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John Hay developer DOH presents Bayan Muna 2 grandmas turn

gives up 9 hectares draft of bird flu official shot dead to art and discover

to pay taxes preparedness plan in Tarlac new energy

Mikey Arroyo: Now you Tree doctors rush to save

see him, now you don’t P H I L I P P I N E D A I L Y lives of critical ‘patients’
By Nikko Dizon By Blanche S. Rivera
rack up those frequent flyer whose job it is to preserve the lives of trees.
miles. And he is working quietly, patiently, treat-
The President’s son, Pam- ing a most critical patient: Metro Manila.
panga Rep. Juan Miguel The government is moving to save the
“Mikey” Arroyo, supposedly B A L A N C E D N E W S , F E A R L E S S V I E W S metropolis’ environment, and has tapped tree

‘They had it coming’

email: Sunday, October 16, 2005 HH 13 sections / Vol. 19 / No. 310 P18 website:

Palace, PNP say protesters provoked cops to fire water cannons

By Gil C. Cabacungan Jr. ,

Watery attack
Armand N. Nocum
and Tina G.Santos


This was the reaction of shows GMA
Malacañang, a senior Cabi-
net official and the Manila
‘going bananas’
police yesterday to criticisms By Nestor Burgos Jr.
against the use of water can- PDI Visayas Bureau
nons to mow down hundreds Fe Zamora, Juliet Labog-Javellana
and Jerome Aning
of protesters, led by former
country and administration and opposi-
Guingona and three Roman tion senators yesterday expressed shock
Catholic bishops, as they at the water attack on a church-led
protest march near Malacañang. Veteran
marched peacefully toward fighters of martial law denounced it as a
the Palace Friday night. fascist act that showed how scared Presi-
Press Secretary Ignacio Bunye said the dent Macapagal-Arroyo was.
incident could have been avoided if the “Uncalled for and objectionable” was
marchers had held their protest else- how Iloilo Archbishop Angel Lagdameo,
where. Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez the incoming president of the Catholic
and administration lawmakers accused Bishops Conference of the Philippines,
the protesters of using religion to dis- described Friday night’s violent dispersal
guise their political intentions. of the procession-cum-protest near Men-
“We can avoid this kind of incidents if diola (Don Chino Roces) Bridge.
only we coordinate with the city govern- Lagdameo is to formally assume the
ment. It was clear from their agreement leadership of the influential CBCP on
that the rally permit was only for Plaza Dec. 1, replacing Davao Archbishop Fer-
Miranda and if that was held there, there nando Capalla.
surely would have been no incident,” “The problem is that GMA has not told
Bunye said in the transcript of a radio in- the whole truth so that is why she is very
terview released by his office. scared,” former opposition Sen. Jovito
“But we are not surprised that [they Salonga told the INQUIRER.
marched on] despite our repeated re- “A prayer rally is a rally that cannot be
quests.” disposed of like that—with water can-
The latest of a series of confrontations nons—without violating the Constitu-
between the police and demonstrators tion.”
demanding the resignation of President Opposition Sen. Serge Osmeña said
Macapagal-Arroyo occurred near the the photos on the front pages of the In-
Mendiola (now Don Chino Roces) Bridge ternational Herald Tribune and The New
during a march billed by organizers as a York Times showing a former Vice Presi-
religious procession. The marchers had dent being treated harshly “will shock
with them statues of the Virgin Mary and foreigners and will drastically affect the
were praying the rosary instead of chant- investment and tourism image of our
ing anti-Arroyo slogans. country.”
Local officials have declared Mendio- “This woman (Ms Arroyo) is going ba-
la—historically the site of protests nanas,” Osmeña said.
against presidents—off-limits to demon- Bishop Julio Labayen, 80, the oldest of
strators. Bunye stressed that Mala- the three elderly bishops who joined the
cañang was not out to muzzle its critics. protest, said what the authorities did
“If you’re talking of freedom of expres- was not just an attack on free speech and
sion, they can always express their senti- assembly, it was also an attack on the
ments in media. If they want to demon- right to religion.
strate, they have areas designated for Labayen said it was not the first time
demonstrations,” Bunye said. that he figured in a gathering that was
He said that Mendiola was in a univer- hosed down by the police.
sity belt where four major educational WARNING: COLOR THEM CUTE BUT … “I was hosed down before in Mendiola
institutions were located. Painted by enterprising street vendors and sold along a street in Manila, the chicks are irresistible to children. But with ... I was with [pre-martial law Manila
“Any rally here by a few hundreds of the global alert out for avian flu, each chick is a suspected carrier, each chick could be deadly. (Story on Page A14.) REUTERS Times publisher] Chino Roces. But that

Om’s world: Child prodigy, 6, paints from her dreams


By Hazel P. Villa ed visual artist and photo contrib-

PDI Visayas Bureau utor of the INQUIRER.
Born on March 24, 1999, Om
ILOILO CITY—THIS CHILD has been a vegetarian since birth
named after the first sound of the and was breast-fed for three
universe could identify primary years, like her brother John “Blue
colors at nine months, was hold- Heart” Dre, 10.
ing a Chinese paintbrush at 11 The Dueñases are devotees of
months, and had done more than Ananda Marga, and are strict veg-
50 simple paintings on bond pa- etarians and practitioners of yo-
per using India ink by the time ga.

she was a year old. Om goes to the Special Educa-

When Eouia Aum “Om” Due- tion-Integrated School for Excep-
ñas, second child of Ilonggo artists tional Children (Sped-Isec) on
Guijo and Jyh Ming Dueñas, was PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST as a Luna Street, and Blue Heart, the
five, she held a one-child show of child of 2 taken by her doting dad adjacent Mabini Elementary
25 acrylic-on-paper-board paint- School.
ings measuring two by three feet Once, she talked about flying Guijo said that at the age of 2,
each. The exhibit, titled “My and singing horses, and Guijo Om could identify secondary col-
World,” ran on March 22-28 last told her: “Why don’t you paint ors and was using water-based
year at SM City Mall Iloilo. them?” paints.
On Nov. 12-14 also last year, The result? “Flying Horse Using a No. 12 brush, and just
the 5-year-old was the youngest Dream”—a colorful horse stand- having learned to mix primary
of 20 artists holding a group ex- ing on three legs, with a rainbow colors to make secondary ones,
hibit for the Sunrise Festival at for a tail. Om had finished about 30 oil
the CAP Building in Cebu City. “If I show her what a real horse paintings on canvas in various
Om’s ideas for her paintings of- looks like, she cries out, ‘That’s sizes by the time she was 3.
BOLD, HAPPY, MAGICAL strokes create “Tiki, Dinosaur” in acrylic on paper board. Other favored
ten come from her dreams, ac- not my horse!’ And I just let her Some of the paintings are in
subjects are birds, butterflies, houses, flowers, rainbows, human forms and all other things that delight
cording to her father. be,” said Guijo, 39, a multiaward- OM’S WORLD/ A17 her. The child artist is due to hold her second solo exhibit of 30 acrylic paintings in Iloilo City. GUIJO DUEÑAS

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