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Answer the following questions (be brief and concise).

1. What is religion?

Religion is from the Latin verb Religare, which means “to tie” or “to bind fast.” Religion is a powerful
institution that connects human beings, both as individuals and collectively, to a transcendent reality

A contemporary scholar defines religion as “a system of beliefs, rituals, and practices, usually
institutionalized in one manner or another, which connects this world with the beyond. It provides the
bridge that allows humans to approach the divine, the universal life force that both encompasses and
transcends the world

Some social scientists prefer a functional definition of religion that does not necessarily refer to the
belief in a supernatural being (god or force). In the functional definition, religion is anything that
provides an individual with the ultimate meaning that organizes his/her entire life and worldview

2. What are the functions of religion in society and the individual?

~Durkheim proposed that religion has major functions in society: it provides social cohesion to help
maintain social solidarity through shared rituals and beliefs, social control to enforce religious-based
morals and norms to help maintain conformity and control in society, and it offers meaning and purpose
to answer any existential questions.Religion as a social institution has a very powerful impact on society
and the world. Religion provides the ultimate meaning to human being’s quest for life meaning, the
search for the origin of the world, and the justification for death and suffering.

3. Why does religion persist and continue to grow in spite of the rapid science and technological

~The revival of religion is facilitated by the growing interconnection of different geographical regions
through globalization. Globalization is allowing religions to travel faster from one area to another.
Indeed, religion has contributed to the globalization process since its creation.

4. Does religion promote unity or does it exacerbate social division?

~ For me, It can perform both functions.The problem is There are too many religions. “unity” in many
religions means that everyone converts to their faith, which is neither “unity” nor “peace.” Religion is a
human institution of power that does not have a true god. That is right, according to atheists. Since they
do not believe in a god, they believe that religion is the only thing that exists. They have seen religion,
but not God, a living God. Without that, religion is a human-made way to provide certain ideals and
create rituals around social objectives and events from an empirical perspective. There can be true
peace in the world with God. Even if they do not want to convert, God wants us to live in peace with all.

5. Why do people search for new religious expressions other than their traditional religious

~ Some people understand the reality of religions, but some people refuse to believe that there is only
one true religion. Religion is necessarily social, beliefs and rituals are usually shared by people belonging
to a definite religious community. While an individual may opt not to belong to or affiliate with an
established religion or religious tradition, that person is still religious and belongs to an individualistic or
spiritualistic interpretation of religion. Even the practicing New Age believers who have their own
distinctive personal beliefs are influenced by non-Western religious traditions such as Buddhism,
Hinduism, and other beliefs. These people are called unchurched believers.

6. What is your current religion? Have you ever tried converting to another religion? Why or why

~ I was born and raised a Catholic. I tried to convert to another religion because I wanted to know every
culture and customs of every religion. In other words I attend another religion but I do not change my
religion. But for me, my belief in our god is not based on religion.

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