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Addis Ababa University

Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Technical Report Writing and Research Methods

for Engineers (CENG 5241) – Handout

Addis Ababa
October 2016
Addis Ababa University
Addis Ababa Institute of Technology
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Technical Report Writing and Methods for Engineers
(CEng 5241)
Course Outline
Lecture: 2 hrs Home Study: 3 hrs Academic year: 2016/17
Course Description
The course deals with topics, such as understanding the term
research, research purpose, research design and methods, literature
review, data collection instruments, sampling techniques, techniques
of data analysis and interpretation, project proposal development. Due
emphasis will also be given to writing engineering technical report. The
issues emphasized here include understanding the historical
development of technical report, identifying the purposes, functions,
features, categories, components/elements, and principles of
composing technical report.
Course objective
The main objectives of this course are to develop the research and
writing skills of engineering students in:
 investigating research problems with a view to arrive at objective
findings, interpretation of data and conclusions; and
 writing extensive research and technical reports.
Course Contents
Unit 1: Basics of research
1.1 Conceptualizing research
1.2 Types of Research
1.3 Research in engineering
1.4 Research problems
1.5 Literature review in research
1.6 Sampling technique
1.7 Techniques of data collection
1.8 Data analysis and interpretation
1.9 Research/Project proposal
Unit 2: Technical Report Writing
2.1 Concepts of technical report writing
2.2 Purposes and functions of technical report
2.3 Categories of technical report
2.4 Components of technical report
2.5 Language of technical report writing
2.6 Format and style of technical report (layout, referencing, etc.)
 Team proposal development: 15%
 Proposal presentation: 15%
 Writing up a research project: 25%
 Class activity:5%
 Final exam: 40%
Basic References
Alley, M. (1999). The Craft of Editing: A Guide for Managers, Scientists
and Engineers. (1st Edition), Springer.
Bowden, J. (2008). Writing a Report: How to Prepare, Write and
Present Really Effective Reports. UK: How To Books Ltd
Dawson, C. (2007). A Practical Guide to Research Methods (3rd
edition). UK: How To Books Ltd
Marczyk, G., DeMatteo, D. & Festinger, D. (2005) Essentials of
Research Design and Methodology. New Jersey: John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
Peat, J. (2002). Scientific Writing: Easy when you know how. London:
BMJ Books.
Riordan, D.G. (2005). Technical Report Writing Today. Stout:
University of Wisconsin
Smith-Worthington, D.S. & Jefferson, S.(2005). Technical Writing for
Success (3 Edition).
Waddell, C. (1990). Basic Prose Style and Mechanics. New York:
Rensselaer Press.


After completing this unit, you will be able to:

 define the concept of research;
 explain the purpose of research;
 identify types of research;
 distinguish between research in engineering and in other disciplines;
 formulate research problems;
 develop literature reviews;
 identify various sampling techniques in research;
 explain techniques of data collection;
 discuss data analysis and interpretation methods; and
 develop a research/project proposal.


Brainstorming and discussion

Explain points by providing context specific practical examples
Hold interactive lecture/presentation
Capture points raised from the students and facilitate group discussion
1.1 Conceptualizing Research

1.1.1 Some Simple Definitions

 A careful systematic study and investigation in some field of knowledge, undertaken to

establish facts or principles.
 A structured inquiry that utilizes acceptable scientific methodology to solve problems and
creates new knowledge that is generally applicable.
 A systematic investigation to find answers to a problem.
 A systematic process of inquiry in order to discover, interpret or revise facts, events,
behaviors, or theories, or to make practical applications with the help of such facts, laws or
 The term "research" is also used to describe the collection of information about a particular
subject, and is usually associated with the output of science and the scientific method.
1.1.2 Research as a Way of Thinking
It is a habit:
• of questioning what you do;
• of systematically examining observed information to find answers; and
• of using methods tested for validity and reliability.
1.1.3 Research as a process
Research is one of the ways to find answers to your questions. However, the process has to satisfy the
• should be within a framework of a set of principles of one of the approaches of research;
• must use procedures, methods and techniques which have been tested for their validity and
reliability; and
• must be designed to be unbiased and objective.
The research process:
• Formulating a research problem (Deciding)
• Conceptualizing the research design
• Constructing an instrument for data collection (Planning)
• Selecting a sample
• Writing a research proposal

• Collecting data
• Processing Data (Doing)
• Writing a research report
1.1.4 Characteristics of Research

a) Research is directed toward the solution of a problem or research involves the quest for answers
to unsolved problems.

b) Research emphasizes the development of generalizations, principles or theories that will be helpful
in predicting future occurrences.

c) Research is based upon observable experience or empirical evidence.

d) Research demands accurate observation and description.

e) Research involves gathering new data from primary or first-hand sources or using existing data for
a new purpose.

f) Although research activity at times is somewhat random and unsystematic, more often it is
characterized by application of carefully designed rigorous procedures.

g) Research requires expertise analysis

h) Research strives to be objective and logical, applying every possible test to validate the procedures
employed, the data collected and the conclusion reached.

i) Research is characterized by patient and unhurried activity.

j) Research sometimes requires courage.

1.2 Types of Research

As has been mentioned, the goal of research is problem solving. The nature of the problem that the
research attempts to solve could be theoretical or practical – building a theory or solving immediate
practical problems. These two types of problems that the research tries to solve leads to two broad
classifications of research: basic research and applied research. That is, research is commonly divided into
two; basic and applied. However, these are not the only ways of looking at types of research. Others divide
research as quantitative and qualitative. The first one is based on purpose whereas the second is based on
source or nature of data. While the way of dividing types differ, their fundamental meaning and
understanding is the same for each. In addition, it should be clear that there is overlap of function as it is
discussed below.

1.2.1 Types of Research on its purpose

Basic research

Basic research (also called fundamental or pure research) is mainly concerned with generalizations and
with the formation of a theory. It is ―Gathering knowledge for knowledge‘s sake.‖ It has as its primary
objective the advancement of knowledge and the theoretical understanding of the relations among
variables. The terms ―basic‖ or ―fundamental‖ indicate that, through theory generation, basic research
provides the foundation for further, sometimes applied research.

Research concerning some natural phenomenon or relating to pure mathematics are examples of pure
research. Similarly, research studies concerning human behavior carrying on with a view to make
generalizations about human behavior without an intention of solving some problem is also its example.

Applied Research

Applied research is conducted to address issues in which there are practical problems and potential
solutions. It aims at finding a solution for an immediate problem facing a society or an individual or
business organization.

Applied research is done to solve specific, practical questions; its primary aim is not to gain knowledge for
its own sake. It is a research conducted to identify social, economic or political trends that may affect a
particular. However, it is almost always done on the basis of basic research. Much applied research is
conducted in setting such as large business firms, marketing research companies and government
agencies such as educational institutions. As a result, it is not published but rather is used within the
company or its clients. The major example of applied research is programme evaluation.

1.2.2 Types of research on its nature of data: Quantitative and Qualitative

Qualitative research

Qualitative research is conducted in the study of the society and other natural phenomena. For instance,
when we are interested to investigate the reasons for human behavior (i. e., why people think or do certain
things,) we often talk about Motivational Research, an important type of qualitative research. It is widely
used type of research and interdisciplinary. It has the following characteristics.

• Emergent research design – No aspect of the research design is tightly prefigured and a study is
kept open and fluid so that it can respond in a flexible way.
• The nature of qualitative data – A wide range of data including recorded interviews, various types
of texts, field notes, journal and images‘.
• The characteristics of the research setting – natural setting, without any attempt to manipulate
• Small sample size – very labor intensive.
• Interpretive analysis – the research product is the result of the researcher‘s subjective
interpretation of data.
Quantitative research

It is based on the measurement of quantity or amount.

Main characteristics of quantitative research

 Using numbers – It is concerned around numbers;

 A prior categorization – the work requires specifying categories and values needs to
be done prior to the actual study;
 Variables rather than cases – centered around the study of variables that capture
these common features and which are quantified by counting, scaling, or assigning
values to categorical data;
 Statistics and language of statistics
 Standardized procedure to assess objective reality;
 Quest for generalizability and general laws
Generalization about qualitative and quantitative research:
The compromise the researchers recommend to address these variations and exploit the advantages of
both methods is the mixed method. This method utilizes both options. Nonetheless, it should be
remembered that the selection of research method is determined by the nature of the research problem.
That is, it is possible to select one method depending on the nature of the research question. In addition,
the point that group mentions as a weak point is considered as a strong by the other. For instance,
addressing a small number is strong side of a qualitative research for it enables to investigate deep in the
matter and come up with the identification of the root cause though the quantitative researchers mention it
as a weak point.

1.2.3 Types on Duration of research: Longitudinal and Cross sectional

Longitudinal refers to a single case over a period of time. Case study research is a longitudinal research. It
is a research in depth than breadth. However, a cross-sectional refers to the kind of study in which data
are collected at a time across different sections or targets of the study.

To summarize, in looking at the distinction among the methods, it should be clear that these pairs of
methods are not dichotomous. They can be used simultaneously.

Research Methods

Surveys are studies in which several kinds of data related to the subject under study are gathered and the
common elements are identified. Therefore, surveys essentially are studies of broad size rather than
studies in depth. The broad aspect of the surveys have the advantage of ―rough sifting‖ in a field of
research from this, issue may come out that need careful investigation. When the survey is employed as a
means of screening, or when the aim is to get an exact description of current status, then one can say the
survey has been utilized properly. To sum up, survey is not concerned about characteristics of individuals
as individuals. In addition, data are gathered at a particular point in time with intention of describing.

Best and Kahn (2006:121) say, ―The survey method gathers data from a relatively large number of cases
at a particular time. It is not concerned with characteristics of individuals as individuals. It is concerned
with the statistics that result when data are abstracted from a number of individual cases. It is essentially


The second category is evaluation. This is also called evaluative research. Evaluation is concerned with
the application of its findings and implies some judgment of effectiveness, social utility, or desirability of a
product, process or program in terms of carefully defined and agreed upon objectives or values. It may
involve recommendations for action. It is not concerned with generalizations that may be extended to other
setting. It is not concerned with generalizations that may be extended to other setting.

Evaluation has different forms. The common forms of evaluation are:

 Formative and Summative;

 Informal and formal;
 Cost benefit analysis;
 Outcome analysis;
 Impact assessment;

Case Study

Case Studies, unlike the survey, is mainly research in depth rather than breadth. Whereas the aim of
survey is to scratch the surface, the case study searchers beneath the surface, sometimes discovering the
causes of factors exposed by surveys. It looks at a single instance, and aims to identify the unique
features of interaction within that instance. Cases are often limited to studies of individual or small groups.
However, it should be remembered that a case study research is a longitudinal study since it is carried out
over a period of time though the number of the subjects is very few.

Generally, most educational research methods are descriptive; that is, they set out to describe and
interpret what actually exists as it exists without involving any attempt to alter it.

Experimental research

This type of research is known in literature by a variety of names. Synonyms are, for instance: the cause
and consequence method, before and after design, control group design and the laboratory method. This
research type has control as fundamental characteristic. The selection of control groups, based on
proportional selection, forms its basis. It is basically the method that can be applied in a research
laboratory. The basic structure of this type of research is elementary: two situations (cause and
consequence) are assessed in order to make a comparison. Following this, attempts should be made to
treat the one situation (cause) from the outside (external variable) to affect change, and then to re-
evaluate the two situations. The perceivable changes that occurred can then be presumed as caused by
external variables.

Types of experimental design

There are three major types of experimental designs:

i. Pre-experimental design: a one group design and designs that compare pre-existing groups.

Example A: A training program is implemented and participants are given a posttest at the conclusion of
the training (one shot case study).

Example B.A classroom teacher gives her students a pretest then implements certain teaching method
followed by a posttest. (One group pretest-posttest design)

ii. True experimental designs: Experiments that have treatments, outcome measures and
experimental conditions and use random selection and assignment to treatment conditions. This
is the strongest set of designs in terms of internal and external validity.

Example: 50 first year students are randomly selected to participate in a tutorial study. Half are randomly

assigned for tutor for their first semester and half are not. All students are given a pretest at the beginning

of the term and a post test at the end of the term.

iii. Quasi-experimental designs: experiments that have treatments, outcomes measures, and

experimental conditions but that do not use random selection and assignments to treatment

conditions. The groups are naturally assembled or existing (e.g. Classrooms)

Example: Consider a study of the effect of different training methods on learning. Subjects are placed in to

four groups (A, B, C, D) for different training methods.

1.3 Research in engineering

The world success has been based on the creativity, ingenuity, and courage of innovators, and innovation.
The astounding technological achievements of the twentieth century would not have been possible without
engineering, specifically engineering research, which leads to the conversion of scientific discoveries into
functional, marketable, profitable products and services.

