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Submitted as one of the requirements to obtain the bachelor’s degree in English Education

Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

by :

Ade Rizky Zain

NPM :19060031







A. Background of the Study

The application of English in the learning curriculum in Indonesia is clearly an option

that has been carefully considered by the Indonesian government, and the government also

has concrete reasons for this, one of which is to prepare a generation of Indonesians who are

ready to compete in the global arena with proficient and knowledgeable English (Isadaud et

al., 2022). English as a foreign language is part of the educational curriculum in Indonesia. English is

taught in all levels of schools in Indonesia, beginning with elementary school and continuing through

senior high school. English is not a required subject at the lower levels, such as kindergarten and

elementary school. Meanwhile, at the higher levels, such as junior and senior high school, English is a

required subject (Pratiwi et al., 2022).

According to (Taslim et al., 2019) English for people in Indonesia is the first foreign

language to be studied at school. Everyone must learn and teach English, because English is

an international language that is very important to learn and develop in Indonesia, so most

people use English to communicate with each other. All English learners must study four skills

when learning the language: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. All of these abilities are

interconnected. Speaking is one of the most important skills to develop when learning a foreign

language, including English. The goals of speaking are to enable people to communicate with others.

It means that students are expected to be able to produce the language they have learned. Learners, on

the other hand, must be able to express their ideas, opinions, and feelings orally. According to Rao

(2019) The most crucial skill to develop while learning a second or foreign language is speaking.

Speaking is considered to be the most crucial of the four essential language abilities for learning a

foreign or second language.

EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers have always found it difficult to teach

speaking skills to Indonesian students. This is due to the speaker's knowledge of many important
components such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and fluency. Learners should be fluent in

English in order to communicate effectively with others. According to Djahimo et al., (2018) the final

and most prevalent issue with speaking is the usage of the mother tongue. This type of common

practice typically takes place in EFL/ESL speaking lessons.

Like the learning process in general, the process of learning to speak language English

involves a thorough effort from the learner, namely: physical, intellectual, and emotional. In order for

students to be skilled at speaking English, they must exert all the potential that is in him. Motivation

is potential that exists in each individual. It is said by Klimova (2011) the issue of motivation has

always been crucial in the study of language learning . Besides that Abdul Gani (1999 p.34)

based on his findings states that the quality is low Graduates at every level of education today are

caused by student characteristics including motivational issues.

According to Luoma (2004) state that speaking skill is an important part of the

curriculum in language teaching, and this makes them an important object of assessment as

well. Speaking skill is one of the important things that must be mastered when learning English

However, when executing the process learning, many students who not participative in class, still not

using English as the language of instruction for presentations and discussions. Based on the results of

debriefing with some students, can be withdrawn conclusion that students are happy learn English but

sometimes have motivation and deep willpower teaching and learning process. They only concerned

with the final grade and less concerned with mastery speaking skills. Based on these facts,

researchers are interested in do research for know the influence of motivation on speaking skills


According to Ramirez (2014) Motivation plays a big role teaching and learning process

especially in learning foreign languages. This matter none other than because motivation is able to

drive behaviour to achieve goals what someone wants to achieve. Motivation as a driver of behaviour

because its existence provides encouragement, immediate movement, emotion, or deep desire

individual self that moves a person to perform certain actions.

Motivation is an intemal state that arouses leamers, steers them in particular directions,and

keeps them engaged in certain activities (Ormrod in simon, 2008). Furthermore, the concept is

translated into three main components, namely: internal conditions that direct and drive behaviour,

goals, and intensity. Internal conditions for people who have the motivation to learn speech language

English is shown from interest or desire, pleasure to learn to speak the language English in order to

achieve the goal, namely being skilled at speaking English.

Speaking ability in this case is seen no longer as a science, but rather more seen as a skill or

ability because obtaining it needs to be practicedor used. People who want to be able to speak English

must practice use English. Offner (2001 p.2) strengthens this opinion by stating that the only the only

way to be able to speak English through practice speaking the language English. English learners

who want to be skilled at speaking English must always practice and practice speaking in English.

So, speaking Students who exhibit communication apprehension are uncomfortable communicating in

the target language in front of others because of their limited knowledge of the language, particularly

in terms of speaking and listening skills. Speaking in the classroom cannot be performed by all

students, according to observations of English Department students at the University of Riau

Kepulauan, because the atmosphere of the classroom sometimes makes students difficult in

expressing their ideas or opinions. Their anxiety about speaking English, for example, fear of making

mistakes, fear of incorrect pronunciation, fear of being in the wrong tenses has become so ingrained in

their memory that learning English is no longer enjoyable but stressful. Thornburry (2005 p.28)

states that lack of vocabularies, improper grammatical, fears of mistakes are some factors that

can contribute to speaking failure and causing an acute sense of anxiety when it comes to

speaking. Circumstances like these eventually lead to students becoming demotivated, lowly

motivated, or not motivated at all.

