders arri~ang per day are are dehvered without delay is grven by
treated as either being dehvered or as being com-
pletely backordered. Therefore the service t,mes
computed are an over-esumatmn of the reai service = s { ~ }[l~{ N ( , ) ~ ttL = t} oh,erred by the customer~.
For ~. more correct bookkeeping of the waiting
+ Z ,,p{n(,)=,~}]
umes, ~e ha~e to Iook at the random process
generated by the number A, ( t = t, 2 . . . . ) ot
customer orders ar ~ m g per day Let Ao be the + e { a0 }e{ n ( ~ ) < t - ~_]. (28)
number of customer orders, which axe completely E~presston (28} d:ffer~ from ~_oj~9
~-~ only by the
dehvered the da>, ~tock on hand fvAis to zero, and last term, w~uch counts for at! customer orders,
le~ 4 be the m~mber of customer orders arn~mg that are deh~ered e, Jthout dots> the day stock on
tha~ d&,. Much have m be backorde~'ed hand falls ~o zero. As P { N ( s ) ~ / - ! } tends to
If the replemsla-nent order quaauty is Iarge decrease vath increasing service leveI {short ex-
compared m the expected demand quantity of a pected customer order waiting drne, which leads to
single customer order then, using arguments from a high reorder F 3int), m many practtcM inventory
renew.a1 theory, we can characterize Ao and A t by settings the difference ~s expected to be very small.
probabihty d~stfibut~ons which have, a a limiting F_~press~ons (26}-(2g) can be transfon'ned mm
value, the expectations, see [4,6} the conditional wobabihty distnbutmn of wamng
t~me ~-g~ wi~h respect to those customer orders,
E(Ao}=(E{A}:~ V{A})/'(2E{A}} (24) that arSve during a replemsbment lead t~me of
length L
and The condit~o-m! probabihty distnbuuoa of the
wmnng nine of ~hese customer orders as gwen by

L ,- ng ~esc cupee.,~.on~. ~,c can spht the customer

o:~ ors am, mg the da~ s,.ock o~: haunt ~alis to zero
as fo:lowso E{Ao~} cas=omer order~ v.~;: be d ~
hvered ~mmediatel~, wkeie E{A~ } o~ders ha"e :o
wai~. + = O, ! .... :. (29)
H. Tempel~ve~.e~ / tneeaIa 0 control u~o,g a ~ovlce cons,,,a, nt 319

So far we have &scussed ~he waiting time of a and

customer order, wt-ach occurs during a ~'ep!emsh-
P{ W(a) = w}
ment lead time of ieagth L In general, a
ment lead time is not identical to a replenishment
cycle, which for an (s, q)-system has expected = E
length E { P } = q / E { R } , where q is the (hxed) f = In,,~

order quantity and E { R } denotes the expected .P(r=t}, w = 1 . 2 . . . . . Ira.,. (34)

