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Lesson Plan Format For STEM Lessons

Name of Teacher Candidate: ​Tas’Shauna Whipple Grade Level: ​4 In this column, identify which of the
● Science and Engineering
Lesson Title or Topic:​ Planets, Stars, and Moon Practices
● Standards of Mathematical
Curriculum Areas Addressed: ​ Earth Science ​ Time Required: ​60 min Practice and
0min ● Cross Cutting Concepts

Are applicable in this lesson

Instructional Groupings: ​Are you using whole group, small group, partners, quads, homogeneous, heterogeneous?
Whole group

Standards: ​List the GSE that are the target of student learning and are key to this lesson. Include the number and the text of each of the GPS/GSE that is Science and engineering practices
being addressed. If only a portion of a standard is addressed, include only the part or parts that are relevant. (Obtaining, Evaluating, and
S4E1: c. Construct an explanation of the differences between stars and planets.
Communicating Information)

As a result of this lesson students will…

Learning Objectives: ​(Objectives are aligned with the standards and are stated in measurable/observable terms. These should reflect the ​thinking and
skills appropriate to the specific content (The Standards of Mathematical Practice and/or the Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts.
These objectives are what you will assess.)

Essential Question(s) ​As a result of this lesson, students will build understanding that leads to developing an answer for this question.
What makes Earth such a special planet?

Support for Academic Language

Language Function: ​Each standard or goal uses language​ ​intentionally to introduce concepts and to identify the “function” that is required (Describe, Note: Not all demands can be met
analyze, compare, etc.) ​. T​ his creates language demands for student performance that must be incorporated into instruction. in a single lesson, but over the
Language Demands: ​Develop learning tasks that align​ with the standard so that by succeeding at the task, the learner is meeting the demands of the course of a unit all demands should
function. Three main demands are vocabulary, discourse, and syntax. be supported so that the student
can be successful in meeting these
Vocabulary: ​(What Academic Language will be taught or developed? Identify the key vocabulary and/or symbols specific to the
content area. ( These may be derived from the standards.) How will you provide support for using this vocabulary?
demands of the function.
Discourse:​ How will the student use this language? (Written, spoken, demonstrated, or other form of discourse)
Syntax:​ What language structures/symbols or academic patterns are required? (Graphs, data tables, sentence structures, etc.)

Lesson Plan Template John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Georgia College Adapted for Science Instruction
By Miriam M. Jordan, Ed.D.
Lesson Plan Format For STEM Lessons

Language Supports: ​How will instruction scaffold the students’ efforts to meet these demands?

Assessment​ ​(Each learning objective must be assessed. How will students demonstrate the targeted skill and/or understanding of the lesson’s
objectives? How will you provide feedback for the students? What type of assessment will be used? What evidence will be collected to demonstrate
students’ understanding/mastery of the lesson’s objective? What constitutes success for the students?)
Assessment Strategy: ​(Identify the assessment strategy/strategies to be used for assessment of the learning objectives listed above. Each learning
objective should be assessed. DO NOT restate the learning objective.) Think in terms of balanced assessment-. Do you need to pre-assess, formatively assess,
summatively assess or use some combination of these, employing multiple means of assessment?
There will be an pre-assessment, but it will be the following day after the students learn more about the difference between stars and planets. It will be in
the form of a quiz, that has at least 10 questions and the students have to fill in the blanks.

Steps in the Lesson​ ​(​Include the activating strategy or the hook for the lesson; the introduction; the lesson procedures including strategies/planned
supports for whole-class, small group, and individual instructions; and differentiated activities.)
Activate learning (Hook): ​(State how you will begin the lesson to engage the students. Identify the inquiry components:
Now that you’ve learned about the sun and the stars and why some are brighter than others, now it’s time to learn about (Not all of the Es will be in every
the difference between stars and planets. Let’s find out what the difference is. We will see a short video and discuss this as a lesson, but engage, explore, and
class. explain form the backbone of the
science lesson.)
Introduction: ​(State how the lesson will be introduced. This should communicate the purpose of the lesson, be directly related to the goals and objectives Engage (Initiate here, carry through
of the lesson, tap into prior knowledge/experiences, and develop student interest Attention should be given to students’ academic, social, and cultural the lesson.)
characteristics to promote connections and engagement.)
Engage and Explain
The solar system is such a vast area that we have come a long way in learning about through the various different technological advances that have enabled
us to be able to study the solar system. The purpose of this lesson is for us to learn characteristics of the components of the solar system so that we learn
about our planet, its location, and the other planets that our solar system consists of.

