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Score and Descriptors

Criteria Poor Average Good Excellent Marks
(< 25 %) (25 – 50 %) (5 – 75 %) (75 – 100 %)
Process Simulation Several major aspects of the PSD misses one or PSD is clear and PSD is clear and
Diagram (PSD) PSD are missing. more streams going in complete. PSD shows all complete. PSD shows
Shown little or no effort to and out of each block. the streams going in and all the streams going in
organize and arrange Shown effort to out of each block. and out of each block
elements in PSD in a tidy organize and arrange Shown effort to organize Elements in PSD is
and clean manner. elements in PSD in a and arrange elements in organized and arranged
tidy and clean manner. PSD in a tidy and clean in a tidy and clean
manner. manner.
Setup of Only some of the streams Most of the streams are Almost all the streams All the streams are
Simulation are connected correctly in connected correctly in are connected correctly in correctly connected in
the simulation. the simulation. the simulation. the simulation.
Only some inputs to the Most inputs to the Almost all inputs to the All inputs to the blocks
blocks are entered correctly blocks are entered blocks are entered are entered correctly in
in Aspen Plus. correctly in Aspen correctly in Aspen Plus. Aspen Plus.
The simulation did not Plus. Included crucial details Included crucial details
converge. The simulation did not that are required to that are required to
fully converge. converge the simulation. converge the
Results & Only some of the results Most of the results Almost all the results All the results provided
Discussion provided based on the provided based on the provided based on the based on the
simulation are correct. Only simulation are correct. simulation are correct. simulation are correct.
some analysis has been put Some analysis has Substantial analysis has Substantial analysis
forward in obtaining the been put forward in been put forward in has been put forward in
results. obtaining the results. obtaining the results. obtaining the results.
The results are not Some results are Most results are All results are 45
accompanied by accompanied by accompanied by accompanied by
exceptional discussion exceptional discussion exceptional discussion exceptional discussion
from a critical scientific and from a critical from a critical scientific from a critical
engineering perspective. scientific and and engineering scientific and
engineering perspective. engineering
perspective. perspective.
Language and Sections are out of order, Sections are in order, All sections are in order, All sections are in
report presentation handwritten reports or contains the minimum formatting is generally order, well-formatted,
report with sloppy handwritten, good but could still be very readable.
formatting. formatting is rough but improved. All grammar/spelling
Frequent grammar and/or readable. Less than 3 correct and very well-
spelling errors, the writing Occasional grammar/ grammar/spelling errors, written.
style is rough and spelling errors, mature, readable style.
immature. generally readable with
some rough spots in
writing style.

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