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Contents..................................................................................................................... 2 INTRODUCTION:..........................................................................................................3 Recruitment requirements:.....................................................................................3 Legal requirements of the employer:......................................................................3 Professional training:...............................................................................................3 Professional development:......................................................................................4 Motivation:..............................................................................................................5 Motivational factors.................................................................................................6 Significance of employee motivation:......................................................................7 Maslow's theory in today's work force:....................................................................8 Applying Maslow's Needs Hierarchy - Business Management Implications.............9 The Classical School of Management:...................................................................10 Scientific management:........................................................................................10 Management styles:..............................................................................................10 SWOT ANALYSIS:......................................................................................................12 CONCLUSION:...........................................................................................................13 RECOMMENDATIONS:...............................................................................................13 REFERENCES:............................................................................................................14 BIBILOGRAPHY:......................................................................................................... 16

National Bank of Pakistan is a Govt. bank. It has its head office in Karachi. It has over 1,232 branches in Pakistan & 18 abroad. National Bank of Pakistan maintains its position as Pakistan's premier bank determined to set higher standards of achievements. It is the major business partner for the Government of Pakistan with special emphasis on fostering Pakistan's economic growth through aggressive and balanced lending policies, technologically oriented products and services offered through its large network of branches locally, internationally and representative offices.

Recruitment requirements:
Recruitment can be defined as the process of discovering potential candidates for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies. Every organization has its own recruitment policy. According to the recruitment policy of NBP, the requirements are: 1. Candidate must be a citizen of Pakistan. 2. She/he must be a business graduate, and 3. She/he should have attained the age of 18 years but not exceeded the age of 35 years.

Legal requirements of the employer:

1. Background investigations are done by contacting the previous employers of the candidates and looking into their past records. 2. Candidate must be domiciled in Pakistan.

Professional training:
During the first ten years the NBP trained its own staff through a series of training programmed both for junior officers and clerical staff. By 1958 however it was obvious that one thins more comprehensive was needed and the bank established a staff college Karachi. Three mote colleges at Islamabad, Lahore and Peshawar, setup later. These colleges provide course of instructions, supervisor personnel and clerks to meet the Banks ever growing trained personnel. This needs springs not only from the steady grown for the banks business but also to replace wastage due to retirement resignation, ill health or death.

The staff college receives junior bank officers for further training in banking the course lasting from six to nine weeks with about twenty five students in each course. The staff college course are designed not only to impart technical instruction, but also develop qualities of judgments decisions, leadership and management, since these student are likely to be those men who may expect to the seniors most executive positions the bank has to offer. The bank also deputes officers to attend banking seminar both in Pakistan and abroad and it attaches great importance to the exchange of ideas information and knowledge which can most use fully accrue from these gatherings. In its position the National Bank has considerable responsibility in ensuring that the country is well represented at meetings of bankers at domestic and international level.

Professional development:
National Bank of Pakistan has an existing Human Resource development department, which operates to increase the existing skills of the people existing or coming in the organization, in order to achieve its objectives in a more efficient and effective manner. NBP has devoid two basic training techniques. First is related to the training and development of midterm plan, regarding new clients & middle level employees. Secondly, the training & development for long term plan, regarding the career development of higher level employees. NBP applies on-job and off-job strategies to train its employees (middle & higher level). NBP training & development academy advises Job rotation to ensure & facilitate the producing of all rounder. The source of this assignment confirms the availability of the training plan at least 2 months before the commencement of New Year, in order to make it easy for the socializing and orientation of the new employees. NBP believes in pre-post training test for existing employees & post training test for new employees. The trainees will be required to submit back-home action plan, which will be followed up by the JNMDC/Staff colleges. These plans will help in evaluation and end use of training. In National Bank of Pakistan there are different types of development plans for management for e.g. MDP1, MDP2, and MDP3 & CLDC.

