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The Set's journal of

Faerûn Vol. 1
Additional Player Sublclass Options for Dungeon and Dragons 5E
x c e ll en c y L ady Silverha
Your e u very busy, so
ut ie s ke ep yo
ware your d n the
er f in d s yo u well. I am a ha ve ke p t a close eye upo
tt request, I
I hope this le p oint. At your st one, in the ho
pes of
ec t ly t o m y g a n d N ig ht
will come dir ently flood
Set’s Landin beings that
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finding prev rtunate— dr swords
. In d ee d , w e have been fo e a c r o ss w ould-be sell
possess them , I have com y travels
a n d a b un d a nt resources en a n yw he re in my man
stable work wield power
s I have not
at c he r s w ho
and rat-c ls, in the
S w o r d C oa st.
in g s a b o ut these individua
across the s of my find multiverse.
in d at ta c he d descriptor c o ve r ed c o rners of the
Please f eviously undis person
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hopes the of further use day and
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Should yo ne Library s on her
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capacity, it
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night. I kn es as
u c o n t in ue t o send updat
h yo trust I shall
projects wit travels, and
sa f e in yo ur
Please keep
they become
ur service,
Always at yo

d Industries
o f Nig ht stone, Westwin
Lord Talon

This is Version 1.1 of The Set’s Journal of Faerûn (February 2, 2021).
Writing, Editing, Design and Layout: Unique Set Productions
Line Editing: Victoria Halpin
Cover and Interior Art: Walpole Jean-Philippe
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand,
Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the
Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission
under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Unique Set Productions and published under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Infernal Rage
Barbarian: Path of the 3rd-level Path of the Fiend Touched Feature
Fiend Touched You gain a boon to your rage based off of your chosen
Gifts From Below fiendish origin.
Devilish. When you enter a rage, you choose one creature
Barbarians of this path were in some way touched by a great that you can see, and make a binding pact- this is your sworn
power of the lower planes, which has left a permanent mark foe, and your commitment to their destruction grants you
on them. This power may originate from a connection to a several boons.
being, location, or some other fiendish force. Their rage is
made of stronger stuff than others— they channel this Any weapon attack you make against this creature is a
infernal power into their resilience, gaining additional critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on a D20.
benefits based on the source of this power. When you reduce this creature to 0 hit points, you gain
temporary hit points equal to half your levels in this class
Fiendish Origin + your Constitution modifier.
3rd-level Path of the Fiend Touched Feature Demonic. When you enter a rage, the chaos you channel is
The manifestation of your connection to the lower planes is infectious to others. Choose a number of creatures within 30
dependent on your power’s plane of origin. You gain access to feet of you, up to your proficiency bonus- they must succeed
one path of abilities depending on the nature of your Fiendish on a Charisma saving throw or suffer a 1d4 penalty to all of
Origins. Choose one, either Devilish or Demonic. When you their attack rolls and saving throws for the duration of your
gain additional features from this subclass, they must be from rage. The DC for the saving throw is equal to 8 + your
your initially chosen path. proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier.
When you gain access to an ability from this subclass that
offers the option, you gain the ability associated with your Wicked Soul
previously chosen Origin. 6th-level Path of the Fiend Touched Feature
Devilish. You gain the ability to read, speak, and write As your connection to your fiendish source of power grows, it
Infernal. begins to permeate your soul more deeply both in and out of
Demonic. You gain the ability to read, speak, and write rage. You gain resistance to fire damage while raging, as well
Abyssal. as an additional effect based on the nature of your fiendish
Additionally, this extraplanar influence becomes apparent origin.
in a physical manifestation when you enter a rage. You can Devilish. Your connection to the Nine Hells bolsters your
choose this manifestation or roll on the table below. abilities to compel others with your words, and understand
Fiendish Manifestation what motivates people to better exploit their weaknesses. You
d6 Origin gain proficiency in Persuasion checks, or expertise if you
already have proficiency in this skill.
1 Flames lick at your skin and you radiate uncomfortable
heat to those standing close to you.
Demonic. Your connection to the Abyss taints your words
and makes your chaotic nature frightening to others. You gain
2 You speak only in rhyme, and your voice seems to proficiency in Intimidation checks, or expertise if you already
emanate as if from very far away. have proficiency in this skill.
3 You stink of sulfur and brimstone. Black smoke
emanates from your open mouth. Burden of Dark Knowledge
4 You sprout horns and grow tusks, your body swelling 10th-level Path of the Fiend Touched Feature
into an apeish form.
You gain the ability to cast the spell Contact Other Plane, but
5 The weapons you are holding become twisted and only as a ritual. When cast, a powerful being of the lower
appear to be made of black iron. planes, dictated by your Fiendish Origin, appears to you to
6 It is impossible to stare into your eyes for too long, as convey the information you seek. Due to your fiendish
they smolder and reflect a creature’s nightmares back resilience and connection to the lower planes, you roll the
at them. Intelligence saving throw required for this spell to succeed
with advantage. Once you successfully use this feature, you
cannot use it again until you finish 1d4 long rests.
On Changing your Fiendish Origin
Your Fiendish Origin is dictated by circumstances
unique to your character, and changing it requires
an in-story justification that you should coordinate
with your DM. If you choose to take this route,
then you may change your Origin whenever you
gain a level in this class.


