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MILITARY MEDICINE, 00, 0/0:1, 2022

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Dual-Energy, Dual-Exposure PA and Lateral Chest Radiograph:
Not Your Father’s Chest X-Ray
Gilbert E Boswell, MD; Capt Sione T Wolfgramm, MD, USAF; CAPT Raynard K Fong, USN (Ret);
CAPT Daniel B Hawley, MD, USN Specialty Leader, Radiology, US Navy

ABSTRACT In the last two decades, our military and federal health care facilities have transitioned from traditional
X-rays exposing film screen systems, developed much like photographic film, to an entirely digital detection system
that affords computer processing of images and digital image and report distribution. While health care providers are
well aware of the practicality of these advancements, they may not be aware of the improved diagnostic capabilities
afforded by these new methods. In this report, we outline how application of physical principles of X-rays, with digital
detectors and computer data manipulation, can present images demonstrating chest and heart diseases that were pre-
viously not readily visible by traditional film screen systems. More recently, dual-energy, dual-exposure systems have
been implemented. This commentary is to educate the medical community so that they may better understand not only
the written report but the information on the images being provided, along with potential pitfalls to avoid. Specifically,
we demonstrate improved detection of pulmonary nodules and coronary atherosclerosis with the dual-energy technique.

INTRODUCTION due to poor image quality. Digital detectors also introduced

In the mid 2000s, most military medical facilities began tran- the usefulness of acquiring posterior to anterior (PA) views
sitioning X-ray equipment to direct digital capture units. This with two exposures of different energies allowing improved
allowed for digital archiving of images and networked dis- visualization of lungs and bones. This will be detailed further
tribution of images and reports, allowing rapid access to below.1
interpreting physicians and referring providers. Costly film This article is presented to help any provider, whether
processing, use of hazardous chemicals, and film archiving in operational medicine or specialty practice, learn how
have been eliminated, reducing operational and storage costs. the images are created and thereby appreciate how nor-
This has allowed for ready comparison with older examina- mal anatomy or disease processes are presented, depending
tions in an organized fashion, allowing for better evaluation on tissue density and elements in the body. It shows how
of disease progression or stability. Digital datasets introduced advancements in computer processing lead to better use of
the capability for mathematical processing, pixel by pixel, physical principles separating tissue types. A unique aspect
to optimize the images presented. It allowed a wider lati- for military medicine is the application of these techniques
tude in processing. By simply changing a level or window in detecting unsuspected coronary calcium among our mil-
setting, visualization of lung parenchyma, mediastinum, and itary members. As military providers our task is to be the
bones improved. Fewer radiographs needed to be repeated best in preventive care and early detection in the care of our
patients, so that they may perform the military mission. Chest
Department of Radiology, Naval Medical Center San Diego, San Diego, radiographs are routine in our medical screening for many
CA 92134-5000, USA military operational roles. This article explains improvements
The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily and added capabilities of this test.
reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Navy, DoD, or
the U.S. Government.
We are military service members or employees of the U.S. Government.
This work was prepared as part of my official duties. Title 17, U.S.C. 105 SIMPLE PHYSICS IN MODERN CHEST
provides that copyright protection under this title is not available for any work RADIOGRAPHY
of the U.S. Government. Title 17 U.S.C.101 defines a U.S. Government work To better understand the concept of dual-energy techniques, a
as a work prepared by a military service member or employee of the U.S. short primer on X-ray physics is helpful. In projection radio-
Government as part of that person’s official duties.
graphy, as X-ray photons are transmitted through the patient,
Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Association of some of the photons are attenuated (absorbed) by the tissues
Military Surgeons of the United States 2022. This work is written by (a) US before reaching the image detector. The probability of X-ray
Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US. photon absorption is proportional to the atomic number (Z) of

MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 00, Month/Month 2022 1

Dual-Energy, Dual-Exposure PA and Lateral Chest Radiograph

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FIGURE 1. Dual-energy, dual-exposure lateral CXR, 60-year-old male with right upper chest pain. (A) Standard view obtained at 120 kVp. (B) Calculated
“lung” subtraction image emphasizing lower atomic numbers demonstrate a 3 cm mass (arrow), obscured by ribs and spine on standard view. (C) Calculated
“bone” subtraction image emphasizing higher atomic numbers. (D) CT image (inset) confirming lung mass posterior to the liver and obscured on the frontal
projection. Biopsy confirmed adenocarcinoma.