demand quantity per day.
In fact, if we assume, that there is at most one The results presented so far have been cerived
replenishment order outstanding, then the re- under the assumpuon, that there is at most one
plenishment lead time is only a (posstbly small) replenishment order outstanding. Now, if at least
part of a replenishment cycle. In t_his case, the one replemshment order cycle duratmn p ~s shorter
condmonal probability that a randomly selected than the corresponding lead time l, then tbJs as-
customer order arrives just during a replenishment sumption w~tl be violated. Akhoug_h m physical
lead time of teng~h l is given by distribution practice flus situation will be very
rare, we shall now discuss the conditions under
P {Customer order occurs during a replenishmev t whmh expressions (33)-(34) will hold as well. In
lead time of length l } = I / E { P } = lE { R } / q the current context, two problems arise" (1) What
(30) happens, ff at the beginning of a replemshment
lead time stock on hand is less than the inventory
During the remaining part ( 1 - I E { R } / q ) of p o s m o n ? (2) What happens, d the reDem~hment
the typical replenishment cycle the customer order lead ume is not a small part of a replenishment
waiting u m e is always equal to zero, as by dehm- cycle, eg. E { L } ~ E { P } , e.g ff there are more
lion there is enough stock on hand to dehver nit than one replenishment order outstanding a m u t t a -
demands. neously'~
We are now able to derive the unconditional If there are akea~y several orders ou~standlng
probability distnbutmn of the waiting time W(s) i m m e & a t d y before the placement of a new order
for a customer order, that occurs at any arbitrary ~say at t~me t~, then under the addmonal as~ump-
point m ume, see [17j8]. uon of no orders ~rossmg all replemshment orders
For a gwen lead ume of length l, mu!Uplymg placed so far wP! arnve earlier than the orde.~
(29) by (30} and for VY{s)=O, adding the term under cons~deramn (wh,ch w~l arnve at t~me ~ +
~! - !E~, g } / q L we have /). tn th~s case not sto~k on hand. but the :w.en-
to~y posmc~n s ( = ca hand + on o r d e r - back-
P{ W(s)=OI L = I }
orders) ~s :ned ~ f6' tho demands dur'pa the [ca(1
=,ff R }/q Ume of the last order placed (that ~s demands
d u n n g time It° ¢ + t]) & prob!em might be caused
+ - le{ }Iv)
by the fact that the on-order part of the inventory
and pos~t~on ~s rmt a a~Mo~ at dec beg, atut~g o~ the
rep~ernsismem lead ume if, at has been stud~ed m
P{w(,t=wlL=l} the foregoing anaI;~s~s. However, m general the
= P{ G ( , ) = = l}lE{ R J/q, probabihty ts very h~gh tkat these orders arnve at
w = 1, 2 . . . . . L (32) early stages of the iast order rep~emshment lead
tm~e. Therefore. w~th respect to ser,-me levels used
Now, treating the lead ume as a random var:a- m m~emory p~acuce, the results g~en above may
b!e. we obtain be e/.pccted to hotd
C o n a d e r m g the second questxon~ wha; happew,
ff the~e are ,sore d~a~, one rep~er.~ahment .rder5

no io?~ger a mobaofitty because ~_~ may assume

vaiues grea~er ,b- , ~ - v o~ t / v-.; -~'t <
..... n "~ The p_~eo~e
- : f ( R J / e ! P f L =~ ~ t33.~ t o aCCOtd~ t o g {~:g , ~ ¢ r a g e IIuEIi~'~F ©~ .e&O ~v~-se5
320 H. Te;apCme~e~ b~te,,to O' torero1 ~ e n g a sercwe comlramt

running per ma average replenislunent cycle, t i cause of customer order quantities that are greater
there are several orders outstanding, then we ob- than one unit.
serve overlapping replenishment 1cad times. In tbds case. a replenishment order may only be
If t<~E{P}, then t / E { P } counts for the re- placed, when the inventory position has already
duced exposure to risk of becoming out of stock fallen below s, that is when an undershoot (see [ i i ,
during an average repIenishment cycle. Contrary. p. 2!9]) has appeared.
if lead time l is greater than E{P}, I / E { P ) For the case of continuous demand quantities
counts for the mulupI:~'ed exposure to khe risk of considered, the probabdaty dastnbutlon of the un-
becoming out of stock. Tins correspovds to the dershoot U i s - - a s a 1Daiting value, that is for large
"expected number of replenishment c3clcs per time values of q--grven by [4, pp. 347-348; 6, p. 106]
period" as used in inventory literature, see [11, p.
261]. In the tatter case. the term I/E{ P) will be P { U ~ u} = 1 - ( 1 / / , R ) £ ~ [ 1 -FR(r)]dr (36)
greater than one and teads to a sNft in the proba-
blht3 d~stnbuv_on P{W(s)}, which reduces the where Fp.(r) denotes the cumulative probabihty
p r o b a b ~ t y of no wmt occurring and distributes distribution of the one period demand R, whmh
the amount reduced over the rest o* the probabil- has mean fir and variance a~.
~,y distribution. So despite the dfffenr, g mterpreta- The expected value of the undershoot is [4. p
tton of t/E{ P} f3!)-(32) ,MII hold m both s, tua- 348]
it must be guaranteed, hov, ever. that (31) al-
E { U } = ( ~ + ~ )/{2iua), (37)
ways rema'ns greater than 0, that is the conditio~ and ~ts vanance is
~ " { W ( s ) = 0 I L = ! } > . > - 0 must hold. "rNs ~il! be
"~ 2
the case as !ong as the reorder point xs such ~.hal

