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Jackson Siby



Jackson Siby
Roll No.
PGDM 2020-2022

Company Guide: Mr Sameer Rai

Company Name: Magnik India

Designation: Marketing Manager

Department: Marketing

Faculty Guide: Prof. Veeravalli

Name of Institution: Great Lakes Institute of Management

Designation: Professor,

Great Lakes Institute of Management


I hereby declare that the Project Report A Study on CRM, role of E commerce and related
marketing strategies with respect to Magnik India is my own work to the best of my
knowledge and belief. It contains no material previously published or written by another
person or material which to substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other
degree, diploma or programme of any other institute, except where due acknowledgement has
been made in text.

Name: Jackson Siby

Date: 21/07/2021

Roll No.: DM22191

Great Lakes Inst. of Management, Chennai


This is to certify that Project Work entitled A Study on CRM, role of E commerce and
related marketing strategies with respect to Magnik India, is a piece of work done by
Jackson Siby under my guidance and supervision for the partial fulfilment of Post Graduate
Diploma in Management, a Programme offered by Great Lakes

To the best of my knowledge and belief the Project Report:

a. embodies the work of the candidate himself / herself

b. has duly been completed
c. Fulfils the requirements of the Rules & Regulations relating to the Summer Internship
of the Institute.
d. is up to the standard both in respect to contents and language for being referred to the

Signature of the Faculty Guide


Name of the Faculty Guide: Prof. Veeravalli

Designation: Professor, Great Lakes Institute of Management


Firstly, I would like to express a vote of thanks to my campus selectors –Magnik India, for
their kind consideration towards me for this position.

Secondly, I would like to thank Mr Ajay Kumar my Corporate guide and Mr Sameer Rai
my corporate Buddy for their guidance and support throughout the internship. Without their
cooperation and review, the project would not have encompassed so many aspects and would
not have been such a wonderful learning experience.

I sincerely thank my faculty guide, Professor Veeravalli for his guidance and
encouragement in carrying out this project and giving his feedback on a regular basis.

I would like to thank my institute, Great Lakes Institute of Management for giving me this
opportunity to intern with I am grateful to my family for supporting me with
my decisions, my friends who encourage me always and it keeps me motivated, my
colleagues for giving me the opportunity to explore a different city and make some amazing

Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Magnik India for giving me an
excellent opportunity to work with them. It has been a wonderful learning opportunity.

Table of Contents

Title Page No.

Acknowledgement 5
Table of content 6
List of Figures/Tables 7
Executive Summary 8

Sr. No. Title Page No.

1 Preamble 9
1a Print industry 9
1b Print Media industry in India 10
1c Impact of COVID on print and media industry 11
2 Competitor Analysis 11
About the Company – Business model, etc 12
2 Task 1 13
2a Problem Statement 13
2b Scope of the project 13
2c Theory 13
2d Methodology 14
2e Results 15
3 Task 2 16
3a Problem Statement 16
3b Scope of the project 16
3c Theory 16
3d Methodology 16
3e Results 18
3f Key learning 21
4 Task3 22
4a Problem Statement 22
4b Scope of the project 22
4c Theory 22
4d Methodology 23
4e Results 23
5 Task 4 23
5a Problem Statement 27
5b Scope of the project 27
5c Theory 27
5d Methodology 27

5e Results 27
5f Key Learnings 29
6 Recommendations 30
7 Limitation 30
8 Bibliography 30

List of Graphs
Sr. No. Graphs Page No.
1 Rolling Stone Magazine 25
2 Time Magazine 25
3 Rolling Stone 25
4 Vogue Magazine 26
5 World Journal 26

List of Figures:

Sr. No. Figures Page No.

1 Market Funnel 13
2 Model 1 28
3 Model 2 28
4 Model 3 28
5 Model 3 odds table 29

List of Tables

Sr. No. Tables Page No.