the target material and inversely proportional to the energy of the X-ray detector that are geometrically aligned and sepa-
the X-ray photon beam. Tissue composition with low atomic rated by a copper filter, which preferentially absorbs lower
numbers (i.e., soft tissue), composed of hydrogen (Z = 1), X-ray energies. A low-energy image and a high-energy image
oxygen (Z = 8), (water) and carbon (Z = 6) (protein, fat), will are acquired with a single X-ray beam. The advantage of this
attenuate fewer photons than tissues with higher atomic num- system eliminates any patient motion artifacts. The disadvan-
bers, such as calcium (Z = 20) (bone, calcified atherosclerotic tage is that the energy differential between the two images
plaque). Likewise, X-ray photons with a lower beam energy is small, resulting in a relatively less separation of the tissue
spectrum will have a higher attenuation differential in bone as characteristics. There is a low signal-to-noise ratio for the soft
compared to soft tissue. These principles allow for the cre- tissue and bone images at typical patient exposures.
ation of two image datasets obtained from different X-ray The other system uses a detector with fast read-out capa-
beam energy exposures, enabling the decomposition of tis- bility, allowing the use of two closely timed separate X-rays
sue characteristics by mathematically computing and creating of different energies. The large differences in the effective
images that emphasize either soft tissue (low Z) or bone energy of the X-ray beams result in a higher signal-to-noise
(high Z). ratio and better separation of tissue types. The first acquisition
This technique also allows chemical element separation occurs with the high-energy beam (120 kVp), followed imme-
to “emphasize,” or “subtract” metal (nickel Z = 28, copper diately by a low-energy beam (60 kVp). In the most current
Z = 29, titanium Z = 22, iron Z = 26), implanted in, or over- systems, the two exposures are 160 milliseconds apart. This
lying the chest, and characterize prostheses that may have system is more demanding on the technologist, to make sure
silicon (Z = 14) or lithium (Z = 7) components. This allows the patient is not moving, and has suspended breathing before
for better identification of vascular access lines or a patient’s the chest radiography exposures.
indwelling tubes or devices (coronary stents and left atrial The image data are captured on high-resolution direct
appendage closure devices) and also demonstrates tissues oth- photon to digital electronic signals and then processed by
erwise hidden by them. This may allow the observer to “see” computer algorithms that allow the creation of images, which
behind a pacemaker or jewelry on clothing or on the chest prioritize low-atomic-number tissues (water, carbohydrates,
wall. fat, protein, and air) and higher atomic number tissues and
elements (calcium, silicon, and metals) (Fig. 1).
CURRENTLY, THERE ARE TWO CLINICAL IMAGING The technology to generate dual-energy exams has been
SYSTEMS AVAILABLE FOR DUAL-ENERGY present since the early 2000s. However, the advent of faster
RADIOGRAPHY digital detectors, faster computer processing, and advanced
One system allows processing two images simultaneously mathematical algorithms has recently allowed these applica-
from a single exposure by employing two imaging plates on tions to be applied in the lateral X-ray projection.2

2 MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 00, Month/Month 2022

Dual-Energy, Dual-Exposure PA and Lateral Chest Radiograph

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FIGURE 2. Asymptomatic male mid 60s preparing for a marathon. (A) Standard view at 120 kVp does not demonstrate coronary calcium. (B) Calculated
“lung” subtraction image emphasizing lower atomic numbers. Better visualization of lungs and hila. (C) Calculated “bone” subtraction image emphasizing
higher atomic numbers. Heavy coronary calcium, unexpected finding. Much greater than expected for patient age. Right, left anterior descending, and left
circumflex coronary arteries are demonstrated. (D) and (E) CT images (inset) from the subsequent calcium score inset to demonstrate anatomic correlation.

