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Online examinations are an important method of evaluating the success potential of students.
This research effort the individuals under consideration were students who would be enrolling in
computer courses or Technologies Registrations. A prototype of a web-based placement examination
system is described from the standpoint of the research effort, end user, and software development.

An on-line educational system including exam processing and electronic journal features. An instructor
builds a course based questions which on-line contain in identification of assignments. Which are
compiled into an on-line exam syllabus?

Users enrolled in the platform may access the electronic details they provided and perform various
functions with the on-line educational system in order to participate in the on-line examinations. Users
can receive an on-line exam, having multimedia content, for the course, and they can electronically
provide answers for the exam. And after Completion of their duration of exam they are provided the
grade or marks secured in their examinations.

On-line examinations contents providers to focus on creating effective assessment questions and
focusing on exam’s feedback delivery to students. In the paper we present techniques that are pertinent
to the elements of assessment process: answers submission, computerized grading, and feedback after

As the modern organizations are automated and computers are working as per the instructions, it
becomes essential for the coordination of human beings, commodity and computers in a modern

The administrators, instructor, Students who are attending for online examination can communicate
with the system through these projects, thus facilitating effective implementation and monitoring of
various activities of Online Examinations like conducting Exams as per scheduled basis and delivering

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result to that particular use or student. And the details of students who attempted Online Examination
are maintained at administrator.

The First phase of software development is system study analysis. The importance of system analysis
phase is the establishment of the requirements for the system to acquire developed and installed.
Analyzing the project to understand the complexity forms the vital part of the system study. Problematic
areas are identified and information is collected. Fact finding or gathering is essential to any analysis of
requirements. It is also highly essential that the analyst familiarize himself with the objectives, activities
and functions of organizations in which the system is to be implemented.

System analysis includes investigation and possible changes to the existing system. At the conclusion of
the system analysis there is the system description and set of requirements for a new system. If there is
no such existing system then analysis only defines the requirements. This new system may build a fresh
or by changing the existing system. Development begins by defining a model of the new system and
continues this model to a working system. The model of the system shows what the system must do to
satisfy these requirements. Finally data modes are converted to a database and processed to user
procedures and computer programs.

The online examination system will provide a platform for the student to give their examination at their
own place .This system will reduce the complexity and consumption of time. The students will get their
results in very short time in comparison to those in other system i.e.: manual checking.

Globalization has opened the gates of success for millions of people across the world. People today, are
not just competing with mighty challengers from the same state, but instead are competing with the best
people from across the world, through use of the new online examination system .A student from a
European country can today give examinations in the US, thus competing with other global competitors
from across the entire world through the new web based examination system.

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In an online examination system, a student answers all exam queries through his computer and later
submits them to the organization taking the online examination. These answers are ten evaluated by
examination software which already has the answers to the questions fed into its system. The answers
are checked and scored instantly thus saving a lot of time which is usually spent in reading and checking

User Classes and Characteristics

There are various kinds of users for the product. Usually web products are visited by various users for
different reasons. The users of the system are examinee (students), faculty of the university and the
administrators who maintain the system. The members and the faculty are assumed to have basic
knowledge of the computers and Internet browsing. The administrators of the system to have more
knowledge of the internals of the system and is able to rectify the small problems that may arise due to
disk crashes, power failures and other catastrophes to maintain the system. The proper user interface,
users’ manual, online help and the guide to install and maintain the system must be sufficient to educate
the users on how to use the system without any problems.


 The information of all the users must be stored in a database that is accessible by the Online
Examination System.
 The university information security system must be compatible with the Internet applications
 The Online Examination System is connected to the university computer and is running all 24
hours a day.
 The users access the Online Examination System from any computer that has Internet browsing
capabilities and an Internet connection
 The Identification system is connected to the Online Examination System and the database used
by the Identification system must be compatible with the interface of the Online Examination
 The users must have their correct usernames and passwords to enter into the Online Examination

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 Chancellor who will be acting as the controller and he will have all the privileges of
 Students who will be using the above features by accessing the OES online.
 Examiner who will prepare& load database into the software.
 Chancellor who will be acting as the controller and he will have all the privileges of
 Students who will be using the above features by accessing the OES online.
 Examiner who will prepare& load database into the software.

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The Online Examination System provides online real time exam to take place. The Product functions
are more or less the same as described in the product perspective. The functions of the system include
the system providing different type of services based on the type of users.

 The system shall have a provision that physical presence at a given location is absolutely not

 The system shall have provision that no time is spent on evaluation and is done automatically.

 The system shall have provision for results to be available instantly

 The system shall have provision such that the time of starting and completion
of examination can be recorded at the server and the student cannot manipulate the same.