Therefore, the researcher wants to find out the students’ motivation in speaking skill, also find

out the significant correlation between motivation and anxiety in speaking activity. So the researcher

conducted a research titled: “The Correlation between Motivation and Speaking Skill at the Seven

Semester Students of English Department at the University Riau kepulauan”.

B. Identification of the Study

As already mentioned in the background of the study that has been described

above, the identifies of the problem in this study is :

1. Language is normally used as communication tools among human


2. There is lack of motivation in speaking english

3. Motivation is really needed by students for speaking skills

4. Student are afraid of expressing their idea

5. Some student feel anxious to express their opinion

A. Limitation of the Study

Based on the background of the study above have provided in identification of

the study. To focus on this study more exactly and detailed can be described as

below :


This research is limited on Seventh semester students English Department of

University of Riau Kepulauan, the problem will be focused The correlation

between motivation and students Speaking skill

A. Formulation of the Study

Based on the background of the study above the research question of the study are:
1. How is the students' motivation in learning English at the seventh-semester

students of English Department of university of Riau Kepulauan?

2. Is there any correlation between motivation in student speaking skill at the

seventh-semester students of English Department of University of Riau


A. Objective of the Study

The specific objectives are as follows:

1. To find out the students' motivation in Speaking Skill at the seventh-

semester students of English Department of University of Riau Kepulauan.

2. To find out whether or not the significant correlation between motivation in

Students speaking Skill at the seventh-semester students of English

Department of University of Riau Kepulauan

A. Significance of the Study

This research is expected to be an input for the research place in order to provide

solutions and problem-solving in dealing with the anxieties that arise in learning

English, particularly in the speaking aspect, which affects students' motivation to learn.

Furthermore, the importance of this research to the community is expected to broaden

the community's understanding and knowledge of the factors that affect in speaking

skill, particularly for the students' parents. The latter is important for researchers

because it can serve as a vehicle for researchers and other researchers to broaden their

horizons and improve their understanding of factors related to speaking skill.





a. What is Motivation
Learning and motivation are two things that influence one another. Learning,

which can result from practice or strengthening based on a desire to accomplish a

certain goal, is a generally permanent change in behavior. Motivation is the

impulse contained in a person to try to make behavioral changes better in meeting

his needs, Motivation is crucial to learning because it gives learning activities a lot

of meaning. Additioanlly Uno (2016 p.3,23) argues that motivation is a guide for

learning activities to the clear objectives that are expected to be achieved.

b. Motivation in Learning English

1) Instrumental Motivation

Instrumental motivation is generally indicated by the aspiration to get

practical benefit from the study of a second language. It is thought to be

the purpose of learning a second language when the learner is not

interested in interacting socially with new target language community

members. "Instrumental motivation refers to the perceived pragmatic

benefit of L2 proficiency and reflects the recognition that for many

language learners it is the usefulness of L2 21 proficiency that provides the

greatest driving force to learn the language. It subsumes such utilitarian

goals as receiving a better job or a higher salary as a consequence of

mastering L2" (Dornyei and Csizér, 2006 p.12).

2) Integrative Motivation

A student can be integratively motivated if he or she is inspired to

learn, willing to join the other language group, and holds positive attitudes

towards the learning process (Masgoret & Gardner, 2003 p.4). Integrative

motivation is a usual behavior of someone who appreciates the target

language community and studies the language for the reason of joining
that community. Integrative motivation defined as the desire to be a part of

recognized or important members of the community or that society that

speak the second language. It is based on interest in learning the second

language because of their need to learn about, associate or socialize with

the people who use it or because of purpose or intention to participate or

integrate in the second language using the same language in that

community, but sometimes it involves emotion or affective factors a great

deal. (Troike, 2006 p.86). Integrative motivation is also defined as the

evolvement that generates from inside. Learners do something for the pure

pleasure of doing it (Tileston, 2010 p.39).


