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I turn 30 in less than 2 weeks.

I am going to use the first year of my 30s to continue to get fit and
to develop good habits. My focus will be on my health and to continue to get into the best shape
of my life. I want to read more and begin to widen my horizons and views and knowledge about
the world. This all means setting aside time for those activities. In addition to that, I want to be
mentally healthy again and not be ruled by my feelings and fears. This will mean doing more
meditation, journalling and facing my fears around people and getting out of my comfort zone.
Going to gym more, eating healthy and meeting new people will all help me to get out of my
comfort zone.

In two years’ time, I want to have enough money saved up for an overseas trip for a month. By
that time, I want to be either back presenting a weekly radio show or producing a podcast of my
own. I want to feel confident in front of the microphone again and have the motivation to
produce regular content in a way that is professional and expressive and engaging. I always
enjoyed this as a weekly activity when I was presenting in the past but I know I could take it up a
level and produce content that really matters.

In three years’ time, I want to be studying languages again on a regular basis again and begin
to get fluent in Greek again. I have always enjoyed learning Greek and I want to carry the
language into my future work and into my continuing interactions with friends and family in
Greece. I also want to feel confident enough by this time to begin searching for a relationship. It
doesn’t need to lead to marriage but I do want it to lead to a significant romantic relationship
with someone I can spend time with, confide in, love and support.

In four years’ time, I want to know what I want to do professionally. I don’t always want to be
someone else’s employee and work so hard that I can’t have time to rest or travel when I want
to. Personal coaching will be an area that I will have considered by that time and I will have
figured out by that time if it would be for me. I have knowledge, skills and positive energy to
share with the world and personal coaching is a big way I could transmit that to the world and
make money off of it.

In 5 years’ time, I want to have a supplemental stream of income. I want to be free to travel
when I want to and to be able to make memories with my friends and family that I can always
cherish. I will have enough money to buy a property with plenty of natural light that is either in
the nicer part of the eastern suburbs or nearer to the beach in South Melbourne. I will be an
inspiration to my friends and family and a leader in whichever sector I am working in. I will be
ready to take on the world and not feel the fear of whatever is coming my way.

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