1 Top 10 newspapers in India with respect to circulation 10
2 Top 10 magazines in India with respect to circulation 10
3 Competitor Analysis 11
4 STP analysis 15
5 Classified Sites 24
6 List of Keywords 24


Magnik India is a start-up company. They mainly focus on providing magazines on a single
platform. The company provides both hard copies as well as soft copies. Increasing the
revenue of the company was the main aim of this internship. Magnik has strong competitors
so to survive they have to increase their market share. This internship consists of 4 tasks. The
first task was mainly related to sales. Through this task, I was able to understand consumer
behaviour and their needs. In this task STP analysis and competitor analysis techniques were
used. Task 2 was mainly related to B2B sales. We were asked to analysed 20 companies and
collect details of those companies so that Magnik can create collaborations with those
companies. Companies from manufacturing and service departments were analysed. The
report was submitted to the company. In task 3 we mainly focussed on digital marketing.
SEO was mainly focused because the company is in a starting phase so the company needs to
get higher positions in organic searches so we mainly focussed on keyword research. After
that classes were given about social media marketing. In task 4 we were given dummy data to
perform data analysis. Logistic regression was used to perform the analysis and insights were
given to the company

Magnik India is an online magazine subscription store. The main aim behind this Internship
was to increase the revenue of the company. Since it’s a start-up it has to go a long way
forward. For achieving this task we were given 4 tasks. In the first task, we were asked to do
the sales through which we understood consumer behavior. In the second task, we were asked
to create a list of 20 companies with which Magnik India can create partnerships. In the 3rd
task, we were taught the basics of digital marketing and on the fourth task, we were asked to
do data analysis.

Print Media Industry

The print media industry consists of Newspapers, Books, Magazines, Calendars, etc. The
industry has been growing since the 1990s and it is expected to reach 313 billion in 2021. The
industry was severely affected by COVID 19 but now the industry is in the recovery phase.
The Asia Pacific is the largest market for the print industry and Africa is the smallest market.
For the last couple of years, the popularity of Ebooks has been increasing especially in
western countries. In the UK and the USA, the sale of hard copies has decreased and that
place was taken by soft copies. With the outbreak of the pandemic the popularity of e-books
has increased tremendously. The publishers who quickly adapted to digital media survived.

Paper was invented in China in AD 105 it took years to reach Europe. Printing became
popular after the invention of the press by Johannes Gutenberg. With the Industrial
Revolution, printing became popular in other continents as well. With the digital revolution,
the publishing industry has undergone many changes. New technologies helped publishers to
publish content faster. Tatler was the first magazine published. Compared to newspapers
magazine carries more entertainment and enlightenment articles compared to pure
information and news. As the literacy rate increased across the world print media flourished.
During the 1800s print industry was mainly concentrated in the Western countries by the
1900’s it has spread to eastern countries as well.

Print Industry has undergone many changes since its formation. The changes in technology
have affected it. With the invention of cameras, Photographs were included in magazines and
newspapers. With technology printing also became cheaper so this led to the popularity of
newspapers. Publishers started publishing magazines of specific fields like sports, Fashion,

During the 20th century, advertisement is the main source of income for publishers. Due to
digital media, publishers are publishing their content in digital media as well. Many platforms
are offering different magazines and newspapers on a single platform.

Print and Media Industry in India
Print media is well established in India. As India is a fast-growing economy many foreign
companies are investing in the Indian print industry. The poverty rate is decreasing in India
so people have the income to purchase other products as well. The literacy rate of India is
increasing as well. The main source of income for publishers is the advertisement which
constitutes 73% of the total revenue followed by subscription and single-copy sales.

With the advent of the internet, people have started reading magazines and newspapers online
as well. In India, there are almost 49000 publications but the revenue of these publications is
just above 1.1 billion. In India, many publishers are not able to adapt to new technologies. In
India, 46% of the industry is in regional languages 44% is in Hindi and 10% is in English.
There are 284 million literate Indians who don’t read any newspapers this shows the
enormous growth opportunity in India

S NO Newspaper Language Readership (in

1 Dainik jagran Hindi 16.63
2 Hindustan Hindi 14.74
3 Dainik Bhaskar Hindi 13.83
4 Malayala Manorama Malayalam 8.80
5 Daily Thanthi Tamil 8.28
6 Rajastan Patrika Hindi 7.90
7 Amar Ujala Hindi 7.80
8 The Times of India English 7.59
9 Mathurbhumi Malayalam 6.02
10 Lokmat Marathi 5.88
Table 1: Top 10 newspapers in India with respect to circulation [1]