One of the abilities that students who are studying English must acquire is

speaking. Speaking is defined differently by many specialists. According to Dewi

et al., (2020) Speaking is the ability to produce the language and share their ideas,

and feelings. And speaking is an activity of verbal communication which is done

by a person by producing systematic verbal utterances to communicate with others

people. Communication skills or speaking skills defined as the art and techniques

of communicating by using oral and body language to pursue him or bring him

into the change that you want to be (Yousif et al., 2016 p.2)

In addition, Chaney in Sarah (2017 p.9) Speaking is described as “the process

of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal

symbols, in a variety of contexts” As a result, speaking is the most crucial ability

among the others since communication would be impossible without it, rendering

language meaningless. Speaking is therefore a useful talent for considering and

putting all linguistic components together to carry out and present the intended


According to the definition given above, the researcher comes to the

conclusion that speaking is a way of saying or talking something to someone else

while expressing ideas, opinions, views, and descriptions in order to get a

response or as a means of communication so that the other person can understand

of wishes to other and to contribute to the other.

a. The Elements of Speaking

Harmer (1991 p.15) states that aspects of speaking can be divided as follows:

1) Pronunciation

Pronunciation teaching deals with two interrelated with skills

recognition or understanding the flow of speech, and production or fluency

in the spoken language, hear a new language accurately enough to imitate

it. According to Harmer (1991 p.11,15) states that pronunciation is how to

say a word in which made of sound, stress, and intonation, Harmer also

defines pronunciation is an act or result of producing the sound of speech

including articulation vowel formation, accent, and inflection. Often with

reference to some standard of contents or accept proficiency.

2) Vocabulary

It is impossible to speak without mastering vocabulary. A person's

vocabulary is the set of words within a language that is familiar to that

person. A vocabulary usually develops with age, and serves as a useful and

fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge

Harmer (1991 p.135) distinguishes two types of vocabulary namely

active vocabulary and passive vocabulary. According to him, active

vocabulary is the words that students have learned and they expected to be

able to use them. Passive vocabulary is the words they can recognize but

cannot produce. Someone can be considered of having good vocabulary

use when the vocabulary produced is wide appropriate with the certain

situation of dialog or speech.

3) Grammar

Simon & Schuster (1979 p.792) define grammar as following:

a) The study of the language which deals

with the forms and the structure of

words (morphology) and with their

customary arrangement in phrase and

sentences (syntax).

b) The system of words structures and

word arrangement of a given language

at a given time.

c) One's manner of speaking or writing it

has to be learned because of the

valuable transmission in speech

through the understanding of

structural patterns.
d) A system of rules for speaking and

writing a given language. And a book

containing rules.

1) Fluency

Richard, Platt, and Weber in McCarthy (2006 p.2) state that fluency is

the features which give the speech the qualities of being natural and

normal including the native-like use of pausing, rhythm, intonation, stress,

the rate of speaking and use of interjection and interruptions.

According to Byrne in Nurafni (2012 p.8), the main goal in teaching

the produce skill of speaking will be oral fluency. This can be defined as

the ability to express oneself intelligibly reasonably accurately and without

too much hesitation (otherwise communication may break down because

the listener loses interest or get impatient).


There are some previous researchers conducted by researchers was an attempt to

investigate the degree of anxiety among EFL learners and its relation to their motivation. A

journal that was written by Tahernezhad et al. (2014) about “The Relationship between

Language Learning Anxiety and Language Learning Motivation among Iranian Intermediate

EFL Learners”. They concluded that the majority of the participants experienced a mid to

high level of language learning anxiety. Besides, it was found that the participants with lower

levels of the language learning anxiety were more motivated to learn English while those

with higher levels of the language learning anxiety were less motivated to learn English
A journal research was written by Koesoemo Ratih (2005) about “ MOTIVATION FOR


UNIVERSITY OF SURAKARTA 2001/2002” From the discussion, it can be concluded that there is a

significant relationship between the degree of motivation for learning English speech and the

results of learning language speech skills.

A journal of English language teaching written by Dewi et al. (2020) about “THE


SPEAKING SKILL” the result The researcher found that in the classroom, the students’ who

are introvert will get a low score. It means there was existence of introvert personality in

doing speaking test. On the contrary, the students who are extrovert were socially confident

and outspoken. It means they were enjoyed in learning speaking and could speak more

comfortable because have strong confidence and fluent in speaking English.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher concludes that there is a close

relationship between motivation and speaking skill. Because when students have a high level

of motivation, then the student will be more motivated in learning. While students with low

levels of motivation have less motivation in learning.


The theoretical framework of this research was illustrated as follows:

The variable of this research is motivation in speaking skill. The motivation of the

students will be analyzed by questionnaires and students speaking skill of students will be

analyzed by questionnaires, next to the researcher correlated the result those questionnaires to

get the result of this research


There was two hypothesis of this research:

1. Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant correlation between

students motivation in learning English and students anxiety in

speaking English.

2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): There is the significant correlation

between students motivation in learning English and students

anxiety in speaking English.

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