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US investment bank: RP Court rejects bid Basque separatist Kris Aquino now endorser
outlook positive, economy to defer 4 GIs’ trial; group declares of 17 products; she gets

to grow faster in ’06 rape victim pickets permanent ceasefire mom to buy them
email: feedback@inquirer.com.ph
Gringo sighted here, Senga warns of more coup
there and everywhere P H I L I P P I N E D A I L Y attempts by Left, Right, rebs
By PDI Visayas, By Dona Pazzibugan
FUGITIVE GREGORIO dent Macapagal-Arroyo.
“Gringo” Honasan may be The warning came from Armed Forces Chief of
in more places than his Staff Gen. Generoso Senga who said that the al-
pursuers can keep up liance between the military and leftist rebels to
A former official of Pani-
B A L A N C E D N E W S , F E A R L E S S V I E W S oust Ms Arrroyo has already taken root.
“We may have not seen the last of the attempts
tan town in Capiz yesterday at a power grab,” Senga said in a speech before
GRINGO/ A4 Thursday, March 23, 2006 HH 4 sections / Vol. 21 / No. 105 P18 website: www.inq7.net SENGA/ A4

Palace to regulate all gov’t ad budgets

By Gil C. Cabacungan Jr. “The Communication Group March 6. Senate Minority Leader Aquilino
and TJ Burgonio shall guide, integrate and super- The Communication Group Pimentel Jr. said all government
vise the public information activi- shall be chaired by Press Secre- ads would now be approved by
A NEWLY CREATED COMMUNI- ties, including advertisements, of tary Ignacio Bunye with Cerge Bunye.
cation Group under the Office of all departments, bureaus, offices Remonde, the government media “This is choking the media. EO
the President will consolidate the and agencies in the executive chief, and Conrado Limcauco, di- 511 in effect prevents the govern-
multibillion-peso advertising branch of the government, in- rector general of the Philippine ment from using any media criti-
budget of all government agen- cluding government financial in- Information Agency, as members. cal of the government,’’ Pimentel
cies, including state-owned cor- stitutions (GFIs) and govern- Ms Arroyo said there was “a said in a phone interview.
porations, banks and pension ment-owned and-controlled cor- need for a body to guide, inte- Pimentel said the order was
funds—a move that a senator porations (GOCCs), in close con- grate and supervise the operation “direct pre-censoring” of the me-
says could be used by Mala- sultation with the head of these of these entities, with respect to dia.
cañang to threaten media compa- entities,’’ President Macapa- their public information activi- In an interview, Bunye said

Garci passport
nies critical of the administration gal-Arroyo said in Executive Or- ties.’’ that more than controlling the
with an ad boycott. der No. 511, which she signed on Quoting Malacañang insiders, PALACE/ A6

faked, says BSP

‘Central bank finding shows conspiracy’
By Michael Lim Ubac Remulla said he felt “vindicat- a certification issued yesterday by
ed,” saying the BSP findings the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas,
ONE OF THE PASSPORTS SUBMITTED BY FOR- “strongly indicate a conspiracy to through BSP Deputy Governor
mer Election Commissioner Virgilio Garcillano to a cover up” the alleged election
fraud in 2004.
Armando Suratos, to the five
committees, which requested the
joint House inquiry is “fake,” belying his claim that Garcillano’s second passport examination of the two passports
he did not leave the country at the height of the (No. JJ243816) “does not conform
to standard” on six counts, but his
in February.
It is the BSP that prints all the
“Hello Garci” poll fraud scandal last year, the for- previous passport (No. BB602533) blank passports for the Depart-
mer lead chair of the probe said yesterday. “conforms to standard,” the chairs ment of Foreign Affairs. AT LAST. After five years, former President Estrada takes the
of the five House committees that The BSP certification “weak- witness stand to tell his side of the story, which he hopes will
“It’s fake, it’s fake! I told you the leadership of the chamber looked into the scandal announced ens, severely injures and inflicts a validate him. As he testified, riot police kept hundreds of his
so,” Cavite Rep. Gilbert Remulla would “not let pass this case of at a press conference. severe blow to the credibility of supporters away from the Sandiganbayan. Already, they proclaim
said. He expressed the hope that outright contempt of the House.” The findings were contained in GARCI/ A4 their idol “not guilty.”