According to the National Academies Press (2005), the greatest engineering achievements of the twentieth
century led to innovations that transformed everyday life. Beginning with electricity, engineers have brought
us a wide range of technologies, from the mundane to the spectacular. Refrigeration opened new markets
for food and medicine. Air conditioning enabled population explosions in many places. The invention of the
transistor, followed by integrated circuits, ushered in the age of ubiquitous computerization, impacting
everything from education to entertainment. The control of electromagnetic radiation has given us not only
radio and television, but also radar, x-rays, fiber optics, cell phones, and microwave ovens. The airplane
and automobile have made the world smaller, and highways have transformed the landscape. Even
commonplace technologies, such as farm equipment, household appliances, water distribution, and
medicine, required sophisticated engineering research and application.

So many complex engineering achievements have become part of everyday life that engineering and
engineering research are often taken for granted. Without engineering research, the world would be less
accessible, poorer, and far less interesting. Engineers take new and existing knowledge and make it useful,
typically generating new knowledge in the process. Above all, innovations in the field of engineering have
been continued in this millennium (in the twenty-first century). Future breakthroughs dependent on
engineering research will have equally powerful impacts.

1.4 Formulation of research problem

It is not easy to decide on and define a research problem, and you will not be expected to do so
immediately. The important thing is to know what you are looking for, and to explore your subject for
suitable possibilities.

The problem can be generated either by an initiating idea, or by a perceived problem area. We are
surrounded by problems connected with society, the built environment, education, etc., many of which can
readily be perceived. Take for example social problems such as poverty, crime, unsuitable housing and

uncomfortable workplaces, technical problems such as design deficiencies, organizational problems such
as business failures and bureaucratic bungles, and many subjects where there may be a lack of knowledge
which prevents improvements being made, for example, the influence of parents on a child‘s progress at
school, the relationship between designers and clients. Obviously, it is not difficult to find problem areas.
The difficulty lies in choosing an area which contains possible specific research problems suitable for the
subject of a research project or degree.

This is to mean that research problems can arise from:

 Experience and interest,

 Other research, and
 Sources outside your major area of study.
In all the cases, a problem must spring from the researcher‘s mind like a plant springing from its own seed.

In formulating your research problem:

• find an interest in a broad subject area (problem area);

• narrow the interest to a plausible topic;
• question the topic from several points of view; and
• define a rationale for your project.
In choosing the topic:

i. Subject which is overdone should not be normally chosen, for it will be difficult task to
show any new light in such a case.
ii. Although solving controversies is likely to be an outcome of a research, controversial
subject should not become the choice of an average researcher
iii. Too narrow or too vague problems should be avoided.
iv. The subject selected for research should be familiar and feasible so that the related
researches are within one‘s reach. Reading articles, discussing with others is important so
as to locate materials.
v. The importance of the subject, the qualification and training of a researcher, the cost
involved, and the time factor are few other criteria that must also be considered in
selecting a problem.

vi. The selection of a problem must be preceded by a preliminary study especially when the
field is new. This may not be necessary when the problem requires the conduct of a
research closely similar to one that has already been done.
vii. Pose the research problem in a general term and define it clearly (Take time).
viii. Then develop Statement of the problem
ix. Understanding the nature of the problem – Its nature and origin clearly

1.5 Literature Review in Research

A literature review is a description of the literature relevant to a particular field or topic. It gives an overview
of what has been said, who the key writers are, what are the prevailing theories and hypotheses, what
questions are being asked, and what methods and methodologies are appropriate and useful. As such, it is
not in itself primary research, but rather it reports on other findings.

A literature review uses as its database reports of primary or original scholarship, and does not report new
primary scholarship itself. The primary reports used in the literature may be verbal, but in the vast majority
of cases reports are written documents. The types of scholarship may be empirical, theoretical,
critical/analytic, or methodological in nature. Second a literature review seeks to describe, summarize,
evaluate, clarify and/or integrate the content of primary reports.

A literature review must do the following things:

 be organised around and related directly to the research question you are developing;
 synthesize results into a summary of what is and is not known;
 identify areas of controversy in the literature; and
 formulate questions that need further research.
Ask yourself the following type of questions in developing literature works:

 What is the specific research question that my literature review helps to define?
 What type of literature review am I conducting? Am I looking at issues of theory? Methodology?
Policy? Quantitative research? Qualitative research?
 What is the scope of my literature review? What types of publications am I using? What discipline
am I working in?
 How good was my information seeking? Has my search been wide enough to ensure I've found all
the relevant material? Has it been narrow enough to exclude irrelevant material? Is the number of
sources I've used appropriate for the length of my paper?

 Have I critically analyzed the literature I use? Do I follow through a set of concepts and questions,
comparing items to each other in the ways they deal with them? Instead of just listing and
summarizing items, do I assess them, discussing strengths and weaknesses?
 Have I cited and discussed studies contrary to my perspective?
 Will the reader find my literature review relevant, appropriate, and useful?
1.6 Sampling Technique

Sampling is the process of selecting a number of study units from a defined study population. Often
research focuses on a large population that, for practical reasons, it is only possible to include some of its
members in the investigation. You then have to draw a sample from the total population. In such cases you
must consider the following questions:

 What is the study population you are interested in from which we want to draw a sample?
 How many subjects do you need in your sample?
 How will these subjects be selected?
The study population has to be clearly defined. Otherwise you cannot do the sampling. Apart from persons,
a study population may consist of villages, institutions, plants, animals, records, etc. Each study population
consists of study units. The way you define your study population and your study unit depends on the
problem you want to investigate and on the objectives of the study.

If sampling is found appropriate for a research, the researcher, then:

1) identifies the target population as precisely as possible, and in a way that makes sense in
terms of the purpose of study;
2) puts together a list of the target population from which the sample will be selected;
3) selects the sample, and decide on a sampling technique, and;
4) makes an inference about the population.
All these four steps are interwoven and cannot be considered isolated from one another.
There are two main types of sampling: probability sampling and non-probability sampling as discuss
1.6.1 Probability sampling

Simple random sampling

Each person in the universe has an equal probability of being chosen for the sample and every collection of
persons of the same size has an equal probability of becoming the actual sample. The guiding principle
behind this technique is that each element must have an equal and non-zero chance of being selected.
This can be achieved by applying a table of random numbers or a computer generated random numbers to
a numbered sampling frame. Another approach involves drawing numbers from a container. The product of
this technique is a sample determined entirely by chance. It should be noted, however, that chance is
―lumpy‖, meaning that random selection does not always produce a sample that is representative of the
population. Imagine, for example, a sampling frame comprising 10,000 people. Furthermore, consider that
altitude is a critical variable, and that the composition of the sampling frame is as follows: 1,500 are from
high altitude; 7,500 are from medium altitude white, and 1,000 are from low altitude. You are going to select
a sample of 500 people from this sampling frame using a simple random sampling technique.
Unfortunately, the simple random selection process may or may not yield a sample that has equivalent
altitudinal proportions as the sampling frame. Due to chance, disproportionate numbers of each altitudinal
category may be selected.

Systematic sampling

The systematic random sampling technique begins with selecting one element at random in the sampling
frame as the starting point; however, from this point onward, the rest of the sample is selected
systematically by applying a predetermined interval. For example, in this sampling technique, after the
initial element is selected at random, every ―kth‖ element will be selected (kth refers to the size of the
interval—the ratio of the population to sample size) and becomes eligible for inclusion in the study. The ―kth
‖ element is selected through the end of the sampling frame and then from the beginning until a complete
cycle is made back to the starting point (that is, the place where the initial random selection was made). If
there is a cyclic repetition in the sampling frame, systematic sampling is not recommended (The more
complex the method, the greater opportunity for error).

Stratified sampling

Stratified random sampling begins with the identification of some variable, which may be related indirectly
to the research question and could act as a confounder (such as geography, age, income, ethnicity, or
gender). This variable is then used to divide the sampling frame into mutually exclusive strata or
subgroups. Once the sampling frame is arranged by strata, the sample is selected from each stratum using
simple random sampling or systematic sampling techniques. It is important that the sample selected within
each stratum reflects proportionately the population proportions; thus, you can employ pro propionate
stratified sampling.

Cluster sampling

It may be difficult or impossible to take a simple random sample of the units of the study population at
random, because a complete sampling frame does not exist. Logistical difficulties may also discourage
random sampling techniques (e.g., interviewing people who are scattered over a large area may be too
time-consuming). However, when a list of groupings of study units is available (e.g., villages or schools) or
can be easily compiled, a number of these groupings can be randomly selected. Then all study units in the
selected clusters will be included in the study.

Multistage sampling

Multistage cluster sampling is used when an appropriate sampling frame does not exist or cannot be
obtained. Multistage cluster sampling uses a collection of pre-existing units or clusters to ―stand in‖ for a
sampling frame. The first stage in the process is selecting a sample of clusters at random from the list of all
known clusters. The second stage consists of selecting a random sample from each cluster. Because of
this multistage process, the likelihood of sampling bias increases. This creates a lack of sampling precision
known as a design effect. It is recommended to consider the design effect during sample size

1.6.2 Examples of non-probability sampling

Usually cannot claim that a sample is representative. Much less complicated, less expensive and
can be done at the spur of the moment. Can take advantage of whoever is available.

Convenience Sampling

The investigator chooses the closest live persons as respondents. "Captive audience" sampling. (E.g.,
using a class of intro to psych students).

Quota Sampling

Equivalent to a stratified sample with the added requirement that each stratum is generally represented in
the sample in the same proportion as in the entire population. (Example: 60% males and 40% females -
select a sample of the two.

Dimensional Sampling

A multidimensional form of quota sampling. One has to specify all dimensions (variables) or interest on the
population and then to make sure that every combination of these dimensions are represented by at least
one case. This method is designed for studies in which only a small sample is desired so that each case
drawn can be studied in more detail than is possible in a large-scale study.

Purposive Sampling

The researcher uses his or her own judgment about which respondents to choose, and picks those who
best meets the purposes of the study. Qualitative research methods are typically used when focusing on a
limited number of informants, whom you select strategically so that their in-depth information will give
optimal insight into an issue about which little is known.

Snowball Sampling

Has achieved increased use in recent years; particularly by researchers conducting observational research
and in community studies. Conducted in stages. In the 1st stage a few persons having the requisite
characteristics are identified and interviewed. These persons are used as informants to identify others who
qualify for inclusion in the sample. The second stage involves interviewing these persons who in turn lead
to still more persons who can be interviewed in the 3rd stage, etc. The term "snowball" stems from the
analogy of a snowball, which begins small but becomes bigger and bigger and rolls downhill. Also called
"chain referral sampling." Particularly useful in deviant studies and subcultures (drug addicts, etc.).

Note that sample size depends on the size of the population to be sampled and lack of adequate
representation can be referred to as sampling error.

1.7 Techniques of Data Collection

Although organized in a systematic stage-by-stage approach, in practice it is to be noted that the nature of
the research process is intrinsically iterative. You may need to move forwards and backwards between
these stages as the circumstances determine. The availability of data, for example, located only during the
data gathering exercise, may influence a modification of the specified aims. In certain circumstances it may
become apparent that the data required to answer a research question is not available. This can result in a
rethink of the initial stages and a modification of the research design. Thus, researchers need to think

carefully about the likely accessibility of data during the design phase. They must also be prepared to be
flexible and adaptable during the research.

There are a number of different techniques of data collection and one should be selected which is most
likely to meet the objective of the research and gather the correct type of information . Each technique is
designed to get certain types of information and not others.

1.7.1 Observation

Observation refers to the process of observing and recording events or situations. The technique is
particularly useful for discovering how individuals or groups of people or animals (and in some instances
inanimate objects) behave, act or react.

There are two main types of observation - participant and nonparticipant. Participant observation is usually
limited to studies of human subjects. The researcher becomes part of the group studied and participates in
their daily life and activities: observing their everyday situations and their behavior in these situations.
Conversation is used in order to discover the subjects' own interpretations of events. In non-participant
observation the researchers simply observe the activities without taking part themselves. Whilst this has the
advantage of preventing the researcher from unduly influencing or becoming involved in activities they may
not wish to take part in (for example dangerous or criminal actions), they are less likely to understand fully
the meanings behind behavior in the group studied. Beside the study of human subjects, non-participant
observation can also be used to study animal behavior. The observation and recording of natural
phenomenon can also be considered observation study.

1.7.2 Questionnaire

A questionnaire is a type of survey where respondents write answers to questions posed by the researcher
on a question form. A number of respondents are asked identical questions, in order to gain information
that can be analyzed, patterns found and comparisons made.

Questionnaires are extremely flexible and can be used to gather information on almost any topic involving
large or small numbers of people. The commonest type of questionnaire involves closed choice or fixed
questions where the respondent is required to answer by choosing an option from a number of given
answers, usually by ticking a box or circling an answer. These types of questionnaires only gather
straightforward, uncomplicated information, and only simple questions can be asked. The open-ended

questionnaire differs in that it allows the respondent to formulate and record their answers in their own
words. These are more qualitative and can produce detailed answers to complex problems.

