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Document No: EB-ST-DB-001 Rev A

Example Building 1 - Design Basis Report


Design Basis Report

Sensitivity: LNT Construction General Business

Document No: EB-ST-DB-001 Rev A

Table of Contents

1.0 Description of building and geometry 1

2.0 Structural system 2
3.0 Design loads 3
4.0 Load combinations 5
5.0 Basement height, founding strata and founding system 7
6.0 Design life 7
7.0 Design standards 7
8.0 Design methodology 8
9.0 Materials 8
10.0 Nominal cover to reinforcement based on durability and fire 9
resistance requirements
11.0 Serviceability requirements 9
12.0 Analysis methods 10

Design Basis Report

Sensitivity: LNT Construction General Business

1 Description of building and geometry

The example building is an office building proposed to be built in Chennai. It is proposed

to have 14 stories above ground, and a single level basement. The stilt (ground) and
basement floors are proposed to be used for car parking, whereas all other floors will
be used as office space.

The plan shape of the building is rectangular as shown in figure 1, with a length and
width of about 100m x 34m. Service core is placed in the center embraced by office
wings on either side.

The floor to floor height is proposed as 3.9m in the office floors, 3.5m at the stilt level
and 4m in the basement. Double height columns are proposed at the entrance lobby.

The elevation of example building 1 is shown in Figure 2. The height of the building is
about 54m above ground.



Figure 1: Plan shape and dimensions of example building 1

Sensitivity: LNT Construction General Business


13th floor
12th floor
11th floor
10th floor
9th floor
8th floor Shear

7th floor Wall

6th floor
5th floor System
4th floor
3rd floor
2nd floor
1st floor
Stilt floor
Figure 2: Elevation of example building 1
2 Structural system

2.1 Column and grid spacing

One of the most important and desirable attributes for any office building is the
flexibility in interior planning of space, and the column and grid spacing as well as the
structural system has been decided in consideration of this.

Columns are spaced at 11m as indicated in the architectural drawings in the office
space for effective and efficient interior space planning as well as efficient car parking
in the stilt. In central service area, the columns are positioned at lower spacings, as
indicated in the architectural drawings.

2.2 Floor systems

The floor system is proposed to be a combination of post-tensioned flat slab system and
conventional beam and slab system supported by RC walls and columns.

The post tensioned flat slab system is proposed in the office spaces where 11m spans
are required.

Sensitivity: LNT Construction General Business

The central core area, which predominantly houses the common services, is planned with
conventional beam and slab system.

Toilet areas shall be sunk by 100 mm to achieve slopes in these spaces and to maintain
a level difference of 15mm between office space and toilet space.

2.3 Lateral load resisting system

The lateral load resisting system of the building is proposed using reinforced concrete
shear walls located at the elevator and staircase cores. Locating walls in these cores
provides the required fire resistance to these spaces, while also resisting in a very
efficient lateral load resisting system due to interconnectivity of the walls.

3 Design loads

3.1 Dead loads

The self-weight of the various elements is computed based on the unit weight of
materials as given below:

Materials Unit Weight (kN/m3)

Reinforced Cement Concrete 25.00
Plain Cement Concrete 24.00
Cement Concrete Solid Block work 20.00
Steel 78.50
Soil 18.00
Water 10.00
Aluminum 28.00
Glass 25.00
Cement Concrete screed 24.00

Normal weight aggregates shall be considered for arriving at self-weight of all concrete

3.2 Super imposed dead loads

The super imposed loads that are envisaged to act permanently (wherever applicable)
are as following: -

Items Intensity (kN/m2) of plan area

Floor finish + Floor screed * 1.8
100 mm sunken portions in toilets 2.4

Sensitivity: LNT Construction General Business

Weatherproof course ** 3.12
Light weight partitions *** 1.0
False ceiling 0.5
M&E Services 0.5
(including supporting system)

* Floor finish load due to tile (10mm thick), bedding mortar (25mm thick) and 40mm
thick screed.
** The Weatherproof course consists of the following:

a) Roof slab is sloped at 1 in 120

b) Roof screed of 100mm average thickness laid to receive the waterproofing

c) 3 mm thick APP modified bituminous waterproofing membrane

d) 30mm thick 600 mm x 600 mm precast concrete tiles.

e) Total build-up of 130mm

*** In office areas only. In the central utility space actual partition loads shall be
calculated and used in the analysis and design.

