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Helper Name: Simona Scoffone

Client Name: Sandy Teo

Read each skill and competence level. Highlight or bold the competence level across each skill that you think best reflects your
performance for this session as Helper. Client, please provide feedback, based on your experience, using the chart and reflective
Date of Session: 11/13/2022 comments.
Skill Developing Competence Achieved Expected Competence Exceeded Expected Competence
Employ helping skills, including Helping skills are used Helping skills are used consistently Helpings skills are used seamlessly,
active listening, paraphrasing and intermittently; skills are poorly and with intention; feelings, and intention is made explicit;
summarizing, reflecting feelings, timed; feelings, thoughts and thoughts and meanings are well feelings, thoughts and meanings are
empathy, and effective use of open meanings are not explored in explored well explored and woven together
and closed questions during the balance to help the client develop new
assessment process understanding
Maintain rapport through Little attention is paid to Adequate attention is paid to Rapport and trust are integrated
interactions in which you continue establishing rapport; counsellor building rapport and establishing into the interaction between
to build the helper-client jumps into assessment without trust; counsellor actively seeks to counsellor and client. Counsellor
relationship and partner with your establishing working relationship establish partnership with client in emphasizes client strengths and role
client in a problem-solving alliance problem-solving alliance as expert of own life story
Reflect the client's reality by Problem is not clearly identified and Shared understanding of the Shared understanding of the
providing evidence that you have understood by the counsellor. problem is developed, though at problem is clearly evidenced by the
clearly understood the client's times unclear. Counsellor attempts counsellor’s ability to describe the
perspective of her or his experience OR to understand and describe the problem in detail through the
and the issues that are bringing problem through the worldview of worldview of the client.
your client to you for help (identify Problem is understood through the the client.
and describe the problem). counsellor’s worldview, rather than
reflecting the reality of the client.

Systematically gather data and make Assessment tools and strategies are Assessment tools and strategies are Assessment tools and strategies are
assessments of strengths, assets, not utilized or are utilized in a used to help clarify client’s seamlessly woven into the dialogue
risks, and needs through use of haphazard fashion. Client’s experience. Reflection is between client and counsellor. Deep
assessment tools where appropriate experience is left somewhat encouraged; more support by the reflection and integration of new
and communication strategies that unexplored and reflection of counsellor would allow the client to information and ideas is supported
explore your client's experience and meaning on the part of the client is gain deeper understanding through by the counsellor through the use of
allow and encourage reflection. minimally encouraged. reflection. empathy, open ended questions, re-
framing and challenging (as

Help your client clarify her or his Counsellor relies on client to Counsellor supports client’s Counsellor support client’s
needs and wants in ways that assist express needs and wants without exploration of needs and wants exploration of needs and wants
you to identify the client's stage of guidance from counsellor. Stage of through use of empathy, open and through the seamless application of
change according to Prochaska and change remains unidentified and closed questions and explicit the skills of empathy, open and
DiClemente's (1986) unexplored. discussion of readiness and closed question and skilful
transtheoretical model of change. motivation for change. integration of the concepts of
readiness and motivation for
Read each skill and competence level. Highlight or bold the competence level across each skill that you think best reflects your
performance for this session as Helper. Client, please provide feedback, based on your experience, using the chart and reflective
Helper Comments to summarize progress: I was able to use various skills to support Sandy to stay on track with her goals and achieve
desired changes such as pausing and embracing silences, providing encouraging responses, and interpreting the shared. Through open
and closed questions and reflections on the benefits of achieving goals, Sandy and I created an action plan for her to refer to her goals,
motivate her to stay on track, and assess her progress. I used narrative therapy and compassion-focused therapy to assess Sandy's
motivation to change and encouraged her to move forward. I created a treatment plan and assessed Sandy's goals progress and I will
review this in the last session. Overall, I believe I was able to weave in significant skills and modalities during the session.

Client Feedback Comments for Improvement: I feel liberated from the weights of the past through the different strategies Simona has
provided. From someone who used to have an exceptionally low self-esteem, I am now able to separate myself from the negative toxic
past by focusing on positive memories.  With knowledge of the thinking traps, I have also learnt not to jump into conclusions and
overgeneralize situations. By writing the positive and gratitude affirmations in addition to the coping strategies, I am able to relate to my
objectives as I remain motivated to overcome my low self-esteem.

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