NMBE 26 Block2

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1. A 35-year-old woman and her 35-year-old husband come to the physician for genetic counseling after their son is diagnosed witha rare metabolic disease. ‘Assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilbrum, the physician tls the parents about the Incidence and cartier frequency ofthis disorder. Which ofthe following is ‘most likely to disturb the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium ofthis disorder? © A) Asprecable rato of gone mutation © 8) Rendom matings in the population © ¢) Relatively large population © 1) No selection against a certain genotype ©) Nosgnican immigrant population 2. Ad0-year-old man has moderate edema. A 24-hour urine collection contains 15 g of protan (Ns 150 mg/24h). Which ofthe following isthe most ikaly ‘mechanism ofthe edema?’ © A) Decreased capiiary hydrostatic pressure B) Decreased plasma oncotic pressure. O €) Increased plasma oncotic pressure O D) Decreased permeability of postcapillary venules © E) Increased permeabity of postcapilary venules 3. A@S-year-old man comes tothe physician's office because of the sudden onset of loss of vision inthe lft eye, There is no pain. He has a 15-year history of ‘well conrlled type 2 diabetes mellius and hypertension. He had a myocardial infarction 2 years ago. Temperature is 96.7°C (88.1°F), pulse is 72/min, ‘respirations are 16/min, and blood pressure is 200/100 mm Hg. Fundusoopic examination shows a pale, white retin with retinal artery narrowing and decreased fling ofthe retinal veins. Which of the folowing isthe most likely cause ofthe loss of vision? © A) Malignant hypertension © B) Retinal artery embolism © ¢) Retinal detachment © D) Retinal vein thrombosis © E) Vitreous hemorhage secondary to neovascularization 4. A22-year-old woman who has Bthalassomia has a f-hemoglobin allele that caries a single base substtuton (A—+ G) atthe spice acceptor site ofthe ‘second intron. Which of the following events in expression of the f-hemogiobin gene is most ikely to be impaired by this mutation? © Ay) Binding of nucteosomal histones tothe transcript © B) Cleavage of the transcript by RNA ligase OC) Modification ofthe transcript by smal nuclear rbonucleoproteins © D) Recognition of the transcript by signal recognition partite © E) Transport of he transcript out of the nucleus. ‘5. 22-year-old woman comes tothe physician because of a 6-month history of frequent headaches and fatigue. She tls the physician that she often ‘overeais whon she is anxious and has been making herself vomit and using laxatives forthe past 2 years. She is 168 cm (56 i) tall and weighs 59 kg (130 fb BMI is 21 kgim?. Physical examination wil most iksly show which ofthe folowing conditions? OA) Arthritis © B) Decreased body hair O ¢) Dental caries O D) Gatactorrhea O E) Pituitary adenoma O F) Tachyearcia O &) Thyroid gland enlargement 6. An investigator obtains a serum sample from an individual previously immunized witha vaccine that elicits immunity to Clstridlum feta. Administration of this serum to a guinea pig prior to challenge witha potential lethal dose of C. totan!is most likely to mediate protection tothe challenge dose through binding of antibody to which of the folowing products ofthe bacterial cols? © A) Capsular polysaccharide: © B) Coll wall polysaccharide: O ©) Exetorin O b) Fimbria O ) Flagellum O F) Peptidogtycan 7. AT-year-old boy is about to undergo an appendectomy. An intravenous catheter needs 1 be inserted, but th patient is extremely fearful of being stuck with ‘a needle while awake. The most appropriate anesthesia administered by mask to anesthelize this patient quickly would have which of the folowing characterises? O A) High blood solubility B) High cerebrospinal fuid solubility © ) High tipi sotubitty © D) Low blood solubility O €) Low pt sotbatty 8. AS6-year-old man dies 1 month after the onset of difcuy with short-term memory and anxiety. He underwent surgical excision of small cll carcinoma 1 ‘year ago, Degenerative changes are most key tobe concentrated at which ofthe folowing labeled sites onthe normal MR of the head? O”n Os) Oc 8. A4S-year-old man comes tothe physician because of progressively worsening, constant pain in his aft Ps

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