(2022) Modul 3 - Owned, Paid and Earn Media

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Modul 3.

Own, Earn and Paid Media

EM – 608 Digital Marketing

Lecturer: Silviani, AMd., S.E., M.S.M.

What are Digital Marketing and Multichannel
Marketing ?
• Digital Media: format konten yang bisa diakses di berbagai perangkat

• Digital Marketing: mempromosikan sebuah merek dengan menggunakan

media digital yang dapat menjangkau konsumen secara tepat waktu,
personal, dan relevan/tepat sasaran.

• Online Company Presence: aktif di semua platform media sosial, website,

atau e-commerce.

• e-CRM: aplikasi teknologi berbasis internet seperti email, website, dll

untuk menjalin hubungan dengan konsumen.

• Multichannel Marketing: campaign marketing dengan memanfaatkan

berbagai media promosi. Contoh: konten website.

• Customer Journey: perjalanan konsumen dalam dunia digital.

Holistic and Contextual Learning Chap.1 : Digital Marketing Strategy p.11 www.umn.ac.id
Growing Range of Digital Marketing Platforms

• Desktop, Laptop and Notebook Platforms :

• Desktop browser, Desktop Apps, Email Platforms,
Feedbased API (Application Programming Interface)
data & Exchange platform, Video Marketing Platforms.

• Mobile Phone & Tablet Platforms :

• Mobile Operating system & browser (Mobile Web),
Mobile Apps.

• Other Hardware Platform :

• Gaming Platforms, Indoor/Outdoor Kiosk type apps,
Interactive Signange, Wearables

Chap.1 : Digital Marketing Strategy p.13

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Modern Marketing Technology

Chap.1 : Digital Marketing Strategy p.14

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Alibaba's Hema New Retail Store

Alibaba’s New Future Hotel

Chap.1 : Digital Marketing Strategy p.14

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Chap.1 : Introduction Digital Marketing p.33

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Chap.1 : Introduction Digital Marketing p.33

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Growing Use of Internet

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Online Promotion

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Paid Media

• One of the most effective channel for boosting the traffic,

due its paid.

• Types of Paid Media :

• Advertising : TVC, Radio, Printed Media, OOH (Out Of Home) and also
Social Media Ads that could be customized based on customized audience

• Paid Search : SEM (Search Engine Marketing) Google based on Specific


• Sponsorship : Partnership with others company/Institution to get

awareness of each company/institution.

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Own Media
• One of the most easy channel from company to control. This
channel must be unique and showing the company’s value
clearly and interesting.

• Types of Own Media :

• Website : Website must be have a good design, interesting UI & UX and
also the most importance is “Company’s Value”

• Social Media : Good quality content management and interesting followed

with company’s Value. Content Marketing is one of solution to make
action/purchase to user.

• eMail News Letter : Help brands to sending the latest update information
about product, feature, pricing or any other the latest promotion program
to each personalized user.

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Earn Media
• Channeling that will be getting to the company based on
Customer Satisfaction perception.

• Types of Own Media :

• Review : Customer giving some short/long review about the
product/services with sincerely through Social Media after they used it.
Review is one of expensive advocacy to get due to not all customer would
do to review.

• Guest Blogging : One of the method that mostly used such cosmetics,
automotive, smartphone and others that mostly common used. So,
customer can review the product through blogs that served by the brand.

• Repost : One of the step that mostly do by the brand after got some
feedback review from the customer. This repost could be done to embrace
customer through channel brand for more admitted.

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Shifting Traditional to

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From Marketer-Led to

Consumer will initiate and

direct more of the
interchange. A large
portion of content will
come from consumers

Marketer will play a role in

this by encouraging and
rewarding consumer
content creation in a
manner that is relevant to
their brand(s).

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Holistic and Contextual Learning www.umn.ac.id

• An influencer is someone who has: the power to affect

the purchasing decisions of others because of his or her
authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with his
or her audience.
• a following in a distinct niche, with whom he or she
actively engages. The size of the following depends on
the size of his/her topic of the niche.
(influencermarketinghub, 2020).
• They can be a celebrity, writer, analyst, expert,
journalist, insider, connector, or brand.
• An influencer has a strong online presence and

Influencer outreach is a strategy and combined effort of

your marketers and influencers to boost the sales and
brand reach.

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There are tools for identifying influencers

Social Mention Peer Index

Twitter Counter Commun
Hootsuite Insights
Board Reader
LinkedIn Pulse
Social Crawlytics
Circle count
Kred mPACT

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Class Discussion:
1. Pilih 1 brand, yang melakukan pemasaran digital.
Mempunyai website, dan platform digital lainnya untuk
Branding dan Media Promosi.
2. Tentukan Own, Paid, and Earn Media dari Brand tersebut.
Berikan screenshoot bukti, dan alasan anda memilih
media tersebut adalah kategori Own, Paid, dan Earn
3. Menurut anda, bagaimana User Interface, dan User
Experience dari website Brand yang anda pilih? Berikan
kelebihan dan kekurangannya, lalu berikan juga alternatif
solusi untuk pengembangan website tersebut.

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Program of
Management UMN
goes to AUN-QA

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