Metode Proposal Global

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A. Secondary Data Research

Data sources are anything that can provide information related to research. The
data that we use in this study are secondary data sources. According to Sugiyono (2018),
secondary data are data sources that do not directly provide data to data collectors, such
as through other people or through documents. In this research, we take secondary data
from IPUMS. The reason we chose secondary data is that secondary data collection is not
as difficult as primary data collection because we take data from the American people. It
will certainly take a long time and big costs if we do primary data collection. Thus,
secondary data was chosen because it can save time and costs.

The advantages of secondary data are:

a. It is easier to access than primary data because the data is available on various
platforms that can be accessed by researchers.
b. Secondary data is very affordable because to get it requires little or no cost.
c. The time required to collect secondary data is less than primary data.

Meanwhile, the lack of secondary data are:

a. Secondary data may be unreliable and inauthentic. Researchers may need to verify
this further.
b. Researchers may have to deal with irrelevant data before finally finding the data they
B. Data Sources and Data Processing
The data obtained are quantitative data and obtained through IPUMS. IPUMS is
software that facilitates free census and survey data from around the world with the
provision that it covers regions or regions in various countries and times to facilitate
various research. The data obtained from IPUMS is data that was carried out in a survey
on respondents so that to process the data there are several steps as follows:
1. Our group reviewed some of the literature regarding the relationship between
lifestyle and risk of heart disease.
2. Then the group determines several lifestyle-related variables that are associated
with the risk of heart disease.
3. The group looks for data on variables related to lifestyle that are related to the risk
of heart disease through data available at IPUMS.
4. From the variable data obtained at IPUMS, the group then categorizes the
variables which are then tested with SPSS software or application software using
univariate and bivariate (chi square) tests.
From the data processing carried out, the group was able to determine several
significant variables related to lifestyle patterns related to the risk of heart disease,
therefore IPUMS facilitated various data related to variables related to lifestyle related to
the risk of heart disease from the results of the population survey conducted in the
household group with inclusion meeting certain criteria and exclusions: survey of
respondents with a non-permanent place of residence, without a family and not belonging
to a member of the community.
However, some of the data from several variables obtained from the health survey
at IPUMS have 0 (zero) data with NIU (Not in universe) information where the number 0
is a variable that is not included in the survey respondents in collecting data on the
relevant variable.
C. Research Variable
1. Hypertension
The group took the hypertension variable, because hypertension was the most
important risk factor for heart disease. Someone who has high blood pressure will be at
risk for heart disease because it makes the heart work harder so that the longer the heart
will be tired and sick. The risk of heart and blood vessel disease increases as blood
pressure increases. The results of the Framingham study showed that systolic blood
pressure of 130-139 mmHg and diastolic pressure of 85-89 mmHg could increase the risk
of heart and blood vessel disease by 2 times compared to blood pressure of less than
120/80 mmHg.
2. Smoking frequency
The reason the group took the smoking frequency variable was because smoking
can increase a person's risk for heart disease. The risk of someone who smokes can
increase 6 times than someone who doesn't smoke. Smokers have a 10 year faster risk of
developing heart disease than normal people. Several reports indicate the risk of coronary
heart disease is 2-4 times increased in men and women with heavy smokers (more than
20 cigarettes per day) than non-smokers.
3. Knowledge level
The group took the variable level of knowledge about heart disease because lack
of knowledge of heart disease led to low awareness of disease prevention and risk factor
management. The variety of risk factors requires knowledge in preventing and reducing
the incidence of heart disease in the community. Therefore, this variable is one of the
supporting variables for the occurrence of heart disease (Setiadi, 2020).
4. Age Range
Age is a factor that causes heart disease that cannot be modified. According to
Notoatmojo (2011), the older you get, the higher the risk of heart disease from the plaque
sticking to the heart wall, resulting in blocked blood flow. The age range at risk for heart
disease is age 40 years and over (men: age over 55 years and women: age over 65 years).
5. Gender
According to the Posbindu Smart Book (2016), the sex at risk for heart disease is
male because men have the potential to experience heart disease risk and have higher
blood vessels than women. But it does not rule out the possibility that women also have
the potential to risk heart disease, generally women who have experienced menopause
because during menopause the estrogen hormone decreases which is the safety of blood
vessels from the risk of atherosclerosis so that women who are at risk of heart disease are
women who have experienced menopause. .
6. Physical Activity
Individuals who have unhealthy lifestyle habits in the sense that they rarely do
physical activity will have a higher potential for heart disease than individuals who have
a healthy lifestyle (Buku Pintar Posbindu PTM, 2016). Physical activity (exercise) on a
regular basis will maintain heart health so that individuals are protected and avoided from
the accumulation of cholesterol levels in the blood vessels.
Physical activity is divided into several levels, namely: high level (for 1 week
regularly by walking with moderate or heavy intensity at least 3,000 MET/minute/week),
moderate (for 5 days regularly with moderate or high intensity walking at least 600
MET/minute/week) and low (individuals who do not reach the high or moderate category
7. Nutritional Safety
Monitoring the nutritional status of the food consumed by people with heart
disease is very important because the consumption of the wrong or non-nutritious food
can affect the patient's weight (BB) so that the patient can become obese (overweight).
Distribution of body fat with the risk of heart and blood vessel disease is very important
so that if fat accumulates in body parts it can trigger the risk of heart and blood vessel
disease (Buku Pintar Posbindu PTM, 2016).
D. Data Analysis
In the research that we will do using quantitative data analysis, this is because
apart from the secondary data obtained in the form of numbers, it also aims to obtain as
objective research results as possible, namely to find out whether there is a relationship
between the dependent and independent variables to be studied. In this study, there were
a total of eight variables, namely the incidence of heart disease as the dependent variable
and seven other variables as independent variables, including the incidence of
hypertension, smoking frequency, knowledge of heart disease, age range, gender,
frequency of physical activity, and nutritional safety. The step to analyze the data is that
the researcher takes secondary data sourced from IPUMS with a sample of events in 2017
this is because the selected variables are all available complete with the most recent year,
which is only in 2017. one by one on each variable using univariate analysis, this aims to
know and identify the data description of each variable. Finally, a bivariate analysis was
carried out using the chi square test, namely one by one the independent variables were
tested with the dependent variable, which in this case was the incidence of heart disease.
This aims to find out whether there is a significant relationship between each independent
variable and the dependent variable. The whole process of data analysis in this study uses
the SPSS 25.0 application.

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Makassar Tahun 2021. Skripsi. Makassar: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas

Setiadi, D. B. 2020. Gambaran Tingkat Pengetahuan tentang Faktor-Faktor Risiko Penyakit

Jantung Koroner di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ngawen Klaten. Skripsi. Surakarta:
Program Studi Keperawatan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah

Batara. S. F. W. 2021. Faktor Risiko Kejadian Penyakit Jantung Koroner din RSUD Kota
Makassar Tahun 2021. Skripsi. Makassar: Program Studi Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Hassanudin.

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