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2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th

IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering

Hardware Trojan Detection Utilizing

Machine Learning Approaches
Kento Hasegawa∗ , Youhua Shi∗ , Nozomu Togawa∗
∗ Schoolof Fundamental Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Email: {kento.hasegawa, togawa},

Abstract—Hardware security has become a serious concern in
recent years. Due to the outsourcing in hardware production, 8QWUXVWHGIDEV
malicious circuits (or hardware Trojans) can be easily inserted
into hardware products by attackers. Since hardware Trojans
are tiny and stealthy, their detection is difficult. Under the
circumstances, numerous hardware-Trojan detection methods 8QWUXVWHGWRROV

have been proposed. In this paper, we elaborate the overview

of hardware-Trojan detection and review the hardware-Trojan 'HVLJQ )DEULFDWLRQ ,&SURGXFWV
detection methods using machine learning which is one of the
state-of-the-art approaches. Fig. 1: The typical hardware production steps.

because it is easy to modify design data. In fact, hardware-
In recent years, low-cost and high-volume electric de- Trojan insertion in the fabrication step can be difficult because
vices have widely been used in daily life. The Internet of it requires special knowledge of manufacturing equipments,
Things (IoT) and smart home devices have attracted people’s and attackers must modify the products physically. On the
attention, and numerous products are developed by leading other hand, in the design step, attackers can modify the
companies and start-up companies. For example, smart speak- design on their computer, often through the Internet, therefore
ers become very popular in these days. In order to keep up hardware-Trojan insertion is easy for attackers. Note that
with the growing demand for those devices and globalization verifications and tests are performed to check whether the
of hardware production, hardware vendors often outsource sev- products correctly work or not, but the purpose of them is not
eral parts of their design and/or fabrication processes. Under for the enhancement of security, but for ensuring the correct
the circumstances, insertion of malicious circuits (or hardware operation. How to detect hardware Trojans inserted in the
Trojans) has become a critical issue in hardware production. design step is a serious concern for IC production.
Hardware Trojans may leak internal information, decrease In this paper, we focus on hardware-Trojan detection, espe-
reliability of hardware products, and/or disable functions. As cially in the design step. To begin with, we will explain the
IoT products and smart home devices are developed more and characteristics of hardware Trojans and clarify the problems.
more, we have to consider our privacy and security. How to In order to deal with the problem, several hardware-Trojan
address the threat of hardware Trojans has become a critical detection methods have been proposed by many hardware-
issue. security researchers. We will introduce several approaches
There are several steps in hardware production [3], [13], and for hardware-Trojan detection. After that we will elaborate a
each step faces the threats of hardware-Trojan insertion [6]. machine-learning-based hardware-Trojan detection approach,
The hardware production steps are roughly categorized into which is one of the state-of-the-art approaches for hardware-
two steps: the design step and the fabrication step. Fig. 1 Trojan detection. Finally, we will conclude this paper and give
shows the typical hardware production steps. In the design future directions for hardware-Trojan detection.
step, a hardware vendor designs an integrated chip (IC) The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II
often cooperating with third-party design teams using third- elaborates the characteristics of hardware Trojans and shows
party intellectual properties (IPs). Since hardware description the taxonomy of hardware-Trojan detection approaches in the
languages are often used in the IC design step, malicious design step; Section III reviews several machine-learning-
third-party vendors can easily insert hardware Trojans into the based hardware-Trojan detection methods; Section IV gives
design data. After the design is finished, the logic synthesis is future directions and concluding remarks for hardware-Trojan
performed using third-party tools. The third-party tools may detection.
also become the risk of hardware Trojan. In the fabrication
step, the parameters of manufacturing equipments may be II. OVERVIEW OF HARDWARE T ROJANS AND THEIR
modified by attackers and they may insert malicious circuits DETECTION
physically into the products. In general, insertion in the design In this section, we elaborate the characteristic of hardware
step is more worrisome compared to in the fabrication step Trojans and their detection approaches.