 The system shall have provision even for subjects such that the actual examination that will not
be conducted online students can be given extensive practice and training by holding online
Mock Tests

 The system shall have provision for multiple choice types and these can be easily conducted
online, for example GCET - Goa Common Entrance Test held to shortlist candidates for medical
and engineering courses

 The system shall have provision for the trends of the examination including topic wise trends of
each subject can be easily obtained if required.

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The purpose of Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document is to describe the external
behavior of the Online Examination System. Requirements Specification defines and describes the
operations, interfaces, performance, and quality assurance requirements of the Online Examination
System. The document also describes the nonfunctional requirements such as the user interfaces. It also
describes the design constraints that are to be considered when the system is to be designed, and other
factors necessary to provide a complete and comprehensive description of the requirements for the
software. The Software Requirements Specification (SRS) captures the complete software requirements
for the system, or a portion of the system. Requirements described in this document are derived from the
Vision Document prepared for the Online Examination System.

 This Web Application provides facility to conduct online examination world wide.
 It saves time as it allows number of students to give the exam at a time and displays the results
as the test gets over, so no need to wait for the result. It is automatically generated by the server.
 Administrator has a privilege to create, modify and delete the test papers and its particular
 User can register, login and give the test with his specific id, and can see the results as well.

 Responses by the candidates will be checked automatically and instantly.

 Online examination will reduce the hectic job of assessing the answers given by the candidates.

 Being an integrated Online Examination System it will reduce paper work.

 Can generate various reports almost instantly when and where required.

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Definitions, Acronyms

The sub-section provides the definitions of all terms, acronyms, and abbreviations used in this document
to understand the SRS properly. 

Sr. Terms/
No. Acronyms
Student User mostly a student who will appear for the examination

2. Another user mostly faculty member, lecturer or examiner who

posts set of questions, the available options and correct answers.
Administrator Super user, adds faculty and manages system.

Scope of this project is very broad in terms of other manually taking exams. This project would be very
useful for educational institutes where regular evaluation of students’ is required. Further it can also be
useful for anyone who requires feedback based on objective type responses.

 This can be used in educational institutions as well as in corporate world.

 Can be used anywhere any time as it is a web based application

 No restriction that examiner has to be present when the candidate takes the test.

The following are the list of conventions and acronyms used in this document and the project as well:
 Administrator: A login id representing a user with user administration privileges to the software
 User: A general login id assigned to users
 Client: Intended users for the software
 Examiner: Checks the test n gives result

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Product Features
There are three different users who will be using this product:

 University chancellor who will be acting as the administrator.

 Students who will be accessing the OES online.
The features that are available to the Administrator are:
 The administrator has the full fledged rights over the OES.
 Can create/delete an account.
 Can view the accounts.
 Can change the password.
 Can hide any kind of features from the both of users.
 Insert/delete/edit the information of available on OES.
 Can access all the accounts of the faculty members/students.
The features available to the Students are:
 Can view The different categories of Test available in their account.
 Can view their marks.
 Can view the various reading material.
 Can view and modify its profile but can modify it to some limited range.
 Can pay their fee online.
The features available to the Examiner are:
 Can view The different categories of Test conducted by users.
 Can view their marks.
 Can view and modify Results.

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Overview of our project

Online Examination is a complete web application. There are three wizards in the system
configuration: Administrator, staff and candidate. The configuration wizard used in administrator
level and can create new exams, edit existing exams add new subject and user management etc. The
staff wizard can upload the questions and answers in subject wise. The candidate wizard is the
public page, where candidate can register for exams specifying the exam has to take

This project assesses students by conducting online objective tests. The tests would be highly
customizable. This project will enable educational institutes to conduct test and have automated
checking of answers based on the response by the candidates.
The project allows faculties to create their own tests. It would enable educational institutes to
perform tests, quiz and create feedback forms. It asks faculty to create his/her set of questions.
Faculty then creates groups and adds related students into the groups. Further the tests are
associated with specific groups so that only associated students can appear for the test. The result of
the response would be available to the faculty of the question set. Further the result would also be
mailed to the student. This project would be helpful for creating practice tests, say for educational
institutes and as a feedback form.
 Registration/login module:- In this module the students will register themselves for the
appropriate examination for which they are eligible. And the login module will help them to
login to their account for the examination or for making any correction in their form.
 Admin modules:-It will provide the facility to the admin to control the information and data in
the system by insert ,update and delete. He will have the authority to cancel any of the
registration in case if that is ill-legal.
 Home:- This page will show the general information about our system and will also display a
contact number on which the student can contact in case of any query regarding their registration
and exam.
 Exam schedule: - It will display the schedule of the examination which are going to be
conducted in the coming days.
 Result: - This page will display the result of the candidate as soon as he/she enters their roll
number or registration number.