1.7.3 Interviews

Interviews are limited to cases where the subjects of study are humans. Interviews are a type of survey
where questions are delivered in a face-to-face encounter by an interviewer. The interview is like a
conversation and has the purpose of obtaining information relevant to a particular research topic. It is
initiated by the researcher and is focused on specific content.

As with questionnaires interviews can be approached from either a quantitative or qualitative angle and
there are many variations on the general method. Purely quantitative interviews are rather like a closed
ended questionnaire that the interviewer fills in for the respondent. These are highly structured, formal
interviews which are determined in advance and have fixed responses.

At the other end of the scale, the unstructured, purely qualitative interview is rather like an informal
conversation. Here questions are asked in the natural course of interaction and arise from the particular

A large number of interviews will fall somewhere in between these two extremes and are known as semi-
structured interviews. These have specific questions already predetermined that are asked to the
respondent in a particular order, or topics and issues to be covered in the course of the interview.

There are advantages and disadvantages associated with each type of method. Structured interviews
maximize reliability and are easier to classify and quantify. By contrast unstructured interviews can give a
greater insight and more in-depth understanding of the topic researched, but need more expertise to control
and more time for analysis.

1.7.4 Focus Groups

The focus group is a type of interview that involves carefully selected individuals who usually do not know
each other. They generally consist of 7-10 members alongside the researcher. These individuals are
selected as they hold particular characteristics which the researcher believes are necessary to the topic of
focus. A group discussion is held in a permissive environment in order to extract opinions and share ideas
and perceptions through group interaction. It is not necessary to reach a consensus.

Focus groups are extremely useful in providing qualitative data which gives an insight into attitudes and
perceptions difficult to obtain using other procedures. The researcher acts as a moderator and listener
posing predetermined open ended questions which the respondents answer in any way they choose.

1.7.5 Document Analysis

This refers to the process of using any kind of document, films, television programs and photographs as
well as written sources, such as books, papers and letters, for analysis in relation to a particular research
question. It can be used as the singular method of research or as a supplementary form of inquiry.
Document analysis, also referred to as content analysis, differs from the majority of research methods in
two major ways.

 It is an indirect form of research; it is something that has been produced, so the investigator is not
generating original data.
 It is an 'unobtrusive', or 'non-reactive' method. This refers to the fact that the document will not be
affected in any way by your research; it cannot react as a human can.
In general, documents have been written from the perspective of those from official sources but a different
perspective can be gained from using personal accounts and oral testaments such as letters, diaries, and
autobiographies. Reliability and validity are central concerns in document analysis. Documents generally
exist for some purpose and the knowledge of this purpose is important in understanding and interpreting
the results of the analysis.

1.7.6 The experimental method

This method involves setting up an experiment in order to test a particular theory or hypothesis. In its
simplest terms experimentation is concerned with seeing what changes occur if something new is tried out
and with the effects of these changes on something else. It is a method particularly associated with the
physical and life sciences although the approach is also used in social sciences such as psychology, health
care and education.

In order for an experiment to take place, using the most basic research strategy the researcher should
deliberately alter at least one particular element or factor of the study, known as variables, in order to
assess the effects of this change on behavior. The effect of this alteration is assessed. Measurement is

required before, during and after the experiment. The experiment has to be replicable and produce more or
less the same results if it is to have any significance.

There are two different types of experiment, the laboratory experiment and the field experiment.

a) In laboratory experiments the researcher will conduct a small-scale study where subjects can be
manipulated, observed and tested in a highly controlled environment. In these types of studies, the
data obtained is often subjected to statistical analysis (the sister module on ―Quantitative and
computational methods‖ will cover the statistical tools and methods). Such research creates an
artificial situation where events normally linked are separated.
b) A field experiment is an experiment that takes place outside the laboratory. This leads to a
decrease in researcher control, which may hide the effects of changes made, but the results
gained can be still be generalized to the real world.
Experimental Research is often used where:

 There is time priority in a causal relationship (cause precedes effect),

 There is consistency in a causal relationship (a cause will always lead to the same effect), and
 The magnitude of the correlation is great.
If the researcher suspects that the effect stems from a different variable than the independent variable,
further investigation is needed to gauge the validity of the results. An experiment is often conducted
because the scientist wants to know if the independent variable is having any effect upon the dependent
variable. Variables are more often of quantitative nature than qualitative nature, although it happens.

1.8 Data Analysis and Interpretation

Research is often broken down into two different approaches; and the data analysis we employ based on
the type of data we have (quantitative and qualitative):

a) Quantitative research: research involving numerical or statistical data. Emphasis is on the

quantifiable observations of the research i.e. numbers involved. This type of research is mainly

b) Qualitative research: an approach to gather non-numerical data and related ways of analysis
where emphasis is on the qualitative results. Words and observations are used to express the
reality where 'getting close to the data' and an 'in-depth' approach are key concerns. This type of
research is mainly subjective.

1.9 Research/Project Proposal

The purpose of a proposal is to explain the need for the project, and to plan the project. Often this can help
to identify any potential problems you may have in carrying out the work, and you can then develop
contingency plans.

In any proposal, you always have to consider your particular project in order to decide for yourself what is
the best way to organize your information into logical sections and then to devise appropriate headings for
these sections in your proposal. Typical sections in a proposal and their contents are outlined below.

Title - provides a concise, accurate and informative title which immediately orientates your reader to the
focus of your project.

Introduction – explains why you are doing the project. It provides a brief overview of the background to
the project and establishes a particular area, or problem, that needs to be investigated further. It provides a
clear statement of the topic of the proposed work.

Aims - clearly states the aims of the study (to measure, to devise, to design, to establish, to identify, etc). If
there is a general aim, try to establish a number of specific aims as well. Aims can also be incorporated in
the Introduction.

Methodology - outlines how the project will be undertaken (by conducting a series of experiments; by
developing a model; by conducting a survey of engineering practice; by reading and critically reviewing a
number of research papers; by doing fieldwork; etc).

Project Plan – describes what you will do. It is a plan of the tasks which will enable you to achieve the
stated aims of your project. To devise a plan, you need to break the project down into a series of steps or
stages, and you then outline the tasks within each stage (for example, In stage 1, I will devise a survey
which…..; carry out the preliminary experiments; design the …….. In Stage 2, I will interview three
engineers; carry out further experiments; build the ….). If possible, you could also identify concrete
outcomes for each stage of the project (e.g., Outcomes of stage 1).

- Why undertake the project? Students should be able to explain the relevance of the work and how it
relates to research/practice needs in the discipline.

- What will be the scope of the project? Students should be able to develop a concise statement of the
specific aims/objectives of the work.
- How will the project be undertaken? Students should be able to describe the main tasks to be undertaken
and identify the resources required to complete the project.
- When will the work be undertaken? Students should be able to develop a work plan for the project which
identifies the timing for each primary task.

The project plan should also include a timetable in which you plan the timing for the main tasks. This
timetable can help to keep you on track throughout the project. The plan may also include a list of the
resources required to do the project.

Potential contributions of the proposed project - summarizes, perhaps in point form, the main areas
where your project will make a contribution. Examples of potential contributions are: The study will provide
an estimation of ……; recommendations for …..; an understanding of ….; an improved design for…; further
knowledge of …...

Flowchart: Steps in the development of a research proposal

NB: Development of a research process is a cyclical process. The double-headed arrows indicate that the process is never
linear. (Adapted from the International Development Research Center: Designing and Conducting Health Systems Research
Projects, VOLUME 1).

The following is an example mini project proposal for engineering Students.


from Addis Ababa

September 2014

Prepared by: Almaz Berta

Student No.: 161582
Project Supervisor: Dr Getu Temesgen


1.0 Objective

2.0 Background

3.0 Methodology

4.0 Schedule

5.0 Milestones

6.0 References

1.0 Objective

This proposed project will present to civil engineering students, and other interested persons, agricultural
building design and construction in Canada through an examination of structures in the Ottawa Valley. A
number of older agricultural buildings will be studied. They will be compared and contrasted to current
building practices and to the Canadian Farm Building Code of 1990. The technology of the World Wide
Web will be used as the presentation medium for this project though the use of Hypertext Markup
Language. This will allow for a more interactive and graphic demonstration of the content. The final product
will be able to be used to introduce students to some of the structural and design problems that are
particular to agricultural structures, but could also be used to demonstrate general application of building

2.0 Background

Canadian Farm Building Code of 1990: Published by the National Research Council of Canada, through its
Associate Committee on the National Building Code, it comprises a model set of minimum requirements for
farm buildings in matters affecting human health, fire safety and structural sufficiency.

The World Wide Web: The World Wide Web (WWW) is a network of information shared over the global
network of computers. The WWW project was first proposed in 1989 by the European Particle Physics
Laboratory (CERN) in Switzerland. The first WWW prototype was developed by CERN in 1990. It was
initially envisioned as a means of sharing papers and data between physicists all over the world through the
Internet. One of its main goals was to become a seamless network in which information from any source
could be accessed in a simple and consistent way. Because of its user-friendly nature and its ability to
encompass all the different sorts of information on the Internet, many organizations other then research
laboratories have begun providing information over the WWW, including universities, municipal, provincial
and federal governments, elementary and high schools, museums, corporations and small businesses.

3.0 Methodology

Actual agricultural buildings in the Ottawa Valley will be examined and analyzed. The results will be
compared to agricultural buildings currently designed following the Canadian Farm Building Code. All data,
photographs, sketches, graphics and results will be input and coded to be presented on the World Wide
Web in the form of an instructional module for students. The tasks required to complete this project are:

to perform preliminary research and preparation;

to search for and gain access to 5 agricultural structures in the Ottawa Valley;

to examine these structures: take photographs and measurements, note special features;

to research historical background of 5 structures;

to create sketches of structures;

to analyze these structures using the guidelines of the National Building Code of Canada and
its commentary;

to access information about current design of agricultural buildings in Canada from the
Canadian Plan Service, Agricultural Canada;

to scan all photographs, sketches and graphics;

to write and code a learning module for the World Wide Web;

to write a progress report;

to write a final report; and

to prepare an oral presentation.

4.0 Schedule

Please see Figure 1 for a charted timeline of the tasks required to complete this project.
FIGURE 1. Timeline of tasks required to complete the proposed project.

TASK Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr.

Perform preliminary research and preparation ***** | | | | | | |

Search for and gaining access to 5 agricultural buildings ***** *** | | | | | |

Examine buildings - photos, measurements, etc. ** ***** ***** | | | | |

Research historical background of buildings ** ***** ***** | | | | |

Create sketches | ** ***** ***** | | | |

Analyse structures | | ** ***** ***** | | |

Access information re: current designs | ***** ***** | | | | |

Scan photos, sketches, etc. | | | ***** ***** ***** | |

Write and code learning module for WWW | | | | ***** ***** ***** |

Write progress report | | ***** ** | | | |

Prepare oral presentation | | | | | ** ***** |

Write final report | | | | | ** ***** **

5.0 Milestones

Major Tasks Projected Completion Date

All gathering of initial data November 30, 2014

Progress report December 4, 2014

Analysis of data January 31, 2015

Creation of learning module for WWW March 15, 2015

Final Report April 8, 2015

6.0 References

Canadian Farm Building Code 1990; Associate Committee on the National Building Code, National
Research Council, Canada, 1990.

Aronson, Larry; HTML Manual of Style; Ziff-Davis Press, California, 1994.

Turlington, Shannon R.; Walking the World Wide Web; Ventana Press, North Carolina, 1995.


2.1 Concepts and Historical Development of Technical Report Writing

2.1.1 Conceptualizing Technical Report

Technical writing is not literature; it‘s neither prose which recounts the fictional tales of characters nor
poetry which expresses deeply felt, universal emotions through similes and metaphors. It is neither an
expressive essay narrating an occurrence nor an expository essay analyzing a topic. Technical writing does
not focus on poetic images, describe personal experiences, or report who won the basketball game.

Instead, technical writing is:

◦ an orderly and objective communication of factual information that serves a business

◦ a kind of writing you will engage in throughout your academic and professional career;
◦ a broad term that encompasses a wide variety of documents in science, engineering, and
the skilled trades.
◦ technical writing is a direct, informative, clear, and concise language written specifically for
an identified audience.
◦ technical documents include reports such as research about technical concepts as well as
graphical depictions of designs and data.

A technical report is the primary written work products of engineers and scientists. It is a kind of writing you
will engage in throughout your academic and professional career. It is a broad term that encompasses a
wide variety of documents in science, engineering, and the skilled trades. Technical writing is a direct,
informative, clear and concise language written specifically for an identified audience.

As such, technical reports present facts and conclusions about designs, experiments and other projects.
Typically, technical documents include reports such as research about technical concepts as well as
graphical depictions of designs and data. For example, if you need to report why a design or piece of
equipment failed, you'd write a forensic report. Or, you might have to write about a design you created.
Then, you'd produce a design report or, you may need to combine these two.