S no Magazine Language Readership (in

1 India Today English 9.4
2 India Today Hindi 6.64
3 Samanya Gyan Darpan Hindi 5.8
4 Vanitha Malayalam 5.8
5 Prathiyogitha Darpan Hindi 5.1
6 The sportstar English 3.8
7 Mer Saheli Hindi 3.8
8 General Knowledge Today English 3.7
9 Bal Bhaskar Hindi 3.6
10 Diamond Cricket Today English 3.5
Table 2: Top 10 magazines in India with respect to circulation. [2]

Some challenges faced by print industry in India

• Reduced Revenue – Now a days people are looking for free content on Internet so
they are not ready to take any subscription.
• Regional languages – Indian market is dominated by regional languages and English
magazines are limited to Metros and cities.
• Online Competition – Online articles are faster and it can reach millions of people
quickly so people are preferring soft copy over hard copy.
• Lack of print quality – Indian magazines are losing market because of low quality
printing material. People need good quality paper and they are dropping away from
hard copy.

Impact of Covid on Newspaper and Magazine Industry

Different sectors were affected differently due to COVID 19. OTT platforms and digital
media became popular during this period. But hard copy sales suffered. The television
and radio sector is showing signs of recovery. As many people lost jobs during the
pandemic many companies stopped advertising as people don’t have disposable income.
Digital media is increasing in popularity. Due to lockdown, many industries were closed
so the publishers were not able to print hard copies this led to a decrease in revenue for
the company.

Competitor Analysis
Magnik mainly focuses on magazine subscriptions along with the blogging facilities. The
main competitors are Magzter and Jio News. So we did a competitor analysis to understand
them and the type of products they offer.

Magzter is a self-service, global magazine cloud base. It was founded by Girish Ramdas and
Vijaykumar Radhakrishnan in 2011. The headquarters of the company is in New York. In
2013 Magzter entered into a contract with Amazon Kindle Fire. Magzter generally shares
revenue with publishers on magazine sales. Publishers can edit their advertisement and they
have the right to all advertisement revenue. [3]

Jionews is owned by Jio. The application mainly provides magazines, Newspapers, and live
TV. Jionews is exclusively for Jio sim users and non-users can access a trial version [4]

Magnik magzter Jionews

Cost for 1 year Rs 2499 Rs 1999 Rs 1200

Share with family Yes Yes No
Digital Only No Yes Yes
Blogging Facility Yes No No
Number of 200+ 5000+ 800+
Magazine offered
Availability of Yes Yes Yes
Availability of Live No No Yes
Whether Global or No Yes No
Competitor Analysis

About Magnik India

Magnik India is a leading online newspaper and magazine subscription store. The company
offers 200+ magazines on a single platform. Tenhard India is the parent company of Magnik
India. The company was founded by Parul Puri in 2020. The growth rate of the company is
over 30%.

The mission of the company is to create a monopoly in the print media industry while the
vision of the company is to capture the whole market as people can get all magazines on a
single platform.

Magnik India provides hard copies along with the digital subscription. The subscription
period varies from 2 months to 3 years. Compared to the competitor the company offers
blogging facilities so people can come together and share their views about each article.

Around 40% of the customers of the company are in the B2B segment. The company
provides services to libraries, schools, colleges, and universities. For B2B customers the
company provides customized service. The company has a partnership with publishers so
they can provide the service at a low rate. The company has a single window for all the
activities and the company offers auto-renewal for the subscribers. The company has apps
that work on both Android and IOS. [5]

Task 1
Problem Statement
To generate sales by understanding consumer behaviour and carrying out proper
segmentation, targeting, and positioning strategies.

Scope of the Project

To understand consumer behavior and the customer needs by interacting with the customers.
The market funneling technique was used to convert people into customers. This task mainly
requires meeting customers personally and understanding their needs and projecting the value
Magnik offers to them. Each customer has their own reason to buy a product, so different
values were proposed to them.