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Existing System

Currently lots of online examination software available in the market. These online tests are in the field
of aptitude test. It has extra feature admin can create test according his requirement. If admin think that
he/she can to create a new test and give the time slot also.

The aim of this project i.e. ONLINE EXAM SYSTEM is all about the education. In this software you
can teach the take the online test. It has one more extra feature admin can easily add the question, update
the question and answer and delete also. Admin can make the admin and delete also.

At present there are some of the institutes which provide the facility of on line examination.
Like:-NIIT, Microsoft etc. and rest of the other conduct the examination manually. Mostly all of the
institutes follow the trend of manual examination. Hence this leads to a long time consumption right
from the beginning to the declaration of the result.

Draw backs of the Existing System

Conducting the examination manually is not secured properly because in case of paper leak it will be not
possible to manage it. It consume more time for the declaration of the result manually..

Problem Definition

In existing system multiple problems persist. As multiples student record are other course missed. Due
to no track record company is unable to find student. Out of huge collection now only left 100 students.
One more problem with existing system is if any student need give new test urgently then without admin
it is not possible.

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Advantages of Online Examination

 IT SAVES PAPER: You never have to print an exam for your students and hand them out. Saves
paper. Saves trees. Everybody happy. 
 IT SAVES TIME: you can setup an exam in such a way that it will auto-grade itself. If you only
use multiple choice questions you never have to check an exam again. The online exam system will
take care of that hassle. Completely automated. 
 IT SAVES MORE TIME: The distribution of the exam doesn’t take you any time. Just upload the
email addresses of your students and send them an invite. And after the exam they get their result
 IT SAVES YOUR MONEY: You don't need to buy any paper. Sending an email is free. On top of
that you save on the logistics: your students don't have to assemble in classroom to take the exam.
They can do it within a given time frame from their own device. You don't have to rent a classroom.
You don't have to hire someone to check the students taking the exam. 
 IT SAVES THE STUDENT MONEY: Students don't have to travel to a specific location to
conduct the exam. So even for students from remote area's it's possible to take the exam. 
 IT's MORE SECURE: You can make a big question bank with a lot of questions. Every student
gets a random selection from that question bank. So it's of little use to share the questions among the
exam takers to give them a head start.
 Can be easily accessed 24/7 over the open test period
 Can be timed to allow Y minutes to answer X number of questions
 Immediate test feedback when a test is submitted
 Can take advantage of special media; video, audio, or pictures
 Can contain a combination of True/False, multiple choice, and in some cases essay questions

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Disadvantages of Online Examination

 You have to keep in mind that your students will take the exam on their own device in their own
time with nobody to check up on them, so you have to alter your questions to provide for this
situation. You have to ask questions which are not easily to be retrieved from books or the
internet. Or you can add a timer to each question so there is no time to search for the answer. 
 Open text questions are possible, but they don't auto-grade, so you have to check them yourself.
 An online exam system is a little bit more susceptible for fraud. So you have to keep that in mind
if you setup your exam. Do you want to share the results immediately after the result? In that
case you can setup a question bank to solve the issue of fraud. Handing out all questions &
Answers of a question bank to students is ok. Because they have to learn all the questions &
answers by heart. And when they're done they master the material. Read more about proctored
 Highly dependent on honor system; hard to catch cheating. A group of students can take turns
taking test first to share answers with others in the group raising their overall grade. Hard or
difficult to ask questions Can be slow responding due to connection speed (i.e., dial-up would
limit the use of graphics or media files)
 The current system is very time consuming.
 It is very difficult to analyze the exam manual 
 To take exam of more candidates more invigilators are required but no need of invigilator in case
of on line exam.
 Results are not precise as calculation and evaluations are done manually.
 The chances of paper leakage are more in current system as compared to proposed system.
Result processing takes more time as it is done manually

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A. Hardware Specification:
For a system to be used efficiently and accurately, all computer software needs
certain hardware components or other software resources to be present on a computer. These
prerequisites are known as (computer hardware specification) and are often used as a guideline as
opposed to an absolute rule. Most software defines two sets of system requirements: minimum and
recommended. With increasing demand for higher processing power and resources in newer versions of
software, system requirements tend to increase over time. Industry analysts suggest that this trend plays
a bigger part in driving upgrades to existing computer systems than technological advancements. A
second meaning of the term of System requirements is a generalization of this first definition, giving the
requirements to be met in the design of a system or sub-system. Typically an organization starts with a
set of Business requirements and then derives the System requirements from there. The most common
set of requirements defined by any operating system or software application is the physical computer
resources, also known as hardware, A hardware requirements list is often accompanied by a hardware
compatibility list (HCL), especially in case of operating systems.
The hardware required includes the following:

