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Minor Equipment Design 2: Heat Exchanger (HX-103)

Step 1: Specification
For HX-103, 938.716 kg/h of syngas at 270.974 ℃ was cooled to 213 ℃ by exchange
with 7163 kg/h air at 200 ℃ , causing it to rise to 220.946 ℃ . The syngas pressure was at
20 bar while the air pressure was at 1.013 bar. A pressure drop of 0.8 bar is permissible on
both streams. Allowance should be made for fouling by including a fouling factor of 6000
W/m2 ℃ on the air stream and 6000 W/m2 ℃ 1 on the syngas stream based on Table 1.

Table 1. Fouling factors of different fluid

Table 2. Inlet and outlet mass flow rate of each stream for HX-103
Mass Flowrate (kg/h)
Air Inlet Air Outlet Syngas Inlet Syngas Outlet
(17) (18) (54) (55)
C 0 0 0 0
H2 0 0 94.80489 94.80489
O2 1504.23000 1504.23000 0 0
N2 5658.77000 5658.77000 0 0
CO 0 0 10.04302 10.04302
CO2 0 0 453.50844 453.50844
CH4 0 0 40.81456 40.81456
NH3 0 0 7.85578 7.85578
H2O 0 0 331.68969 331.68969
Sum 7163.00000 7163.00000 938.71638 938.71638

Step 2: Physical Properties

The physical properties of each stream were obtained from Aspen Plus Simulation and
were tabulated in Table 3.

Table 3. Physical properties of each stream

Syngas Inlet Mean Outlet Units
Temperature 270.97416 241.98708 213.00000 ℃
Specific heat 2.87060 2.85546 2.84071 kJ /kg ℃
Thermal conductivity 0.14708 0.13958 0.13204 W /m ℃
Density 5.24304 5.54354 5.88160 kg /m
Viscosity 0.02267 0.02167 0.02065 mN s m
Air Inlet Mean Outlet Units
Temperature 200.00000 210.47289 220.94578 ℃
Specific heat 1.03392 1.04711 1.03767 kJ /kg ℃
Thermal conductivity 0.03767 0.03835 0.03902 W /m ℃
Density 0.74074 14.23321 0.70932 kg /m3
Viscosity 0.02573 0.02631 0.02653 mN s m

Step 3: Overall Coefficient

For an exchanger that uses gases for both the tube and shell side, the overall coefficient
will be in the range of 10 to 50 W/m2 ℃ , as shown in Table 4, so start with 10 W/m2 ℃ .

Table 4. The typical overall coefficient of different combinations of fluid

Step 4: Exchanger Type and Dimensions

An even number of tube passes usually the preferred arrangement, as this positions the
inlet and outlet nozzles at the exchanger's end, simplifying the pipework.

Start the calculation with one shell pass and two tube passes.

Log mean temperature difference, ∆ T lm

( T 1 −t2 ) −( T 2−t 1 )
∆ T lm=

[ ]
T −t
ln 1 2
T 2−t 1
Available information:
Syngas inlet temperature , T 1=270.97416 ℃
Syngas outlet temperature , T 2=213.00000℃
Air inlet temperature , t 1=200.00000 ℃
Air outlet temperature , t 2 =220.94578℃
( 270.97416 ℃−220.94578 ℃ )−( 213.00000 ℃−200.00000 ℃ )
∆ T lm=
270.97416 ℃−220.94578 ℃
213.00000 ℃−200.00000 ℃ ]
∆ T lm=27.47644 ℃

T 1−T 2
t 2−t 1
270.97416 ℃−213.00000 ℃
R= =2.76782
220.94578 ℃−200.00000 ℃

t 2−t 1
T 1−t 1
220.94578 ℃−200.00000 ℃
S= =0.29512
270.97416 ℃−200.00000 ℃

From Figure 1, Ft = 0.635, which is acceptable

Figure 1. Temperature correction factor: one shell pass; two or more even tube passes

So, the final ∆ T lm will be

∆ T lm=0.635 ×27.47644 ℃=17.44754 ℃

Step 5: Heat Transfer Area

Heat duty, q
q=ms C ps ∆ T
Available information:
Mass flow rate of syngas , ms=938.71638kg /h
Specific heat capacity of syngas ,C ps =2.85546 kJ /kg ℃
Temperature difference , ∆ T =270.97416 ℃−213.00000℃=57.97416 ℃

938.71638 kg/h
q= ( 2.85546 kJ / kg ℃ ) (57.97416 ℃ )=43.16601 kW
3600 s /h

Heat transfer area, Ao

Ao =
U o ,ass ∆ T lm

Available information:
Heat duty , q=43.16601 kW
Overall coefficient , U o ,ass =10 W /m 2℃
log mean temperature difference , ∆ T lm=17.44754 ℃
43.16601 ×10 W 2
Ao = =247.40458 m
10 W/m 2 ℃ ( 17.44754℃ )

Step 6: Layout and Tube Size

The split-ring floating head exchanger will be used for efficiency and ease cleaning. Since
the fluid is corrosive with moderate pressure, stainless steel can be used for the shell and
tubes. As the syngas is more corrosive than the air, the syngas will be put through the tubes
and the air in the shell. The dimension of the heat exchanger will be using 19.05 mm (3/4
in) outside diameter, 14.83 mm inside diameter, and 5 m long tubes (a popular size) on a
triangular 23.81 mm pitch (pitch/dia.=1.25).