Performance appraisal & development plan:


It was early 1998 when an open scientific & objective performance appraisal system for all executives & officers was introduced with an aspiration to bring a culture of Meritocracy & Pay for performance In all matters of promotions, salary raises, career planning & development throughout the bank. The whole appraisal process has been divided into two categories.
1. Appraisal by Objective (ABO): Results/achievements of individual employee are

compared with the respective objectives/targets mutually agreed upon in the beginning of the year between the supervisors and the employee.
2. Appraisal by Ability (ABA): it concerned with subjective evaluation of Ability based on

Key factors like job knowledge, communication skills, interpersonal effectiveness, initiative & flexibility. The ultimate objective of appraisal system is to bring pay for performance culture in the process or organizational development. Appraisal interview is taken by the department head only. Progress report is in the hands of the department head. Yearly appraisal of the employee is done within June - July. Appraisals are done yearly but they can also be done at any time of the year by the department head on the basis of employees marvelous performance. There are two types of performance appraisal method used by the NBP. Graphical rating at NBP: Through the graphical rating scale the head of the department rates the person according to the performance of his work, skill, knowledge, experience & also on his performance in the training programs. After the assessment according to the rating scale he rates the employee. 360 Degree Feedback at NBP: Upward feedback is done by 360 degrees i.e. information is collected all around an employee from his or her supervisors, subordinates, peers & customers. Subordinates can appraise their seniors. Change management: 1. NBP manage change with survey feedback, technology in the work place, source of innovation & establish a strategy. 2. Globalization impact is very vast in NBP with the help of information technology.

As we know NBP is highly aware of how to motivate its employees in the best way. This can be judged by the enthusiasm and good spirit that people show in

performing their jobs. There is a well-devised system that MOBILINK follows for the purpose of motivation. It includes both financial and non-financial rewards along with the major motivators and dissatisfies. The bank recognizes the importance of making people drive towards their goals and the basic step towards this is made through recognizing the value of importance that the bank gives to its employees. NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN has a set of financial rewards, medical, dental, vision and life insurance, retirement plan, educational refund assistance, paid vacation days, family and work life balance benefits and profit sharing plan, Annual bonus opportunities, bank cars etc. other ways in which employees are motivated are: 1. Employees are safe in knowing that they will be rewarded for any exceptional work. This reward is not only monetary. It is accompanied by the employee being given recognition and greater empowerment. Employees are given a very beautiful and healthy work environment. Special attention is given to make the physical environment most productive. This is why NBP offices are considered to be the best decorated and organized. As we know NBP has a desire to promote the high achievers from within the bank. Positions are given on merit and are transparent and fair in nature. There is no special treatment. Therefore each employee knows that he can aim for the top and actually get there. This has proved to be a great source of motivation for the employees of NBP.

Motivational factors
NBP is a leading telecom bank and all the employees working there feel pride in affiliating them with the organization. Its the biggest intangible motivational factor. Affiliating with organization, employees are self motivated to work and loyalty comes from within. However they have other factors too. They believe in praising the good work done by employees and reward them on that. Reward may be tangible or intangible. They also arrange parties in which star performers are highlighted. Also they have informal meetings after performance evaluation and supervisors, subordinates, colleagues talk about their success and are motivated through intrinsic factors. Delegation of authority and empowerment re the tools which they use to motivate employees and that is how they keep up the good work.

Significance of employee motivation:

Motivation & job satisfaction among employees directly affect the bottom line in every organization. Managers and supervisors use tools such as rewards, employee development & training programs to inspire workers to reach their potential. Both the worker and the company benefit from an effort to motivate and improve job satisfaction in the organization.

Productivity: Organizations can experience an increase in productivity with motivated and happy workers. According to Management Study Guide, providing workers who have the abilities and skills to perform a job with the desire to perform the job increases productivity for the company. Companies that recognize a worker's efforts also encourage the employee to meet and exceed productivity expectations. Employee Loyalty: Strategies to improve workplace satisfaction include employee development programs such as education assistance and training. The manager or supervisor can set development goals for the worker during an employee evaluation. Goals and training encourage a worker to reach his career goals and aspirations. Companies invest in an employee through recruiting, hiring and training, but the investment is lost if the worker leaves for another organization. Retention and loyalty help the organization reach its goals by reducing the cost of hiring new employees. Companies that promote from within and offer recognition for superior performance enhance the satisfaction a worker feels on the job. Reduced Absenteeism: Workers often feel less motivated to show up for work every day when the company does not recognize accomplishments or use programs to develop the careers of its employees. Absenteeism results in a loss of productivity, which has a cost for the organization. Motivated workers look forward to going to work every day and meeting the goals of the organization as well as their own personal career goals. Quality: Motivation and employee development programs can include quality improvement teams or groups. A quality improvement team allows the worker to participate in scrap reduction or quality improvement projects. The motivational programs create a team atmosphere in the organization as well as improving the quality of the work.




