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No. 01/MBS/CON/IV/2022

On this day : Wednesday, 1 JUNE 2022, at : Karawang, a

Catering Service Provision Cooperation Agreement has
been signed between:
Leader Name : Nia Kurnia
Address : Perum Bintang Alam Blok. B2-17 RT.033/011.
East jambe
Kitchen Address : Perum Bintang Alam Blok.A1.No.15-
16 RT.39/11. East Jambe
Postal code :-
NPWPD Number : 03 00127 05 03002
Phone Number / CP : 0812-8039-5151

Hereinafter referred to as the FIRST PARTY

• Company name : PT. SIIX EMS INDONESIA

Address : Jl. Maligi VIII Lot S-4, KIIC Karawang Industrial
Postal Code : 41361
Phone : ________

Hereinafter referred to as the SECOND PARTY

The First Party and the Second Party have agreed to

bind themselves in a letter of agreement for the
provision of catering services for employees of the
Second Party, with the following terms and conditions:

article 1
General requirements

The Second Party appoints the First Party to carry out

the procurement and serving of food needed for dining
facilities on shift 1, shift 2 and shift 3

Article 2
Serving Time and Number of Servings

• The number of servings ordered every day may

fluctuate, according to the number of employees of the
Second Party who are present, which will be informed or
the First Party may ask the Second Party.
• The food ordered must have arrived at the place
determined by the Second Party at least half an hour
before the serving time.
• Second Party employee's meal hours are:
1.Shift 1:
- First hour: 10.30 WIB
- Second hour: 11.15 WIB
- Third hour: 12.00 WIB
2. Shift 2:
- First hour: 17.45 WIB
- Second hour: 18.30 WIB
3. Shift 3:
- First hour: 02.00 WIB
- Second hour: 02.40 WIB

• The composition of the portion presented by the First

Party is as follows:
1. Main menu
2. Slide dish
3. Fruits
4. Additional menu
5. Vegetables

Article 3
Food Delivery Failure

If the First Party fails to deliver food to the Second party

or the food sent is not suitable for consumption, either
in whole or in part, then the First Party is willing to
replace it with the following alternatives:
• The First Party is willing to replace the unsuitble food
within 1 (one) hour after the report from the Second
Party or its Employees.
• The First Party is willing to reimburse the cost of food
according to the portion ordered by the Second Party
according to the price per portion specified in article 4.

Article 4
Food Price/Cost

• The cost details for services and provision of food for

each/each employee as agreed by the PARTIES is as


- Meals - Rp. 15,000,-

• If the First Party intends to increase the cost, it must

submit an appeal letter the Second Party at least 1 (one)
month in advance.
• The application of the new price that has been
approved will be adjusted to the renewal/extension of
this cooperation agreement.

Article 5
Payment method

• Payment of food prices as stated in article 4 above is

made by transfer to the account of the First Party
multiplied by the number of portions ordered by the
Second Party which is included in the billing letter or
invoice submitted by the First Party to the Second Party
and deducted by Article 23 Income Tax of the law PPh
of 2%.
• Billing is done once a month, namely:
i. The period of service provided by the First Party to the
Second Party is on 1 – 30, and invoices are received by
the Second Party every 2nd.

• Billing invoices must be sent to the Second Party

within 3 working days after the end of the delivery

• Prices do not include 10% local tax which must be paid

by the second party through the first party. The first
party must submit proof of payment of local taxes to the
second party.

• The Second Party makes payments to the First Party

by means of transfers according to invoices and billing
receipts, through:
1. Bank : Bank BNI KARAWANG
2. Account Number : 855-822-0003
Article 6
Menu Variations
• Every 7 (seven) working days, the first Party submits a
list of menu variations for the next 1 (one) calendar
week, for approval from the second Party.
• The First Party guarantees that the list of menu
variations presented will be in accordance with the
agreed list of menu variations.