>- (35) (38)

where P-3 denotes the third central moment of the
Th~s condmon states a lower bound to the demand distnbuuon
reorder pomL ,:~hxch ~s a funcuon of the expected No,a, if the mvemoly posaion ~s reviewed pen-
length of a replemshment cycle and the replemsh- odlcally, 1.e. at ~he end of each day. then the above
men~ lead ume." stated procedure ~'or deterrmning the customer
Recat! that m denying the expressions (33)-(3a) order wamng t~me d~stnbut~on shoaM be modffmd
we have ~mphmtyt.~ assumed that the reorder point as fol!o,vs F~r,,t the counting process should be
,s iarge enough that the backorder part of the shifted one ame period backwards. This means
m,.entory position may be neglected. There:ore, that the undershoot is interpreted as the demand
the reorder point must be set such that the ex- of ",.he (hypothetical) first period of the rep~_emsh-
pected qummty short will not be too large com- ment lead t:me
pared to the reorder pomu Tins assumpuon states For the case of negative exponentm!ly distrib-
a second lower bound on tbe reorder point, wNch. uted demands, tee d~smbuuon of the tmdershoot
m general, wilt be t~gher than the first one. For is ~_denttcal m ~ e demand distribution [7, p. 274].
servme !e,ds cons, dered m physical distribuuon tf the one-period demand quantity follows,say a
m~,emor~ pracuce, however, the reorder point wfl! normal or a gamma distribution, ho~,ever, the
always bc ~et such that both bounds wili not be demand and undmshoot dastnbutmns ~.'ill differ.
~tolated t v far. The procedure far determamng the cuatomer order
he p r :,babd:ty d~stnbat~on d e m e d so far ho!ds wamng rune e, str~buuon, as ottthned above, ~s
under the assumpuon, ~hat a =eplemshment order based on the fact that ~t ~s easd:y possible to
of ~7e ,, . pta,_=d ,,hec tee ln~entp[W posn~on > detem~me *.he ,-4c~:J convolution of the demand
e;:a~d, at a. in tlu5 case v e can use ~he ,.vho~e mstnbuuon.
quand~2, s to f:]t ~he de~vand~ e~'cunmg during the ff we interpret h e undershoot as a soeem~ first
replems~m~ent '.end ume. in mventow pracuce, pex-ioa demand. 'demands' are no longer idenu-
hev:e,.e~, this ~ s u r a p u o n m general ~s violated-- c a ~ distribute5 h order to use tee reproduc~n,,_t5
e ~en w!~en c,~2u~uoa~ le~iev _~s ~ e I f g r ~ e d - - b e - g~ope~t~ ef t:~e a=dedymg &:m,aa3d d~stnbat:onso
H Tempelmeter / Inventory control using a sermce constraint 321

we have to make two assumptions. First, we com- 4. The determination of the re~,rder p ~ t subject to
putationally treat the undershoot distribution as a cons~rah~t wRh respec~ to the customer order
being of the same type (i.e. normal or gamma) as waR,rig time
the demand distribution. Second, based on the
first assumption we adjust the critical parameters Having determined the uncon&tmnal probabil-
of the undershoot distribution such that the n th- it?/" &stnbutmn of the customer order waiting time
fold convolution may easily be calculated and the as given by expressions (33) and (34), we are now
reproductivity property may be employed. able to calculate the reorder point subject to a
The necessary approxamations of the under- constraint (a) on the expected customer order
shoot distributions are as follows. For the case of wa~ting time and, alternativdy, and (b) on the
normally d~smbuted demands, we replace expres- probabihty Prom that the customer order wamng
sions (15), (16) and (17) by time is less than a specffmd amount w.~,

