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Surgery in Practice and Science 9 (2022) 100065

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Blockchain and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in surgery: Hype or hope?

Blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are making eliminating unnecessary intermediators [9, 10].
headlines beyond the realms of art and finance, demonstrating oppor­ Representing a patient’s pertinent surgical data with NFTs can also
tunities for adoption in other contexts [1]. Briefly, blockchain is a allow for more rapid communication between surgeons and patients.
generic term used to describe a type of shared append-only database that Various surgical groups often use different electronic health record
stores information digitally, where chunks of data are stored periodi­ systems which tend to lack interoperability. As a result, patient data is
cally as blocks and cryptographically chained together. Blockchains are not only fragmented across the different systems but transferring data
unique due to their immutability, transparency, and decentralization. between surgeons regarding the same patient is hindered. In an NFT-
When discussing NFTs, non-fungible is an economic term describing based system, the owners of a particular health record NFT would
assets that are not interchangeable. For example, while $1 USD can be receive a digital file and retain full ownership. Accordingly, the owner
exchanged for another fungible $1 USD, artworks cannot be exchanged could be the patient, with surgeons adding metadata (attributes per­
due to their unique properties and are therefore non-fungible. Token taining to the information in the NFT) directly to the NFT, or vice-versa.
describes the ability of an NFT to represent digital or physical objects on The metadata amendments could include changes in current medication
the blockchain. Therefore, an NFT is simply a blockchain representation regimens, additional imaging studies, and information about recent or
showing the existence of any tangible or intangible asset (i.e., a certifi­ upcoming surgeries. The NFT metadata can then be seamlessly trans­
cate of authenticity and ownership for a unique digital record of an ferred to other surgeons involved in the patient’s care without need for
asset). complex bureaucratic affairs and troublesome navigation of noncom­
Although the concepts of digitally representing assets through patible health record systems.
unique identifications are not novel, using tamper-resistant blockchain Alongside the rising utilization of telehealth in surgery, NFTs and
technology allows NFTs to become potent solutions for problems blockchain may be employed to improve data security and patient pri­
involving efficiency, transparency, and permanence. While the unique vacy. By design, telehealth is an electronic arena where sensitive patient
construction of NFTs have allowed them to become ideal vehicles to health information is shared. It is therefore inherently vulnerable to
digitally represent assets in the fields of art and finance [2–4], their ethical, legal, and social issues [11, 12]. Telehealth carries many ben­
application to healthcare is not beyond imagination. With NFTs, any­ efits for surgeons, particularly exemplified during the COVID-19
thing may be registered to the blockchain and permanently assigned a pandemic [13]. These benefits may be strengthened with the use of
digital representation. The tamper-resistant technology allows NFTs to NFTs, as they are specifically designed with exclusive digital
solve problems involving efficiency and privacy, both cardinal concerns certificate-based access to enhance security and privacy. Patient en­
in any health system. Blockchain solutions to digital processes such as counters, surgical videos, and remote surgeon education all present
blood banking and the sharing of patient health information seem like opportunities for NFTs to enhance the quality of surgeon
logical first steps [5–8]. However, more procedural based medical dis­ communication.
ciplines such as surgery may be overlooked as potential beneficiaries of With concerns regarding data security and patient privacy come
this new technology. Nonetheless, the application of NFTs in surgery possible impacts on the economics of healthcare. In a proposed block­
deserves exploration. chain and NFT-based system, health data becomes decentralized and
Perhaps the most apparent benefit of NFTs in surgery is more effi­ belongs more in the hands of each individual patient rather than solely
cient storage of patient surgical data. Although using blockchain alone with the healthcare institutions [10, 14]. Blockchain and NFT applica­
may be useful in organizing such records, the unique qualities of NFTs tions may however allow direct combination of clinical outcomes
can optimize patient-level data access. The conversion of patient data measurements with cost and reimbursement calculations, shifting to­
such as surgical history, laboratory values, imaging records, and sur­ ward a more value-based economic model. Overall, feasibility may de­
geon’s notes into a single digital asset removes the surgeon’s depen­ mand balancing this type of disruption with integration into the current
dence on multiple parties to access a patient’s clinical profile. Whenever system.
surgeons manage acutely ill patients, they require proper and timely Robotic surgical systems are also becoming more prevalent, allowing
access to medical histories. The field of transplant surgery combines surgeons to operate on patients remotely via wireless connections.
both these priorities with rigorous patient-identification standards and However, the possibility of malicious actors to compromise telesurgeries
allograft selection. A blockchain and NFT-based system may help by affecting network connections has raised concerns about security
organize reliable access of patient data for transplant surgeons and pa­ [15]. Blockchain technology can help improve the security of tele­
tients undergoing organ transplant. Moreover, a decentralized trans­ surgery by using NFTs to validate the identities of surgeons involved,
plant database would allow all parties to monitor the transplantation adding a crucial layer of protection. NFTs could also be utilized to track
process while also mitigating risk of fraud and increasing efficiency by specific surgical equipment, much like their current use tracking blood
Received 28 January 2022; Received in revised form 24 February 2022; Accepted 25 February 2022
Available online 26 February 2022
2666-2620/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
S. Batchu et al. Surgery in Practice and Science 9 (2022) 100065

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