Five Tech. Advancements

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NETWORK COMPUTER- A computer network is a set of computers

connected together for the purpose of sharing resources. The most
common resource shared today is connection to the Internet. Other
shared resources can include a printer or a file server.

Main benefits of network computer:

1.) Resource sharing – using network-connected peripheral

devices like printers, scanners and copiers, or sharing software
between multiple users, saves money.

2.) Sharing a single internet connection – it is cost-efficient

and can help protect your systems if you properly secure the network.

Harmful effects of network computer:

1.) Vision Problems - Computer use can result in vision

problems called Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). Glare on the
computer screen, the reduced level of contrast of text to the
background, and letters not being as sharp, or clear as on print create
problems. This can put more stress on your eyes. Symptoms of CVS
include eye strain, blurred vision, headaches and dry eyes.

2.) Physical Health Issues - People who have used the

computers for an extensive period of time may complain about
headaches, and pains in their wrists, arms and necks. These pains are
often the result of a fixed posture when using the computer keyboard
for a long amount of time. This can also cause muscle pain due to
3.) Exposure to Radiation - Many computers have CRT, or
Cathode Ray Tube, monitors that give off X-ray radiation that can
affect your health. Being exposed to computer radiation can cause
cancer, tumors, miscarriage and birth defects, headaches and

2. INTERNET - an electronic communications network that

connects computer networks and organizational computer
facilities around the world.

Benefits of Internet include:

1.) It allows people within an organization to easily

communicate and share information.

2.) Internet is a virtual treasures trove of information.

Harmful effects of Internet include:

1.) Lack of Face to Face Communication- It sounds quite ironic

when the lack of face to face communication is mentioned as one of
the negative effects of Internet because the Internet is supposed to
bring people closer. But the fact is that somehow many people find it
easier to communicate through the Internet instead of the traditional
direct way. They prefer to discuss over Messenger, Viber or other
apps available.

2.) Lack of Creativity- The lack of creativity in teenagers and

students is also another one of negative effects of Internet rooting
from its benefits. One significant feature of Internet is the unlimited
sources of information. This feature benefits users by quick access to
needed info at ease. However, when everything is available, there is
no need for creativity on the Internet.
3. Smartphone and Mobile Computing - is human-computer
interaction which a computer is expected to be transported during
normal usage, which allows for transmission of data, voice and
video. Mobile computing involves mobile communication, mobile
hardware, and mobile software. 

Benefits of Smartphone and Mobile Computing:

1.) Location flexibility - The use of portable devices in the

workplace has allowed many employees to continue doing their tasks
regardless of their location, as long as they are connected to the
network. Some companies even allow employees to work outside the
workplace, giving them the flexibility they need.

2.) Increased Productivity - Because mobile computing allows

employees to work where they are most comfortable, there are higher
rates of engagement and productivity. According to
this infographic by Bolt Insurance, there are about 30 million
Americans who work

from home, while 79 percent of the workers they surveyed wish to

work at home at last once a week.

3.) Cost Effective - Having people work at remote locations can

save a company overhead cost. No more need for setting up work
stations or additional equipment. In the same way, employees can
save on traveling expenses while saving time.
Harmful Effects of Smartphone and Mobile Computing:

1.) Connectivity issues - To complete their tasks, employees

need network connectivity. Unless the workers have a reliable
connection, they will not be able to access the information they need
to effectively function in their respective roles.

2.) Power Consumption - Mobile devices, especially the

commercial ones do not have enough power to last an entire day.
Unless there are chargers and power sources, an employee might not
be able to complete his tasks.

3.) Security Concerns - This is the biggest concern most people

have over adopting mobile solutions. Because employees would have
to connect over a wireless network in order to access company data, it
leaves the network prone to hackers who might steal sensitive
company information.


practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the
Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local
server or a personal computer.
Benefits of cloud computing:

1.) Flexibility – Organizations can rapidly buy or relinquish

computing resources according to their needs and do not have to
perform costly and time intensive upgrades of their infrastructure, nor
do they have to plan the provision of those resources in advance
where they have quasi-infinite access to computing resources in the

2.) Reduction of IT costs - On the user side, cost reductions

by using cloud computing result from the fact that traditional
corporate IT infrastructure is in most instances underutilised due to
over-provisioning. On the provider side, cost reductions are achieved
via an increased efficiency of the data centres run by cloud computing
providers (e.g. through economies-of-scale).

3. Platform for Innovation - it spurs the development of new

products and services. They save on investment costs and benefit at
the same time by having access to cutting edge technology and
services including software updates.

Harmful effects of Cloud Computing and Wireless Networking:

1.) Loss of IT-control- If significant parts of the IT

infrastructure and services are moved to the cloud, a loss of control
occurs to a certain degree. Cloud providers have the technical control
over, for example, updates or new releases of software. Depending on
the business model or implementation, they may decide whether or
how they let users implement their own software and applications.

2.) The protection of personal data, i.e. “any information

relating to an identified or identifiable individual (“data subject”) is
also challenged in the cloud.

5. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI), the ability of a digital

computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly
associated with intelligent beings. prepare for the future .
The Benefits and Harmful Effects of Artificial Intelligence
depends if AI is a passive observers or mentally or physically active
agents, which is robots.

Passive observers are less likely to get into trouble, since they
don't do anything except calculate, or they don't take action until a
human approves. An example would be drones that don't fire missiles
until humans authorize it.

A more active agent, like a shopping or housekeeping robot,

could easily be imagined. There would be some risk involved in
setting it loose in a human environment. Such robots could be as safe
as other equipment.

A software AI with no physical body could still be dangerous.

It could perform a large amount of transactions that cause damage to
human business or communication systems.



(Its Benefits and Harmful Effects)

Submitted by:
Francis Dominic A. Andrade
Grave 7- Paiburong
Submitted to:
T. Laarni
Science Teacher

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