As a student, engineer or scientist you will be required to write technical reports as part of your degree as
well as throughout your career. Examples of such reports include laboratory reports to instructors, annual
environmental reports to regulators, annual reports to shareholders, design reports, project proposals,
tender documents, journal articles and so on.

2.1.2 Historical Development of the TRW

Technical reports first appeared in the early part of the 20th century; the U.S. Geological Survey published
a series of Professional papers beginning in 1902, and the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
(NACA) issued its first report in 1915. But the designation primarily gained importance during World War II
and emerged in the postwar and current eras as a major tool for reporting progress in science and
technology, as well as in education, business, and social sciences research. The names given to these
publications series vary and include such generic categories as "technical reports," "working papers,"
"preprints," "research memoranda," "internal notes," "occasional papers," "discussion papers," and "gray (or
grey) literature" In the physical and natural sciences, technical report seems to be the preferred
designation. For reports dealing with business, education, and the social sciences, the terms "working
paper," "occasional paper," and "memorandum" seem to be the designations of choice. A third category is
the various preprint and reprint series of conference papers that appear from time to time. Preprints
generally are issued by universities and research institutes before the final conference proceedings
volumes are published by commercial publishers. Reprints are typically released to heighten awareness to
the type of research being conducted in a particular field or at a single institution. The term technical report
is used in TRS to include all of these designations.

Since many of these publications were intended to provide just a temporary snapshot of current research in
a particular field or topic, they contain the following distinctive characteristics:

 The content is not published via typical commercial channels (instead the reports are
issued or sponsored by government agencies, associations & societies, Councils,
Foundations, laboratories, universities, etc.).
 The format provides rapid communication of new research results.
 The reports are disseminated to a targeted audience.

 The reports include detailed methodology and data in order to facilitate review of research
results by others.
 Publications are typically not peer reviewed, but generally are the result of another
selection process (grant, contract, or institutional affiliation).
 Corporate authorship is typically emphasized

Government issued or sponsored reports contain an additional characteristic - they may be subject to
distribution restrictions linked to their classification status. Although references may be found in the
literature to these reports, their security status or limited distribution may make them unavailable. Technical
reports subjects where U.S. government sponsored research particularly prominent and widely available

 Aeronautics and space exploration (NASA)

 Defense & Military Science
 Earth sciences
 Energy research
 Engineering
 Environmental sciences
 Health & Life sciences
 Transportation

2.2 Purposes and functions of technical report

2.2.1 Purposes of Technical Writing

A technical report‘s purpose for an engineer is to communicate information gained through a process of
technical or experimental work. It is to completely and clearly describe technical work: what you did, why
you did it, what you have found out or results obtained and implications of those results. A well‐written
report allows the reader to quickly understand what has been accomplished.

The technical report serves as a means of communicating the work to others and possibly providing useful
information about that work at some later date. They are designed to quickly alert researchers to recent
findings in scientific and technical research. More specifically, the reports are issued for various purposes:
to communicate results or describe progress of a research project; as background information on an

emerging or critical research topic; to provide a list of instructions or procedures for current practices; to
determine the feasibility of a technology and recommend if the research should be continued (and how to
evaluate progress that is made); and finally, to detail technical specifications (materials, functions, features,
operation, market potential, etc.

2.2.2 Function/ Significance of Technical Writing

There are several benefits and needs associated with technical writing, and following are some basic points
on the benefits of good writing.
a)The Boss Wants a Report. No time to write is never a valid excuse. A motivated person will find
time for anything. People want written documentation on work of interest to them. They read these
documents and often save them for future reference.
b)Completes a Job. As most jobs in a technical field require a significant amount of technical writing,
from informal memos to formal proposals for presentation to customers, writing enhances job
security by increasing your value to your employer. People with demonstrated writing skills are
preferred in hiring, and they are perceived by many managers to be more valuable than non writers
in times of staff reduction.
c) Career Advantages. Effective technical writing skills are necessary for career success in most
fields. Managers usually consider effective technical writing an expectation of most technical jobs.
Considering that most technical jobs require accurate communication through written material,
having good technical writing skills can improve your career status.
d)Unreported Work Can Be Lost Forever. If technical work is not documented in writing in a timely
manner, the work is often lost and may be repeated by others. Writing technical reports and
documents is the most effective means for concluding a project and transferring new information or
e)Oral Statements Can and Will Be Altered. Oral reports on technical work will be altered each
time a person shares the results. Written reports do not change when transferred to others.
f) Necessary in Global Businesses. International business transactions require written
communications, and in most cases, English can be used as an acceptable language. 7.
Standardization. Standardization of designs, business practices, materials, and so forth requires
reasonable writing skills on the part of the author. Standardization is the wave of the future in
business and industry.

2.2.3 Features or Attributes of Technical Writing
The following are some key characteristics that distinguish technical writing from other types of writing.
•Technical writing pertains to a technical subject. It communicates issues in engineering and the sciences.
•The aim of technical writing is to inform rather than to entertain
• Technical writing has form and style requirements that are different from those of other types of writing.
Reports need to include definite elements.
• Technical writing does not employ humor or slang.
• Technical writing is objective oriented. The content must be accurate and complete with no exaggerations.
To deliver the intended message, the text must be objective and persuasive without being argumentative.
•The style of writing is generally simple and concise
• Technical writing does not blame people.
• Technical writing requires facts or data. The work should be accompanied with data and meaningful
• Technical writing never hides facts.
• Technical writing deals with non administrative issues.
• Technical writing is never used as advertising copy.
• Technical writing is impersonal—it does not use personal pronouns or name people who performed parts
of the work.
• Judgmental or emotive language such as ―I felt that …‖, ―the results were great …‖ etc or should be
avoided. There is no room for ―I think.‖, ―I believe‖. Technical reports should take an objective and scientific

In general, technical writing has a degree of formality, and it generally focuses on a specific subject with the
purpose of making something happen or sharing useful information or knowledge.

2.2.4 Target Audience

You should always determine what information you need to convey and who your audience is before you
start writing. Real or imagined audiences include fellow students, engineering colleagues, or customers
seeking engineering services or products.

As a student, you might assume that your technical report's immediate audience is your instructor or
professor evaluating your understanding of theoretical concepts; however, this may not always be the case.
Your instructor may ask you to produce a report for your peers or for other engineers. However, you
shouldn't always assume that your audience has a strong engineering background or is familiar with the
engineering terminology you use.

In the engineering workplace, readers of technical reports include other engineers or supervisors or
corporate officers with a background similar to yours who could assess your progress on specific projects
evaluating professional recommendations and proposals. These audiences are more likely to understand
the terminology you use. However, you should always evaluate who your readers will be before assuming
they will understand your jargon. It is your responsibility as the report writer to explain the specifics of the
subject of your experiment, process, or project in an understandable way.

2.3 Categories of Formal Report

Engineers and scientists write formal reports for many reasons, including the documentation of experiments
and designs. As an engineer or scientist working on the design of an airplane seat, you might write several
formal reports. One formal report might propose a new design for the seat. A second formal report might
update the progress on the construction of a test seat. Yet another formal report might document tests
performed on the design. Still another formal report would assess whether the new design should replace
the existing design. In this last report, you would combine elements from all the previous reports. Note that
this last report might appear as a research article, which is a special kind of formal report for a research
audience. The major categories of formal report include: design reports, laboratory reports, feasibility
reports, progress reports and research reports.

2.3.1 Design Report

Design reports are written to introduce and document engineering and scientific designs. In general, these
reports have two audiences. One audience includes other engineers and scientists interested in how the
design works and how effective the design is. Another audience includes management interested in the
application and effectiveness of the design. A design report comprised Summary, Introduction, Discussion,
Conclusions, and Appendices.

Although this organization serves a wide variety of design reports, your instructor may very well modify this
organization to serve your particular audience and purpose.


The summary, sometimes labeled the abstract or executive summary, is a concise synopsis of the design
itself, the motivation for having the design, and the design's effectiveness. The author should assume that
the reader has some knowledge of the subject, but has not read the report. For that reason, the summary
should provide enough background that it stands on its own. Note that if the summary is called an abstract,
you are usually expected to target a technical audience in the summary. Likewise, if an executive summary
is requested, you should target a management audience in the summary.


The "Introduction" of a design report identifies the design problem, the objectives of the design, the
assumptions for the design, the design alternatives, and the selection of the design being reported. Also
included for transition is a mapping of the entire report. Note that in longer reports, the selection of design is
often a separate section


The discussion presents the design itself, the theory behind the design, the problems encountered (or
anticipated) in producing the design, how those problems were (or could be) overcome, and the results of
any tests on the design. Note that this part usually consists of two, three, or four main headings. In regards
to the actual names of these headings, pay close attention to what your instructor requests. Also consider
what would be a logical division for your particular design


The "Conclusions" section summarizes the design and testing work completed and assesses how well the
design meets the objectives presented in the "Introduction." Note that if the design does not meet the
objectives, you should analyze why the design did not succeed and what could be modified to make the
design a success. Besides summarizing the work and analyzing whether the objectives were met, the
"Conclusions" section also gives a future perspective for how the design will be used in the future.


In a design report, appendices often are included. One type of appendix that appears in design reports
presents information that is too detailed to be placed into the report's text. For example, if you had a long
table giving voltage-current measurements for an RLC circuit, you might place this tabular information in an
appendix and include a graph of the data in the report's text. Another type of appendix that often appears in
design reports presents tangential information that does not directly concern the design's objectives.

If the appendix is "formal," it should contain a beginning, middle, and ending. For example, if the appendix
contains tables of test data, the appendix should not only contain the tabular data, but also formally
introduce those tables, discuss why they have been included, and explain the unusual aspects that might
confuse the reader. Because of time constraints, your instructor might allow you to include "informal"
appendices with calculations and supplemental information. For such "informal" situations, having a clear
beginning, middle, and ending is not necessary. However, you should still title the appendix, place a
heading on each table, place a caption beneath each figure, and insert comments necessary for reader

2.3.2 Laboratory Reports

Laboratory reports are written for several reasons. One reason is to communicate the laboratory work to
management. In such situations, management often bases company decisions on the results of the report.
Another reason to write laboratory reports is to archive the work so that the work will not have to be done in
the future. It includes: Abstract, Introduction, Procedures, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, and

You should not assume, though, that this organization will serve all your laboratory reports. In other words,
one organization does not "fit" all experiments. Rather, you should pay attention to the organization
requested by your instructor who has chosen an organization that best serves your experiments.


The abstract presents a synopsis of the experiment. The following guidelines for preparing an abstract arise
from the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). Note that although your instructor may

define the term "abstract" differently, these guidelines still give you a sense of the stylistic issues, such as
whether to include numerical data, that distinguish abstracts:

The abstract should be written concisely in normal rather than highly abbreviated English. The author
should assume that the reader has some knowledge of the subject but has not read the paper. Thus, the
abstract should be intelligible and complete in itself; particularly it should not cite figures, tables, or sections
of the paper. The opening sentence or two should, in general, indicate the subjects dealt with in the paper
and should state the objectives of the investigation. It is also desirable to describe the treatment by one or
more such terms as brief, exhaustive, theoretical, experimental, and so forth.

The body of the abstract should indicate newly observed facts and the conclusions of the experiment or
argument discussed in the paper. It should contain new numerical data presented in the paper if space
permits; otherwise, attention should be drawn to the nature of such data. In the case of experimental
results, the abstract should indicate the methods used in obtaining them; for new methods the basic
principle, range of operation, and degree of accuracy should be given. The abstract should be typed as one
paragraph. Its optimum length will vary somewhat with the nature and extent of the paper, but it should not
exceed 200 words.


The "Introduction" of a laboratory report identifies the experiment to be undertaken, the objectives of the
experiment, the importance of the experiment, and overall background for understanding the experiment.
The objectives of the experiment are important to state because these objectives are usually analyzed in
the conclusion to determine whether the experiment succeeded. The background often includes theoretical
predictions for what the results should be.


The "Procedures," often called the "Methods," discusses how the experiment occurred. Documenting the
procedures of your laboratory experiment is important not only so that others can repeat your results but
also so that you can replicate the work later, if the need arises. Historically, laboratory procedures have
been written as first-person narratives as opposed to second-person sets of instructions. Because your
audience expects you to write the procedures as a narrative, you should do so.

Achieving a proper depth in laboratory procedures is challenging. In general, you should give the audience
enough information that they could replicate your results. For that reason, you should include those details
that affect the outcome. Consider as an example the procedure for using a manometer and strain indicator
to find the static calibration of a pressure transducer. Because calibrations are considered standard, you
can assume that your audience will have access to many details such as possible arrangements of the
valves and tubes. What you would want to include, then, would be those details that might cause your
results to differ from those of your audience. Such details would include the model number of the pressure
transducer and the pressure range for which you calibrated the transducer. Should you have any
anomalies, such as unusual ambient temperature, during your measurements, you would want to include

When the procedure is not standard, the audience would expect more detail including theoretical
justification for the steps. Given below is such a procedure--this one for an experiment devised to
determine whether the frictional torque associated with a multi-turn film potentiometer is strictly the
Coulomb friction between the slider and the film [Counts, 1999].