2324-9013/18/31.00 ©2018 IEEE 1891

DOI 10.1109/TrustCom/BigDataSE.2018.00287
1RUPDOFLUFXLW the internal signals or data such as a secret key for crypto-
7ULJJHULQSXW 7URMDQLQIHFWHGVLJQDOV graphic circuit and an internal state which should be hidden,
and transmit it to the outside of the circuit. The denial-of-
service Trojans turn the functions off in normal circuits such
as encryption or other critical functions. The functional modi-
fication Trojans change the functionality in normal circuits.
FLUFXLW FLUFXLW SD\ORDG The downgrading-performance Trojans consume redundant
power or flow abnormal current which degrades the quality
7URMDQFLUFXLW of circuits. What is common among those types is that the
payload circuit can be designed in a small scale. For example
Fig. 2: The typical structure of a hardware Trojan.
of the information-leakage type, the payload circuit obtains
internal data from the normal circuit, and transmits them to
several outputs or wires where the original signals are disabled
A. Characteristics of hardware Trojans by multiplexers.
Once a hardware Trojan is inserted into an IC design, its As discussed above, hardware Trojans can be classified into
detection is difficult because of their stealthiness. Fig. 2 shows several categories in terms of their triggers and payloads. The
the typical structure of a hardware Trojan which is inserted common point of a hardware Trojan is that the Trojan circuit
in the design step. A hardware-Trojan circuit often consists is very small and it has a slight effect to the normal circuit in
of two parts: a trigger circuit and a payload circuit. The the long run. In order to deal with the challenge of detecting
trigger circuit judges whether the condition for the Trojan hardware Trojans, hardware-Trojan detection methods have
payload is satisfied or not using the trigger inputs and/or been proposed in a few years. The following subsection
internal states of the circuit. The payload circuit works for the introduces their approaches, categorizes them, and clarifies
malfunction such as leakage of information or downgrading their strong and weak points.
the performance of the circuit using internal signals. The B. Taxonomy of hardware-Trojan detection approaches
payload circuit sometimes tampers internal signals in the
normal circuit, and the tampered signals are often propagated In order to defeat hardware Trojans, many detection ap-
to the primary output of the circuit. proaches have been proposed in recent years. In this subsec-
From the viewpoint of the trigger circuit, the design- tion, we categorize those detection approaches and show their
time hardware Trojans can be classified into two types: the strong and weak points.
always-on type and the condition-based type [3], [14]. As the Fig. 3 shows the categories of hardware-Trojan detection
name suggests, the always-on Trojan is always active, while approaches. First of all, hardware-Trojan detection approaches
the condition-based Trojan is only activated under a certain can be classified into two types: the destructive type and
condition. In case of the always-on type, the trigger circuit the non-destructive type. The destructive approaches are per-
and trigger inputs are not inserted. Most always-on Trojans formed after the fabrication step. In the destructive approach,
intend to increase power consumption or redundant process, the die of an IC is removed from the package, and the
and consequently they lead to fault or gradually degrading internal structure is physically investigated using scanning
the quality of products. Their effect to the normal circuit in electron microscope (SEM) and other optical methods. This
a time is tiny, and therefore their detection is difficult. The approach can detect physically inserted hardware Trojans such
condition-based type can be further divided into two types: the as modification of wiring thickness and removal of metals,
combinational-based type and the sequential-based type [4]. which are carried out in the fabrication step. In [2], one of
The combinational-based Trojan has very rare condition, and the destructive-based hardware-Trojan detection methods has
its payload is activated only when the condition is satisfied. been proposed. Based on the SEM image of the sample IC, the
The sequential-based Trojan has a sequential circuit such as a support-vector-machine (SVM) and the K-means algorithms
counter or a state machine, and thus the Trojans of this type are applied to the features obtained from the SEM image. This
have complex conditions. For example of the sequential-based approach achieves high accuracy, however, it has a problem
Trojan, the malfunction is activated when the counter reaches that this approach cannot investigate all the products. Since
the particular range of counts. As mentioned above, since this approach destructs a sample IC, the investigated sample
condition-based Trojans have very rare trigger conditions, the IC can no longer be used. Even if a sample IC passes this
payloads are rarely activated. The rare trigger condition is one detection approach, it does not ensure that all the ICs are
of the reasons why hardware-Trojan detection is difficult, and Trojan-free. Other ICs may be infected by hardware Trojans.
why existing verification and test methods cannot be applied Though the destructive approach can physically check the
to hardware-Trojan detection. samples, destruction itself is a problem.
On the other hand, the non-destructive type is opposite
The payload circuit can be also classified into several
to the destructive type in the point that this approach does
categories: the information-leakage type, the denial-of-service
not destruct ICs. The non-destructive approaches can be fur-
type, the functional modification type, and downgrading-
ther classified into three types: the IP-verification type, the
performance type [10]. The information-leakage Trojans read

