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The Chinese Lunar Calendar:

What animal are you?

1 Read and complete.

• clever • generous • brave • confident • loyal • naughty

• adventurous • calm • hard-working • wise • kind • honest

In the Chinese zodiac, each year is represented by an animal. There are twelve
different animals with different personalities. Some people believe that a person’s
zodiac sign affects their personality.Take rats, for example. Rats are very 1) clever.
They can learn and understand things easily and quickly. Oxen are people that
can be trusted! They are very 2) __________________ and they always tell the truth!
Tigers do not show fear! They are 3) __________________ and they aren’t afraid
of dangerous situations. Rabbits are really 4) __________________ because they
don’t get upset in times of difficulty! Dragons are really sure of themselves! They
are 5) __________________ and feel certain that they can do things successfully.
Snakes are very sensible people. They are also 6) __________________ because
they make excellent decisions and give people good advice. Horses love trying
new things and taking risks! They also like new experiences and travelling, making
them quite 7)  __________________ . Sheep are 8)  __________________, as they’re
always thinking of other people’s feelings. They’ll do whatever they can to help
others. Monkeys like getting into trouble! They are clever, but 9) ____________ !
They don’t like following the rules, and sometimes they play tricks on people!
Roosters put a lot of their time and energy into everything they do! They are
very 10) __________________ and never lazy! Dogs are very reliable people! They
are 11) __________________ and they always support their family and friends, no
matter what happens! Pigs are very kind and 12) ________________ because they
love making people happy by giving them presents when they least expect it!

2 What’s your Chinese zodiac animal? How similar or

different is your personality? Tell the class.

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