Article 7
Method of Service and Presentation

• The First Party guarantees that the food served is in

good condition and appetizing
• The First Party guarantees that the food is processed /
cooked according to the specifications of the food
ingredients that meet the requirements, namely fresh /
new, not rotten, does not smell bad and the texture of
the food ingredients is good.
• The First Party guarantees and is responsible for the
sanitation and hygiene of the processing staff, the food
to be processed, and the processing equipment to avoid
the possibility of food contamination (poisoning).
• The First Party is responsible for providing food with
its cutlery.
• The Second Party provides a dining area and a table for
storing food.
• The First Party provides a total of 4 (FOUR) people to
serve the Second Party
• The First Party is required to use PPE (PERSONAL
PROTECTION EQUIPMENT) when performing services
• The First Party cleans the canteen area before and
after service
• The First Party conducts a medical check-up every 6
(SIX) months

Article 8
Procurement and Presentation Officer

• The First Party provides officers in charge of preparing

and distributing food.
• Food processing, procurement and serving personnel
are in good health as proven by health certification.
• Presenters wear special work clothes with covered
hair, as well as work health and safety tools/facilities
and work equipment (apron, mask, gloves) which are the
responsibility of the First Party.

Article 9
Monitoring and Evaluation

• The Second Party has the right at any time to take a

sampling (sample) of the raw materials used by the
Second Party at any time of presentation and to carry
out inspections on the cleanliness of food processing.
• The Second Party once every 1 (one) week has the
right to evaluate the food menu that has been approved.
• The Second Party will from time to time conduct a
review of the First Party's premises.
• The First Party fully guarantees the quality control of
food through its nutritionists and environmental health
• In implementing this agreement, the First Party will
uphold the culture of anti-gratification, and will not take
actions that are suspected to be forms of gratification,
bribery, corruption, collusion and nepotism to individuals
associated with the Second Party.
Article 10
Extraordinary event

• Assessment of extraordinary events is determined

from food samples that have been sealed by the parties
and if a problem is suspected, it will be followed up and
submitted to the Director General of POM.
• The First Party is willing to bear the entire medical
expenses of the Second Party's employees until it is
declared healthy by a neutral medical party, if the results
of the Health Service indicate a causal relationship with
• The First Party is willing to bear all other costs of food-
related causes and effects.

Article 11
Term of Agreement
• This agreement is valid for 1 ( ONE ) Year, from ( June
1, 2022 – May 31, 2022 )
• 1 (one) week before the agreement ends, the Second
Party will notify the First Party to convey that it will
terminate or extend this agreement.
• Extension of this agreement can be done for a certain
period according to the agreement of the parties as
outlined in a new agreement

Article 12
Termination of Agreement

Termination of the agreement unilaterally before the

expiration of the validity period of the agreement can be
done in the following cases:
• The Second Party may unilaterally terminate the
agreement if the First Party in 2 (two) consecutive days
or a maximum of 3 (three) times cannot fulfill its
obligations as agreed.
• The Second Party may terminate the agreement
unilaterally if the Second Party considers that the First
Party does not meet the requirements based on periodic
evaluations. (Evaluation will be done once a month)
• The Second Party may terminate the agreement
unilaterally if the First Party does not fulfill its
obligations as stated in article 5 above.

Article 13
Force Majeure

• All losses suffered by one or both parties due to force

majeure are the responsibility of each party.
• If one party is unable to fulfill the contents of the
agreement due to force majeure, then that party must
notify the other party.
• Negligence/delay in notification of force majeure will
result in the non-recognition of the reason for force
majeure by the other party who is harmed.
• What is meant by force majeure in this agreement is
not limited to landslides, disease outbreaks, major
floods, major typhoons, riots, wars, rebellions, and other
events that cannot be predicted and avoided in advance.
Article 14
Dispute resolution

• If in the future there is a dispute or misinterpretation of

the contents of this agreement, it will be resolved by
deliberation for consensus.
• If the deliberation does not result in a consensus, an
attempt will be made to resolve it through the local
district court.

Article 15
Matters that have not been sufficiently regulated in this
agreement will be resolved by the parties and regulated
in writing in an agreement which is an integral part of
this agreement and has the same legal force.

This agreement is made in 2 (two) copies, each original

and the same in sound and made and signed on paper
with sufficient stamp duty and has the same legal force.

Made in : KARAWANG
OnDate : June 1, 2022



(Nia Kurnia)



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