Lord Talon,
My esteemed
Fiendish Invigoration
ine Hells, I
hrough the N
14th-level Path of the Fiend Touched Feature
In m y w a lk t
Your fiendish wrath reaches its peak, augmenting your
ve se en a d isturbing dev
specific method of destruction. ha breed of
er e se em s to be a new
Devilish. Your ceaseless determination to destroy your Th heir rage
foes inspires great fear in them. When you are raging and a r b ar ia n s channeling t
B lm.
score a critical hit against a creature, that creature becomes ve r y es se n ce of the rea
from the ent
activity pres
frightened of you until the start of your next turn. r
c it e si m il a
Demonic. You have learned to channel the chaos that Reports e you take
weakens your enemies into a strength of your own. When a yss. I implor
within the Ab some
creature within 60 feet of you misses you with an attack roll
g e o f su c h news before
while you are raging, they take 1d6 psychic damage, as your advanta wind of
riots catch
of my compat
maddening presence inspires desperation in them.
this a
n ew w ar r iors. Consider
friendly war
from Below
Your friend
Ms. Anabelle
The Gray La


Improved Precision
Monk: Way of the Ki 17th-level Way of the Ki Blocker feature
Blocker Your ability to discern your enemy’s weak spots is
A Living Needle unparalleled. Your attack rolls with your unarmed strikes
score a critical on a roll of an 18, 19, or 20..
Though all monks weaponize their accuracy with unarmed
strikes, monks of the Way of the Ki Blocker are unrivaled in
their ability to strike the specific weak points on enemies’ Talon, okout for
bodies to disrupt the flow of their natural energy and ere on the lo
Heard you w y
nge passerb
I had a stra
debilitate them. Their attacks are planned, precise, and
ew ta le n t !
n ecently, and
always undertaken with focused intent.
monastery r
stop at the talents on
e some of his
3rd-level Way of the Ki Blocker feature and say
e charitable
some… let’s b It’s
You are able to attack an enemy’s vital points with deadly
ec t in g ”. .. yo ung disciples.
“unsusp en… you
se I’ve ever se
accuracy. Attack rolls made with your unarmed strikes score
a n yt hi n g el
a critical on a roll of a 19 or 20. unlike led with
I’ m n o t o n e to be tang
know (really
t o fisticuffs,
Pressure Point
when it c o m es
3rd-level Way of the Ki Blocker feature r) but he
t ho se G ia nts what fo
show ed
ething else.
Once per turn, when you land a hit using your flurry of blows
feature, you can choose to impose one of the following effects is really som ing back?
instead of dealing damage: yw a y, w he n are you com
An ess… you
Knee Buckle. The creature’s speed is reduced by 10 feet
r e a lw a ys away on busin
until the start of your next turn. You’ d off.
Arm Numbing. The creature has disadvantage on the next d t o lea r n to take a loa
nee ab a drink!
attack roll it makes before the start of your next turn.
m e b y so m et ime, we’ll gr
Throat Chop. The creature must succeed on a Co
Constitution saving throw or be unable to speak until the end ,
of your next turn. Your friend