z o = (s - b'.u) / ~ u , {39) (a) Constraint on the expected ,ustomer order watt-

mg time
z~=[s-(n-1)~-~v]/~(n-l)o~+ @ {40) Just as the expected quantity short, the ex-
pected customer order wamng nine is a convex
and function of the reorder point, Therefore vath re-
spect to a constraint specifying a maxt_mcm ex-
za = [a - n # R - l * u ] / ~ + %z,, (41) pected customer order of wamng time, we have to
find the smallest reorder point ~ such that the
respectivdy. constraint will not be vmlamd TbJs problem n'my
If the demand has a gamma d,stnbutwn, let be stated as follows
Xu=X R (42) Mm [slE{W(s)} ~ wq {45)

and . h e r e w ~ denotes the dented serwce ~v, el as

expressed m terms of the e,~pected custoravr order
n u = E{ U } A,~ (43) wmdng t~me
This problem ma, be solved by mean.-, o~ an>
Now, the cumulaave demand dunng tame [0, n]
approprmte search method We u:,ed a v~:,~nt of
can be treated as hawng a gamma distnbu~mn
btsectmn search, see [13. pp 58-59, 2 PP
w~th parameter X~ and of order
Consider a numerical example ~ased on ernp~r>
nr=E{U}X~+nn~ (44)
eal data. From the order file of a Germa,~ food
If the demand d~stributmn is discrete, then the company's reg~onat distnbutmr~ center .,.e de-
distribution of the undershoot may be evaluated terrnmed (a) the empmcal d~stnbution of the -mine
numerically. her oJ customer ordefs per day for a gtven product
We have tested these approximatmns of ~he and (b) the empirical distribution o_f t> ~ ,>~der
ur, dershoot distribution for normally as well as quam,.ty per customer order Combtmng these ?wo
gamma distributed demands using a variety of dlsmbtmons, ~e obtained the probability d~s~r bu-
parameters, see [17,18,i9]. We also tested problem tton of the daffy demand quanuty wt~ch ,. ~.-~ ap-
settings, in winch there we several replemshment proxamated as a gamma d~stnbuuon w~th ?~.rameo
orders outstanding, a situation that witt appem on ter XR = 0 00884 and o~ order ~*R= 1 33476
a regular basis, when the expected replemshment The expected demand quanuty per day ts
lead v_me length E{ ~ } ~s greater than the expected E { R } = t51 The expected number o! c,a~c, mer
reolemshment order cycle ~{ Y } The inventory orders arn'~ag per day ~s E{ A } = i2 277 ~nd ~A-,

except%n, the wait:rig ehne distribat~ons observed time is assumed to be a random vanab~: "
she,red very c!os~ agr~eeaer:t v~:d~ the :heorctieaI1y d~screte p:obat-,b~3, &st:?b~tc:cp P i L = a0~ 6
de~ved .a~>~qg te~r:e di~mbv~,o~. S ~ e e~amples ~.~ = ~ = 0 3 a~.d _P'~L=!%}-=,
shali be eresented ~c d~_¢ae> t see dO:~o plemxi~ment o-_,de: ov.a~_t?F, was set ~ ~ -~ ~"52'
322 H Tempe 'mezer / Ineemorj, ~omro[ using a se~otte o~,~atratut

