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Ayala to build P2-B mall Harry Tañamor, boxing’s Ex-Makati councilor Mega Pacific owners
in Pampanga,1st venture brightest Asiad gold hope, presents proof of ghost admit they bagged P78-M

in retail mart in C. Luzon is axed from RP team employees at City Hall Comelec deal but fairly

P H I L I P P I N E D A I L Y Justices have made up
At twilight, the skyline of Metro their minds on Cha-cha
Manila as seen from the lush of the
By Armand N. Nocum
greens in Antipolo is shrouded with
a thick layer of pollutants. Ms THE SUPREME COURT WILL HOLD A SPECIAL
Arroyo was playing golf over the session today to decide on the people’s initiative
weekend, and as she saw the smog petition and, barring a lengthy debate, may issue
rising, she was dismayed and called
for a stricter enforcement of B A L A N C E D N E W S , F E A R L E S S V I E W S a resolution within the day, a senior justice said
environmental laws. REM ZAMORA
website: Speaking on condition of anonymity, the jus-
Wednesday, October 25, 2006 HH 6 sections / Vol. 21 / No. 319 P18 JUSTICES/ A17

RP-Japan accord ‘toxic’

Environmentalists slam swap of health workers for hospital waste
By Blanche S. Rivera

open for Japan—and it has 7,100 islands.
This is how concerned environmentalists see the admits Fish are jumping,
prohibited but living not easy

likely effect of the Japan-Philippines Economic
Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) which President
Macapagal-Arroyo and then
waste on list

Japanese Prime Minister Junichi- By Leila B. Salaverria

From incinerator
ro Koizumi signed on Sept. 9 in
Helsinki on the side of the By Ronnel W. Domingo (Third of a series) -TEAM Report
ash to used
Asia-Europe Meeting. FISH ARE JUMPING, BUT THE Fernando del Mundo
In exchange for the export of THE PHILIPPINES’ CHIEF NEGO- living is not easy on oil-smeared Chief
surgical gloves
nurses and caregivers, the Philip- tiator in the trade talks with Guimaras.
pines will allow the entry of toxic Japan yesterday said the agree- Spooked by the worst environ-
and hazardous waste under the ment signed by the two countries mental disaster in the nation’s visible actually now from the
THE JPEPA MANDATES ZERO JPEPA, according to environmen- covered a comprehensive range shoreline of Guimaras and the
tariff for the following types of
history following the sinking of
talists. of products but did not necessari- WOMAN’S WORK is never people are just looking at
waste as soon as the treaty the MT Solar I on Aug. 11 off the
The top Philippine negotiator in ly mean the entry into the coun- done. About 25 women lead the them,” says Rafael Coscolluela,
takes effect: island-province, fishermen aren’t
cleanup and the loading of sacks
• the trade talks, Senior Trade Un- try of prohibited or toxic waste. going after what used to be the presidential adviser for west-
Ash and residue (other of sludge on the shores of
than from the manufacture of dersecretary Thomas G. Aquino, Senior Trade Undersecretary main source of their livelihood. ern Visayas who is in charge of
told the INQUIRER that the accord Thomas G. Aquino said in an in- Barangay Cabalagnan in Nueva
iron or steel) containing arsenic, Valencia, Guimaras. “There seems to be a lot of fish FISH/ A22
mercury, thallium or their mix- covered a broad range of prod- terview the Japan-Philippines
ucts. But only regulated waste Economic Partnership Agreement
tures, of a kind used for the ex-
traction of arsenic or those met- would be allowed into the country (JPEPA) was an “all-trade” pact, Reinventing Guimaras: An island of unfulfilled dreams
als or for the manufacture of once the pact is ratified by the leg- which means that all products
ROUGHLY THE SIZE OF SINGA- By law, the island was made a Guimaras became a province
their chemical compounds. islatures of the two countries and produced in both countries are

pore, the sleepy island-province province in 1992, when it be- after the passage of the Local
Ash and residue from the goes into effect, Aquino said. (See covered.
of Guimaras has been rudely longed to the derogatory “Club Government Code that trans-
incineration of municipal related story on this page.) This is why waste—even the
roused from its dreamy slumber 20” of the poorest provinces in ferred to local government units
waste. This is the first time a bilateral hazardous and toxic ones—is in-

by a 20th-century environmental the country. Unable to create (LGUs) the task of providing ba-
Waste organic sol- trade and investment agreement cluded, said Aquino. scourge—an oil spill. jobs for lack of investments, its sic services, which the national
vents—halogenated. will include and encourage trade Asked why the JPEPA talks cov-

Ironically, this may also cata- local government units were al- government used to do. The law
Pharmaceutical waste. in hazardous waste, including the ered items that were in the first

pult it to 21st-century modernity if so unable to deliver basic ser- also devolved to LGU personnel,
Residual products of the highly toxic incinerator ash, a prac- place prohibited by Philippine law, development plans are achieved. vices to their poorest. REINVENTING/ A22

Loren, Ping,
Kiko top
SWS survey
By Cynthia D. Balana
and Norman Bordadora
No more room

emerged as the top choice of po-

tential voters polled by the Social
Weather Stations in its latest sur- at the inn for
STEEPED in the tradition of the Nuestra Señora de Peñafrancia’s fluvial
procession, the Camarines Sur Dragon Boat team makes big waves in Singapore.
vey on senatorial preferences for
the May 2007 elections. GMA Cabinet

‘Oragon’ sink rivals in dragon boat race

There were 13 front-runners in
the race for 12 Senate seats as a By Christine O. Avendaño
result of ties for the 11th and
They included eight opposition no more rooms at the inn for
By Juan Escandor Jr. The local rowers, all veterans fishermen,” Aggie Luque, a Fil- country. [They] set new stan- figures, four senators who are at them, members of the Cabi-
Inquirer Southern Luzon of the regattas that grew from the ipino working in Singapore and dards in dragon boat racing,” times critical of President Maca- net attending the Southeast
fluvial processions marking the who rowed with the British team Luque said in an e-mail. pagal-Arroyo and a television Asian Summit in Cebu in
PILI, CAMARINES SUR—ON TOP annual feast of the Nuestra Seño- in that city-state, quoted a Cana- The team bagged all the first broadcaster, according to the December may literally
of their homegrown skills, per- ra de Peñafrancia, defeated 39 dian rower as saying of the Ca- prizes in three events in the open SWS polling outfit. have to live by the summit
haps these farmer-fishermen other teams composed of Filipino marines Sur Dragon Boat Team men’s division—the 250-meter The survey, conducted from theme “One Caring and
have the Patroness of Bicol to and foreign nationals at the invi- (CSDBT). and 500-m sprints and the 1,000- Sept. 2 to Oct. 2, covered 46 pos- Sharing Community.”
thank for their triumph at a tational Sava Sprints Internation- “It would be really nice for ev- m race—and emerged champions sible senatorial candidates and Which means they may
multinational dragon boat race al. eryone in the Philippines to ap- of the race held on Sept. 23-24. involved a representative sample NO MORE/ A17
held in Singapore last month. “No one is as good as those preciate what they did for our ‘ORAGON’ SINK/ A6 LOREN/ A22

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