STP Analysis - STP Analysis helps marketers to target a specific set of customers.
Segmentation – Segmentation is a process of dividing the market based on potential
customers. This division is done using various factors like social, Economic, individual
factors, etc. Segmentation helps companies to earn a competitive advantage. One should not
over fragment the segments because that may lead to difficulty in serving the people.
Targeting – It is a process that follows the segmentation. In this process, the marketers will
try to make the product appealing to the selected segments.
Positioning – This helps marketers understand how people view the product with respect to
the competitor's product. This part is critical to gain a competitive advantage. [6]

Market Funnelling – Market funnel is a representation of customer journey. Marketer’s

job is to help people move from top of the funnel to bottom.





Market Funnel
• Awareness – The customer become aware of the product.
• Interest – Customer generates an interest for the product group
• Desire – customer choose one brand from that product group
• Action – The customer purchases the product.

Marketer’s job is to help customers to move from one section to the other. Consumers can
move up and down from each section. Consumers in each section have different touch points
so one should follow different approaches in different sections. [7]


Understanding Approching the

STP Analysis
the product customers

To begin the task the products offered by the company were studied thoroughly. Most of the
publications were in English so according to our previous research we found that English
magazines are mainly read in urban areas so we decided to focus on urban areas. We found
out that each magazine was suitable for each age group, so we segmented the magazines
based on age.

Segment (Age) Positioning Targeting (Magazine
5 to 14 (Children who love Entertainment Comics
14 to 18 (Pet lovers) Animal Lovers Animals
15 to 18 (sports lovers) Sports information Sports
15 to 18(Education) Educational support Education
18 to 26(Exam) Current affairs and exam Technology, Science,
questions) History, Accounts, Sports,
News, Politics, Business,
18 to 26 (fashion and Tech Current fashion and Automobile, Animals, travel,
lovers) technology trends Photography, Movies,
Gaming, Sports, Health and
26 to 40 (Business people) Current affairs and business Technology, Science,
news Accounts, Politics, Health,
Business and Education
26 to 40 (Fashion and Home New trends about fashion Home, Automobile,
people) and Home Technology, Travel, Movies,
Sports, Cooking, Health and
40+ Health and current affairs Fitness, Cooking, News and
lovers Politics.
STP Analysis
After doing the STP process funnelling technique was used to generate sales. Depending
upon the segmentation different values were projected towards each customer. A total of 30
people were contacted and 7 of them were converted into customers.

Based on this task I was able to understand the consumer needs and based on the STP
analysis I was able to convert some people as customers. A total of 10K sales was generated.
Based on our segmentation and customer interactions we gave a report to the company. I
found that certain customers required certain magazines to be included in the package so
those magazines were included in the package. Most of the subscribers I got were from south
India so I suggested to the company that more Hindi magazines should be included in the
package so that more north Indians will subscribe to the company. From the competitor
analysis, I found that both Jio news and Magzter are performing well in this sector so the
company has to include more magazines to compete with them

Task 2
Problem Statement
Make a list of companies with which Magnik India can collaborate to promote the magazines.

Scope of the Project

This task mainly focuses on B2B marketing. This task helped us understand different
companies and different strategies followed by each company. Magnik is a start up company
so in order to achieve enough market share they have to make collaborations with some
companies. This task was mainly aiming that. We were asked to analyse 20 companies and
make a report on that.

Promotional Strategy – Promotion is done to increase awareness among people and to
increase the sales of a particular product. Promotions can be done to provide information,
keep loyal customers and even identify potential customers. A company can use different
types of the promotional mix. Typically, promotions include Traditional advertising, Personal
selling, sales promotion, public relations, social media, and E-commerce.
Marketing Strategy – Marketing strategy consists of an overall business plan of the
company. The key value offered by the company to the consumers and what the company
stands for form the basics of marketing strategy.
Pricing strategy – Pricing strategy depends on different kinds of factors that include the type
of the product offered, type of the customers, trade margins, competitor actions, and costs

Different types of pricing strategies

Premium pricing – High pricing is done for the products. This kind of pricing work when a
company has a strong competitive advantage. Eg. Porche
Penetrative pricing – Prices are kept artificially low to achieve market share after achieving
the objectives the prices are raised again.
Economy Pricing – In economy pricing the margins are low. This type of strategy is
followed when there is a huge customer base.
Skimming strategy – High price is charged first. When competitors arrive the prices are
lowered. This type of strategy is used to recover maximum money in the first phase itself.

