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Toward the finish of World War II, the Ting Brothers set up a "Panciteria" in the bustling region
of Quiapo in 1950. After some time, the little panciteria serving principally lomi filled in
prominence and began offering dishes to its developing quantities of costumers. The siblings
found and made an uncommon formula for fried chicken and sauce, which likewise got famous.
The report about the tasty, juicy, and delicate chicken spread rapidly. The famous Savory
Chicken House was born and its first branch opened in Escolta. The restaurant keeps on
developing throughout the long term. The third era of the Ting family soon re-lunched the brand
under the name "Classic Savory".

This restaurant makes me feel cozy and comfortable because of its ambiance. The staffs were
additionally also very nice and accommodating. The serving time of the food is quick and
efficient. This restaurant was so good, that we always eat there when there’s a special occasion.
We always order their hototai, cream corn and crab soup, long life pancit canton, yang chow
fried rice, savory shanghai rolls, sweet and sour, creamy mushroom fish fillet and of course we
can never forget there specialty since 1950 the turning point of their success even up today, the
classic savory chicken.
I can say that there chicken is so tasty, juicy, and very delicate. Also the sauce of their chicken is
so mouthwatering and was such a perfect match. It is very addicting as it makes me reminiscent
all the amazing memories that I’ve had when eating their chicken. I can also say that there is a
consistency in the flavor of the chicken and also the other dishes that they serve. There plating is
also very simple and straight forward but it’s very appetizing to the eyes. It makes me feel that I
am eating on a five star restaurant. But in reality, the quality of their food is Superb on such a
very reasonable price.

But there is one thing that I don’t like about it that’s why I’m not giving it a perfect score it is
because of the inconsistency on the size of their chicken. I suggest that they should focus on
being consistence on the size of their chicken because other costumers might get disappointed at
the size compared to what they expect and they will never go back in the restaurant. As a result
savory will lose their potential loyal customers. My personal rate in their chicken is 9/10 because
they can improve it and inject new innovation and ingredients to enhance their chicken.





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