Maslow's theory in today's work force:

From this theory of motivation, modern leaders and executive managers find means of motivation for the purposes of employee and workforce management. The basis of Maslow's theory is that human beings are motivated by unsatisfied needs, and that certain lower needs need to be satisfied before higher needs can be satisfied. Per the teachings of Abraham Maslow, there are general needs (physiological, safety, love, and esteem) which have to be fulfilled before a person is able to act unselfishly. These needs were dubbed "deficiency needs." While a person is motivated to fulfill these basal desires, they continue to move toward growth, and eventually self-actualization. The satisfactions of needs are quite healthy. While preventing their gratification makes us ill or act evilly. As a result, for adequate workplace motivation, it is important that leadership understands which needs are active for individual employee motivation. In this regard, Abraham Maslow's model indicates that basic, low-level needs such as physiological requirements and safety must be satisfied before higher-level needs such as selffulfillment are pursued. Self-Actualization Self-actualization is the summit of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. It is the quest of reaching one's full potential as a person. Unlike lower level needs, this need is never fully satisfied; as one grows psychologically there are always new opportunities to continue to grow. Self-actualized people tend to have needs such as: Truth, Justice and Wisdom. Meaning Self-actualized persons have frequent occurrences of peak experiences, which are energized moments of profound happiness and harmony. According to Maslow, only a small percentage of the population reaches the level of self-actualization. Esteem Needs Once a person feels a sense of "belonging", the need to feel important arises. Esteem needs may be classified as internal or external. Internal esteem needs are those related to self-esteem such as self respect and achievement. External esteem needs are those such as social status and recognition. Some esteem needs are: Self-respect, Achievement, and Attention & Recognition Reputation Maslow later refined his model to include a level between esteem needs and selfactualization: the need for knowledge and aesthetics. Social Needs Once a person has met the lower level physiological and safety needs, higher level needs awaken. The first level of higher level needs is social needs. Social needs are those related to interaction with others and may include: Friendship, Belonging to a group, Giving and receiving love.

Safety Needs Once physiological needs are met, one's attention turns to safety and security in order to be free from the threat of physical and emotional harm. Such needs might be fulfilled by: Living in a safe area, Medical insurance, Job security. Financial reserves According to the Maslow hierarchy, if a person feels threatened, needs further up the pyramid will not receive attention until that need has been resolved. Physiological Needs Physiological needs are those required to sustain life, such as: Air, Water, Food. Sleep According to Maslow's theory, if these fundamental needs are not satisfied then one will surely be motivated to satisfy them. Higher needs such as social needs and esteem are not recognized until one satisfies the needs basic to existence.

Applying Maslow's Needs Hierarchy - Business Management Implications

If Maslow's theory holds, there are some important leadership implications to enhance workplace motivation. There are staff motivation opportunities by motivating each employee through management style, job design, company events, and compensation packages.
a. Physiological Needs: Provide lunch breaks, rest breaks, and wages that are sufficient to

purchase the essentials of life.

b. Safety Needs: Provide a safe working environment, freedom from threats, and relative

job security.
c. Social Needs: Create a feeling of acceptance, belonging, and community by reinforcing

team dynamics.
d. Esteem Needs: Recognize achievements, assign important projects, and provide status to

make employees feel appreciated and valued.

e. Self-Actualization: Provide challenging and meaningful work which enables innovation,

creativity, and progress according to long-term goals. However, not all people are driven by the same needs - at any time different employees may be motivated by entirely different factors. It is important to understand the needs being pursued by each employee. To motivate an employee, leadership must be able to recognize the needs level at which the employee is operating, and use those needs as levers of workplace motivation.

The Classical School of Management:

The classical school is the oldest formal school of management thought. Its roots pre-date the twentieth century. The classical school of thought generally concerns ways to manage work and organizations more efficiently. Three areas of study that can be grouped under the classical school are scientific management, administrative management, and bureaucratic management. The classical school (of management) has sought to define the essence of management in the form of universal fundamental functions. These, it was hoped, would form the cognitive basis for a set of relevant skills to be acquired, by all would-be managers through formal education. Body of the classical school's management thought was based on the belief that employees have only economical and physical needs, and that social needs and need for job-satisfaction either don't exist or are unimportant. Accordingly, this school advocates high specialization of labor, centralized decision making, and profit maximization. See also behavioral school of management, contingency school of management, quantitative school of management, and systems school of management.

Scientific management:
An early 20th century school of management thought concerned primarily with the physical efficiency of an individual worker. Scientific management is based on the work of the US engineer Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) who in his 1911 book The Principles of Scientific Management laid down the fundamental principles of large-scale manufacturing through assembly-line factories. It emphasizes rationalization and standardization of work through division of labor, time and motion studies, work measurement, and piece-rate wages.