We were asked to select companies from Education, Pharma, IT, Media, Hospitality, and
Production. We were asked to collect the contact details of the company along with the

details of the HR. The pricing strategy, Marketing strategy, and promotional strategy
followed by the companies were analyzed. For this analysis data from internet was used the
most. Based on our analysis we were asked to give suggestions about each company

The details that were collected are

• Company name

• contact number

• Email id

• Number of employees

• Admin/HR

• Most selling product

• Least selling product

• Number of users of the most selling and least selling product

• The promotional strategy followed by these companies

• Marketing strategy followed by these companies

• Pricing strategy followed by these companies

• Vision

• Mission

• Recommendation

The companies that were analyzed were

• Royal Enfield

• Camlin Kokuyo

• Pidilite Industries

• Seat Limited

• Hyundai Motor India Limited

• ITC Limited

• Maruti Suzuki

• Hero MotoCorp

• Xiaomi India

• 90+ My tuition App

• PepsiCo India

• TVS Motors

• Nestle India

• Mondelez India


• Samsung

• Mahindra and Mahindra (Truck and Bus Division)

• Nike

• Parle

• One Plus India

• Tata Motors

The companies that we analyzed belonged to different sectors. Based on our analysis a report
was submitted to the company.

The major analysis that was made about each company was

Royal Enfield – The most selling product of Royal Enfield was Classic 350. Their least
selling product is Himalayan BS4. The company has a lot of promotional campaigns and
they use traditional as well as digital media to promote their product. The aesthetic of the
bikes is the main attractive point of the bike. The company has its presence all over the
country. They follow a premium pricing strategy by delivering high-quality products. Royal
Enfield has a total of 3578 employees. Magnik can promote their automobile magazines to
the loyal fan base of the Royal Enfield.

Camlin Kokuyo – Most selling product of the Camlin Kokuyo is school stationery. The least
selling product of the company pens. The company conducts a lot of events in the schools to
promote the products. Camlin is strong in the south and western India and they are trying to
become the market leaders in North and Eastern India. The company uses a digital marketing
approach and they use a premium pricing strategy. The company can promote its educational
magazines through Camlin.

Pidilite Industries- Fevicol is the most selling product of the company. The company tries to
promote its products through advertisements for that they use Bollywood actors. The
company has a strong product portfolio so they were able to penetrate to remotest regions.
The company is strong all over the country. The main products of the company have low
involvement so the company tries to promote the products through carpenters and
contractors. The company follows a penetrative pricing strategy some times they follow a
completive pricing strategy. The company is depending heavily on Fevicol and M seal so the
company should focus on other products as well. Magnik Can promote its magazines related
to houses and construction through Pidilite.

Ceat Limited – The most selling product of the company is Bus and truck tires. Farm tires
are the least selling product of the company. The company promotes its product through
media. They have partnered with cricket players to promote their brand. Moreover, they
conduct events in which customers participate. The company uses social media to generate
brand awareness. Ceat Limited produces tires for different types of vehicles. The company
tries to project the value they offer to the people. They follow competitive pricing. Ceat
limited is focussing on too many sectors so they are not able to become a market leader. The
company can promote automobile magazines by collaborating with Ceat.

Hyundai Motor India Limited – Grand i10 is the most selling product of the company and
Elantra is the least selling product. The company tries to promote its value for money
concept. The company targets middle-class professionals. They follow a competitive pricing
strategy. Hyundai cars are available in 19+ countries and they have 5000 dealerships around
the world. They promote their brands through digital and print media along with roadshows,
Workshops, and seminars. The company follows an aggressive promotional strategy.
Currently, the Indian market is in a stagnation phase so the company should focus more on
Electric cars. Automobile magazines will have a good subscribers among Hyundai customers.