3.3 Live loads

Live loads are assessed based on the occupancy classifications as per IS: 875 (Part
2) – 1987, and are listed as follows: -

Location Occupancy classification UDL Conc. *

(kN/m2) Load (kN)
Office area Rooms without separate storage 4.0 4.5

Corridors, passages, lobbies 4.0 4.5

Lobby area Corridors, passages, Breakout area 4.0 4.5

and staircases including fire escapes

Mechanical AHU rooms and 7.5 4.5

Electrical rooms 7.5 4.5

Switch room 10.0 4.5

Control room 5.0 4.5

Other service Record/Files store rooms and storage 5.0 4.5


Sensitivity: LNT Construction General Business

and utility

3.0 4.5
Mail room
4.0 4.5
House keeping
4.0 4.5

Baths and toilets 2.0 --

Roof Access provided 1.5 --

Parking Parking 2.5 9.0

Ramp 2.5 9.0

* The concentrated loads are considered to be applied in positions, which produce

maximum stresses and where deflection is the main criteria, in the positions, which
produce the maximum deflections.

3.4 Wind Load

The wind pressure shall be calculated based on the data furnished below and other
provisions laid in IS: 875 (Part 3) – 2015.

 Basic wind speed = 50m/sec

 Risk coefficient = 1.0
 Terrain category = 2
 Topography factor = 1.0
 Directionality factor, Kd = 1.0
 Area averaging factor, Ka = 1.0 (Area >100m2)

3.5 Earthquake Load

The loading due to earthquake is assessed based on the provisions of IS: 1893 – 2016.
Chennai is considered as Seismic zone – III as per IS: 1893- 2016 and this is used to
determine the earthquake loads on the building.

Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete elements is considered as per IS: 13920 –2016.

4 Load combinations

The various loads shall be combined in accordance with table 18 of IS 456. Whichever

Sensitivity: LNT Construction General Business

combination produces the most unfavorable effect on the building, foundation or
structural member shall be adopted for design.

The following abbreviations are used in the load combination tables below

DL - Dead load
SDL - Super imposed dead load
LL - Live load
WL - Wind load
EL - Earthquake load
WP - Water Pressure

4.1 Load combinations for ultimate limit state

Combination Remark
1.5DL + 1.5 SDL + 1.5LL Basic gravity system
1.5DL +/- 1.5EQ Mostly governs lateral system design for seismic
1.5DL +/- 1.5WL Wind load combo, mostly governs for wind load
0.9DL +/- 1.5EQ Columns in tension and foundations; governs for
axially loaded elements that are below balance
0.9DL +/- 1.5WL Columns in tension and foundations; governs for
axially loaded elements that are below balance
1.2DL + 1.2LL +/- 1.2EQ Normally does not govern

1.2DL + 1.2LL +/- 1.2WL Normally does not govern

0.9DL + 1.4 WL/EQ Global Stability - Overturning check

0.9DL + 1.2 WP Global Stability - Overall uplift check

4.2 Load combinations for serviceability limit state and foundation systems

Combination Remark
DL+ LL Basic gravity system
DL +/- EQ Mostly governs lateral system design for seismic
DL +/- WL Wind load combo, mostly governs for wind load
DL + 0.5LL +/- 0.5EQ Normally does not govern
DL + 0.5LL +/- 0.5WL Normally does not govern

Sensitivity: LNT Construction General Business

Whenever lives loads are combined with earthquake loads the appropriate part of live
loads as specified in IS: 1893 – 2016 will be used both for evaluating earthquake effect
and for combined load effects used in the load combinations.

5 Basement height, founding strata and foundation system

A single basement of height 4 meters is proposed in the building. Assuming a footing

depth of about 1.5 to 2 meters under the columns, the founding strata is likely to be
about 5 to 6 meters below the natural ground level. As per soil report, soil strata at this
level is stiff clay with a N-value of about 50 with a recommended soil bearing capacity
of 700kN/m2.

6 Design life

The design life of the structure is prescribed by the client as 50 years.