Erap: All lies; I was


All systems go for gov’t convicted in streets
STL to kill illegal game By Nelson F. Flores
By Gil C. Cabacungan Jr. game “jueteng.” JOSEPH ESTRADA LOOKED
Ping: Erap knew
and Norman Bordadora “It is clear that we should not every inch the President that he money for Muslim
have any illegal operations while was before he was ousted five
IT’S ALL SYSTEMS GO FOR THE the STL is in operation. Secretary years ago in his first appearance youth project came
Small Town Lottery (STL) pro-
Puno has stated all illegal opera-
tors will be arrested,” said Defen-
in his trial yesterday, denying as
“a pack of lies” accusations he
from ‘jueteng’
But the antijueteng czar Mayor sor. raided the national treasury. By Philip C. Tubeza
Edward Hagedorn of Puerto “Mayor Hagedorn is not in- For the show of his life, the ac-
Princesa is no longer on top of it. volved in this (STL) because his tor-turned-politician wore the FORMER PRESIDENT
Presidential Chief of Staff role is specifically as antijueteng trappings of his office—the trade- Joseph Estrada knew that
Michael Defensor and Interior czar. (The STL) is just a petition mark presidential seal on his the money going to his pet
Secretary Ronaldo Puno yester- by the League of Mayors,” he THE FIRST FEMALE US ENVOY TO THE PHILIPPINES white wristband and a Philippine project to educate Muslim
day gave the green light to a one- said. Ambassador Kristie Kenney presents her credentials to President flag lapel pin on his “barong.” youths and send some of
year trial run for STL being spon- But Hagedorn announced on Arroyo on Wednesday. Ms Arroyo says that Kenney, who arrived “These are trumped-up them to Harvard came from
sored by the Philippine Charity March 21 that he was organizing here on March 17, told her she wants to go to Mindanao as soon as charges, a frame-up,” said Estra- “jueteng”—the illegal num-
Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) as an a team to monitor STL. possible. Her last posting was in Ecuador. (Story on Page A2.) LYN RILLON da when asked about charges bers racket, said his former
alternative to the illegal numbers ALL/ A4 that he received P130 million in police chief.

kickbacks from the tabacco excise Sen. Panfilo Lacson said
tax for Ilocos Sur province as Gov.
Mt. Bulusan watch Luis (Chavit) Singson, his main
Estrada wanted to bring
peace to war-torn Mindanao

accuser, watched from a front by helping young people get
Location Map
row seat. an excellent education, even
“That’s a pack of lies,” he said. helping them go abroad

spews ash
I’ve never asked for commissions. PING/ A13

Mt. Bulusan

By Bobby Q. Labalan Erap and Chavit: Bosom

buddies, mortal enemies
SORSOGON PDI Southern Luzon Bureau
and Blanche S. Rivera
in Manila
By Volt Contreras dent Joseph Estrada—walked in
Philippines SORSOGON CITY—AFTER BE- minutes later, flashing his star-
ing quiet for 11 years, Mount Bu- AFTER MORE THAN FIVE YEARS, quality smile, waving to support-
It covers lusan in Sorsogon erupted late the two men whose bitter animosi- ers and visibly relishing the me-
a surface Tuesday night, spewing ash
Area area roughly ty altered the course of the na- dia spotlight denied him in the
Enlarged 400 sq. km. clouds as high as 1.5 km into the tion’s history finally came almost solitude of his Tanay resthouse,
and towers Mt.Mayon sky and prompting government eyeball to eyeball, separated only where he has been detained.
about 1559 warnings to residents not to go by five seats and the dark glasses Estrada ambled to the front
above sea near the volcano. one wore. row as well and sat on the right
MASBATE ALBAY level. The Philippine Institute for The accuser—Gov. Luis “Chav- side.
AFTER 11 YEARS, Bulusan Volcanology and Seismology it” Singson of Ilocos Sur—slipped Yesterday was the first time the
volcano shows signs of explosive Mt.Bulusan (Phivolcs) reported a steam-driv- early into the small, tightly two men—once said to be bosom
activity. It spewed up to a 1.5-km SORSOGON en explosion from the summit of packed courtroom, and seated buddies—found themselves in
high ash column on Tuesday night. the 1,559-meter volcano at 10:58 himself on the left side of the the same room since Singson ac-
San Bernardino Strait p.m. on Tuesday. It lasted 20 min- front row. cused Estrada of receiving illegal
INQGRAPHIC:ESAMBO BULUSAN/ A6 The accused—ousted Presi- ERAP/ A13

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