ITC Limited – Cigarettes are the most selling product of the company and ready-to-eat
products have the least market. ITC follows promotional strategies based on the products they
offer ITC uses traditional as well as digital media to promote their product. They conduct
student programs as well to promote their products. The company uses product differentiation
to increase revenue. The company has a huge distribution network in India. For new
products, the company follows a penetrative pricing strategy, and for established products,
they follow an economic pricing strategy. Based on the research we found that ITC should try
to increase its revenue from products other than cigarettes.

Maruti Suzuki – Maruti Suzuki Swift is the most selling product of the company and Celerio
is the least selling product. Maruti conducts corporate displays, exchange fairs, and rural fairs
to promote its brand. They advertise on print and digital media as well. The company has a
lot of products targeting different kinds of people. The company mainly focuses on the

middle class who look for value for money. The company follows a competitive pricing
strategy. Based on the research we found that the company is cutting costs by using low-
quality products this will decrease the brand value of the company.

Hero MotoCorp – Splendor is the most selling product of the company and Hunk is the least
selling product. The company follows an aggressive promotional strategy using social media.
The company mainly focuses on the middle and lower-middle classes. They have products
for different kinds of use so the customers have a large pool of products to choose from. The
company has dealerships pan India and they also have service centers across India. The
company mainly focuses on providing value for money. The company follows a competitive
pricing strategy. The company is working in a competitive market so the company should try
to enter into the premium market as well.

Xiaomi India – MI 10T Pro is the most selling product of the company and Earbuds are the
least selling product. The company uses social media as well as print media to promote the
product. The company tries to create good brand awareness through these promotions. The
company is present in 100+ countries. Xiaomi offers great product quality at a competitive

The company has a direct marketing approach. They try to sell their products through e-
commerce sites so the customers can get the product at a lower price. The company mainly
focuses on the middle and lower-middle classes. The company follows a penetrative pricing

90+ My tuition App - The company is a start-up and they mainly focus on Kerala. They
offer video classes to school students. 12th-grade videos have a great demand and 5th-grade
videos have the least demand. The company usually advertises on TV and social media. They
market their products directly to the customers. They use online platforms to sell the
products. They have a narrow focus, that is students studying in classes 5 to 12 in Kerala
Syllabus. The company follows a penetrative pricing approach.

PepsiCo India – Pepsi cola is the most selling product of the company and Pepsi fire is the
least selling product. The company mainly advertises through digital media. PepsiCo has an
aggressive promotional strategy.

They mainly focus on youth so they try to sponsor sports events as well. The company makes
sure that the products are easily available for the customers. The company has a large
distribution network throughout India. The company follows a market-oriented pricing

TVS Motors – TVS Apache is the most selling product of the company and TVS iQube is
the least selling product. The company tries to promote its brand by sponsoring events along
with print media ads. The company has a strong distribution network. They have over 2000
dealers across the country. The company tries to project the customer satisfaction and quality
of the products through its marketing strategies. The company follows a competitive pricing

Nestle India – Powdered and Liquid Beverages are the most selling product of the company
and water is the least selling product of the company. The company uses Ads to promote their
brand and they even give free samples and sponsor events to promote their products. Nestle
offers discounts to attract customers. Nestle uses different pricing strategies based upon the

Mondelez India Foods Private Limited – Dairy Milk is the most selling product of the
company and Beverages is the least selling product. The company makes ads related to
different festival seasons and uses an aggressive promotional strategy. The company tries to
make sure that its products are easily available and they follow a value for money concept.
The company follows different types of pricing strategies like skimming pricing, Economy
pricing, and bundle pricing.

Hindustan Unilever Limited – The company uses print and digital media to promote its
products. The company runs different ads for each brand. They give free samples to attract
customers. They partner with big studios to create ads. The company makes sure that the
products are easily available to the consumer. They mainly focus on providing good products
at a low price. The company follows a competitive pricing approach for some products and a
low price strategy for some products.

Samsung India – Galaxy S4 is the most selling product of the company and Galaxy note 8 is
the least selling product. They use traditional as well as digital media to promote their
product. The company has a diverse product portfolio so the company follows a value for
money concept. The company tries to provide goods at a low price and sometimes they
follow competitive pricing. For the S series, they follow premium pricing.

