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Eto 1

Lucas Yudi Eto

Dr. Robert Graves

COM 1302-01


The Politic Situation in Brazil

               “Brazil has the seventh-highest crime rate in the world with exceptionally high rates of

violent crimes” (Crime Rate by Country 2022. Crime rate by country 2022. (n.d.). Retrieved Sep-

tember 6, 2022, from

try). This is a huge disaster, and one way to deal with this problem is the election of a new presi-

dent. Before 2018, Brazil was administrated by a party called “PT” and two promises that they

made were: to decrease the violence in the country and give money to the poorest people. The

party did not achieve its goals and in the new election of 2018, people decided to vote for an-

other candidate. Jair Bolsonaro was elected, and his mandate did worse than the previous presi-

dent. Now in 2022, all the candidates are doing new campaigns for the election. Jair Bolsonaro

uses a lot of his Twitter to express his ideas and promote himself. His tweets are really persua-

sive and consequently, any reader can adopt his ideas.

His audience is people who already want to vote for him, people who do not know

who to vote for, and people who do like other parties but are open mind to new options. He al-
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ways directs his messages to the correct audience, because most of the time he used to use in his

arguments, bad things that happened in the previous mandate, something bad that a candidate

said in his speech, or how his election can be the best thing that you can do for the country. In

this tweet, he is talking about what he made good in his election in 2018 until now, like “Today

we pay at least 3x more than the family allowance and include over 6 million people”. To make

it more persuasive, he uses three types of appeals.

One of the appeals that Jair Bolsonaro uses in his tweet is Logos, as he uses facts and

wants to appeal to the audience's sense of reason. When he says, “Today we have the lowest

level of homicides in the entire historical series”, he is saying a fact, even though it is not accu-

rate data. Furthermore, he uses Ethos as well. As he is the current president, he is an authority on

politics and the economy in Brazil, so most of all the messages that he wants to say, no matter if

it is correct or not, his audience will believe in him. And finally, the last appeal that he uses is the

Kairos. As the new election is coming, he is posting a lot of tweets about how great his mandate

was and why people should vote for him. 

When Jair Bolsonaro says “In 2018, the PT said that violence would increase in my

government” or, “They said that we would abandon the poorest”, he is doing claims, but he does

not want to us believe in these affirmations, and the evidence for this is that shortly thereafter he

says, “Today we have the lowest level of homicides in the entire historical series” and “Today

we pay at least 3x more than the family allowance and include over 6 million people”, which

support the idea that the claims are not true. We can realize that paying 3x more than the family

allowance is really good because it helps a lot of the poorest people who do not have food to eat

or even a bed to sleep and more and more people received this financial aid, this is the warrant of

the tweet.
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Therefore, we can see how complicated the political situation in Brazil is, a lot of can-

didates are trying to be elected, and they use all the mechanisms available to promote them-

selves. One of these is the Twitter. We saw that Jair Bolsonaro tweets a lot and they are so per-

suasive because he uses appeals strategies, like Logos, Ethos, and Kairos to make his audience

vote for him.  

Work Cited

Crime Rate by Country 2022,


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