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2022 年 10 月號

高 中 英 文 時 事 通
英 文
翰林高中英文 本期時事通 歷月時事通
Hanlin English 電子檔 電子檔

Human Traffickers1 Target Taiwanese

Young People Fall Victim to2 Online Job Scams3

There is a saying in English: If something sounds too good to

be true, it probably is. It means we should be careful to avoid falling
victim to scams. Hundreds of young Taiwanese people, and many more
of other nationalities4, learned this lesson recently. They followed the
bait5 in texts and social media posts that offered well-paid tech jobs 5
in other countries, such as Cambodia and Myanmar. Once there, they
found themselves held captive6 and forced to work in call centers,
helping to run telephone scams. In fact, they had been the targets of
source : Adobe Stock
human trafficking operations run by international criminal gangs.
Authorities7 in Taiwan have said that over 5,000 citizens8 had traveled to Cambodia and not 10
returned, and police had reported more than 300 being held against their will, most likely by traffickers.
Victims who have come back say the number is probably a lot higher. Some of them described being
assaulted9, having their passports taken, and being forced to sign contracts. Police forces in Taiwan and
other countries have launched operations to save their citizens, and Cambodia says it is investigating10
the status11 of foreign visitors. 15
A large percentage of the victims of these job scams are teenagers and young people who have been
desperately12 looking to find work during the summer vacation or for after graduation. They are attracted
by social media ads promising high salaries. Unfortunately, having little awareness or fear of such scams,
they ignore warnings from their parents as well as the regularly publicized13 advice from the police and
government against falling for14 these tempting15 offers. 20
There are precautions16 that can be taken to avoid becoming the victim of a job scam. First, you
should investigate the employer before providing any personal information. Stay alert17 when having a
job interview. Never accept a job offer that comes to you unexpectedly18 from an ordinary personal email
account. Above all, pay no attention to recruitment19 advertisements that sound too good to be true.

Reading Comprehension Questions

( ) 1. What is the main idea of this passage? 文章主旨
(A) A political problem between Taiwan and other countries.
(B) An excellent work opportunity that is good for new graduates.
(C) The activities of a criminal gang mainly working in Taiwan.
(D) Recent online scams that have harmed many young people.
( ) 2. W  hat has happened to the people who went to work in Cambodia and Myanmar? 細節題
(A) They have made a lot of money using social media.
(B) They have joined gangs and become criminals.
(C) They have assaulted people and robbed them of money.
(D) They have ended up working in illegal call centers.
3. Why have young people in particular fallen victim to this scam? Check the possible reasons
based on the passage. 細節題
(A) They are eager to find jobs. (B) They know little about job scams.
(C) They were not warned by anyone. (D) They use social media a lot.
高中英文時事通 2022 年十月號

Vocabulary & Phrases

1. trafficker [`trAfIkJ] n. 從事非法買賣者 11. status [`stetEs] n. 狀態,情況
2. fall victim to 成為……的受害者 12. desperately [`dHspErItlI] adv. 急切地
3. scam [skAm] n. 欺詐,詐騙 13. publicize [`pVblI*saIz] v. 宣傳
4. nationality [*nASE`nAlEtI] n. 國籍 14. fall for 對……信以為真
5. bait [bet] n. 誘餌,圈套 15. tempting [`tHmptIN] adj. 誘人的
6. hold sb. captive 囚禁或俘虜某人 16. precaution [prI`kCSEn] n. 預防措施
7. authority [E`FCrEtI] n. 當局,官方 17. alert [E`lDt] adj. 警覺的
8. citizen [`sItEzn] n. 公民 18. unexpectedly [*VnIk`spHktIdlI] adv. 出乎意料地
9. assault [E`sClt] v. 毆打,襲擊 19. recruitment [rI`krutmEnt] n. 招聘
10. investigate [In`vHstE*get] v. 調查

Sentence Pattern
First, you should investigate the employer before providing any personal information. (見第 21 行)
果是被動語態,則省略 be 動詞保留過去分詞(p.p.)。分詞構句通常也會省略連接詞,但能清楚表示時間
順序的連接詞如 when、while、before、after 則不省略。
z:After swimming for a while, we decided to play volleyball on the beach.


Extra Info
RCQ Answers : 1. B 2. D 3. AB

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