+DUGZDUH7URMDQ value is introduced and suspicious wires are flagged based
GHWHFWLRQDSSURDFKHV on the control value. This method achieved good results, but
several false positives (that is, mistakenly identifying normal
to be Trojan) are found. In order to overcome this problem,
Trojan-feature-based hardware Trojan detection method is
proposed [12]. This method can detect all the Trojans in the
/RJLFWHVWLQJ investigated benchmarks, but the problem of this method is
that it is too specific to the referenced benchmarks.
C. Towards machine-learning approaches
As discussed above, hardware-Trojan detection approaches
can be classified into several types. In this paper, we focus
Fig. 3: The taxonomy of hardware-Trojan detection ap- on the design-step detection, in other words, on the IP-
proaches. verification approaches at the pre-silicon step. As discussed in
Section II-A, hardware-Trojan detection is difficult because of
their stealthiness. We believe that detecting hardware Trojans
logic-testing type, and the side-channel-analysis type. The IP- as early as possible should be the most important. In order to
verification approaches are performed before the fabrication, detect the hardware Trojans inserted in the design stage, the
whereas the other approaches are performed during or after IP-verification approach is effective to address the issue. As
the fabrication. in the aforementioned discussion, the IP-verification approach
Here we focus on the post-silicon approaches: the logic- analyzes the hardware design written in hardware description
testing approach and the side-channel-analysis approach. The languages. This approach takes advantages from the viewpoint
logic-testing approaches can be applied to the hardware de- of the ability to detect hardware Trojans in the early stage.
sign and/or post-silicon products. MERO [5] is one of the However, how to find out the tiny Trojan circuit from the
logic-testing approaches. It proposes a test-pattern generation huge hardware design is an issue to be considered.
method which efficiently finds out the trigger condition in In order to tackle the problem, we have proposed machine-
hardware Trojans. This method reduces the test length by 85% learning-based hardware-Trojan detection approaches. As de-
on average over random pattern tests, but logic test cannot scribed in [12], hardware-Trojan circuits have specific features
cover all the input patterns, much less all the internal states. since they often have rare-trigger conditions or typical payload
The other post-silicon approach, the side-channel-analysis circuits. However, this method is too specific to the bench-
approach analyzes side-channel information such as power marks. If we can apply machine learning to extract and learn
consumption and/or electromagnetic (EM) radiations. Power the features of hardware Trojans, we expect that the hardware-
analysis can be performed on simulation, so that the side- Trojan detection can be efficiently performed. Therefore, we
channel-analysis approach can be done in pre-silicon. In [1], have applied machine learning to hardware-Trojan detection.
a hardware Trojan detection method using power trace is The following section elaborates the machine-learning-based
proposed, where Trojan-infected RSA cryptographic circuits hardware-Trojan detection methods.
can be successfully detected by comparing power traces of III. M ACHINE - LEARNING - BASED HARDWARE -T ROJAN
the circuits to those of Golden circuits (which are Trojan-free DETECTION APPROACHES
circuits). However, it is definitely difficult to obtain the Golden
circuit. The paper [11] proposes a Golden chip-free hardware- In this section, we elaborate the machine-learning-based
Trojan detection method where side channel fingerprints ob- hardware-Trojan detection methods proposed in [7] and [9].
tained from multiple samples are statistically analyzed. This A. Overview of machine-learning-based hardware-Trojan de-
method overcomes the weakness of the previous methods, tection
however, it assumed that most of the samples are Trojan-free
circuits. In other words, when all of the samples are Trojan- Machine-learning-based hardware-Trojan detection ap-
infected, this method cannot be applied. Summarizing the dis- proach contains two phases: the learning phase and the classifi-
cussions above, post-silicon approaches can detect physically- cation phase. Fig. 4 depicts the overview of machine-learning-
inserted hardware Trojans, and several approaches can also based hardware-Trojan detection.
be applied to the IC designs using simulation tools, whereas Learning phase:
taking much time or ensuring Golden chips still remains as an The learning phase is carried out before detection. In the learn-
issue. ing phase, the known netlists, where we have already known
Next to the post-silicon approaches, we focus on the which net is a Trojan one or not, are used to learn Trojan
pre-silicon approach, the IP-verification approach. The IP- features which describe the characteristics of Trojans well.
verification approaches generally investigate the IC design Based on the known netlists, a machine learning algorithm
written in hardware description languages. FANCI [15] is one learns Trojan features. As a result of machine learning, we
of the IP-verification methods. In [15], a metric called control can obtain the learned model.