The test performed on the potentiometer was accomplished by winding a string around the potentiometer
shaft, attaching a mass to the string, and letting the mass fall. The change in resistance of the
potentiometer with time indicated the acceleration of the mass. In this experiment it was assumed that the
constant Coulomb friction torque was the only friction affecting the potentiometer. If this assumption were
true, the friction force from the torque would be Ff = T/r (where T is the torque and r is the radius of the
potentiometer's shaft). Likewise, the gravity force would be Fg = mg (where m is the mass tied to the string
and g is the gravitational acceleration). A force balance then gives T = mr (g-a), where a is the acceleration
of the mass. If the assumption holds that the only friction affecting the potentiometer was constant Coulomb
friction, then each mass would undergo a constant acceleration.

The potentiometer measured voltage versus time for the masses as they dropped, but the measurement of
interest to us was position versus time. For that reason, a 'calibration' was performed before we measured
any data. In the calibration, the potentiometer's initial voltage was measured. Then the string was pulled a
set distance (2 inches), and the voltage was recorded. This process of pulling the string a set distance and
recording the voltage continued another two times (see Appendix A for the results). To determine the

relationship between voltage and position, the differences in the voltages were averaged and divided by the
length. The resulting relationship was 0.9661 volts/inch.

Five different masses were used to test the assumption of constant acceleration. For each mass, the string
was rolled up on the shaft, the oscilloscope was triggered, and the shaft was released. As each mass
dropped, the oscilloscope collected the potentiometer's voltage versus the time. After obtaining plots for
each mass, we used the voltage-position relationship, mentioned above, to convert the data from the form
voltage versus time to the form position versus time squared. The residuals of the data determined whether
the assumption of constant acceleration was valid.

Results and Discussion

The heart of a laboratory report is the presentation of the results and the discussion of those results. In
some formats, "Results" and "Discussion" appear as separate sections. However, P.B. Medawar [1979]
makes a strong case that the two should appear together, particularly when you have many results to
present (otherwise, the audience is faced with a "dump" of information that is impossible to synthesize).
Much here depends upon your experiment and the purpose of your laboratory report. Therefore, pay
attention to what your laboratory instructor requests. Also, use your judgment. For instance, combine these
sections when the discussion of your first result is needed to understand your second result, but separate
these sections when it is useful to discuss the results as a whole after all results are reported.

In discussing the results, you should not only analyze the results, but also discuss the implications of those
results. Moreover, pay attention to the errors that existed in the experiment, both where they originated and
what their significance is for interpreting the the reliability of conclusions. One important way to present
numerical results is to show them in graphs.


In longer laboratory reports, a "Conclusion" section often appears. Whereas the "Results and Discussion"
section has discussed the results individually, the "Conclusion" section discusses the results in the context
of the entire experiment. Usually, the objectives mentioned in the "Introduction" are examined to
determined whether the experiment succeeded. If the objectives were not met, you should analyze why the

results were not as predicted. Note that in shorter reports or in reports where "Discussion" is a separate
section from "Results," you often do not have a "Conclusion" section


In a laboratory report, appendices often are included. One type of appendix that appears in laboratory
reports presents information that is too detailed to be placed into the report's text. For example, if you had a
long table giving voltage-current measurements for an RLC circuit, you might place this tabular information
in an appendix and include a graph of the data in the report's text. Another type of appendix that often
appears in laboratory reports presents tangential information that does not directly concern the
experiment's objectives.

If the appendix is "formal," it should contain a beginning, middle, and ending. For example, if the appendix
contains tables of test data, the appendix should not only contain the tabular data, but also formally
introduce those tables, discuss why they have been included, and explain the unusual aspects that might
confuse the reader. Because of time constraints, your instructor might allow you to include "informal"
appendices with calculations and supplemental information. For such "informal" situations, having a clear
beginning, middle, and ending is not necessary. However, you should still title the appendix, place a
heading on each table, place a caption beneath each figure, and insert comments necessary for reader

2.3.3 Feasibility reports

These discuss the practicality, and possibly the suitability and compatibility of a given project, both in
physical and economic terms. They also discuss the desirability of the proposed project from the viewpoint
of those who would be affected by it. Report writers must come to a conclusion, and must recommend that
some action is taken or is not taken and/or that some choice is adopted or is rejected.
What points should I bear in mind?
You must be unbiased and your approach must be logical. Be sure that you know the precise purpose of
the proposed project and also its scope
What would be a suitable format?
This is a suitable format for a feasibility report:
1. Abstract

2. Summary
3. Contents list (including a separate list of illustrations)
4. Glossary
5. Introduction (purpose and scope)
6. Discussion (the main body providing the evidence – use appendixes if necessary)
7. Conclusions (flowing naturally from the discussion)
8. Recommendations (flowing naturally from the conclusions)
9. References (if necessary)
10. Appendixes (see section 6).
Sometimes sections 1 and 2 are combined.

2.3.4 Progress reports

These are periodic reports which, as their name suggests, describe how some activity or process is
progressing. They are often built up from workers‘ daily logs, supervisors‘ reports, and so on.
What points should I bear in mind?
Progress reports will be required in one of three circumstances:
 on a regular basis
 at certain times during an activity or process, or
 as and when required.
They record progress over a specific period of time, and they make comparisons from period to period by
identifying changes and their underlying causes and effects. They are essential for effective decision
making so they must be clear, accurate and unambiguous
What would be a suitable format? Most organizations have standard printed progress report forms,
although headings vary considerably. Here is one simple format:
1. Introduction
o the period of work covered
o the work planned
o the authority for the work
o the progress to date
2. Main Body
o the work completed
o how the work has been completed

o the work planned for the future
o an overall appraisal of the progress to date.

2.3.5 Research reports

The purpose of a research report is to extend our understanding of the world by reducing uncertainty and
increasing our understanding of it.
What points should I bear in mind?
Results alone are never enough. As you will see from the typical format described below, you must be able
to assess and then evaluate the reliability of the results. You must say precisely how the work was carried
out, what methods were used to collect the data, and how it was analyzed. Conclusions and
recommendations must be drafted with great care.
What would be a suitable format?
This is a typical format for a research report:
1. Contents page
2. Introduction
o Set the scene; give a clear statement of the objectives and scope of the research
o What was known about the subject at the beginning of the research?
o Put the project into its proper context.
o Give the reason(s) for the research.
o Discuss the events which led up to it.
o Assess the importance of other, related work.
3. Work carried out
o Describe the overall shape and design of the research.
o Describe the methods used (for example, sampling methods).
o Describe the actual work carried out, probably in chronological order.
o Explain how the results were analyzed (for example, input to a computer).
4. The Results
o In an academic report, give full results (with an interpretation in a separate section).
o In a non-academic report, you can omit some results (or at least put them in an appendix)
and emphasize significant results.
o Concentrate on each objective of the research in turn.

o Structure your results around these objectives.
o Discuss the results; form links; build up an overall picture.
o Distinguish ‗facts‘ from interpretations, inferences, predictions or deductions.
5. Conclusions
o Make sure they flow naturally from the results.
o Each one must be supported by your findings and/or other research.
o If no clear picture has emerged, then say so.
o Do not see relationships that do not exist.
6. Recommendations
o These should flow naturally from your conclusions, with no surprises.
7. Appendixes
o Include items which would disturb the flow of the report (for example, survey forms and

2.4 Components of technical report

There are common technical writing formats and styles used by scientists and engineers. Format here
refers to the ordering of the report‘s components and the physical layout of a document. The format is thus
the placement of the basic elements in the technical papers or reports. As a result, technical writing is a
more structured one than that used for other forms of writing. Technical writing is done with a singular style
and format that describes:
 Why you are doing the work (introduction)
 What you did (procedure)
 What happened (results)
 What it means (discussion)
 What was learned (conclusions)
 What is to be done with the results or with the new information or knowledge

Style on the other hand is the way that you write. The appropriate style for technical writing is objective.
Technical documents present data, facts, calculations, test results, and theories, and these must be
presented in an objective, fact-based accurate manner that is not opinionated-a style that ensures technical

information and processes that can be relayed from you to readers. Conclusions are inferred from test
results; recommendations are the logical outcome of the conclusions.

A well-crafted formal report is formatted such that the report's information is readily accessible to all the
audiences. For that reason, formal reports are split into different sections. One way to group these sections
is in terms of the front matter, main text, and back matter. The front matter, which presents preliminary
information for the report, serves to orient all intended audiences to what the report contains. The text
portion of the formal report is the report's "story" and contains the introduction, discussion, and conclusion
of the report. The text delivers a methodical explanation of the report's work to the report's primary
audience. The report's back matter portion, which contains the appendices, glossary, and references,
serves to provide secondary information to all readers as well as primary information to secondary readers.

Front Cover: The front cover of a formal report is important. The front cover is what people see first. When
the report sits flat on a desk, the front cover is in view. Therefore, the front cover should contain the report's
title and the author's name. Because reports are often revised and republished, the front cover should also
contain the date of publication. The front cover has no page number. Space the title, name, and date to
achieve a nice balance on the page. If possible, type the title in a larger font size than the name and date.
Use initial capitals for the title.

Title Page: The title page for a formal report often contains the same information as is on the cover. In
some formats, there is a summary included. Most often, because of space restrictions, that summary is
descriptive (more like a table of contents in paragraph form). Sometimes, though, this initial summary is
informative and geared toward the technical audience of the report. In such situations, that summary is
often named an "Abstract." Note that the title page is numbered "i" (the actual presence of a page number
on the first page is optional).

Contents Page: The table of contents includes the names of all the headings and subheadings for the
main text. In addition, the table of contents includes names of all headings (but not subheadings) in the
front matter and back matter. For instance, the contents page includes listings for the appendices (including
appendix titles), the glossary, and the references.

List of Figures and Tables
These two separate lists assist readers in locating your photos, drawings, tables, graphs and charts. Like
the Table of Contents, you need to present both of these in an organized, appealing format. Figures include
diagrams, graphs, sketches, photographs and maps. Tables represent data in columns. All figures and
tables should be numbered and labeled. This caption is placed above a table and below a figure. Each
should have a very simple, descriptive caption explaining the figure or table. Any symbols or abbreviations
used in the figure or table must be explained in the text. The figure must also be referred to in the text,
identified by its number (e.g. Figure 4 shows pore pressure ...). Avoid using ―the figure above‖ or ―the figure
below‖, as text locations may change when editing your report. All figures and tables must be referenced if
copied or adapted from another source.


Perhaps no term in engineering writing is as confusing as the term "summary." In general there are two
types of summaries: descriptive summaries and informative summaries. A descriptive summary describes
what kind of information is in the report; it is a table of contents in paragraph form. An informative summary
is a synopsis of the text portion of the report; it is analogous to a baseball box score. Unfortunately, few
people use these terms to name the summaries in reports. The names you're likely to run into are
"abstract," "executive summary," and plain old "summary."

An "abstract" usually, but not always, refers to a summary written to a technical audience, and depending
on its length can be either descriptive, informative, or a combination of both. As you might imagine, short
abstracts are typically descriptive and longer abstracts are typically informative. Abstracts generally do not
include illustrations. Sometimes the word "abstract" is preceded by the word "descriptive," which is usually
a clue that you should write a descriptive summary written to a technical audience. Other times the word
"abstract" is preceded by the word "technical," which is usually a clue that an informative summary written
to a technical audience is called for.

An "executive summary ―is the most consistently defined term-it refers to an informative summary written to
a management audience. Because it is informative, it includes the most important results and conclusions
of the document. Because it is written to a management audience, it includes enough background for the
manager to understand those results and conclusions. Stylistically, it is tailored so that a manager can read

it quickly and garner what happened in the report. Whether it contains illustrations or not depends on the

The catch-all term "summary" can be most anything--a descriptive summary, an informative summary, a
summary with illustrations, a summary without. A Summary/an abstract is generally a stand-alone report
which include:

o The overall purpose of the experiment or principal objectives

o The problem studied

o Experimental methods and materials used.

o Main results and Main conclusions

Main Text /Report Body

The text/body portion of your formal technical report presents an introduction, theory and experimental
procedures, discussions and conclusion of your report. Throughout the body, you should include text (both
your own and research from other sources), graphics, and lists. Whenever you cite information or use
graphics from another source, you must credit these sources within your text. Begin all major headings
("Introduction," for example) on a new page. Use Arabic numerals for numbering pages of the text and
begin the first page of your text as page 1.