Step 7: Number of Tubes

Area of one tube (neglecting thickness of tube sheets), At
At =d o π Lt
Available information:
Tube outside diameter , d o =19.05mm
Tube length , Lt=5 m

At =π ( 19.05× 10 m ) ( 5 m )=0.29924 m
−3 2

247.40458 m2
Number of tubes , N t = =827 ≈ 828
0.29924 m2
So , for two passes ,tubes per pass=414
Check the tube-side velocity at this stage to see if it looks reasonable.
Tube cross-sectional area, Act
π 2
Act = d i
Available information:
Tube inside diameter , d i=14.83 mm
π −3 2
Act = ( 14.83 ×10 ) =1.72732× 10 m
−4 2
Area per pass=414 ×1.72732 ×10−4 m2=0.07151m2
938.71638 kg /h 1 3
Volumetric flow= × =0.04704 m /s
3600 s /h 5.54354 kg/m

0.04704 m /s
Tube side velocity , ut = =0.65778 m/ s
0.07151 m2

Step 8: Bundle and Shell Diameter

From Table 5, for two tube passes, K1 = 0.249, n1 = 2.207
Table 5. Constant for calculation

Bundle diameter, Db

( )
Nt n1
Db =d 0
Available information:
Tube outside diameter , d o =19.05mm
Number of tubes , N t =828
K 1=0.249
n1 =2.207

( )
D b =19.05 2.207
=751.01714 ≈ 752 mm

Shell diameter, Ds
For a split-ring floating-head exchanger the typical shell clearance is 65 mm based on
Figure 2, so the shell inside diameter is:
Ds =752mm+ 65 mm=817 mm

Figure 2. Shell bundle clearance

Step 9: Tube-side Heat Transfer Coefficient

Reynold number, Re
ρ s ut d i
Available information:
Density of syngas , ρ s=5.54354 kg /m
Tube side velocity , ut =0.65778 m/s
Tube inside diameter , d i=14.83 mm

Viscosity of syngas , μ s=0.02167 mN s m−2

3 −3
5.54354 kg/ m (0.65778 m/ s)(14.83 × 10 m)
ℜ= −3 −2
0.02167 ×10 N s m

Prandtl number, Pr
μ s C ps
k fs
Available information:
Viscosity of syngas , μ s=0.02167 mN s m
Specific heat capacity of syngas ,C ps =2.85546 kJ /kg ℃
Thermal conductivity of syngas , k fs =0.13958W /m℃

0.02167 ×10−3 N s m−2( 2.85546× 103 J /kg ℃)

Pr= =0.44331
0.13958 W /m ℃

L 5m
= =337.15442
d i 14.83 ×10−3 m

Figure 3. Tube-side heat-transfer factor

From Figure 3, jh = 0.0022

Nusselt number, Nu
Nu= j h ℜ Pr
Available information:
Reynold number , ℜ=2495.45699
Prandtl number , Pr=0.44331
Heat transfer factor , j h =0.0022

Nu=0.0022 ( 2495.45699 )( 0.44331)0.33 =4.19746

Outside fluid film coefficient, ho

k fs
h o=Nu
Available information:
Nusselt number , Nu=4.19746
Tube inside diameter , d i=14.83 mm
Thermal conductivity of syngas , k fs =0.13958W /m℃

h o=4.19746
( 0.13958W
14.83 × 10 m )
=39.50650 W /m ℃ 2

Step 10: Shell-side Heat-transfer Coefficient

As a first trial take the baffle spacing = Ds/5, say 160 mm. This spacing should give good
heat transfer without too high a pressure drop.