Nerve Pinch Hermit

6th-level Way of the Ki Blocker feature
Knowing not just where, but how to strike at a foe's weak Paladin: Oath of
points is the key to debilitating them. When you land a critical
hit with an unarmed strike, you deal extra damage equal to Liberation
your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). That creature has
disadvantage on its next saving throw against your stunning Freedom from Bonds
strike feature this turn. The Oath of Liberation is the promise to live an eternal
crusade against bonds and oppression. Paladins who take
Touch of Death this oath know that there is no greater cause than the
11th-level Way of the Ki Blocker feature elimination of shackles and the empowerment of the masses.
Your mastery over the mortal body and its weaknesses grants Wherever a corrupt leader dines well while his people starve;
you access to a new technique; placing a creature in a death wherever a powerful Djinn enslaves mortal beings he
trance. As an action, you can spend 4 ki points to attempt to perceives beneath him; wherever victims of a war find
incapacitate a creature. Make an unarmed strike against a themselves in shackles under the control of their conquerors
— a paladin of liberation knows what they must do.
creature. If it hits, that creature takes damage as normal and Often, these paladins belong to secret orders who travel
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your the world in their never ending crusade. Though mostly
monk DC or fall unconscious. A creature may choose to fail wanderers, there are many who settle in one place to keep an
this saving throw. The creature remains unconscious for 1 eye on leaders and be a voice to the people. Some invited by
hour or until it takes any damage, during which time they the powers that be, others taking it upon themselves to root
appear dead to any non-magical means of investigation. You out corruption. But most prize their freedom too greatly to be
can end this effect as a bonus action on your turn if you are tied down for too long, and remaining outside systems, that
within 5 feet of the creature. they may better observe without bias.


Tenets of Liberation On Your Feet
Often champions of the people, paladins of this oath employ 15th-level Oath of Liberation feature
many tactics to see their ends, but know that the ultimate
goal of freedom to all justifies them. No ally shall fall while you still have strength left. As a
Treasure Freedom. The greatest gift you can give is that if reaction, when an ally is reduced to 0 hit points, you may
agency to another, your greatest possession is your own move up to your speed towards them. If you end this
freedom. movement within 5 feet of that creature, you may
Bolster their Spirits. Protect your comrades and keep immediately use any number of your remaining Lay on
their spirits high; that is the way to victory. Hands on them.
Break the Chains. Above all, seek to end injustice and
oppression wherever they may arise. Icon of Freedom
Be Ever Vigilant. There will always be those who seek to 20th-level Oath of Liberation feature
exploit power over others to their benefit; never allow them to You can become an avatar of freedom. Using your action, you
succeed. can undergo a transformation for the duration of 1 minute,
Channel Divinity during which time you gain the following effects:
3rd-level Oath of Liberation feature Your speed is doubled.
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the two It costs you no additional movement to move through
following channel divinity options. creatures. Additionally, you may move through creatures
Rallying Cry. As a bonus action, choose a number of who are not your allies, but may not end your turn in their
creatures within 30 feet of you up to your Charisma modifier space, as usual.
(minimum of 1). Those creatures gain temporary hit points At the end of your turn, you regain 10 hit points, as long as
equal to your level in this class + your Charisma modifier, and you are conscious.
may immediately use their reaction to move up to their speed Additionally, as a bonus action, you may transfer one of
without provoking attacks of opportunity. If they are prone, these benefits from yourself to one other creature within 30
they may end this condition by spending only 5 feet of feet that you can see. This creature maintains the benefits
movement... until the start of your next turn, at which point the effect
Bolstering Presence. When you or a creature within 30 returns to you. Once you use this action, you can’t use it again
feet of you makes a Charisma check, you can use your until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a 5th-level spell
reaction to grant a +10 bonus to the roll. You make this slot to use it again. can’t use it again until you finish a long
choice after you see the roll, but before the DM says whether rest, unless you expend a 5th-level spell slot to use it again.
the check succeeds or fails.
High Harper mshan.
n tinues in Cali
Oath Spells
Reb el lio n c o
3rd-level Oath of Liberation feature
g t en si o n s between the
Risin escalate
nt class may
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed in the Oath of
t he M er c ha
Liberation table. See the Sacred Oath class feature for how and of my well-
oath spells work. o f ul l o n w ar, and it is
int blood shed
se r ve d o p in ion that the
Oath of Liberation Spells ob enie Wars.
il l m at c h t hat of the G
Paladin Level Spells
assume, you a
All of this, I
3rd heroism, longstrider
however, is
o w . W ha t you may not,
5th knock, shatter
ion of the fa
that a fact
9th aura of vitality, beacon of hope
are of the
ems to be aw
Janessar se
13th dimension door, freedom of movement
g to the
eat and risin
looming thr
17th banishing smite, passwall
r deeds are
occasion. Thei heir
end, and if t
Aura of Salvation
7th-level Oath of Liberation feature becoming leg heir
er li ve s up to that of t
chara c t
Your devotion to the destruction of bonds and shackles rove
s they may p
exudes into your aura. You and friendly creatures within 10 predecessor ers.
feet of you can use 5 feet of movement to automatically a b le a ll ie s to the Harp
escape non magical restraints. Additionally, opportunity invalu
attacks against you and allies in your aura are made at isdom,
disadvantage. Trust and W
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.