The introduction of a report prepares readers for understanding the discussion of the report. It provides a
context for the work discussed in the report. It should motivate why you have done the work, and
demonstrate your awareness of related literature. More specifically, it does the following:

o Defines the work/experiment performed.

o Defines the scientific purpose or objective for the experiment.

o Includes a description of the problem and reasons for the work being done.

o Gives sufficient background information to the report.

Must answer the questions: Why was this study performed? What is the specific purpose

This section is mostly embedded in the introduction, especially if it is simple and the paper is reporting a
specific sub-task like a lab experiment. Theory explains the technical background of the work. It usually
includes the mathematical equations, models, and formulae, as well as the
What was discovered? scientific relations in its final forms, which governs the work, referenced to its
original sources. If any derivations are required or needed to backup the work, they are detailed in the
appendix and only the beginning and final relations are mentioned in this part, with reference to the
appropriate section in the appendix. Any equations or models should be formatted and numbered
according to the standards followed in technical writing.
Experimental Procedure:
This section describes and explains the steps and process of the experiment in chronological order. You
o Give detailed information in a paragraph structure that allows the reader to
duplicate/repeat the experiment exactly.

o Give the information in a step-by-step format.

o Write mainly in the passive voice.

Results and Discussion

The discussion or middle is the story of your work. You do not necessarily present results in the order that
you understood them, but in the order that is easiest for your readers to understand them. In your
discussion, you not only present results, but you also evaluate those results. Note that you do not generally
use the word "Discussion" as the title for the major headings in this part of the report. Rather, you choose
titles that reflect the content of the sections.

The results to the technical report should be analyzed, interpreted and stated clearly. The use of figures
and tables usually incorporated should have labels referenced in the text and fully explained and
interpreted. Any errors should be discussed and explained with regards to how they occurred and how they
affected the conclusion. An error analysis is usually an essential part of the discussion and provides a
comparison to expected results. Data presented as results should be well organized. Numerical data
should be included in graphs or tables to provide the best possible information about the real situation. This
section should answer the questions:

o What do the results clearly indicate?
o What is the significance of the results?

o Are the results fully discussed and conclusions drawn based on the knowledge gained?

o How did errors occur?

o Did any of the errors affect the conclusion of the experiment/study?

Conclusion: The conclusion section analyzes for the most important results from the discussion and
evaluates those results in the context of the entire work. The conclusion:
o Must answer any questions raised in the introduction regarding what was shown,
discovered, verified, proved, or disproved.

o Must explain why the experiment is significant.

o Must explain the implications for your particular field of study

o It should not include discussion of new information not already mentioned in the report.

In your conclusion, you often make recommendations based on those evaluations. The conclusion is much
like an informative summary except for one thing-in the conclusion, you are writing to an audience who has
read your report. Note that you do not necessarily have to use the word "Conclusion" as the title for this
section. Depending on the situation, you might for example choose "Conclusions and Recommendations."
In still other situations, your conclusion might span two sections.

Back Matters

The back matter portion of your report contains your appendices, glossary, and references. The back
matter portion usually begins on the page following the conclusion. Continue numbering back matter pages
with Arabic numerals. In other words, if the conclusion section ends on page 16, the first appendix will
begin on page 17.

Appendices: Use appendices to present supplemental information for secondary readers. When the
occasion arises in the text, refer readers to information in the appendix. For example:

This section compares three software pages to run tests on Homodyne‘s blood analyzer. Homodyne‘s
blood analyzer performs test for such diseases as syphilis, tuberculosis, and the AIDS virus. The analyzer
has a complex design, which is discussed in Appendix B. The three software packages considered in this
report are...

Treat each appendix as a major heading. If you have only appendix, call it the "Appendix." If you have more
than one appendix, number the appendices with letters: Appendix A, Appendix B, and so on. As with all
major headings, skip three returns from the top margin and center the appendix name and title. Illustrations
in appendices are numbered as follows. In both a single appendix and in an Appendix A, figures and tables
are numbered A-1, A-2, and so on. Equations in Appendix A are numbered in the same way. In an
Appendix B, illustrations and equations follow a B sequence.

Glossary: Use a glossary to define terms for secondary readers. Arrange terms in alphabetical order. Use
italics or underlines to key readers to terms that the glossary will define. Footnote the first italicized or
underlined term in the text and key readers to the location of glossary, where that term and all future
underlined or italicized terms will be defined. Use a reverse indent for each definition and treat each
definition as a separate paragraph.

References: Use a reference page to list alphabetically the references of your report. Also skip a space
between each citation.

Writing and organizing reports

Writing is a process. Good writing doesn‘t happen overnight; it requires planning, drafting, rereading,
revising, and editing.

Clear presentation of results is at least as important as the results themselves; therefore, writing a report is
an exercise in effective communication of technical information. Results, such as numerical values,
designed systems or graphs by themselves are not very useful. To be meaningful to others, results must be
supported by a written explanation describing how results were obtained and what significance they hold,
or how a designed system actually functions. Although the person reading the report may have a technical

background, the author should assume unfamiliarity with related theory and procedures. The author must
therefore supply details that may appear obvious or unnecessary.

Good report organization should promote readability and reflect the scientific method of attack, which
proceeds with objective, method, results, and conclusions. It is logical to report a project in the sequence in
which it is done, and many engineering reports are organized on this basis. Two improvements to the
logical sequence are the addition of an abstract or executive summary and the insertion of headlines.
These two features facilitate ―scanning‖ of the report. Thus, a busy executive or engineer may quickly
assess the major findings and conclusions of the report, and then easily find further details as required.

In writing a full-length engineering report, you should start with a report outline, and then proceed to a
rough draft. The outline defines the organization of the report, and the rough draft serves to avoid
omissions. Once the content is established, the rough draft is refined for clarity and conciseness. After
proofreading and correction of minor mistakes, the finished product is produced. This entire writing process
is most easily done using a word processor. ―Spell checkers‖ are particularly useful in removing spelling or
typographical mistakes.
The outline for a general full-length engineering report contains the following items:
1. Title
2. Summary or Abstract (Executive Summary)
3. Introduction
4. Theory and Analysis
5. Experimental Procedures
6. Results and Discussions
7. Conclusions and Recommendations
8. Acknowledgments
9. Literature Cited
10. Appendix

The individual sections of the report will have headings, which are made to stand out with underlined, bold,
italic, or large size print. The names of the sections may be more descriptive than the generic names listed
above. Headings may be numbered, especially in longer reports, theses or books. Longer documents may
also have subheadings within sections.

A title page should be used with full identification including names and dates. If the report is long, a table of
contents should follow the title page.

The abstract should summarize the major points in the report in concise manner and should allow the
reader to make a decision on whether or not to read the full paper. The first sentence should state what
was accomplished. The abstract is not a condensation of the entire paper, but rather a clear statement of
the project scope, results achieved, and the conclusions and recommendations drawn from the results.

An introduction is desirable to indicate the background of the project and the reasons for undertaking it.
Some information on previous work is usually included.

In the theory and analysis section, pertinent principles, laws, and equations should be stated and unfamiliar
terms should be defined. Analytical diagrams such as theoretical cycles or flow and field patterns should be
shown here. Be sure to include all necessary supporting theory without adding deadwood.

The experimental procedures section should describe apparatus and materials. Instrument types, ranges,
and identification numbers should be indicated. A sketch of the test setup showing relative positions,
connections, and flows should be included. Preliminary results, equalizing periods, duration of runs, and
frequency of readings should be indicated. Special precautions for obtaining accuracy and for controlling
conditions should be described. Conformity with or divergence from standard test codes or procedures
should be clearly stated.

The results and discussion section should summarize the important findings with supporting tables, graphs,
and figures. Original data or extensive data tables should be included in appendices. Graphical
representation is very important in conveying quantitative results. The use of logarithmic or other special
scales should be considered. Deviations from smooth curves should be carefully checked. Apparent
discrepancies should be pointed out and explained.

The discussion should describe the accuracy and importance of the results. Sources of measurement error
should be evaluated. Results should be critically compared with theory, and differences greater than the
experimental errors should be explained. Limitations of the theory and tolerances in engineering values
should be considered. Conclusions should be supported by specific references to data and results, quoting
numerical values, and guiding the reader from facts to conclusions. Conclusions should follow directly from

the numerical results quoted, without the need for mental arithmetic by the reader. Omit any part of the
discussion which could be written without performing the experiment.

The conclusions and recommendations section should summarize the conclusions which have been drawn.
These conclusions may be supported by brief reference to data or results. Recommendations are often
more important than conclusions. Few experimental projects are an end in themselves. Either the results
are to be used for a purpose, or the experimenter sees more work that could be done. In student reports,
recommendations on improving the laboratory experiments, equipment or procedures are accepted

Acknowledgments are usually unnecessary in a student report. They are very important in theses, journal
articles, or company reports. Always acknowledge all other contributors to the work, people who have
contributed ideas or materials, and sources of financial support.

The bibliography must list sources to which direct reference was made in the text. Other general references
may also be given. Numbered footnotes, or preferably endnotes, are used to list sources in the order of
2.5 Language of technical report writing

Technical writing requires a strong foundation in general writing, including knowledge of common grammar
and punctuation conventions. The process is interactive and involves multiple reviews and revisions prior to

Primarily, the aim of technical writing is to inform rather than to entertain. Hence, the style or principle of
writing adopted is generally simple and concise. As informing an audience is the primary aim of the
scientific writer, emotive language is avoided. The scientific writer should try to transmit information as
objectively as possible and should take a scientific standpoint... Thus, there is no room for ―I think...‖, or ―I
believe‖, expressions.

2.5.1 Some Technical Writing Principles

A. Conciseness
A hallmark of good technical papers and reports is that they are as concise as is consistent with being
complete and unambiguous. Most readers are busy people, and the writer should avoid too many long

sentences, wordiness and redundancy. Sentences with 4 or more clauses, or parts, are confusing to read.
Your text will probably read better if you consider making two sentences rather than one long sentence. If
you want to include a qualification or an example then a long sentence is usually appropriate. Use words
and expressions economically. If you can use one word instead of 2 or 3 then chose the one word (get
around = avoid). This also creates a more written and formal style. In writing a technical report, one can
often assume that the audience is familiar with the scientific and engineering terminology. Consider the
following Examples:
a. After consulting three manufacturers: Dibble and Co., Sooky Ltd. and Bungle Pty, we have found that
there are two types of vibration suppression devices for portable CD players and both are simple in design
but have inherent drawbacks. (Long and unconcise sentence)

b. Three manufacturers were consulted: Dibble and Co., Sooky Ltd. and Bungle Pty. We have found two
types of vibration suppression devices for portable CD players. Both types are simple in design but each
has inherent drawbacks. (More concise sentence)

Consider further the following excerpt from the middle of a doctoral thesis proposal.
A schematic illustration of the spot friction welding process is shown in Figure 1. The process is applied to
join the two metal sheets as shown. A rotating tool with a probe pin is first plunged into the upper sheet.
When the rotating tool contacts the upper sheet, a downward force is applied. A backing plate beneath the
lower sheet is used to support the downward force of the tool. The downward force and the rotational
speed of the tool are maintained for an appropriate time to generate frictional heat. Then, heated and
softened material adjacent to the tool deforms plastically, and a solid-state bond is made between the
surfaces of the upper and lower sheets. Finally, the tool is drawn out of the sheets as shown in Figure 1.

This could be rewritten in a much more concise form without any loss of meaning as:
Figure 1 is a schematic illustration of spot friction welding of two sheets. A rotating tool with a probe pin is
plunged into the upper sheet. A backing tool beneath the lower sheet supports the downward force of the
tool. The force and rotational speed are maintained long enough to generate heat. The heated material
adjacent to the tool deforms plastically and forms a solid-state bond. Note that the number of words is
reduced from 130 to 66.

B. Clarity
Technical writing should be unambiguous so the audience knows exactly what the writer intends .Ambiguity
can happen when you do not specify what you are writing about and can even depend how you use words
like ‗it‘, ‗this‘, ‗thing‘, ‗way‘, ‗some‘ ,etc. Do not use contractions of verbs and pronouns as these are ‗spoken
forms‘ (doesn‘t, can‘t, it‘s, they‘re). The formal writing you will do at university and in the workplace will
require the full form (does not, cannot, it is, they are). Here is an example paragraph taken from a student

The cast is removed from the oven and molten metal was poured into the mold until the sprue filled. The
mold is cooled until the metal is no longer red-hot. It is then placed into a water bath to remove the
investment from the casting.

