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Republic of the Philippines

Region VI-Western Visayas
Division of Negros Occidental
Pontevedra, Negros Occidental

LAS 3 & 4

NAME: ____________________________________ YEAR & SECTION: ________________

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. The state reached when each part of the body functions in equilibrium with other parts.
a. Homeostasis b. mutation c. mitosis d. cycle
2. System that plays an important part in homeostasis.
a. Nervous system
b. Endocrine system
c. Reproductive system
d. Both A & b
3. The process of making or creating new proteins.
a. Genetic code
b. Protein synthetic
c. Protein synthesis
d. Protein sequence
4. The first stage of protein synthesis.
a. Translation
b. Protein synthesis
c. Transcription
d. Mitosis
5. The stage in which mRNA molecules are “read” and converted into a sequence of amino acids.
a. Translation
b. Transcription
c. mRNA
d. both A & b
6. Known as deoxyribonucleic acid found in nucleus
a. Mrna
b. Codon
c. Anticodon
d. DNA
7. Type of RNA that copies the DNA code and carry it to the ribosomes
a. Trna
b. Rdna
c. Mrna
d. Anticodon
8. Type of RNA that carry the amino acid to the ribosomes where proteins are made.
a. Trna b. Rrna c. Codon d. Anticodon
9. Considered as the building blocks of proteins
a. Polypeptide
b. Proteins
c. Amino acids
d. Ribosomes
10. A long chain of amino acids.
a. Hormones b. Amino acids c. Polypeptide d. Proteins


Write T if the sentence is true and F if false and underline the word that makes it incorrect.
__________1. Homeostasis is the state reached when each part of the body functions in equilibrium
with other parts.
__________2. The endocrine system plays an important part in homeostasis.
__________3. Proteins are important inorganic compounds found in all living organisms
__________4. The process of making or creating new proteins is called PROTEIN SYNTHESIS.
__________5. DNA is known for having 5 nitrogenous basis.

Good Luck!

Prepared by:
Jesiri G. Cornel
Republic of the Philippines
Region VI-Western Visayas
Division of Negros Occidental
Pontevedra, Negros Occidental


LAS 5, 6,7 & 8

NAME: ______________________________________ YEAR & SECTION: __________________

TEST I. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Is any change in DNA sequence or any change in chromosomes of living cells.

a. Mutation
b. DNA
c. Mitoses
d. Replication
2. A nucleic acid that contains genetic materials capable of replicating directing protein synthesis.
a. RNA b. DNA c. protein d. ribosomes
3. A type of mutation that occurs when a nitrogenous base within the gene segment are permanently
a. Chromosome mutation
b. Gene mutation
c. Nucleic acid
d. None of the above
4. A type of mutation that occurs when part of a chromosome is deleted, duplicated, rearranged, or broke
off and rejoined incorrectly during mitosis or meiosis.
a. Chromosome mutation
b. Gene mutation
c. Nucleic acid
d. None of the above
5. The kind of gene mutation where one base pair is replaced by another.
a. Insertion
b. Deletion
c. Substitution
d. Inversion
6. Are evidence or any remnants of organisms that lived a long time ago.
a. Imprints b. decay c. fossils d. casts
7. When an organism is buried, it decays leaving an empty space in the rock that is an exact shape of the
a. Petrified fossils
b. Casts
c. Amber
d. Molds
8. Fossils that are formed from parts of organism that are sometimes penetrated and replaced by mineral,
then hardened to produce an exact copy of the original organism.
a. Casts b. Petrified fossils c. Imprints d. Molds

9. A method used to determine the age of fossil where technique is based on the geological law of superstition.

a. Radioactive dating b. Carbon dating c. Relative dating d. Fossil dating

10. This method involves the use of radioactive atoms present in fossils or rocks which gives off radiation
at a constant rate and transform into a different element until it become stable.
a. Radioactive dating
b. Carbon dating
c. Relative dating
d. Fossil dating

TEST II. True or False

___________1. One or more pairs is lost from a sequence is a type of gene mutation called Deletion.

___________2. Mutation occurs when there is a change in the order of nitrogenous base.

___________3. A gain or loss, duplication and translocation of chromosomes may lead to a variety of genetic
disorders such as Down’s Syndrome, Edward’s Syndrome, Klinefelter’s Syndrome, etc.

___________4. Insertion of Duplication occurs when one base pair is replaced by another.

___________5. There are 5 kinds of gene mutation.

-The End-

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