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Paris Bakery and Foundational Theorists

Mariana Barraza

South Texas College

ORGL 4361: Capstone II


Paris Bakery and Foundational Theorists

Are you related with Paris Bakery and the different types of foundational theorists? Paris

Bakery is a very popular/famous bakery located in Texas, and it is known for their delicious

sweet bread, cakes, and coffee. Foundational theorists are different types of theories created from

different people and they were made to better align situations and solve social problems. You

may wonder why the researcher is comparing two different topics that do not have anything in

common, but the reality here is that these two topics have been united for a cause. To better

understand this, Paris Bakery is facing a very difficult situation dealing with issues such as lack

of personnel, not having change (money), and missing important hard tools like ovens to cook.

This is where the topic of foundational theorists comes from, and is being in charge of getting a

process or in some way something that is going to solve Paris Bakery social problems. For this

cause, three different foundational theorists are being selected, they are listed as: Henri Fayol’s 5

Functions of Management, Carpenter et al’s P-O-L-C Framework, and Peter Drucker’s

Management by Objective. Reading this paper will serve you as learning very important

information because you will get to know what these three different foundational theorists mean

and how they work to help/solve a company’s social problems. In this paper, you will also have

the chance to get to know Paris Bakery background such as their identity and their issues, and

recommendations to solve their problems.

Foundational Theorists Background

To get started, the first topic that is being introduced is about identifying the three

foundational theorists to get to know them. The researcher is providing information like their

background, what their theory is about, and examples where each of these three theories have

participated. The first foundational theorist that is going to be identified is named The 5

Functions of Management from Henri Fayol. According to Voxted (2017, pp. 257-261), Henri

Fayol who was the one that made these 5 Functions of Management possible, was born in

Istanbul, Turkey on July 29 of 1841. His trajectory before creating these five functions was that

he first started working as a superintendent in a construction named Galata bridge with his dad.

Then at the age of 19, he graduated as a mining engineer and immediately was hired by a mining

company named Campaigne de Commentry-Fourchabault-Decazevill. He maintained there until

his retirement in 1918, and then he decided to take up a directorship of a center named Center of

Administrative Studies. Throughout his career, Henri Fayol published plenty of articles having to

deal with mining, management, administration, geology, and health and safety issues centering

on the mining trajectory. The main point there was that only one of his many articles he made

achieved famous and it had to deal with management. His article is named General and Industrial

Management, and it consists of modern management. Modern management is what is called the

five functions of management. The five functions of management are planning, organization,

command, coordination, and control. These five functions of management made by Henri Fayol

were something modern by him in the business industry and something he wanted to create

because it helps someone or a business/company/organization to stay informed in what things

they are supposed to do and the way/process they need to follow to make it happen. Among other

things, it also benefits in accomplishing goals, being more efficient, it helps in making better

decisions, and it can accomplish earning more profit.

The 5 Functions of Management by Henri Fayol, has been approved and used in many

companies/organizations. It has been said that thanks to those functions of management,

companies/organizations have achieved success in different sections of their business. According

to McNamara (2009, p. 67), one way that these five functions have benefited companies and

organizations is in having greater flexibility. It has also been beneficial in maintaining

organizational members committed to what is operationally or functionally necessary. A third

way that these functions have benefited is in being suitable in bad changing conditions.

The second foundational theorist that is going to be identified by the researcher is named

P-O-L-C Framework by Carpenter et al’s. According to Gosnik (2019, pp. 59-62), the union of

many authors such as Carpenter where the ones that proposed the P-O-L-C Framework. This

framework was made to help managers solve problems or to better manage situations. The P-O-

L-C Framework consists of four different primary functions which are planning, organizing,

leading, and controlling. Something important that we need to know is that Henri Fayol was the

one who created the five and fourteen functions of management, but Carpenter et al’s were the

ones who proposed to do the P-O-L-C Framework. Its mission there, is to have it shorter to

managers, so they can get more motivated and have a leadership position. Starting with Planning,

it focuses on fulfilling the interests that the owners has. Organizing is in charge of formalizing

and normalizing all the work tasks available. Leading focus on business/administration which

means monitoring the business results. Lastly, Controlling deals with measuring the processes

and business performance.

The P-O-L-C Framework from Carpenter et al’s has been used in different exercises,

companies, and organizations. According to Dolechek et al. (2019, pp. 29-30), it have been

proved that the four functions of management has been used for example in an experiential

exercise with students. The exercise is about making the combination of visual media and humor

into a situational scenario that was made to improve learning opportunities for students to be able

to understand the fundamentals of management education. Using these four functions into this

type of exercise will make students understand/learn how these four functions work and how

they get related to this humorous situational case. Using the P-O-L-C Framework from Carpenter

et al’s made students to be able to establish a game plan (planning), search for the resources

needed for their game plan (organizing), deicide (leading), and they created to ensure plan to be

successful and accomplish their goal into this exercise (controlling).