Area for cross-flow, As

( p t−d o ) Ds l B
A s=
Available information:
Tube pitch , pt =23.81 mm
Tube outside diameter , d o =19.05mm
Shell inside diameter , Ds =817 mm
Baffle spacing , l B =160 mm

( 23.81mm−19.05 mm ) ( 817 mm ) 160 mm

A s= =37113.2801mm2 =0.03711m2

Equivalent diameter, de
110 2
( p t −0.917 d o )

Available information:
Tube outside diameter , d o =19.05mm
Tube pitch , pt =23.81 mm
19.05 mm
[ ( 23.81 mm )2−0.917 × ( 19.05 mm )2 ]=13.49209 mm
7163 kg /h 1 3
Volumetric flow rate on shell side= × =0.13979 m /s
3600 s /h 14.23321 kg/m 3

0.13979 m /s
Shell side velocity ,u s= 2
0.03711 m

Reynold number, Re
ρa u s d e
Available information:
Density of air , ρa=14.23321 kg /m3
Shell side velocity ,u s=3.76691 m/s
Equivalent diameter ,d e =13.49209 mm
Viscosity of air , μa =0.02631 mN s m
3 −3
14.23321 kg /m (3.76691 m/s)(13.49209 ×10 m)
ℜ= =27494.54155
0.02631×10−3 N s m−2

Prandtl number, Pr
μ a C pa
k fa
Available information:
Viscosity of air , μa =0.02631 mN s m
Specific heat capacity of air , C pa =1.04711kJ /kg ℃
Thermal conductivity of air ,k fa =0.03835 W /m℃

0.02631× 10−3 N s m−2 (1.04711 ×103 J /kg ℃)

Pr= =0.71837
0.03835 W /m℃

Use segmental baffles with a 25% cut. This should give a reasonable heat-transfer
coefficient without too large a pressure drop.
Figure 4. Shell-side heat-transfer factors, segmental baffles

From Figure 4, jh = 0.00385

Inside fluid film coefficient, hi

k fa
hi = j ℜ Pr 0.33
de h
Available information:
Equivalent diameter ,d e =13.49209 mm
Heat transfer factor , j h =0.00385
Thermal conductivity of air ,k fa =0.03835 W /m℃
Reynold number , ℜ=27494.54155
Prandtl number , Pr=0.71837
0.03835 W /m ℃ 0.33 2
hi = −3
(0.00385)(27494.54155)(0.71837) =275.90138W / m ℃
13.49209 ×10 m

Step 11: Overall Coefficient

1 1 1
= + +
d o ln
( )
do 1 do 1
× + ×
U ho h od 2 kw d i h id d i hi
Available information:
Outside fluid filmcoefficient , ho=39.50650 W /m ℃
Inside fluif film coefficient , hi =275.90138W / m ℃
Inside dirt coefficient , hid =6000 W /m ℃
Outside dirt coefficient , h od=6000 W /m ℃
Thermal conductivity of tube wall , k w =15 W /m ℃
Tube inside diameter , d i=14.83 mm
Tube outside diameter , d o =19.05mm

14.83 mm 19.05 mm
( 19.05 ×10−3 m ) ln 19.05 mm
1 )+
U 39.50650 W /m ℃ 6000 W /m ℃
2 2
2 ( 15 W /m℃ ) 14.83 mm 6000W /m ℃ 14.8

U =32.77837W /m ℃
This is above the initial estimate of 10 W/m 2 ℃ . The number of tubes could possibly be
reduced, but first check the pressure drops.

Step 12: Pressure Drop

Tube side
808 tubes, two passes, di = 14.83 mm, ut = 0.65778 m/s, Re = 2495.45699
From Figure 5, jf = 0.0071

Figure 5. Tube side friction factor

Pressure drop at tube side, ∆ Pt

[ () ]
∆ Pt =N p 8 j f
ρs u2t

Available information:
Number of tube passes , N p=2
Friction factor , j h =0.0071
Tube length , L=5 m
Tube inside diameter , d i=14.83 mm

Density of syngas , ρ s=5.54354 kg /m3

Tube side velocity , ut =0.65778 m/s

∆ Pt =2 8(0.0071)
( 5m
14.83 ×10−3 m )
5.54354 kg /m3 ( 0.65778 m/s )2
∆ Pt =51.92947 N /m =5.19295 ×10 ¯¿
2 −4

Within the specification.

Shell side
From Figure 6, jf = 0.0425

Figure 6. Shell side friction factor

Pressure drop at shell side, ∆ P s

( )( )
D L ρ a us
∆ P s=8 j f s
de lB 2
Available information:
Shell inside diameter , Ds =817 mm
Equivalent diameter ,d e =19.05 mm
Length of tube , L=5 m
Baffle spacing , l B =160 mm
Density of air , ρa=14.23321 kg /m
Shell side velocity ,u s=3.76691 m/s
Shell side friction factor , j f =0.0425

( )( )
3 2
817 mm 5m (14.23321 kg/m )(3.76691 m/ s)
∆ P s=8 ( 0.0425 )
19.05 mm 160 ×10 m

∆ P s=46014.99347 N /m2=0.46015 ¯¿
Within the specification.

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