Dual-Energy, Dual-Exposure PA and Lateral obscured pulmonary nodules. This allows better definition of
Radiographs in Current Practice the central airways and hila, aorta, and pulmonary arteries.
Dual-energy soft tissue–reconstructed images, often referred Similarly, “bone” images can be created that better demon-
to as “lung” images, have been demonstrated to improve strate the spine, calcified heart valves, and atherosclerotic
the detection of pulmonary nodules, consolidation, and lung calcifications of the coronary arteries, thoracic aorta, and great
disease.3 “Bone” images were initially designed to identify arteries of the aortic arch (Fig. 2).
calcium in pulmonary nodules, thereby obviating the need for
CT, as these could generally be classified as benign calcified Military Relevance and Current Use
pulmonary granulomas. This technique has been particularly Military treatment facilities provide care to service
beneficial in detecting noncalcified nodules that would oth- members—individuals who are selected to be fit and healthy
erwise be obscured by the clavicles or ribs. In the mid 2000s, for worldwide deployment. They are often deployed away
Gilkeson published a series of reports on dual-energy imaging from specialty medical care in stressful and often hazardous
to evaluate coronary calcifications in the frontal projection.4,5 environments and often for prolonged period of time. Given
More recently, this technique has been modified to allow these considerations, military medicine has a low thresh-
imaging in the lateral projection in addition to the frontal old for imaging, whether this is a screening exam for an
projection. accession physical, a recruit with suspected pneumonia, a
There are advantages of employing this technique on the routine 5-year aviation or dive physical, or an occupational
lateral chest X-ray. The lateral projection presents a better health physical. We also care for many retired members
view of the spine, central lungs and airways, and medi- who are eligible beneficiaries and who may continue to
astinum. On the frontal projection, the overlapping shadows work as government employees or contractors at military
of the sternum, vertebrae, and calcified cartilage of the rib facilities.
ends obscure the heart and coronary arteries and much of the Additional importance for sensitive chest radiography in
aorta, central airways, and pulmonary arteries. The lateral pro- the military population is due to the legacy of high smok-
jection has been a favorite point of instruction by academic ing rates in the military, which directly leads to higher rates
chest radiologists since the publication of classic manuscripts of atherosclerosis, heart disease, osteoporosis, and lung can-
on the lateral chest radiograph by Proto, a chest radiolo- cer among other well-known diseases.8,9 Importantly, chest
gist with the U.S. Air Force in the late 1970s.6,7 With some radiography is not an established or recognized means of
training, a reader can identify the anatomic structures of the screening for coronary disease or lung cancer. However, when
mediastinum and central lungs well on the lateral projection. chest X-rays are obtained for other indications, dual-energy
Dual-energy subtraction imaging with “lung” images remove techniques allow for the opportunistic detection of coronary
the overlying ribs and spine, thereby allowing the reader to atherosclerotic calcifications or suspicious pulmonary nod-
more readily detect regions of pulmonary consolidation or ules that otherwise may not be detected.10–12

MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 00, Month/Month 2022 3

Dual-Energy, Dual-Exposure PA and Lateral Chest Radiograph

THE SIGNIFICANCE OF CORONARY CALCIUM BY of important pathology in our military population, it is our
AGE hope that the reader will better understand how to interpret
It is not inevitable that everyone will develop coronary these images and understand the value added as these digital
atherosclerotic calcification with age.13 In fact, 10%-15% of subtraction images become commonplace in military treat-
patients in their eighth and ninth decade will not have any ment facilities. Reference 2 will present the reader with more
coronary calcium. As a general rule, the median age for males examples, illustrating the applicability of the techniques and
to develop their first scorable coronary calcium by CT is 50. more details about physical principles behind dual-energy

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For women, it is 60. Therefore, if we detect coronary cal- chest radiography.
cium by dual-energy CXR in individuals at younger ages,
these patients are identified as outliers and at increased risk for FUNDING
coronary event. In our experience, we have detected unsus- None declared.
pected coronary atherosclerotic calcifications in active duty
members in their 30s and 40s. Furthermore, the greater the
calcium burden identified by age, the greater the risk of a car- CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT
None declared.
diac event. Chiles et al. demonstrated that a trained reader
can semiquantify the burden of calcium by CT and assign risk
categories.14 REFERENCES
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4 MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 00, Month/Month 2022

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