RU ' 4

Fig. 5: The examples of Trojan-net features proposed in [12].

1HW݊/*)L ))L ))R 3, DQG32 


Fig. 4: The overview of machine-learning-based hardware- 3ULPDU\ RXWSXW

Trojan detection approach.

$ %

Classification phase:
Fig. 6: The example of the five Trojan features: LGFi, FFi,
The classification phase is carried out to obtain the classifica-
FFo, PI, and PO.
tion results which describe whether the net is a Trojan or not
using the learned model in the learning phase. To begin with,
the unknown netlists, where we do not know which net is a
Trojan one or not, are given and we extract the features from to either AND, NAND, OR, or NOR gate. The ‘Case 6’ in
them. After we extract the features, we classify the nets into Fig. 5 shows a part of the sequential-based trigger circuit.
a set of Trojan ones and that of normal ones. However, the extracted features in [12] are too specific to the
Using the machine-learning-based hardware-Trojan detec- referenced benchmarks in the paper.
tion approaches, we can classify the nets in a given netlist Based on the features extracted in [12], a machine-learning-
into a set of normal nets and that of Trojan nets. The next based hardware-Trojan classification method is proposed [7].
subsection elaborates the feature extraction step, and how In the paper, the five features: LGFi (Logic Gate Fan-ins),
to learn and classify the extracted features using machine FFi (Flip-flop input), FFo (Flip-flop output), PI (Primary
learning algorithms. Input), and PO (Primary Output) are proposed. LGFi is defined
by the number of inputs of the logic gates two-level away
B. Future extraction from the target net. FFi and FFo are defined by the number of
For machine learning, how to extract the features of hard- logic levels to the nearest flip-flop input and output from the
ware Trojans is a major problem. A hardware design is target net, respectively. PI and PO are defined by the minimum
described in hardware description languages. By analyzing logic level from any primary input and output from the target
it, we can obtain the structure of the designed hardware. net, respectively. Fig. 6 shows examples of the extracted five
However, existing machine-learning algorithms cannot directly features from the net n, the bold line in this figure. In this
learn the structure of a circuit or a graph, therefore we have case, LGFi becomes 4, FFi becomes 2, FFo becomes 1, PI
to extract feature values from the structure. Using extracted becomes 2, and PO becomes 1.
feature values, we construct n-dimensional feature vectors Though [7] obtained good classification results, we can
which contain n feature values, and then we can apply it to further increase the accuracy. In [9], the 51 Trojan features
the machine learning algorithm. The features which represent listed in Table I are extracted from the nets in the benchmarks.
the characteristics of hardware-Trojan circuits well will lead From the 51 features, the eleven features listed in Table II,
to good classification results, whereas redundant features are with which we can efficiently classify the nets into a set of
insufficient to classify and also lead to taking much time and normal ones and Trojan ones, are picked. As shown in Table II,
many computational resources. the numbers of fanins, flip-flops, and the minimum levels to
In [12], a score-based hardware-Trojan detection method has multiplexer and primary input/output can be deeply related
been proposed, which is one of the IP-verification methods. to hardware-Trojan features. Moreover, the number of loops
This paper carefully analyzes several hardware-Trojan bench- is also related to the hardware-Trojan feature, which is not
marks published on [16], and it proposes nine features which included in [12].
represent Trojan nets well. Fig. 5 shows two examples of the As discussed above, feature extraction is a critical matter
Trojan-net features proposed in [12]. The bold nets in this for machine-learning-based hardware-Trojan detection. In [7]
figure show the Trojan nets. The ‘Case 1’ in Fig. 5 shows and [9], several Trojan features for machine-learning-based
the combinational-based trigger circuit, where ‘LSLG’ refers hardware-Trojan detection approaches are proposed, but we

