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Trinilla, Jeshamae A.

BSN 2 – PENDER B March 25, 2022

NCM106PHR Drug Tabulation

Dr's order is to give a capsule every 12 hours, 9am-9pm.

Name of Drug Content Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication(s) Side Effects Nursing Considerations

acetaminophen acetaminophen Therapeutic Class: Analgesic, Mild to moderate pain caused Hypersensitivity to drug GI: Abdominal pain, 1. Before and during long-
antipyretic by headache, muscle ache, hepatotoxicity, nausea, term therapy, monitor
(Tylenol) backache, minor arthritis, vomiting liver function test results,
Drug Class: Synthetic non- common cold, toothache, or includ- ing AST, ALT,
500mg/cap opioid p-aminophenol menstrual cramps or fever. Hematologic: bilirubin, and creatinine
derivative thrombocytopenia, hemolytic lev- els, as ordered.
1 cap anemia, neutropenia, 2. Monitor renal function in
MOA: leukopenia, pancytopenia patient on long- term
P.O. Inhibits the enzyme therapy. Keep in mind
cyclooxygenase, block- ing Hepatic: hepatotoxicity that blood or albumin in
q12h prostaglandin production and urine may indicate
interfer- ing with pain Metabolic: hypoglycemic nephritis; decreased
9:00 am – 9:00 pm impulse generation in the coma urine output may
peripheral nervous system. indicate renal failure; and
Acetaminophen also acts Skin: rash, urticaria, jaundice dark brown urine may
directly on temperature- indi- cate presence of the
regulating center in the Other: hypersensitivity metabolite phenacetin.
hypothalamus by inhibiting reactions (such as fever), 3. Expect to reduce dosage
synthesis of prostaglandin E2. angioedema for patients with renal
4. Store suppositories
under 80° F (26.6° C).
5. Tell patient that tablets
may be crushed or
swallowed whole.
6. Instruct patient to read
manufacturer’s label and
follow dosage guidelines
precisely. Explain that
infants’ and children’s
acetaminophen liquid
aren’t equal in drug
concentration and aren’t
7. Advise patient to use
manufacturer’s drop- per
or dosage cup for
measuring liquid
8. Advise him to contact
prescriber before taking
other prescription or OTC
products because they
may contain
9. Teach patient to
recognize signs of
hepato- toxicity, such as
bleeding, easy bruising,
and malaise, which
commonly occurs with
chronic overdose.


2011 Nurse’s Drug Handbook (Tenth Edition)

McGraw-Hill Nurse’s Drug Handbook (Seventh Edition)

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