Here there is confusion between the words cast, mold, and investment. It is not clear what is meant by the
word cast. It is unnecessary to refer to filling of the sprue, and the word bath adds nothing. A shorter and
more precise version might be: Molten metal is poured into a preheated investment mold. When the
casting is no longer hot, it is plunged into water, facilitating removal of the investment.
C. Correctness
Check that the spelling, punctuation and grammar of your sentences are correct. Use computer spell
checkers with care and make sure that you know which word to select. Many easily corrected errors in your
written work will affect your presentation and your marks. Sometimes you can see errors more easily if you
do not proof read your writing till a day or two after you finish. This is called ‗the drawer treatment‘.

a. The way we did the experiment was not so successful. Some of what we needed wasn‘t there. (Unclear
b. We were unable to complete the experiment. The glass tubing and tripods required for the experiment
were not located in laboratory G025. (Clear expression)

2.5.2 Pronouns, Voice, Tense, Adverbs and Adjectives
For many years, it was customary to write scientific papers in the third person, passive voice, and past
tense. Even today, this style is preferred by many. More and more, however, the first person, active voice,
past tense is becoming the preferred style
A. The Pronoun ‘I’
There are various considerations for using or not using ‗I‘ in technical and scientific writing.
Reasons for using ‘I’ include:
• The more practiced a writer is, the more latitude the writer can have in being casual or creative.
• If a writer is Nobel laureates, an accomplished engineer/scientist/professional, then as an ‗expert‘ in their
field the writer can use ‗I‘ to give authority to their ideas
Reasons for not using ‘I’ include:
When ‗I‘ is used too often it can make your writing sound casual or spoken in style rather than formal and
• Not using ‗I‘ can make your writing more believable. The reader may interpret your use of ‗I‘ to mean that
you are not aware of formal writing conventions. By following conventions you show you are aware of the
practices in your field.
The reader may also interpret your use of ‗I‘ to mean that you are not aware or clear about what other
experts in the field have done or think, so instead you are making your own choice.
• In a student‘s writing using ‗I‘ can suggest absorption with the self or that the student does not recognize
that their work needs to stand up to scrutiny.
B. The Use of Voice
In the past, it has been customary to write reports in passive voice in recognition of the fact that the writer's
relationship to the material he/she is presenting is a purely objective one, a practice which is still adhered to
in the preparation of material for the more conservative technical publications. But, nowadays, there is a
growing trend to use active voice, at least occasionally, where it may be effective to do so, as in
emphasizing an especially pertinent point or in avoiding the awkwardness of a weak passive. For example,
"It was desired that the values be checked," may better be rendered as, "We were asked to check the
values." Using active voice in your writing creates a direct and concise message, which also makes your
writing easier to read. The letter of transmittal, by preference, should be written in active voice because it
may be the writer's only opportunity to speak as him/herself and not as an impersonal agent. . Most writing

will have a mixture of active and passive clauses depending on what word is chosen for the subject of a
C. Tense:
The procedural, narrative part of the report, including the calculations, should be written in past tense,
because the writer is giving an account of what he/she did or has done. The present tense is to be used
only for expounding theory and principles involved, for stating known fact, and for explaining figures and
diagrams. Fore example, it is okay to use the present tense when stating an enduring truth like ―Current
passing through a resistor causes it to heat up.‖
Occasionally, the past perfect tense can be used to describe a prior event. Future tense is rarely used in
technical reports, because reports focus mainly on work that has been completed or that is in progress. The
difference in tenses is illustrated by the following sentences:
Past tense: A break in the circuit interrupted the current.
Perfect tense: A break in the circuit had interrupted the current.
Present tense: Current passing through a resistor causes it to heat up
It is usually best to pick a tense and be consistent with it in your writing. Frequent shifting of tenses can
leave the reader confused.
D. Adverbs and Adjectives

State clear facts precisely and avoid flowery language. For the most part, eliminate adverbs and adjectives,
which can interfere with the precise, clear, and straightforward writing needed to communicate technical
and scientific processes. See the following pair of sentences.

a. The wind was blowing fiercely and the air outside was growing chilled. (Literary sentence)
b. Onshore winds travelling at 45km per hour brought temperatures down to 15 degrees
Celsius. (Scientific sentence)


Abbreviations and Acronyms

In scientific and technical writing abbreviations and acronyms are commonly used. Abbreviations are
pronounced as letters, e.g. UNSW, whereas acronyms are pronounced as words, e.g. laser. The first time
you use an abbreviation or acronym, you must spell out the full term followed by the abbreviation or
acronym in brackets. Subsequent use of the term is then made by its abbreviation or acronym.

E.g. The University of New South Wales (UNSW) is situated on Anzac Parade, Kensington. The best way
to travel to UNSW is by public transport.
The use of an abbreviation is largely dictated by the number of times you are going to be using the term. If
the term is only to be used three or four times, it may be better to use the full term each time. This will
improve readability, especially if you are using a number of different abbreviations throughout your report.
Equations and Formulae
Each equation is to be placed on a line by itself. Equations that will be referred to in the text of the report
should be numbered, with the numbers flush with the right margin. This number is used for
identification throughout the rest of the text. All statements relating to equations are to be treated
as sentences and punctuated accordingly, although a period is not required after an equation when it is on
a line by itself.
Example: The results are plotted in Figure 5. The data show good agreement with the straight line of slope
1/2. Thus, the order of the reaction, n, is n = 1/2 (10) Equations are generally centred, with
consecutive equations on separate lines and with the equal sign (=) vertically aligned,
y = mx + b (1)
X =l(h + f) (2)

Figures and Tables

Figures include diagrams, graphs, sketches, photographs and maps. Tables represent data in columns. All
figures and tables should be numbered and labeled. This caption is placed above a table and below a
figure. Each should have a very simple, descriptive caption explaining the figure or table. Any symbols or
abbreviations used in the figure or table must be explained in the text. The figure must also be referred to in
the text, identified by its number (e.g. Figure 4 shows pore pressure ... ). Avoid using ―the figure above‖ or
―the figure below‖, as text locations may change when editing your report. All figures and tables must be
referenced if copied or adapted from another source.
Non-Discriminatory y Language
The use of non-discriminatory language is a legal obligation for all writers. It aims for truthful reporting of
the facts. You should avoid statements that suggest bias or prejudice towards any group. You should also
avoid making unsupported statements about a person‘s age, economic class, national origin, political or
religious beliefs, race or sex. For example, referring to all persons in an industry as ‗he‘ can be inaccurate
and misleading. It is best to name the profession using a non-sexist term (e.g.; police officer).

2.5.3 Report Mechanics
1. Commas
1.1. A. Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, for, yet, nor, so) that joins two
independent clauses.
The power supply was not damaged, but all of the integrated circuits burned up.
1.1. B. A comma is not required if the clauses are short and closely related:
Jose typed and Philip watched.
1.1. C. If the coordinate clauses are long or contain commas themselves, semicolons may be used to
separate them in order to avoid confusion.
The teaching assistant provided the students with circuit diagrams, and checked their wiring; but several
components were damaged when they applied power.

1.2 Use a comma to separate an introductory element (clause, phrase, conjunctive adverb, or mild
interjection) from the rest of the sentence.
If you ground two points in the circuit, a fuse may blow. (Clause)
Nevertheless, the doping behavior of gallium nitride is still not fully understood. (Conjunctive adverb)
1.3. Use commas to set off parenthetical elements or interrupters (including transitional adverbs):
The motor, which had been used for several years, suddenly failed.
1.4. Use commas to join items in a series. Except in journalism, this includes a comma before the
conjunction that links the last item to the rest of the series:
Measurements were made using Fluke digital millimeters, an analog wattmeter, and a Hewlett Packard
1.5. Sometimes commas are required to avoid the confusion of mistaken junction:
She recognized the man who entered the room, and gasped.
2. Semicolons
2.1 Use a semicolon to join two independent clauses that are closely related in meaning and are not joined
by a coordinating conjunction.
2.2 Use a semicolon to join two independent clauses when the second one begins with or includes a
conjunctive adverb (nevertheless, therefore, however, otherwise, as a result).
2.3 To avoid confusion, use semicolons to separate items in a series when one or more of the items
includes commas.

3. Colons
3.1 Use a colon to introduce a list, an example, amplification, or an explanation directly related to
something just mentioned.
3.2 Use a colon to introduce a formal statement or quotation.
4. Dashes
In typing, make a dash with two hyphens, leaving no space between them. Common word processors will
convert two hyphens into a thin, continuous line. Dashes are somewhat informal—use them sparingly.
4.1 Use a dash to introduce a summarizing word, phrase, or clause, such as an appositive (a noun set
beside another noun and identifying it):
Richard Stone‘s book describes overhead cams, double overhead cams, and overhead valves—all the
important valve train configurations.
4.2 Use dashes to mark off a parenthetical element that represents an abrupt break in thought.
Reagan‘s sweep of the south—he won every state but Georgia—was the most humiliating defeat for
4.3 To avoid confusion, use dashes to mark off parenthetical elements that contain internal commas:
Seven of our first twelve presidents—Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Harrison, Tyler, and
Taylor—were from Virginia.
5. Parentheses
5.1. A Use parentheses to enclose parenthetical elements.
5.1. B A parenthesized sentence that appears within another sentence need not begin with a capital or
end with a period.
5.1. C A comma may follow the closing parenthesis, but one should not precede the opening parenthesis.
6. Ellipsis Dots
6.1 Use three spaced dots to signal omission of a word or words in the middle of a quoted sentence or to
signal hesitation or halting speech in dialogue.
6.2 Use four spaced dots to signal the omission of the end of a quoted sentence, or to signal the omission
of one or more whole sentences.
7. Hyphens
7.1 Use a hyphen to form a compound noun or a compound modifier:
Rebecca Lobo was a scholar-athlete.

7.2 Use a hyphen between the components of any number (including fractions) below one hundred that is
written as two words:
One-half, forty-three, two-thirds
8. Apostrophes
8.1 Use apostrophe ‘s to indicate singular possessive:
Most of the machines use Intel‘s Pentium chip.
8.2 Use s, apostrophe to indicate plural possessive:
The students‘ lounge contains eight IBM workstations and a laser printer.
8.3 Use apostrophe, s to form the plural of abbreviations with periods, lowercase letters used as nouns,
and capital letters that would be confusing without the apostrophe:
M.S.‘s and Ph.D.‘s S‘s and T‘s x‘s or y‘s
8.4 When it can be done without confusion, use s alone to form the plural of letters, figures, and words
treated as words: three Rs they come in twos the 1990s
9. Italics
Underlining may be used as a substitute for italics.
9.1 Use italics to emphasize a word or phrase.
9.2 Use italics to identify a letter treated as a letter or a word treated as a word.
He used the word microchip fifty-four times in his speech.
9.3 Use italics to identify foreign words or phrases not yet absorbed into English.
10. Titles
10.1 Italicize or underline the titles of books, magazines, journals, newspapers, films, radio shows, and
television shows.
10.2 Enclose in quotation marks the titles of journal articles, newspaper columns, songs, short stories, and
book chapters.
11. Numbers
11.1 Spell out a number when it begins a sentence.
11.2 Spell out a number that can be written in one or two words.
Twenty-three six four billion
11.3 If numbers that can be written as one or two words cluster closely together in the sentence, use
numerals instead:
We took measurements at 2, 5, 10, 12, and 15 GHz.
11.4 Use numerals if spelling out a number would require more than two words:
301 7,012 7.38 2.1 x 10-4
11.5 Use numerals for addresses, dates, exact times, exact sums of money, exact measurements, game
scores, mathematical ratios, and page numbers:
p. 6 75 mph a 2:1 ratio 12:50 am

12. Quotation Marks
12.1 Use double quotation marks to create irony by setting off words you do not take at face value.
His ―lecture‖ pertained mostly to his visit to the Hawaiian volcanoes.
12.2 Do not use quotation marks to create emphasis.
12.3 Use single quotation marks to enclose a quotation within a quotation.
12.4 If the quotation will take more than three or four lines on the page, use indentation instead of quotation
12.5 Do not use quotation marks with indirect discourse, or with rhetorical, unspoken, or imaginary
The professor said we could submit the homework on Friday.
Why am I studying business administration? She wondered.
13. Punctuating Quotations
13.1 Do not use a comma to mark the end of a quoted sentence that is followed by an identifying tag if the
quoted sentence ends in a question mark or an exclamation point:
―Hit the kill switch!‖ he screamed.
13.2 Commas and periods go inside closing quotation marks; semicolons and colons go outside the closing
quotation marks.
14. Introducing Indented Quotations, Lists, and Formulas
The punctuation immediately following the introduction to an indented quotation, list, or formula is
determined by the grammatical structure.
14.1 If the introduction is a main clause, follow it with a colon:
Each student was asked to buy the following: a protoboard , a digital multimeter, a laboratory manual, a
component kit
14.2 If the introductory element is not a main clause, follow it with a comma if one is required by 1.2:
In VLSI Fabrication Principles, S. K. Ghandhi points out that
The MOS transistor is the most promising active component for silicon VLSI circuits at the present time.
There are a number of reasons for this choice. First, it is self-isolating, so that devices can be placed side
by side on a chip without the need for providing isolation tubs. As a result, it is considerably smaller than its
bipolar counterpart.
14.3 If the introductory element is not a main clause and a comma is not required, follow it with no
punctuation at all.
15. Punctuating Indented Lists
The items in a vertical list may be preceded by bullets or sequential numbers, or they may stand alone. The
following devices can be modeled in PSPICE:
The advantages of BiCMOS are
1. the quiescent dissipation is very low;
2. the packing density is very high; and
3. high off-chip data rates are possible.
16. Question Marks
Use a question mark at the end of an interrogative element within or at the end of a sentence.
Why am I studying chemical engineering? she wondered.
17. Exclamation Points
Use exclamation points sparingly; too many of them will blunt your report.

