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Román 1

Module 6 Activity: Reflection #2

Damaris Román

Central State University

ECE-3561-30N Language Arts Methods for ECE/Field

Dr. Stephanie Petricone-Turchetta

November 6, 2022
Reflection #2 Román 2


Effectiveness of Lesson: How effective was your lesson? What went well? What did not go

so well? Did you feel the students were engaged and developing new learning? Were your

teaching/learning strategies appropriate? How did they encourage new learning? What

parts of the lesson did the students seem to really enjoy? What parts of the lesson need

improvement with regard to planning or delivery? What does your assessment data tell

you? Did students meet your intended learning objectives?

Reflecting on my second lesson teaching phonics to my Intermediate Self-Contained

classroom, grades 3-5, I find that the more time I spend with the cooperating teacher, the teacher

assistants in the classroom, and the students, the more comfortable and confident I feel. I am sure

that I still have a lot more to learn and improve, but for this second lesson teaching phonics, I

think I was able to incorporate the feedback received from my first lesson and be more conscious

of the students, and more specific about the teaching-learning experience.

I believe that my lesson was effective considering the standards and the objectives listed

on the lesson plan. The students learned how to apply phonic skills and word analysis skills to

decode words by blending sounds including diagraphs and consonant blends. Students also

engaged in the discussion, building on others’ ideas while sharing their own ideas.The lesson ran

smoothly, and students actively took part in the phonics activities. Because students were

familiar with the format of the activity, I was able to focus on teaching the content, and students

were able to participate focusing on mastering the phonic skills.

In my opinion, the use of technology for this lesson helped the visual learners to make

connections between the print and the sound, also to reinforce the memory by providing the
Reflection #2 Román 3

visual of the meaning of the word. The classroom management during the discussion went very

well. Having the students take turns by calling their names picked from popsicle sticks provided

structure and order to carry a discussion in which all could be heard and validated, while

ensuring everyone had a turn to participate. I think that the students took on the opportunity to

put into practice their foundation skills knowledge and experience how the individual sounds

they practice every day, come together and form words with meaning. What did not go so well,

in my opinion, was the speed of the lesson. I felt like I was rushing through the lesson to keep the

time limit for the video, and cover as much material as possible to bring into a closing. However,

the students kept a good pace throughout the lesson and discussion, and everyone had an

opportunity to participate, comment, or ask questions.

The students were engaged and developing new learning demonstrated by their active

participation in the class discussion defining the words. Students built into each other’s ideas

while expressing their own in a meaningful and clear way. This lesson encourages important

phonic skills students will always utilize going forward. From decoding instruction to writing

practice, this lesson provides multiple opportunities for students to practice letter-sound

correspondence, gradually adding new letters and sounds. The students enjoyed sounding and

saying the word together in one voice. They also really liked deciding if the word they had just

built was real or made up by sharing their knowledge about the meaning of it and examples with

their peers.

The lesson might be made better by including sing-alongs with the target sound to help it

stick, or by organizing a sound walk around the classroom seeking for words with the new "ink"

sound for reinforcement and more involvement.

Reflection #2 Román 4

The assessment data gathered through observation of students’ participation, and the

worksheet completion tells me that students were able to reach the objectives of applying phonic

skills and word analysis skills to decode words by blending sounds including diagraphs and

consonant blends, as well as building on others’ ideas while sharing their own ideas, as set by the

core standards.

Effectiveness of Teacher: Describe your strengths and areas that need improvement.

Document your development as a teacher. How did this lesson go compared to lesson 1?

I find this lesson was more student centered than the first lesson, showing an

improvement from the first lesson. In this lesson, I was able to release more responsibility to the

students. The students did the spelling, sounding out, and through group discussion all

contributed to the define the words. In this lesson students had more opportunities to respond

(OTRs), and there was better engagement of the whole group during the lesson. Compared to my

first lesson that was small group instruction, this whole class instruction was well managed, very

interactive with more student engagement and participation.

Next Steps to Consider: Do you need to re-teach any part of the lesson and how will you

teach it differently? Would you change any part of the lesson? If so, how? What do you

need to address in your next lesson?

If I was to re-teach any part of the lesson, I would take more time on sounding out the

word by including more multi-sensory exercises, such as movements, more tapping out words,

and more visuals for letter-sound correspondence. I would also allow students to give more

examples of the target “ink” sound by creating their own words. For future lessons I would
Reflection #2 Román 5

follow up with homework and have students find more words of the “ink” word family to

continue to build our list.

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