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Names of Members: Astilla, Phimella Maillene U.

Section: STM 29

Aure, Angeline C.

Recto, Jan Ralph S.


"Smart House," uploaded on YouTube under TRY, is a video advertisement by Rema 1000.

The video presents a man's smart house being voice-activated. Moreover, the entire purpose of the

video presentation is to showcase the marketing concept of the Norwegian supermarket chain,

"Simplicity is king," which also aligns with their philosophy. The advertisement demonstrates that

despite the significant innovation, it is still preferable to keep things simple that cannot obstruct

the way we normally live.

The marketing concept of Rema 1000, "Simplicity is king," started in 2000, and it includes

"Smart House," one of the most well-known advertisements released in 2018 in Norway by TRY

(an advertising agency), gaining 996K views as of today. This video advertisement is about a man

living in a "smart" house that responds to all his voice commands, like playing music or opening

the door. But when he returns home after visiting the dentist, the detector cannot detect his voice

due to the Novocaine injection, making everything worse and, at the same time, funny.

Furthermore, the three main factors that the Rema 1000 campaign considered when capturing

viewers' attention and promoting its products are affordability, simplicity, and relatability, which
can be seen in the video presentation. For this reason, the advertisement worked out well since

"Smart House," which advertises its products uniquely and funnily, made the audience laugh. This

Rema 1000 commercial was intriguing because, rather than displaying the goods for sale, they

presented a skit with a message that reflected the nature of the product, which was all about


The video advertisement “Smart House,” created for Rema 1000, targeted their audience

to technology users that have become extremely dependent on the latest technology, especially

those making their everyday chores more effortless. Likewise, the advertisement succeeded in

achieving the desired results of showcasing those technological advancements that can have

defects and that it is not always a good idea to completely rely on these man-made products. In

addition, their main focus was to make technology enthusiasts realize that simpler is better. The

story dealt with a nightmare that any technology enthusiast could have, and the advertisement did

a good job capturing and interpreting it. While there is no denying that technology makes life

easier, there are instances when it falls short of our expectations. Apart from this, social media

advertising was the style of advertising used in this video presentation; it was used to reach more

people who are potentially interested in the products they are selling. The advertisement used

evidence and persuasion, including a story that addresses a situation or a fact from true-to-life

experiences that the audience can agree and relate with. Moreover, "Smart House" has a clear

structure and well-ordered ideas from beginning to end. It was successfully illustrated in the

advertisement and was mostly in favor of the state of simplicity. Its point of view is to draw

attention to the fact that, despite how advanced it may be, technology still has a number of
downsides. Finally, the video presentation deepens the audience's understanding of the benefits

simplicity has to offer and provide.

Overall, Rema 1000's "Smart House" advertisement was one of the cleverest

advertisements of all time. Many people liked it because of the good vibes it brings and its relatable

message. It also cannot be denied that it is better to keep things simple, like what the video

presentation is trying to say. It is good that valuable lessons are highlighted in this video. However,

although the advertisement was great in that it advertises Rema 1000's marketing concept,

"Simplicity is king," it still lacks details on what kind of products they offer their customers. At

such a glance, one will not know if it is an advertisement for a supermarket chain or a technology

company. Likewise, there is no specific product with a specific price. Hence, for the improvement

of this video advertisement, it will be a good idea to be more specific since it will avoid

misunderstandings between the seller and the customers. It will also be a nice idea for their next

campaign to be related to supermarkets while integrating their philosophical views, such as

"Simplicity is king."

• The introduction was done by Astilla, Phimella Maillene U.

• The body was done by Aure, Angeline C. and Recto Jan Ralph S.

• The conclusion was done by Astilla, Phimella Maillene U. and Recto Jan Ralph S.

• Proofread and revisions were done by Astilla, Phimella Maillene U.


Essay Freelance Writers. 2019. How To Write An Article Critique. YouTube. [accessed 2022 Nov


Smartmill: People laugh at technology that doesn’t work - Interviews. 2019 Feb 12. Adforumcom.

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TRY. 2018. SMART HOUSE – ENGLISH VERSION – REMA 1000. YouTube. [accessed 2022

Nov 13].

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