The third and last foundational theorist that the researcher is going to use for this

paper/situation and is going to identify is named Management by Objectives from Peter Drucker.

According to Francis and Bolander (1980, p. 1), Management by Objectives is a theory that was

created by Peter Drucker, and it consists of a management system with the manager and

employees. This type of theory consists of working together to accomplish the establishment of

areas that centers on the responsibility that employees need to possess. It has been proved that

the types of organizations/companies that most used this type of theories are large

organizations/companies. The Management by Objectives consists of five different processes,

first it starts by defining the organizational objectives that it wants to accomplish, turn the

objectives into goals, start monitoring the performance being made, evaluation of progress needs

to be checked, and lastly make sure to reward accomplishments.

According to Ford et al. (1980, pp. 89-90), the Management by Objectives program has

been successful in various types of organizations. It has been proven by a survey of 279

organizations, 140 organizations which comes to be fifty percent indicated and voted that this

program has made their organization a success. Organization managers have also answered a

questionnaire that contains a list of ten different benefits. They have to check the ones that they

feel this program has created in their organization. One of their more voted benefits that this

program was able to create in their organizations was the improvement of communication. A

second benefit was the improvement of criteria for a more successful manager appraisal.

Organization Background

Paris Bakery is a Mexican/European bakery that was established in the year 2015. Just

like the researcher said at the beginning, Paris Bakery is known for their delicious sweet bread,

cakes, and coffee. The CEO of this bakery is named Abel Diaz Ayala, a grown up man that has

always love his dedication in the bakery section. This bakery is only located in one part of Texas

having more than fifteen stores. The only part of Texas where these stores are found is in the

cities of the Rio Grande Valley. For example, some of the stores are located/seem in McAllen,

Mission, Brownsville, and Alamo. One of the future goals the CEO of this bakery has in mind

and is almost accomplishing is moving north, this means setting more locations up north in

Texas. He is almost accomplishing it because he is close to opening a Paris Bakery in San

Antonio and Austin Texas. The reason why this bakery is so popular is because they make/sell

bread from two different continents. Selling bread from different parts of the world, makes

people have different choices and flavors. In one part, this is a smart strategy of selling/making

bread from different continents because it gets people’s attention and the desire of tasting

newer/different types of breads. For example, the bread named “conchas” were made/recognized

in Mexico, and a bread named “almond danish” was made/recognized in Europe. The story

behind this bakery, and something we must know is that Paris Bakery was not a new bakery that

started in the United States. This bakery was already created/known and established first in

Mexico City having more than 40 years of experience in the bread association. After years, the

team and CEO decided to migrate to another country to keep growing up/expanding their bakery.

After presenting Paris Bakery background history/information, we are going next into

identifying the issues/problems that this organization tends to have. As we know, this company

has different locations/stores, so for this paper we are centering only in one location which is the

one located in San Juan city Texas. This store in San Juan has six employees, already counting

the two managers in charge. Something important we need to know is that the reason why there

are two managers is because one focuses on everything that has to deal with technology, calls,

and meetings (modern ways). The second manager focuses on paper work (old ways of doing the

work). Starting off with the first issue/problem that they have is the lack of personal. Personal is

needed for one reason, the reason is because since we already entered the winter season, this is

the time when more customers tend to attend the store and it is always full. Since this store fails

in the lack of personnel, it is causing an issue in the store. The second issue/problem that this

bakery in San Juan city tends to have is never having change (money). Employees always seem

to run out of change, and they are looking for ways to get change when the managers are the

ones in charge of giving them the facility in those types of moments. Lastly, the third but most

important issue/problem that this bakery is seeming to have is not having more ovens where to

cook their bread. This is a serious problem that needs to be solved right away because from there

is were the profits are entering. In other words, if they do not make enough bread, money will

not enter. The two types of theorists that are going to be needed in this situation problems/issues

to assist and solve them are named The Five Functions of Management by Henry Fayol and the

Management by Objectives by Peter Drucker.


In this section, the researcher is going to provide different recommendations for these

types of issues/problems that the bakery located in San Juan is facing. The recommendations she

will provide will have to deal with the three different theorists. Starting off with the first

issue/problem which is the lack of personnel. The recommendation she gives is attending to use

the foundational theorist recognized as Management by Objectives by Peter Drucker. This theory

consists of five different processes: Review organizational objectives, set objectives, monitor,

evaluate, and reward. Before starting giving out the recommendations, the researcher would like

to give a brief explanation of the reason why this bakery has never been found personnel. The

reason why is because its employees or managers are not doing anything or expanding out the

word to its customers of the hiring situation, so that is why people have not known that this

bakery is hiring personnel. Now, skipping into the recommendations part, the researcher thinks

that using this type of theorist will motivate both employees and managers to work together and

