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Nedy Tantoco’s list: 10 things Reds rule out Bush authorized secret Mike Enriquez: Let’s
men should know about Christmas eavesdropping in US, face it, I don’t have a

women and shopping truce says intel official face for TV but...

Flashing lights may be fun, Doctor of champions

but flashing Santa is not P H I L I P P I N E D A I L Y makes it to Winter Games
LONDON—BRITISH POLICE By Christian V. Esguerra
said Friday they were on the
lookout for a man dressed as A FILIPINO CHIROPRACTOR
Father Christmas, a serial has been named to the elite
flasher exposing himself 12-man international delega-
around a small town on Eng- tion in charge of the physical
land’s south coast. conditioning of athletes in
The man has indecently B A L A N C E D N E W S , F E A R L E S S V I E W S the 20th Winter Olympic

Gov’t to Meralco: Pay up

email: Sunday, December 18, 2005 HH 14 sections / Vol. 21 / No. 10 P18 website:

GMA, Lopez
‘Power play’ clan may clash
may leave over P42-B debt
energy chief to Napocor
By Tony S. Bergonia


By Gil C. Cabacungan Jr.
be looking at a considerable
reduction in electricity rates
Department of Energy.
if the Arroyo administration
A top Malacañang source said Energy opts to convert a P42-billion
Undersecretary Peter Anthony Abaya has outstanding debt of the
been pushing for the creation of the
Strategic Oil, Gas, Energy Resources and Manila Electric Co. into
Power Infrastructure Office which would shares of stock, resulting in
take over practically all the functions of
his boss, the low-key Energy Secretary government virtually taking
Raphael Lotilla, except for the monitor- control of the Lopez
ing of oil prices.
The source, who asked that his name
Group-led distribution utility.
be withheld on grounds that he wanted This was one of the options presented
to avoid personality clashes within the in a July 2005 memorandum to Presi-
Cabinet, claimed Abaya was the propo- dent Macapagal-Arroyo by a top Mala-
nent of Executive Order No. 474 creating cañang official to settle a long-standing
the power infrastructure body. dispute between the National Power
President Macapagal-Arroyo signed Corp. and Meralco over P42 billion
the EO on Nov. 30. The new body has not worth of power that Meralco contracted
been fully constituted. to buy from the state-owned power gen-
In a text message to the INQUIRER last erator.
night, Abaya admitted having “dis- The takeover option would have the
cussed” the formation of the body with government simply converting the P42
Ms Arroyo a few months ago but denied billion into equity by entering into a debt
he had authored the EO, saying he did conversion agreement with Meralco.
not know who was behind it. Sources in Malacañang said the Presi-
Abaya also said he did know who dent herself wants the P42 billion col-
would head the body. lected from Meralco.
The source found the new body a They said Napocor has been given the
needless addition to the bureaucracy be- go-signal by the President to collect the
cause the DOE, on its own, he said, could P42 billion and prevent the further fi-
do the job better. nancial hemorrhage of the state-owned
POWER/ A6 power firm.

RP on verge
According to the memorandum, a
copy of which was obtained by the IN-
QUIRER and which was marked privileged

of biggest real
and confidential, the government could
use the P42-billion debt as leverage to
bring down electricity costs by using the

estate boom
debt to acquire more shares in Meralco.
Industry insiders said, however, that
even if this course of action would mean

in 30 years
lower electricity rates and put a stop to
the financial hemorrhage of Napocor, the
government’s hands were tied as it
would put the Arroyo administration on
By Gil C. Cabacungan Jr. a collision course with the powerful and
politically influential Lopez family and
THE PHILIPPINES IS ON THE CUSP OF send a wrong signal to investors.
CELEBRATING THE FILIPINO. On Saturday, the lights on a giant Christmas tree are switched on at Rizal Park with
what could be the country’s biggest prop- Elpi Cuna, the Meralco spokesperson,
erty boom in nearly three decades fueled
fireworks galore. Made of indigenous materials, the tree dazzles as the “Pamaskong Galing Pilipino” so aptly dubbed in
this season of endless wonder: That the Filipino has within himself the skills, the industry, creativity, the powers of mind said the dispute over the P42-billion debt
by money from overseas Filipinos, in-
and heart to dazzle the world.

Senate rejects ConCom report: It’s so Marcos

vestments from businessmen and in- ERIK ARAZAS

creased government spending.

But Albay Rep. Joey Salceda said the
real estate industry could only reach its
full potential if President Macapagal-Ar-
royo resolves her biggest political crisis
triggered by allegations that she cheated By Juliet Labog-Javellana in the Senate. tutional amendments, for the Senate to would not be acceptable to those who
in the 2004 elections. and Philip C. Tubeza Senators crossed party lines to reject keep an open mind in the matter. would benefit from them, or to the peo-
“If politics is neutral, we are at the the report of the commission formed by According to Senate President ple at large.
threshold of the biggest real estate boom THE WAY IT LOOKS, THE RECOMMEN- President Macapagal-Arroyo, despite the Franklin Drilon, Majority Leader Francis “The move is dead, deader, deadest,”
since 1997,” Salceda said in an interview. dations of the Consultative Commission call of Antique Rep. Exequiel Javier, vice Pangilinan and Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile, quipped Sen. Joker Arroyo.
RP ON VERGE/ A6 on Charter change do not stand a chance chair of the House committee on consti- the proposals contained in the report SENATE / A4

(Above) Noel Gonzales bags a bronze in the
100m breaststroke. (Left) Blind ex-ramp
model Gerry Gonzalo gets set to hurl the
javelin but fails in his quest for a medal. (Right)
The gold in the 1,500-meter wheelchair race is
won by Thailand’s Prawat Wathoram with two
others practically breathing down his neck.

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