CONTEMP Chapter 1 Part 6

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SUBJECT: Contemporary World



Topic: Chapter 1- Part 6: There is also the notion to suspect that this point of
Origins and History of globalization will soon disappear and reappear
o Therefore, cycles it explains that
there is no single point of origin in
- Is that their different views about it. globalization but it is a long term

FIVE DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES cyclical process wherein the current Global age
REGARDING THE ORIGINS OF today is only a modification of the global age in the

• Hardwired  thus it should be noted that the global age

• Cycles, Epochs, Events today will be replaced by a new cycle of
• Broader, More Recent Changes globalization in the future upon
• Global Demography  and also (Cycle) it explains it explained a
• Global Migration continuous long-term cyclical process
 According to Nayan Chanda (2007) it is
because of our basic human need to make  Ritzer (2015) cited Therborn’s (2002) six
our lives better that made globalization great epochs of globalization – or six
possible waves each other has its own origin and
o Therefore one can trace the sequential occurrence on epochs
beginning of globalization from our o Globalization of religion (fourth to
ancestors in Africa who walk out seventh centuries)
from the said continent in the late o European Colonial conquests (late
Ice Age fifteenth century)
o so these are respectively o Intra-European imperialism (late
connected to four aspects of eighteenth to early nineteenth
globalization and they can trace all centuries)
throughout history o Heyday of European imperialism
 Chanda (2007) - mentioned that commerce (mid-nineteenth century to 1918)
religion politics and warfare are the urge of o Post-World War II period
people toward a better life o Post-Cold War period
 therefore a hard wired proposes that  Therefore, kung si cycles explain a
globalization originated from the basic continuous long-term cyclical process
motivation of human beings to seek a  Epochs explain there are waves of
better life and history shows that our globalization that globalization that look
ancestors travel from Africa to other places place in the past and each of them has
in search of food and security and that's its own origin
hard wired.  Epochs is different from the perspective
CYCLES of cycle as it argues that the previous
epics are not returning in the future
Four some globalization is a long term cyclical
finding its origin will be a daunting test Events – specific events are also considered as
part of Fort view in explaining the origin of
 what is important is the cycles that globalization if this is the case then there are
globalization has gone through (Scholte, several coins/points can be treated as the start of
2005) globalization
o Subscribing to this view will suggest
adherence to the idea that the other  Gibbon (1998), for example, argued that
global agents have appeared Roman consequents centuries before
o According to Scholte 2005 Christ were its origin.


If you can’t be the best, be the worst – Kim Junkyu! Lets gaur bobo!
o This perspective in terms of events During this time, death rates and fertility begun
is different from cycles and epochs to decline. High to low fertility happened 200
as it specifies that the event as it years in France and 100 years in the United
specifies that the event is somehow States.
responsible for the origin of
globalization. In other parts of the world the transition begun
o some example of the point of origin latter. It was only in the 20th century that
from the perspective of events are mortality declined in Africa and Asia with the
the Rosenthal (2007) exemption of the country Japan.
 Rosenthal (2007) gave premium to
voyages of discovery -Christopher  According to Maddison (2001), life
Columbus’s discovery of America in 1942, expectancy in India was only 24 years
 Vasco de Gama in Europe in Cape of Good in the early twentieth century while the
Hope in 1498, and same life expectancy occurred in China
 Ferdinand Magellan’s completed in 1929 until 1931.
circumnavigation of the globe in 1522.
 A remarkable effect of the demographic
BROADER, MORE RECENT CHANGES transition, as Shigeyuki et al (2002).,
stated, “the enormous gap in life
The recent changes comprise the pift or fifth view
expectancy that emerged between
or perspective of globalization. This broad changes
happened in the last half of the 20th century. Japan and the West on the one hand
and the rest of the world on the other”
Scholars today point to this three notable changes (p.251).
as the origin of globalization that we know today;
So, by 1820, the life expectancy at birth of
and they are as follows the three notable changes Japan and the West was 12 years greater than
is the region of globalization
the other countries. It increases by 20 years by
Although, there was an improvement in life
1. The emergence of the United States as the expectancy all throughout the world in 1990’s
global power (post- World War II) to 1950. The gap had reach 22 years.
2. The emergence of multinational
corporations (MNCs)  In terms of the age structure, the overall
3. The demise of the Soviet Union and the trend in Japan and the west was
end of the Cold War. downward until 1950. Their
dependency ratio was close to 0.5.

GLOBAL DEMOGRAPHY It only increased although temporary when the

baby boom after the second world war
 Demographic transition is a singular occurred.
historical period during which mortality
and fertility rates decline from high to So, the Japan’s dependency ratio however
low levels in a particular country or increased between 1888 and 1920. Its
region. dependency ratio was higher than the West
o The broad outlines of the between 1920 and the early 1950s.
transitions are similar in  The developing countries like India and
countries around the world. But the Philippines had higher dependency
the base and timing of the ratios than the West in 1900.
transitions have varied
 The transition started in mid- or late
1700’s in Europe.


If you can’t be the best, be the worst – Kim Junkyu! Lets gaur bobo!
A great increase of dependency ratio was
caused by the decline in infant and child
mortality and high levels of fertility with its peak
around 1970s.
 Dependency ratios started to disappear
because there is a decline in global
birth rate.
Furthermore, the gap infertility between the
West and the less developed countries
became smaller by the 21st century.
 Over the next 50 years, the cases of
dependency ratios of these two areas in
the world will be reversed (Shigeyuki et
al., 2002).
The aging of population will cost a raise in
dependency ratio starting in the West.

---- END -----


If you can’t be the best, be the worst – Kim Junkyu! Lets gaur bobo!

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