find personal. As we know, according to Francis and Bolander (1980, p. 1), this type of theory

consists of the manager and employees working together to accomplish the establishment of

areas that centers on the responsibility that needs to be done. The managers and employees can

start with reviewing the objectives, which in this case is the lack of personal. Next, they can set

the objective, which will be to accomplish the hiring personnel, once they start them as a team or

the managers will be monitoring the situation. Monitoring the situation will depend on managers

checking up on their employees to see if they are informing the customers about the hiring

situation or also giving out hiring papers/waviers. Then, they will evaluate the situation, this

means the managers are supposed to measure the results their employees are getting. This will let

the managers know if the employees are working toward the set objective or not. Lastly, the

managers will reward the employee that made the accomplishment of solving the issue which is

finding someone who can enter the bakery. For the researcher this type of theorists was the most

effectively workable in a part that in this case it motivates employees in knowing that they will

get rewarded, so it would make them more motivated in finding someone. It will also increase

communication with their partners and working as a team.

Going into the second issue/problem that Paris Bakery located in San Juan city of Texas

is facing is the need of change (money). This store always runs out of change, it makes it

difficult for the employees, and customers seem to get mad/desperate at employees for not

having change. The researcher in one way understands the customers getting mad because since

it is a store, they should always have change and not run of it, because for one reason they have a

manager that should keep in charge of giving their employees facility. One thing that should be

known because it is incorrect is that employees seem to have the responsbility to look for change

and that should not be happening. The recommendation she gives is attending to use the

foundational theorist recognized as The 5 Functions of Management by Henry Fayol. This theory

consists of five functions which are planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. We

need to know that the ones who are the problem and need to solve this situation are the

managers. The researcher is providing this process recommendation for the managers. We start

first with the planning section, the plan here is to start setting the goal of always having change

(money) available at the store. Next is the organizing section, in the organizing process,

managers would be in charge of setting up days when they should go to the bank or any place

where to get change. Skipping into the leading process, managers should have communication

skills to be able to tell their employees to take care of the change, because employees are the

ones who are using it so they should know how to work and take care of change so it would not

be finished in a short period. In the staffing section, managers should select employees for a

position that would be about keeping in charge when change is needed. If nobody is selected for

that position, and they do not have communication, they would have more chances of running

out of change. Lastly, in the controlling section, managers should evaluate how well they are

improving to see if their issue is getting solved. For the researcher this type of theorists was the

most effectively workable because it keeps managers up to date on what is needed in the store

and it offers the facility in change to their employees.

Lastly, the last type of issue/problem that Paris Bakery is also experiencing is the

necessity of ovens. Ovens are the most important tool that is needed in a bakery, it is known that

this store in San Juan only has two ovens. It is also known and proven that this location/store is

the number two of all stores that has the most highests sales. By knowing this, we need to know

that they need more ovens in order to have more space available to cook bread. They also need

more ovens because it is what will make them have more sales and not run out of bread. The

problem here is that we are seeing that the managers and CEO are not paying attention to this

issue, they know about it, but it seems that they are not worried about it. The recommendation

that the researcher thinks is the best option to solve this problem is to implement the theory of

the P-O-L-C Framework proposed by Carpenter et al’s. She believes this framework process will

make the manager and CEO in charge of solving and providing more ovens. Starting off with the

planning section, the managers and CEO need to get together to start setting the objective which

in this case the goal is to accomplish getting more ovens. Second, we skip into the organizing

section, these persons need to start preparing the process of looking for ovens. Next, we go into

the leading section, this is totally different because the researcher is not providing an action to

do, but she wants to give a tip and something that both managers and CEO need to know. The tip

she wants for the three people to know is that since they are the head persons, the ones in charge

of the stores, they should always be paying attention to what is needed. The leading process takes

a big and important role here because they are the ones that are supposed to be leading. Lastly,

we enter into the control section, the researcher thinks and says that in this section, both

managers and CEO are supposed to be controlling this situation and keep an eye because there

can be more things that may be necessary at that store.



In conclusion, the researcher had full success in being able to accomplish the

implementation of two different topics like a bakery and different types of foundational theorists

to solve/recommend different issues/problems. As we know, Paris Bakery is a very recognized

bakery with different store locations in Texas, but unfortunately it seemed that one of their stores

was experiencing a difficult situation. They were having issues like the lack of personnel, the

needing of change (money), and the necessity of more ovens. For this situation, the researcher

was able to implement three different types of foundational theorists to recommend solutions and

be able to solve them. The three different foundational theorists were named Henri Fayol’s 5

Functions of Management, Carpenter et al’s P-O-L-C Framework, and Peter Drucker’s

Management by Objective. For this paper, the researcher also added Paris Bakery history

background and each of the three foundational theorists background. With all this said, the

researcher hopes for Paris Bakery to have full success on their trajectory.


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