Mahindra and Mahindra (Truck and Bus Division) – Mahindra Bolero Pick up is the most
selling product of the company and E Alpha mini is the least selling product. They follow an
aggressive promotional strategy and they use adventure campaigns to promote their product.
Mahindra mainly focuses on middle-class people and they try to give value for money. They
follow a competitive pricing strategy.

Nike – Footwear is the most selling product of the company. Nike uses social media, Ads,
Sponsorships, and direct selling to promote their products. Nike tries to create a loyal fanbase
by sponsoring professional plyers and they use emotional branding. The company follows a
premium pricing strategy. Nike has created Nike stores and they make sure that the products
are available only on premium stores.

Parle – Parle G is the most selling product of the company and cakes are the least selling
product. The company mainly focuses on the lower class and middle-class people and they
offer products at a low margin. The company follows a low-cost strategy. The company
sponsors events for the children and uses Ads to promote its brand.

One Plus India – One plus 9 Pro is the most selling product of the company. The company
has an online community to promote its brand along with online media. The company sells

products directly and they try to provide maximum value to the customers. The company uses
penetrative pricing.

Tata Motors – Tata Tiago is the most selling product and nano is the least selling product.
The company gives discounts and special offers to promote their brand and The company
used a low pricing strategy for brands like Nano and they follow a premium pricing strategy
for brands like safari.

Task 3 – Digital Marketing

Problem Statement
To understand the basics of digital marketing and promote the company on various digital

Scope of the project

To understand the basics of digital marketing and promote Magnik India through different
digital media. Magnik is trying to have a strong presence on Internet. For that we were asked
to do the basics of SEO and social media marketing. As the world is moving more towards
digital media it is important for a company like Magnik to have strong online presence else
they will go out of business.


The main focus of digital media is to provide the right message to the right customer at the
right time. There are 3 types of media they are
• Paid media – Channels for which one pay based on the number of clicks
• Owned media – media directly controlled by the company
• Earned media – Channels with organic mentions such as posts by others, Third-party
blogs, etc.
Websites use cookies and tracking pixels to track the usage of customers.
To capture key insights, different media uses different techniques search engine

Search Engine optimization

Search Engine Optimization is a process of increasing the visibility of a website. SEO helps
to drive traffic to the website without paying. SEO helps pages to rank higher in organic
searches. The rank of the page is determined by the importance, Quality, and Relevance of
the page.


Keywords are the words one enters on a search engine when searching for something. The
keywords should be relevant to a website to show the website to the customers.

• The competition should be low for the keyword

• The volume of keywords should be high
• Keyword should be specific

Bookmarking sites help one to manage and organize internet pages. Bookmarking helps in
content promotion and this will help in traffic generation. Bookmarking will increase the
domain authority of the website. Bookmarking will help the ranking of the pages. High-
quality backlinks will increase the domain authority of the website.

Classified Submission

Classified submission is a process by which one can submit ads on classified sites. This
process will enhance the visibility and presence in the search engine market. By backlinking
the sites we can increase the authority of the website hence one can get higher ranks in the


To begin with, we were asked to create a list of bookmarking sites and present it to the
company. After that, we were asked to submit names of major classified websites. Then we
were asked to create a list of five keywords for the company website. Based on our research I
used google keyword planner to find the keywords. Based on that some keywords were found
out. Then google trend analyzer analyzed the trend of the keyword during different seasons of
a year. Based on the analysis result company can use those keywords in their SEO when the
popularity of the keyword increases.
After doing keyword analysis we were given a class in Social Media marketing. Classes were
given about how to market on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube

The book-marking sites that were analysed are.

• Dribble - This is a bookmarking sites for artists. It is used to highlight user created
content. Using this site one can communicate with designers around the world.

• Reddit - It the most popular bookmarking site. One can submit links to images, blogs,
videos and stories in this site.
• Tumblr – This site is popular for microblogging
• Digg –
• Delicious
• Twitter –
• StumbleUpon/Mix
• We Hear It
• Fark

Major classified websites that we found out were


The major Keyword suggestions I found were

Keyword Avg monthly searches Competition

Rolling stone magazine 1K – 10K Low
Time magazine 10K – 100K Low
Rolling stone 10K- 100K Low
Vogue magazine 10K – 100K Low
World journal 100 – 1K Low

Based on the trend analyser these are the trends that we found out.