TABLE I: The extracted features from a netlist (1 ≤ x ≤ 5) /*)L

proposed in [9].
Trojan feature Description
fan in x The number of logic-gate fanins up to x-level away from a target net. 1RUPDOQHW
number of flip-flops up to x-level away from the input side of a target net.
in flipflop x The ))R RU
out flipflop x The number of flip-flops up to x-level away from the output side of a target net. 7URMDQ OD\HUV 7URMDQQHW

in multiplexer x The number of multiplexers up to x-level away from the input side of a target net. 2XWSXW
out multiplexer x The number of multiplexers up to x-level away from the output side of a target net. 3,
in loop x The number of up to x-level loops.
out loop x The number of up to x-level loops. ,QSXWOD\HU 2XWSXWOD\HU
in const x The number of constants up to x-level away from the input side of a target net. 32
out const x The number of constants up to x-level away from the output side of a target net.
in nearest pin The minimum level to the primary input from a target net. ,QSXW
out nearest pout The minimum level to the primary output from a target net.
/D\HU V (b) The neural network in [8].
{in, out} nearest flipflop The minimum level to any flip-flop from the input or output side of a target net.
{in, out} nearest multiplexer The minimum level to any multiplexer from the input or output side of a target net.
(a) The neural network in [7].
Fig. 7: The structures of the neural networks proposed in [7]
TABLE II: The best set of 11 Trojan features and their and [8].
importance values proposed in [9].
No. Trojan feature No. Trojan feature
1 fan in 4 7 out loop 5
2 fan in 5 8 in nearest pin
values, and finally outputs the value which is obtained by a
3 in flipflop 4 9 out nearest pout function called ‘activation function’ using the summed value.
4 out flipflop 3 10 out nearest flipflop Fig. 7a depicts an example of the structure for hardware-Trojan
5 out flipflop 4 11 out nearest multiplexer
6 in loop 4
classification using the five Trojan features discussed in the
previous subsection. The input layer receives a vector input.
The number of units in the input layer is equal to the number of
elements in the input vector. The middle layers are composed
cannot theoretically argue that they are the most effective of one or more layers and compute internal vectors between
Trojan features. Directly extracting features from the circuit the input layer and the output layer. The output layer sends
structure should be required for the efficient machine-learning- out the calculated data as an output of the neural network.
based hardware-Trojan detection. Each layer is further composed of units which receive the
output values as inputs from the units in the previous layer
C. Hardware-Trojan detection using machine learning and compute an output value using these inputs.
This subsection demonstrates how to learn and classify Although the neural network in [7] has one middle layer,
the nets in a netlist into a set of normal nets and Trojan multi-middle-layer neural networks are applied in [8]. In [8],
nets using the extracted features. A supervised machine- the eleven features listed in Table II are used for classification,
learning algorithm can be applied to the machine-learning- whereas the five features are used in [7]. Fig. 7b depicts
based hardware-Trojan detection for the IP verification. In the the structure of the neural networks in [8]. The number of
learning phase (appeared in the left of Fig. 4), a dataset, which units in the output layer can be set to one or two for binary
consists of the data and their corresponding labels, is required. classification. With one unit in the output layer, we set a
The machine-learning algorithm computes internal values with threshold value to the output value. For binary classification,
which the data corresponds to its label well. As a result of the output value ranges 0 to 1 so that 0.5 is frequently used as a
the computation, the learned model, which includes computed threshold value. With two units in the output layer, we compare
internal values, is constructed. In the classification phase (ap- the output values of the two units. One unit corresponds to the
peared in the right of Fig. 4), we give data without labels to the normal net, and the other corresponds to the Trojan net. When
learned model. Finally we can obtain the classification results the output value of the first unit is larger than that of the second
which show whether a net will be Trojan or not. one, we identify the net to be a normal net. On the other hand,
In [7], an SVM-based and a neural-network-based when the output value of the first unit is smaller than that of
hardware-Trojan classification methods have been proposed. the second one, we identify the net to be a Trojan net. In [8],
An SVM is one of the supervised machine learning algorithms the output layer has two units as seen in Fig. 7b, which is a
and it computes a hyperplane which divides data samples into different structure from that in Fig. 7a.
two classes with maximizing the margin from the hyperplane A different approach from the SVM or neural networks, a
to the most nearest sample in each class. In the learning phase, random forest classifier is applied to hardware-Trojan classi-
the SVM determines the hyperplane using given datasets. In fication in [9]. A random forest is also one of the supervised
the classification phase, the SVM classifies the data into a machine-learning methods using multiple decision trees. Each
class based on the computed hyperplane. On the other hand, a decision tree uses a subset of features randomly sampled from
neural network, which is also one of the supervised machine a set of entire input features. Even though a given netlist
learning algorithms, takes different way from the SVM for includes a very small number of Trojan nets, classification
classification. The neural network has several layers: the input based on decision trees can lead to good results.
layer, the middle layers, and the output layer, and each layer Table III shows the classification results among the four
has several units called ‘perceptron’. A perceptron collects machine-learning algorithms above. In the leftmost column of
values from those in the previous layer, sums up their weighted Table III, NN refers to the neural-network-based approach, and