7 Design Standards

The relevant Indian Standard codes, as given below, shall be followed for structural

S. No. Code Description

Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than
1. IS-875 (Part 1) – 1987 earthquake) for buildings and structures – Unit
weights of buildings materials and stored material

Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than

2. IS-875 (Part 2) – 1987 earthquake) for buildings and structures –
Imposed loads

Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than

3. IS-875 (Part 3) – 2015 earthquake) for buildings and structures – Wind
Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than
4. IS-875 (Part 5) – 1987 earthquake) for buildings and structures – Special loads
and load combinations.

5. IS: 456 – 2000 Code of Concrete

Specification for High Strength Deformed Steel

6. IS: 1786 – 2008
Bars and Wires for Concrete Reinforcement
Specification for Mild Steel and Medium Tensile
7. IS: 432 (Part 2) - 1982 Steel Bars and Hard Drawn Steel Wire for
Concrete Reinforcement – Hard Drawn Steel Wire

Sensitivity: LNT Construction General Business

8. IS: 1343 - 2012 Code of Practice for Prestressed Concrete

Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures

9. IS: 13920 - 2016
subjected to seismic forces - Code of practice
Uncoated Stress Relieved low relaxation seven-ply
10. IS: 14268 - 2017
strand for Prestressed Concrete – Specification

11. IS: 2062 – 2011 Steel for Specification

12. IS: 1161 – 2014 Specification Purposes

13. IS: 800 – 2007 Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel

Criteria for Earthquake resistant design of

14. IS: 1893 – 2016

8 Design methodology

All R.C.C structures shall be designed according to the limit state method as specified
in IS: 456 – 2000. Prestressed concrete structures shall be designed as per IS: 1343
–2012. Steel structures, if any, shall be designed as per IS: 800 – 2007.

9 Materials

9.1 Concrete

The following concrete grades are used in the design of various reinforced concrete

Component Grade
Slabs and beams M40
Columns and Walls (Foundation - L7) M50
Columns and Walls (L7 - terrace) M40
Footing M30

Normal weight aggregates shall be considered for all concrete works.

9.2 Reinforcement

Steel reinforcement shall be of grade Fe 500D conforming to IS: 1786- 2008

Sensitivity: LNT Construction General Business

9.3 Post-tensioned Steel Reinforcement

Prestressing strands shall be of class 2, low relaxation type conforming to IS:14268-

2017. Ducts shall be galvanized steel flat ducts.

10 Nominal cover to reinforcement based on durability and fire resistance


From durability requirement, exposure condition is interior structural elements above

ground level is considered moderate, and for exterior members is considered severe.
Exposure condition of foundation elements and retaining in contact with or buried
under soil is considered very severe.

To determine the cover requirements based on fire resistance, a two-hour fire

resistance requirement is considered.

Concrete Nominal cover

Slabs * 30 mm (Top & bottom)
Beams 40 mm (external), 30 mm (internal)
Columns and walls 40 mm
Retaining wall 40 mm (external), 30 mm (internal)
Footing 50mm (Bottom and sides), 30mm (top)

* In post-tensioned work, where tendons are used, the minimum clear cover from sheathing/duct shall
be at least 30 mm or the size of the tendon whichever is bigger.

11 Serviceability requirements

Following aspects are considered in terms of serviceability: drift, deflection, crack

width and frequency of vibration.

11.1 Drift

Following limitations are considered for drifts under wind and earthquake loads:

Lateral load Drift limit

Wind H/500
Earthquake H/250

11.2 Deflection

Following limitations are considered for floor deflections:


Sensitivity: LNT Construction General Business

 Total long-term deflection - Span/250.
 Long term deflection after non-structural components are installed - Span/350
or 20mm.

11.3 Crack width

The following limiting crack widths are considered for various members

Member type Crack Width (mm)

Interior members protected from external 0.3
External members exposed to weather 0.2
Members below ground & retaining walls 0.2
(Interior & exterior face)

11.4 Floor frequency

Frequency of the floor system is ensured to be minimum 5 Hz.

12 Analysis methods

3D analysis of the building is carried out using ETABS V16 and SAFEV14 software


Sensitivity: LNT Construction General Business


Sensitivity: LNT Construction General Business

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