Table 2 Table 3

Theoretical S~mulation T~zeoredcat S~malatmn

results resuRs :esutts results
o.c'9~4 w P{w= .,} ~'(w= w}
P{ ~t~ = w } 0 0 9254 0 9328
t 0 0533 0 0470
0 O 9-469 0.9514
P{ g " < 1} 0 9787 0.9798
! 0 0260 0.0216
2 00146 0 0139
3 0 9074 0 0073
,~ 0 0033 0 0035 livered within 2 days". A constraint of tins type
5 0.0013 0 00t2 may be taken into account by solving the follow-
6 0.(1004 0.12O07
ing prob!em:
7 0 0001 0 00.33
8 0 ffdOl o 000t
Min [s'tP{W(s)~wn.~}>.>.p.~] (46)

where V~m~.~denotes the specified customer order

" i~ equfi,alent to an a~,erage order c)cie E{ P } wa~ting t~me and p ~ denotes the management-
specified percentage of customer orders which shall
= 5" da)s. Note that q is tess rhan half of ,dw
be filled within maximum tame win=.
expected lead t~me demand. Inventor5' on hand was
checked at the end of each day Consider the same example as above, but now
wi~h different lead time and replemshment quan-
A waiting time (as a measure of service level)
w = = 0.1 was specified. Using (33) and (34) we tity. We assume the replenishment tead time to be
obtain s,~,(w* = 0.10)= 2t64 (rounded to integer dlstributed as fallows: P { L = 1} = 0.4, P { L = 2}
vMue}o Not~ that s > q. = 0.3 and P{ L = 3} = 0.3. The replenishment
m order to test tins result wh:ch is based on the order quantity is q = 302. This leads to an ex-
a~Frox~mat:on of ~he undershoot, a SL.~.~-s:mula- pected reptemsl~men~ order cycle of length E{ P }
Uo~ model [see i2] of the underlying daffy review = 2 days.
inventoD process was :un over a smm~afion pmmd t h e solutmn of problem (46) fol file above
of 10000 days. Table 2 presents ~he results of the gn, en example yields ~m~(~%~= t~ pm~=0.978)
snnata~en a_nabs~s as well as the c o r r e ~ o n d m g = 675. The corresponding probability distributmn
d~eoret~eal values ~bich a, ere derived using and the s:muiatmn results are presented m T~b!e
(33b-(3a) and the ~pr~roramatm-" of the . . . . 3.
shoot distrtbmmn by a ganm~a dastnbu~:on.
In the above example, there were a maxmmm of
6 replenishment orders outstanding samultaneousty. 4. gummar~
Table 2 shows a v e ~ good coh~cidence of the
resuhs stmutated and these derived by uze of the In th~s paper we have presented an anaIyticaI
expressions Nven above. Observe, that part .of the procedure fog the de~er::~:atton of the probab~hty
difference between beth probabi~ty d~stfib'ut~ons distribuuon of the customer order waiting time as
g~ven it: Table 2 is due to the approximation of ~ e a function of file reorder level m a (s, q)-invemory
(d~screte} oneopenod demands by a (continuous) system, where inventory position is checked only
gamrna d~stnbutmn at the end of each day.
The model holds under arbitrary demand dism-
(b) Ce~,'~st:amt o, rhe ~ robab~h9, H~a~ the cusfomer buttons 0.e. normal, ganmla, exponem~at, Potsson)
o:'de.~ ~vam~rg ~ Ie~, ",an a ma~agement-spec@ed as wet! as under stochastic lead t:me conditmns.
Computer sm~ulatmn resuks based o~ empirically
As i~as been me:3~oned,.e, ta~ en~o@ obser,md &stnbat;ons of the number of cus,ome:
management often speciges an upper bound '~G~ orders pe~ day end tbe demand pe~ cvs~omer order
on the customer orde; ~ wai~mg ~me in phys~ca! have shown a ~ r y b~gh agreemen~ wita '~h~m~del s
&ambutmn literature, we often find s~a:er~aee~s results. ~A&oegb fi~ nmnencal e=ampks gb~,:~.n
::ke. °'98% of o:~: customer oNers sha~ be d > represen~ to z cerium cx:e::d ~WG2SI (Or ~';id)
H Tempdmeier / hlventor? control using a service constraint 323

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