2.6 Format and style of technical report

Many considerations and decisions are required when choosing your overall layout and design. In
particular, you will need to think about:

 format
 page size and orientation
 margins and spacing
 headings and subheadings
 numbering.


Reports of today do not have to look like the traditional reports of yesterday. They can look interesting and
make people want to read them. Word processing and desktop publishing techniques can be used to
create new, reader-friendly reports in exciting formats such as modern, ultra-modern and enhanced

A traditional report is the kind produced on a typewriter. A modern report takes this format one stage
further by adding lines and boxes, changing font sizes and using italics. In an enhanced modern report,
images are added and manipulated. This is an excellent format for reports because people are used to
reading newspapers, journals and magazines presented in this way.

Paper and margins
 White A4 paper is appropriate, and printing on one side only is often preferred for assessment
 Each major section of the report begins on a new page; this may be inappropriate for very short
sections or short reports.
 Wide margins are recommended; for example, allowing 2.5 cm on all sides.
 Bound reports have a left-hand margin of at least 3.5 cm, and 1.5 on the other three sides.
Page numbering
 The title page should not be numbered
 All other pages may be numbered either in the right-hand upper corner, or in the centre at the
bottom of the page.
 Roman numerals — i, ii, iii, iv etc. — are usually used to number the preliminary pages (Abstract,
Contents etc.).
 Arabic numerals — 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. — are used to number the text from the Introduction page to the
end of the Appendices.
 Alternatively, pages in the Appendices can be numbered internally, according to the letter of the
individual appendix and the number of pages within each appendix — A1, A2, B1, C1, C2, C3 etc.
(where Appendix A has two pages; Appendix B has one page, and so on).
Headers and footers
 Headers or footers position page numbers automatically.
 Two different headers or footers must be created so that the preliminary pages are numbered
separately from the text of the report.

Format of type and headings

 A serif font (such as Times or Palatino) is usually chosen for the text of a report, as serif fonts tend
to be easier to read.
 A different font (such as the sans serif fonts, Helvetica or Arial) may be used for headings and
 The same font should be used throughout the whole report, unless a second font is chosen for
headings and tables.
Size and style of type
 11 or 12 point type are the normal sizes for the text of a report.
 For long, indented quotations, figures and tables, it is acceptable to use a point size one point
smaller than the main font.
 Italics can be used to emphasise text where necessary (but it should not be overused, particularly
as there may be confusion with italicised titles).
 Underlining or bold is avoided in emphasis of text as it is distracting.

 The use of precise words may be sufficient to create the required emphasis.
 Headings are numbered according to their importance, using the decimal numbering system.
 Some writers do not use numbering, but differentiate between levels of headings through size and
style. (Readability and access to information are the key considerations.)
 Headings without text should never appear on the bottom line of a page.
 Size and style of headings should vary according to the importance of the heading.
 Headings can be differentiated using bold type, size and italics. (Overuse of underlining should be
avoided as it makes reading more difficult.)
 Capital letters are for the first letter of the first word only in each heading; except for any acronyms
(e.g. IEEE), trade names, or personal names and places, which may require more than one capital.
Aim for minimal capitalization in headings as overuse of capital letters slows reading.

Format of text
 All text and headings can be aligned against the left margin except for where indentation is
 Text may also be justified on the right-hand margin, and full justification (right and left margins) is
often preferred for formal documents and theses.
Line spacing
 1.5 or double line spacing is generally used for work submitted for assessment; automatic line
spacing (as provided with word processing) may be acceptable.
 Line spacing should be greater at the end of a section so it assists in separating sections.
 Line spacing may be decreased between headings and text so it assists in grouping information;
the smallest line space (i.e. a four point space) may be appropriate before text such as a list of
bullet points.
 Extra line spacing should be used in the following cases:
– to separate paragraphs
– to separate figures, tables, equations and long quotations from the text
– to separate a main heading from the section of text which comes before.
Indentation and centring
 Indenting text at the beginning of a paragraph is unnecessary when an extra line space is being
allowed between paragraphs.
 Indentation is appropriate for long quotations, complex mathematical expressions, lists with bullet
points (dots •) and the list of headings on the contents page.
 Long quotations are usually indented from both the left and right margins.
 Figures and tables may be centred in the text.

 Students may choose to indent each subheading with its associated text, as shorter lines of text
are easier to read; overall length is then affected.
Figures and tables
 Figures include diagrams, graphs, sketches, photographs and maps.
 Tables summarise data in rows and columns; a dash (—) indicates no data.
 All figures and tables may be centred.
 All should be labelled in bold with the appropriate consecutive number (figures are generally
labelled at the bottom, and tables at the top)
 Another method of labelling figures and tables is to number them according to the major section
where they appear.
 Each should have a simple, descriptive caption which explains the figure or table; arrows, symbols,
or abbreviations should be explained in the text.
 All figures and tables must be referred to in the text; avoid using words such as ‗Figure above‘ or
‗Table below‘.
 All should be referenced (either author-date or numerical) if copied or adapted from another
 Figures and tables can be separated from the text with extra line spacing; labels and captions can
be separated using four point spacing.

Referencing is one of the most convention-ridden areas of scientific and technical documentation. Many
assessors expect the conventions to be observed in the minutest detail. There are two basic systems of
referencing technical documents: the author–date system and the numerical system.

Purpose of referencing

 To acknowledge other people’s work or ideas in relation to your own. All scientific and
technological work has to be placed in the context of other work in the field. Your reader has to
know that you are familiar with the literature in your area, and that you can assess your work in
relation to it.
 To enable readers to find the source material. Other people must be able to find the reference
if they wish. This means it has to be cited accurately, in detail, and according to certain
 To avoid plagiarism, or literary theft. Failure to acknowledge sources is plagiarism and is a form
of stealing. It is regarded very seriously in the academic world.

When references should be used

You need to use references:

1 When you cite factual material taken from other sources. This is the commonest form of citation in a
science or engineering document. The sources may include:

a) Material on paper such as:

• papers in professional journals and conferences;
• books or book chapters;
• theses;
• lecture or laboratory documents;
• magazine articles;
• newspaper articles;
• an organization‘s publicity material;
• engineering standards and specifications;
• government documents, such as Acts of Parliament and reports of committees; and others.
1) Electronic sources such as:
• World Wide Web pages;
• online journal papers;
• online conference proceedings; and
• CD-ROMs and electronic databases.
2) Visual and audio material such as:
• videos;
• tapes; and
• CDs.
2 When you need to quote word for word from another work.

The two main systems of referencing

There are two main systems commonly used in technical documentation for cross-referencing citations in
the text with the full reference in the List of References. The two systems are described in overview in table

Overview of the two referencing systems

The author – date (Harvard) system The numerical system

In the text of the document In the text of the document

− Surname of the author and the date of − Each citation in the text is given a unique number,
publication placed in parentheses. For example: either in square brackets, e.g. [5], or superscripted,
(Brown, 1999). e.g.5. Each is numbered in the order in which it
− Page numbers of a book can be included if appears in the text.
needed. For example: (Smith, 2000, 103–121)
− If you need to cite a reference more than once in
the text, the number of its first appearance (its
unique number) is used each time you cite it.
List of References List of References

− Listed in alphabetical order of the surnames − Not listed alphabetically. It is a list numbered from
of the authors. 1 to n, the number of each listing corresponding to
the unique number that each source was assigned
in the text.

Choosing between referencing systems

 Journals will always specifically state the system required to be used.

 Individual staff members usually have a preference for one or the other system. It is essential to
find out which system you are required to use.
 Either one system or the other must be used in a document. Care must be taken not to use a
mixture of both.
Referencing: Examples

Author‘s surname and date placed in brackets. The wind velocity and behaviour of a geographical region is a
function of altitude, season and hour of measurement
(Johnson, 1985).
Author‘s surname cited in the text. Miller (1978) showed that glucose and cellobiose are taken up
and metabolized to succinate, acetate andsmall amounts of
References precisely placed. This runoff has also introduced heavy metals (Louma, 1974),
pesticides (Schultz, 1971), pathogens (Cox, 1969), sediments
(Gonzalez, 1971), and rubbish (Dayton, 1990).
The paper cited is by two authors. The considerations are developed by assuming the general
mathematical scheme defined in the case of a single slit (Zecca
and Cavalleri, 1997).
Martin and Zubek (1993) compiled a comprehensive list of dust
activity on Mars from 1983 to 1990.
The paper cited is by more than two authors. In the soft X-ray band pass, the solar X-ray flux varies by about
Cite the surname of the first author and add ‗et al.‘ one order of magnitude during the solar cycle
(italicised in some house styles). (Peres et al., 1999).

Peres et al. found that in the soft X-ray band pass, the solar X-
ray flux varies by about one order of magnitude during the solar
Several sources are cited within one set of brackets. The locomotion activity of a given species may be a source of
Depending on house style: separate them by considerable error in estimating energy budgets (Boisclair and
semicolons, and cite them in order of either (1) Sirois, 1993; Facey and Grossman, 1990; Hansen et al., 1993;
publication date or (2) by alphabetical order of the Lucas et al., 1993; Ney, 1993; Ware, 1975).
Two or more papers written in different years by the To develop a mathematically based understanding of cell death
same author. dynamics, Wu et al. (1993, 1994) separated the cell death
process into two phases.
The author has written several papers in one year. Previous analysis of the Clock gene in mice (King et al.,
Distinguish between them by adding a lower case letter 1997a,b) has shown that Clock is expressed in a manner
to each paper. These letters must be added to the consistent with its role in circadian organization. In mice (King
listing‘s date in the List of References. et al., 1997b) the CLOCK locus lies distal to. . .
There is a large body of work, but you are citing only a Martian dust storms, also called Martian yellow storms or
few representative examples. Martian yellow clouds, have been observed for a long time (e.g.
Use e.g. within the brackets. Antoniadi, 1930; Martin and Zurek, 1993)
Referencing a large body of information contained in a Zebrafish generate large numbers of transparent embryos that
review paper. develop synchronously to a free-swimming hatchling in a period
of three days (forreview, see Driever et al., 1994).
You have been unable to obtain the original reference, Smith (1928) as cited by Brown (1999) showed that . . .
but have seen it cited in another paper:
_ It is acceptable to cite the secondary source provided
the primary source is included.
_ Include full citation details of both references in the
List of References.
Different authors with the same surname, publishing in It has been shown by Smith, C.W. (1998) . . . whereas Smith,
the same year. J.G., (1998) . . .
Where the publication date of the source is known only All the branches of a tree at any degree of height, if put
approximately: Use a small c before the date: together, are equal to the cross-section of its trunk (Leonardo
da Vinci, c. 1497).
Sources where author is not stated. . . . as shown in a previous study (Wylie Stream Intake, 1997).
Use the first few words of the title, and the date if . . . in accordance with a previous study (CORINAIR Working
known. For example, where the citation is: Group, 1993)
− Wylie Stream Intake Feasibility Report (1997). . . . as specified (Twintex TPP, undated)..
James Consultants Ltd, Contract TKA 97/101.
Prepared for Middletown Central Electricity
− CORINAIR Working Group on Emission
Factors for Calculating 1990 Emissions from
Road Traffic, 1 (1993). Commission of the
European Committees (Office for Official
Publications, Luxembourg).
− Twintex TPP fact sheet (undated). Verdex
International S.A.

NB: There are three things to consider when creating a citation: 1) cite appropriately (don‘t forget anyone);
2) be accurate with the author‘s names, dates, and titles; and 3) present the citations in a consistent style.

There is no one way to cite your research. It is therefore a good idea to check with the people to whom
you are submitting your work (i.e.; your professor or the editors of a journal) to ensure you are using
the appropriate citation style.

Common mistakes

1) Citing a reference in the text and leaving it out of the List of References, and vice versa.
2) The date of the text citation does not correspond with that of the citation in the List of References.
These two faults tend to be regarded as unforgiveable by many assessors.
3) In the List of References:
– Inconsistencies of formatting.

– Using a non-standard abbreviation for a journal.

– Insufficient details given: in particular, omitting the publisher and place of publication of a book.

4) Not inverting the author and the initials: for example, instead of the correct form of Smith, A.N.,
putting A.N. Smith.
5) Unobtainable references.
6) Incorrect volume and page numbers.


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