Management styles:
1. Autocratic managers like to make all the important decisions and closely supervise and control workers. Managers do not trust workers and simply give orders that they expect to be obeyed. This approach derives from the views of Taylor as to how to motivate workers and relates to McGregors theory X view of workers. This approach has

limitations (as highlighted by other motivational theorists such as Mayo and Herzberg) but it can be effective in certain situations.

2. A democratic style of management will put trust in employees and encourage them to

make decisions. They will delegate to them the authority to do this and listen to their advice. This requires good two-way communication and often involves democratic discussion groups, which can offer useful suggestions and ideas. Managers must be willing to encourage leadership skills in subordinates. The ultimate democratic system occurs when decisions are made based on the majority view of all workers. However, this is not feasible for the majority of decisions taken by a businessindeed one of the criticisms of this style is that it can take longer to reach a decision. This style has close links with Herzbergs motivators and Maslows higher order skills and also applies to McGregors theory Y view of workers.

3. Paternalistic managers give more attention to the social needs and views of their workers.

Managers are interested in how happy workers feel and in many ways they act as a father figure they consult employees over issues and listen to their feedback or opinions. The manager will however make the actual decisions (in the best interests of the workers) as they believe the staff still needs direction and in this way it is still somewhat of an autocratic approach. The style is closely linked with Mayos Human Relation view of motivation and also the social needs of Maslow.


STRENGTHS: 1. 2. 3. NBP one of the largest financial institutions of Pakistan. NBP has an extensive domestic branch network. NBP is working as right arm government of Pakistan.

WEAKNESSES: 1. NBP staff especially at lower considers their work as burden.

2. The general outlook and interior layout of branches are not as required according to modern banking 3. NBP is far behind in offering modern banking facility like automated teller machines then other commercial bank in Pakistan as only eighteen branches in all over country have this facility.

OPPORTUNITIES: 1. The world today has become a global village because of advancement in technologies, especially in communication sector. More emphasis is now given to avail the modern technologies to better the performances. NBP can utilize the electronic banking opportunity to ensure online banking 24 hours a day. This would give the competitive edge over others. 2. Because of the need of micro financing in the market, there are lot of opportunities in this regard. Others banks have already initiated, now the time has arrived when the NBP must realize it and take on step to cater an ongoing demand. THREATS: 1. Major threats NBP facing is from its competitor especially from denationalized commercial bank. In which MCB is on the top of the list, 2. Now banks are using technology which covers the distance no matter how far away any one, through a satellite based, on-line real-time banking system and by offering telephone banking, electronic funds transfer, E-Banking and other modern facilities.



The National Bank of Pakistan plays a key role in the strategic national development. The bank has historically been the financial arm of the government and has enjoyed the blessings of state support in the form of huge public sector funds and deposits. The current management of National Bank of Pakistan was hired purely for their international experience, business orientation to turn around a purely public institution into a sustainable and commercially viable bank serving public interest along the lines of a large modern commercial bank.



1. The National bank of Pakistan should be fully prepared in its management of financial crises and its business continuity planning, within the standing committee framework, and should work with others to strengthen national crises management preparations. 2. The bank should improve the quality of training of its employees and the integrity, controls and efficiency of its systems, processes and financial reporting. 3. The bank should improve its recruitment, retention and development and to reform the Banks pension scheme. 4. The Bank should improve IT capability in the analytical areas and to develop a medium term strategy for banking and market operations. 5. The National bank of Pakistan should monitor the impact of its operations on the environment, which is mainly through the use of power and the generation of waste.


1. NBP Quarterly Report September 2008


3. Practice & Law of Banking in Pakistan by Dr. Asrar H. Siddiqui 7th ed page no 228
4. 5. 6. 7.



1. National Bank of Pakistan NBP Annual Report 2000 National Institute of Banking and finance. 2. National Bank of Pakistan. (1999). National Bank of Pakistan year book National Institute of Banking and finance. 3. Tannan, M.L. (1993). Banking law and practice in Pakistan Masroor Book house. 4. Fleetwood, S. & Hesketh, A. (2009) Understanding the Performance of Human Resources, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 270pp.
5. Brewster, C,, Sparrow, P.R. & Vernon, G. (2007) International human resource

management. 2nd Edition. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. ISBN 978 1 84398 159 6. 323pp.


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