Rolling stone Magazine

Time magazine

Rolling stone

Vogue Magazine

World Journal

Marketing On Facebook
Facebook has 1.9 billion users and usually Facebook pages rank high on Google. So to rank
higher one should make sure that the About section is filled and the call to action button
should also be active. To market on one should be consistent and post timely content. The
message should be short and sweet. The content shared on the page should be authentic and
engaging. When we advertise on Facebook, Facebook pixels help one to target the people
based on demography, Location, Interests, Behaviour, connections, etc. The success of an Ad
is measured based on the click-through rate.

Task 4
Problem Statement
To find whether a customer will respond to a direct marketing campaign by opening an
account in the bank.

Scope of the Project

The project requires us to use the data analytics techniques which we have learned. Based on
that we analysed the data and recommendations were made based on that. For this task
dummy data was given by the company.

Logistic Regression – Logistic regression uses Logit function to predict a binary dependent
variable. It is used for classification problems. Maximum likelihood estimation is used to
estimate the accuracy.

First the data was examined, the variables are

• Subscription – categorical variable – Dependent variable

• Age - Continuous variable
• Marital Status – Categorical variable
• Education – Categorical variable
• Job – categorical variable
• Credit Default – Categorical variable
• Housing loan – categorical variable
• Campaign – Continuous variable – Number of times the customer was contacted in
the current campaign.
• Previous – Continuous variable – The number of times the customer was contacted in
the previous campaign

Since the dependent variable is categorical, we cannot use linear regression so we used
logistic regression. To do logistic regression we created dummy variables for categorical
variables. RegressIt Add-in was used to perform the analysis. Based on the results equation
was found out and using that one can use predict whether a person will subscribe or not.

Model 1
From logistic Regression coefficient table we can find that VIF value is greater than 5
for two variables secondary and tertiary. Since secondary is not significant (p
value>.05) we remove that variable and run it again.

Model 2

After removing the variable the analysis was performed again. Then we found that 7
variables are not significant that is balance, CreditDefault, Divorced, Management, Primary,
Selfemployed, and Unemployed. So we removed these variables and created another model.

Model 3

From model 3 we can see that the VIF value is less than 5 for all variables so there is no
correlation between them and all variables are significant since p value< .05. From the log
odds table, we can see that compared to people doing other kinds of jobs Blue-collar
employees are less likely to subscribe. When the number of times the customer has been
contacted increases they are less likely to subscribe to the bank should change the campaign
methodology. People with housing loans, people who are married, people who have personal
loans are less likely to subscribe. Are less likely to subscribe. If the people were contacted in
the previous campaign then there is a more chance of subscription. Compared to people with
unknown educational qualifications people with a tertiary qualification are more likely to

Model 3 odds

Key Learnings
• Sales task helped us understand the basics of sales how to approach each customer
and how to convert them. STP analysis required the application of certain things that
we have learned. In this task we directly interacted with the customers so this gave us
an idea about customer behaviour.

• This task helped me to analyse companies and understand different strategies

followed by the companies along with that it helped me to understand what are the
best practises to be followed in different sectors of the industry. This task mainly
focus on the analysing companies with which Magnik can create collaborations with.

• Digital Marketing task helped me understand the basics of digital marketing. In this
task we used the concepts of search Engine optimization, social media advertising etc.
This task helped me in understanding the various strategies that should be followed by
companies when going digital.

• In the data analysis task we used concepts learned in the class to derive insights. Even
though we were given dummy data we were able to derive insights from it.

Based on the first task I found that people required certain magazines that was not offered by
Magnik India so I suggested the company to include that in the package. From the competitor
analysis I found that competition is increasing in the field so I suggested the company to
reduce price and include more magazines in the package.

This internship was done during the lockdown so we were not able to do offline internship.
We had to depend on Google meet to meet our mentor so peer learning was less in this
internship. Even though we generated sales in the first task we were not able meet people in
person. Moreover, people were reluctant to buy our product because many of them lost their
jobs during the lockdown. In the data analysis task, we were given dummy data so we made
inferences based on that.





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