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The action-observation reflection model allows you to reflect

back on your own individual experiences, observe and consider
the outcomes, and determine whether or not your performance
was effective or not. By reflecting back, you will be able to
determine what skills worked best and what skills need
improvement. Blaming others when things go bad rather than
taking ownership and responsibility is a common mistake leaders
tend to make. This is the opportunity to observe actions and
determine what decisions or behaviors affected the employee’s
A (Action: What did you do?)

A stands for Action in AOR model. Which understands “what

did you do” or answers “what to do”. It guides on weather a
particular action is to be taken of not. Or if amazon two
alternative courses of action which one to prefer.

More experience will put you in a better position to take


For eg: Decision of buying Pepsi or Coke.

Observation: What is the Impact

The O refers to Observation. Leaders not only need to take

actional loans but also observe the impact of their action. They
need to know how the action affects the employee, leadership and
the organisation goals. Task saturation and multitasking hinders
leaders from learning the impact.

Impact observation enhances the experience and shows results.

For eg: How effective was the action of choosing Pepsi over coke
and what impact it had on over all expectations.
Reflection: What did you learn?

R is the Reflection in the AOR model. It makes clear learning

about the success or failure of the action. What worked and
didn’t work and also what changes are to be made in future
Defence mechanism, blaming etc interfere with learning.
For eg: Weather the purpose of buying Pepsi is fulfilled or it
failed and should buying Pepsi be continued or coke should
also be preferred etc.

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