TABLE III: Comparison among four machine-learning algo- Though several hardware-Trojan detection methods have
rithms. been proposed, it is likely to be impossible to detect all the
# of # of Average Average Average hardware Trojans by one method because there are many types
features benchmarks TPR TNR Accuracy of hardware Trojans and their circuits are potentially similar
SVM [7] 5 17 83% 49% 51%
NN [7] 5 17 81% 69% 69% to normal circuits. For the practice hardware-Trojan detection,
Multi-NN [8] 11 17 85% 70% 73% several approaches are applied to the products. Machine-
Random forest [9] 11 15 68% 99.7% 99%
learning-based hardware-Trojan detection will be one of the
major approaches.
Multi-NN refers to the multi-middle-layer neural networks. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The SVM and the NN approaches use the five features, and the This study was supported in part by the MIC/SCOPE
Multi-NN and the random forest approaches use eleven fea- #171503005.
tures. All the experiments performed in [7], [8], and [9] use the
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IV. F UTURE DIRECTIONS AND CONCLUSION on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 819–823, 2013.
This paper elaborates the characteristics of hardware Trojans [14] M. Tehranipoor and F. Koushanfar, “A survey of hardware Trojan
taxonomy and detection,” IEEE Transactions on Design and Test of
and their detection methods, and reviewed several machine- Computers, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 10–25, 2010.
learning-based hardware-Trojan detection methods. Several [15] A. Waksman, M. Suozzo, and S. Sethumadhavan, “FANCI: identification
machine-learning-based hardware-Trojan detection approaches of stealthy malicious logic using boolean functional analysis,” in Proc.
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have achieved more than 80% average TPR. However, the (ACM-CCS), pp. 697–708, 2013.
trade-off between TPR and TNR still remains to be done. [16] “Trust-HUB.”
Increasing both of the TPR and TNR will be the important
future work.


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