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No. Acad 1/299/Aca demic CalendarJ 7.( f

iJated :If. 1 1.202:l


The Academic Calendar to be followed for the first year of Postgraduate courses for the
)C~df~mic vear 2022-23 is hereby not ified for ne(;c::;sary compliance by all concerned:

Classes Begin
- -- Semester
5!hDeccmber 2022(Mon day)
Preparatory break and practical 23 th March, 2023(Thursday)to
examinations 31 st March 2023 "(Fridav)
Conduct of examinations l at April, 2023(Saturday) to
15 th April 2023 ISaturdav)
Semester break 16 th April 2023 (Sunday)
Semeater U
Clatises begin 17'" April 2023(Monday)
Preparatory break and practical 40. August 2023\~day) to
examinations 13th AUilUst 2023 Sundavl
Conduct of examinations 14th August, 2023(Monday) to
280. Au""st 2023'(Mondav)
Commencement of Next Academic Session 29 th August, 2023 (Tuesday)
for this batch

Copy to;

1. The Dean Students Welfare/Proctor/Dean(Examinations)/Dean(Admissions)

2. AU Deans/Head/Principals/ Director/Prof-in-Charges (all Law Centers)
3. ChAirn~An. Delhi Univc ;ity Sports (:ouncil
IstTllrVCUlul II,,, ~'1'
, , ) lJ R(TcH.chmg)/JR(Cm DCII}/ A~ ll.. nile
'A to Dum of r:oll' 'i.

8. PA to DLTectoT, South Campus

JOin~~.trar (ACa4~i~

~ ~ •• ~tll"" . ~ qftm-, ~-110007 ('Iffi!) ~ , 27667725/27001000; h""~,, :

University of Delhi, Main Campus, Delhi-110007 (India) Tel. : 27667725/27001000; Website :

- - - - -- - -- - - -

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