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Your name is Shari, you work as a veterinarian , and you help animals at a local vet clinic.

One day you help to

look after two goats, one called Gandalf and one called Radagast. Gandalf is a very friendly goat , but Radagast
is very aggressive. The other day you went to the village market and purchased some fresh vegetables from a
local market stall. When you came back home with your vegetables Radagast followed you, ( he'd been looking
for some foraging for himself). It was a hot day, so you put your vegetables into the fridge at the clinic you work
at and locked the fridge with a card-lock. Your employer, Dr. Joanna, likes to help you sometimes when a
patient is really sick, so she let you go early for the rest of the day, because your time as a vet is also valuable.
The clinic is usually very busy, but you have had very little practice recently. You have to check the patients
before they enter the clinic, and around the premises, and then you check the animals' health and make sure their
cages are filled. Today you have an appointment with a little poodle-type dog called Peach. She's very small
and very friendly, but was a little sick. The clinic is closed from 12:00 to 12:30 , but you have to make sure that
Peach is ready to be checked by Dr. Joanna and given medicine. You can run very fast and you come back in
just over eleven minutes. You open the clinic and see that Peach is still inside. You enter the clinic, but
somehow Sugar, one of the other local guy's dogs, has managed to get inside too. The door is locked, but Sugar
is outside. You look around and see Peach running around - and then you let Radagast out of her cage. You run
back to the door, but you've forgotten the code! And then you see everything happen... --------------------- They
attacked the clinic! Your name is Shari and you are trained as a veterinarian and you have worked in this clinic
since you were a little girl . You found out about the incident from neighbors and relatives, who heard about it
on the television. You can't believe that it could actually happen, but the news is on. You see that the animals
have all been injured pretty badly - but that is not the worst of it. However, you can't tell anyone about the
animals in case it was your fault and you lose your job. Your first duty when you enter the clinic office is to
make sure that there are no animals loose.

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