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History - History is the study of the human past as it is described in the written documents left by
human beings. The past, with all its decisions completed, its participants dead and its history told, is
what the general public perceives as the immutable bedrock on which we historians and
archaeologists stand.
2. Geography - The word geography literally means “earth writing”. Geography is the study of the
Earth’s physical features and environment including the impact of human activity on these factors and
vice versa. The subject also encompasses the study of patterns of human population distribution,
land use, resource availability, and industries.
3. Topography - Topography is a broad term used to describe the detailed study of the earth's
surface. This includes changes in the surface such as mountains and valleys as well as features such
as rivers and roads. It can also include the surface of other planets, the moon, asteroids and meteors.
Topography is closely linked to the practice of surveying, which is the practice of determining and
recording the position of points in relation to one another.
4. Time - The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future
regarded as a whole. Time is an observed phenomenon, by means of which human beings sense and
record changes in the environment and in the universe. Time has been called an illusion, a
dimension, a smooth-flowing continuum, and an expression of separation among events that occur in
the same physical location.
5. Space – is a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied. It is also the
dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move. Space is the boundless
three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and direction. Physical
space is often conceived in three linear dimensions.
6. Sources - a place, person, or thing from which something comes or can be obtained. Any leftover
of the past can be considered a source. It might well be a document, and we often think of history as
a textual discipline, based on the interpretation of written text. They provide us in different ways with
information which can add to the sum of our knowledge of the past.
7. Evidence - the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is
true or valid. The best evidence for your argument is a hard fact or visual representation of a fact.
This type of evidence can be a solid backbone for your argument.
8. Artifacts - an object made by a human being, typically an item of cultural or historical interest.
Something observed in a scientific investigation or experiment that is not naturally present but occurs
as a result of the preparative or investigative procedure.
9. Primary & Secondary Sources - Primary Sources are immediate, first-hand accounts of a topic,
from people who had a direct connection with it. Secondary Sources are one step removed from
primary sources, though they often quote or otherwise use primary sources. They can cover the same
topic, but add a layer of interpretation and analysis.
10. Historical Methodology - Historical methodology is the process by which historians gather
evidence and formulate ideas about the past. It is the framework through which an account of the
past is constructed.
11. Historical Analysis - Historical analysis is a method of the examination of evidence in coming to
an understanding of the past.
12. Historical Criticism - Historical criticism is a specific kind of literary analysis that looks at a text in
its entire historic context. This kind of analysis is also often called higher criticism. In historic criticism,
researchers often consider comparable texts from the same time period, utilizing other resources to
come to a greater understanding of how a specific text interacted with its environment when it was
13. External & Internal Criticism - External criticism is a process by which historians determine
whether a source is authentic by checking the validity of the source. Internal criticism looks at the
reliability of an authenticated source after it has been subjected to external criticism.
1. Compare and Contrast "History" & "Kasaysayan"
- History and Kasaysayan is about studying and looking back into the past. History is different
from kasaysayan in that they are constructed differently. Kasaysayan relies on written records and
material history to recreate the past. History on the other hand is reconstructed through written and
non-written sources.

2. Explain the nature of historical methodology

- Historical methods offer us techniques and guidelines in study and research history, it uses
different sources for its interpretation, this sources can be primary or secondary and this sources.
This will establish facts in order to understand the past events and can also help for the future.
Historical methods enables us to see solutions to the problems in the past and also allows us to
evaluate data in relation with the past. It also opens various historical stages and different past

3. Elaborate the importance of sources in the study of history and how materials influence the writing
of history.
- In studying history, it is important for a historian a reliable source for them to truly understand
the past. This Sources contributes in giving the history a meaning, it is acts as an evidence in
presenting the past. This Sources helps us to depict and interpret the past. The materials used in this
sources influence the writing of history through giving different information and reliable data. This
materials have a big impact in writing history because most of info came from it.

4. Discuss fully, completely, and critically the development of history as a discipline.

- History let us study and understand the past. And with its development it gives new point of
views and new realizations about the past that we had. It also develops different meanings and gives
us new point of views about the past and it gives us better understanding about it. History gives us
better view of the past and it also equips us for facing the future.

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