Work Session (Body of Lesson) Instructional Strategies: ​(Use a bulleted or numbered format to communicate the procedures for the lesson – Explore (initiate here, may repeat
what the teacher will do as well as what the student will do. Describe the strategies which will be used to support students’ learning. Knowledge of students’ throughout the lesson.)
cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development along with their cultural backgrounds should be evident.)
1.(As a class) We will review what we learned the previous day about stars and the notes they took, so that we will be able to contrast them with the
planets later on in the lesson.(20 min.)
2.(Students will do) Students will watch a video about the solar system to get us started on the topic and further spark their curiosity and then pass out the
paper called 10 Things You Need To Know about Planets.
3.(Teacher will do) I will spark a discussion asking what interests them about the solar system.(the video and discussion will be about 15-20 min.)
4.(Teacher will do) I will ask that they pull up a very informative link to help them fill out the Planet and Sun Organizer
5.(As a class) We will go over the Planet and Sun organizer.(The remainder of the class)

Lesson Plan Template John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Georgia College Adapted for Science Instruction
By Miriam M. Jordan, Ed.D.
Lesson Plan Format For STEM Lessons

Closure/Summarizing/Wrap up: ​(Describe how the students will process and show what they know and /or can to as a result of the standards Explore, Explain (Extend, E-learning,
addressed in the lesson. What process or strategy will be used? ​ ​Evaluate:​ ​Students will determine the similarities and differences in stars and planets Elaborate, Evaluate if
including size and distance from Earth. (A diagram is helpful for compare and contrast.) In their research, they will need to include a discussion of relative
size, order, appearance and composition of planets and the sun. A chart is helpful for students to organize their thoughts.
Modifications/Differentiation​: ​Describe how the lesson is modified or differentiated to meet the needs of individual students. ​N/A Explain, Evaluate

Instructional Supports
Resources and Materials Used to Engage Students in Learning ​(Provide citations for all resources that you did not create. Attach key instructional material needed to understand what you
and the students will be doing. Examples: class handouts, assignments, slides, and interactive white board images.) ​Found on the GSE website.​ -This video helps get us started in learning about the Solar System
Planet and Sun Organizer and 10 Things to know about planets located at:

Using the smartboard

Additional Resources and Materials Used to Increase Teacher’s Background Knowledge of the Content: ​(​List any websites and sources of materials and background information that
you will need or use as the teacher to engage the students.)​ -Contains a table contrasting stars and planets

using the smartboard

Other Relevant Information I will go over the table contrasting stars and planets in class the next day. I just want them to get to know about the planets which build
up to them getting prepared to be able to contrast stars and planets.

Clear Links to Learning Theories, Educational Research, and Principles of Development:

Constructivism-the students are building upon previous knowledge to help them find the solutions.

Connections to Technology and/or the Arts:

Technology. Being able to use the computer to help fill out the assignment.

Instructions for using this lesson plan template

Lesson Plan Template John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Georgia College Adapted for Science Instruction
By Miriam M. Jordan, Ed.D.
Lesson Plan Format For STEM Lessons

This template is intended for use by science and mathematics teachers and it is consistent with the format used for EdTPA at Georgia College. The column on

the right has been added to provide a framework for the teacher to think through how the Science and Engineering Practices, Standards of Mathematical

Practice, and the NGSS Cross-Cutting Concepts are integral to STEM instruction in the lesson.

The user should not type n in gray areas. The gray areas are headings and dividers. The plan should be typed in the white spaces. Italicized text provides

reminders and guidance in some sections. This text can be deleted as the form is completed.

The information required at the bottom of the form documents aspects of the teacher’s professionalism, including references to materials, use of technology

and connections to learning theory.

Lesson Plan Template John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Georgia College Adapted for Science Instruction
By Miriam M. Jordan, Ed.D.

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