Feline Grace
Roguish Archetype: 9th-level Acrobat Rogue Feature
Acrobat You have an unparalleled gift for jumping, climbing, and
landing on your feet. You gain the following features:
Talon! ly in Set’s
are so hard The option of using your Dexterity score and modifier in
Dearest, you ind it place of your Strength score and modifier when
ore that I f
Landing anym I would
calculating jump distance.
write what
necessary to
Resistance to falling damage and the ability to use your
erve for idle
reaction to stand from prone when you take this damage.
normally res over Climbing speed equal to your walking speed.
sa t io n . I kn ow you obsess
conver you
s a n d n ew discoveries— Nimble Guard
secret in town 13th-level Acrobat Rogue Feature
d c o m e vi si t the theater
shoul d talent!
some profoun
You know how to work in tight spaces, using your superior
r e w e ha
whe you in awe speed to dodge and weave around oncoming attacks. When
e p er f o r m er would have you move 0 feet on your turn, you are under the effects of the
On d ability to
he r b o d ily control an Dodge Action (no action required). You can do this a number
at y she would of times per long rest equal to your proficiency modifier.
f o r m st un ts (I dare sa
per r his
e L o r d H er mit a run fo Performing Without a Net
g iv
ces are
17th-level Acrobat Rogue Feature
m o n ey ). H er
ecision with
, but her pr Life on the high wire is a gamble— take a chance, bet on
mesmerizing t she may
me to suspec
yourself. When you take the attack action and have advantage
knives leads n she is
on the attack roll, you may forgo the advantage and instead
re skills tha
have even mo
make 2 attacks. .
letting on… The first attack receives the full benefit of your sneak
The second attack deals damage equal to half (rounded
down) of a roll of your sneak attack, regardless of whether
Lady Gax of your first attack hits.
Life on the Highwire
Performers come in many forms. Some have silky voices
which enthrall; others play instruments which entertain. But
you've honed your body to perform any number of feats that
many consider impossible. This archetype is for characters
that want to jump into action with a spring in their step and a
dagger in hand.
Acrobatic Diversion
3rd-level Acrobat Rogue Feature
Your dazzling display makes your attacks difficult to track
with the naked eye. As a Bonus Action, you can make a
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against a creature within 5 feet
of you, contested by the target’s Wisdom (Insight) check. If
successful, you have advantage on your next melee attack
against that creature before the end of your next turn.
Graceful Tumbler
3rd-level Acrobat Rogue Feature
You learn how to make use of your naturally superior
gracefulness. You can move through the space of any
creature with no additional cost to movement. You may not
end your movement in another creature’s space, as normal. In
addition you can stand from prone using only 5 feet of



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