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Scorpius looked down at the sparkling green grass with his good eye and shuddered.

He felt like he had to

swallow it back up. He was not afraid of getting kicked in his face or having his head punched, blindness was
much scarier. After all, there are too many things that can go wrong. “Mr Rose.” He heard a teacher call his
name. “Mr Rose, please, get back in the classroom.” The teacher gently grabbed his arm and was about to lead
him back in when the boy started to shake his head. His stutter seemed to intensify and a look of concentration
formed on his face, his eyes darting all over the room. Then, he slowly tilted his head to one side. There was a
deafening rip sound, and the wall behind him exploded into pieces of debris. His right eye was gone and his left
was opening, then closing. The school yard echoed with his screams of pain, the blood gushing out, the teachers,
graders and students marveling in silence at Scorpius as he writhed in the dirt, his eyes straining to look to see
where the monster that took his right eye was. “Mr Leaf.” It was the same teacher who had spoken to him
earlier. “Please…please, get him to the hospital.” He was taken away screaming. Scorpius was a minor
monster. A minor monster is a creature that was born with a birth defect or deformity, or a monster with a birth
defect or deformity without knowing it. Scorpius Rose was born with a missing eye. For him, the world was not
a beautiful blank canvas. Sometimes, he found himself sitting in the hallways thinking how nearly everyone he
saw was an absolute stranger. The first person he saw after he was born, was his father, Oliver Rose. It was
strange how as soon as he heard the door open, he always knew it was his father. Just by the sound of his
footsteps. His dad, who had worked as an accountant for a company, was a very calm and quiet individual who
did not like to talk about himself and troubled those around him with his sour attitude. Scorpius was a little boy
who liked to tell stories. Stories about his life with his mother, Jean-Marie. He grew up being scared of his Deaf
Mother and his Father. The reason behind his fear of his mother was that she was Deaf as well. Though she
sign-converted perfectly well, she very rarely talked and was very closed off.

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