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Critiquers: Rain and Michelle Rain and Michelle walked down the dark, unlit street flanked by rows of

buildings. They both wore their hoods up, concealing their faces from other people. Michelle was the elder of
the two and wore a turquoise t-shirt with white sneakers and long denim shorts. Rain wore more formal clothing
and carried a clipboard, containing a number of sheets of notes and a bottle of water. A black tablet hung from a
strap at her side. “Who are we following today?” Rain asked as they walked. “It’s a guy called Ezekiel,”
Michelle answered, figuring Rain was talking about the note she was holding. The note had the target’s name,
address and the date scribbled on it. “He’s a binge drinker. That type of person is always the easiest to avoid.”
“How is he going to avoid us?” Rain asked. She was the more skeptical of them, but had a good understanding
of human nature. “We have a very good disguise.” “And what’s the disguise?” “You.” Rain looked at her
quizzically, “Seriously?” “Yeah,” Michelle replied. “I told him I was interested in some of his writing. You can
be his viewing audience critique. You’re good at that kind of thing. It’s why I brought you along.” Rain
nodded. “I see.” The building that Michelle had parked in front of was in a state of disrepair. The windows
were boarded up and the gate was bent over almost to the point of falling down. It was three stories tall,
something that was a rare kind in the neighbourhood. It seemed almost odd that it was the kind of place that the
city would deem a suitable place for someone to live in. Rain stepped forward. She hesitated slightly before
reaching for the door. “You’re going in first?” “I’m not a fan of going in last.” Michelle nodded. Rain stepped
inside and walked up the stairs, Michelle waited outside a moment before following. Michelle knocked on the
door and waited. “Come in,” a man’s voice said from the other side. Michelle opened the door and walked in.

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