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PAN 32013

• Bureaucracy is an essential organization in all government. It runs the
government administration in its whole land. But bureaucracy is
criticized in many ways. They are following.
• Administrators run the administration according to the rules and
regulations. In this time they do not concern the public opinion and
control. That’s why they are called as ‘bureaucrats’.

• Every government understands the needs of bureaucracy. As well as all

people understand that bureaucracy is an important thing. But, when
bureaucrats are doing their functions, they upset the people and people are
unhappy. That’s why people dislike the bureaucracy.
• As bureaucrats have the permanent jobs and some offers, they don’t
worry about the people’s needs. They pay the more attention to the
government rules only.
• Bureaucrats have the authority from the government. Sometimes they
misuse the power for their personal things.
• Bureaucracy has the well trained and educated people, they are
concerned themselves as the elite in a society. So they limit their
relationship with the people.
• Bureaucracy is organized in the hierarchical system. That’s why any
single activity is passed the long process and procedures. It causes to
delay the activities and people are also not satisfied.
• To serve the people in neutrality, bureaucrats follow the government’s
rules strictly. There is an absence of humanity found out by the people.
• Bureaucracy maintain the documents and its activities in a file system. It
is a ban to get the quick services from the organization. Bureaucrats also
do not understand the urgent of the people.
• People complaint against the bureaucracy that it does not pay the
attention to people but its self-interest. Bureaucrats do not concern the
consequences of a project rather than implementation.
• Many political administrators do not have the more knowledge about the
administration of a particular thing. That’s why they delegates the more
power to the bureaucracy in implementing. It is cause to bureaucracy
misuse the power and resources.
• Sometimes bureaucrats are impartial in providing the services. They give
the priorities to the particular person, ethnicity, region, and language.
• Bureaucracy does not have the direct obligation to be accountable with
the people. It should be accountable to the government. It makes the
bureaucracy to escape from the responsibility to the people and
bureaucrats are also not selected by the people directly.
• Bureaucracy maintains the lack of transparency, accountability,
responsibility, and effectiveness which are the main components of the
good governance.
• When bureaucrats doing their duties, they follow the hierarchical system
strictly and they are not flexible with the people. It is hard to take the
decisions according the serious. Sometime they obey their top level
administrators in their personal life.
• Bureaucrats follow the ‘red tape’ system. It means that giving the
priorities to the traditions and norms. Normally, bureaucrats are
conservatives and they do not like the new things which change the
traditional system. They are trying to proof the traditional way which are
followed earlier that is correct.
• They concerned that their profession is the best. There is always class
consciousness existing.
• The above things are contributed to make the people in negative mind
about the bureaucracy. That’s why it is called as ‘bureaucracy’ and
administrators are the ‘bureaucrats’. And also it is concerned as the ‘bad
• Not only the people but also the scholars criticized the bureaucracy due
to the many practices which are not friendlier to the citizens.
• According to the E.N. Gladden, bureaucracy is a ‘necessary evil’

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