Hardware Requirements

 Laptop With Intel(R) Core i3-5000U CPU @2.00GHz 2.00 GHz

 8 GB RAM
 64–Bit Operating System
 LED HD TN GL Flat Display
 1 TB Hard Disk
 Touchpad with Multi-touch Gestures Support
 Accu Type Keyboard

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B. Software Specification:

This are requirements specification for a software system, is a description of the

behavior of a system to be developed and may include a set of use cases that describe interactions the
users will have with the software. In addition it also contains non-functional requirements. Non-
functional requirements impose constraints on the design or implementation such as performance
engineering requirements, quality standards Software requirements specification establishes the basis for
agreement between customers and contractors or suppliers (in market-driven projects, these roles may be
played by the marketing and development divisions) on what the software product is to do as well as
what it is not expected to do. Software requirements specification permits a rigorous assessment of
requirements before design can begin and reduces later redesign. It should also provide a realistic basis
for estimating product costs, risks, and schedules.

E software requirements specification document enlists enough and necessary requirements that
are required for the project development. To derive the requirements we need to have clear and thorough
understanding of the products to be developed or being developed. This is achieved and refined with
detailed and continuous communications with the project team and customer till the completion of the

Software Requirements:

 Operating System : Windows

 Web-Technology : PHP
 Back-End : My SQL
 Web Server : XAMPP SERVER.

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 Admin Module

 Instructor Module

 Student Module


 Register

 Login

 Change Password & Forgot password

 Student -Modifying Details

 Departments-Entering/Modifying Details

 Instructor Details-Modifying Details

REGISTER: To be authenticated first have to be registered.

LOGIN: The Registered User Can be allowed to view inner details for which he Permitted

CHANGE PASSWORD & FORGOT PASSWORD: User has rights to modify his login details&
Also be informed through mails if he is unable to login.

STUDENT -MODIFING DETAILS: User can be modified to change status of each User.


department deletions are spend by this user.

INSTRUCTOR DETAILS-MODIFYING DETAILS: According to staff he can add or delete

Instructors for specific platforms.

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 Register

 Login

 Change Password Forgot Password

 Add Questions-Departments Verifying.

 Update Questions -Departments Verifying

 Create Exams

 Update Exams

 View Exam Details

a) View No Of Registered Students

b) View No Of Attended Students

 Evaluate Question: Multiple Choice: True/False

1. REGISTER: To be authenticated first have to be registered.

2. LOGIN: The Registered User Can be allowed to view inner details for which he Permitted

3. CHANGE PASSWORD&FORGOTPASSWORD: User has rights to modify his loging details& also
be informed through mails if he is unable to login

4. ADD QUESTIONS-DEPARTMENTS VERIFING: According to flow of questions & Technology he

can add questions into the database.

5. UPDATE QUESTIONS -DEPARTMENTS VERIFING: If any corrections in data of questions he can

modify them

6. CREATE EXAMS: He will be prepared schedule for exams periodically.

7. UPDATE EXAMS: He has rights to modify exam schedule.

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VIEW NO OF ATTENDED STUDENTS: Can view at attended students who has registered.


TUE/FALSE: Evaluation of marks based on his initiations when adding questions


 Register

 Login

 Take Exam- Multiple Choice:True/False

 See Exam Results

 Logout

a. REGISTER: To be authenticated first have to be registered

b. LOGIN: The Registered User Can be allowed to view inner details for which he

c. TAKE EXAM- MULTIPLE CHOICE, TRUE/FALSE: The registered student allowed to

start the exam

d. SEE EXAM RESULTS: After Completion of exam he can view at his result.

e. LOGOUT: After the process of examination he turned to Logout page.

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The feasibility study proposes one or more conceptual solution to the problem set of the
project. In fact, it is an evaluation of whether it is worthwhile to proceed with project or not.
Feasibility analysis usually considers a number of project alternatives, one that is chosen as the
most satisfactory solution. These alternatives also need to be evaluated in a broad way without
committing too many resources. Various steps involved in feasibility analysis are:

 To propose a set of solution that can realize the project goal. These solutions are usually
descriptions of what the new system should look like.

 Evaluation of feasibility of such solutions. Such evaluation often indicates shortcomings in the
initial goals. This step is repeated as the goals are adjusted and the alternative solutions are

Economic Feasibility:

An evaluation of development cost weighed against the ultimate income of benefit derived from
the development system of product. In economic feasibility, cost benefit analysis is done in which
expected cost and benefits are evaluated.

Technical feasibility:

Technical feasibility centers on the existing computer system. (Hardware/software) and to what
extent it can support the proposed addition also the organization already has sufficient high-end
machines to serve the processing requirements of the proposed system. So there is no need to purchase
new software as the organization has necessary software i.e.tomcat5.0, j2ee1.4, Microsoft SQL Server or
hardware to support the proposed system

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Operational Feasibility:
Operational feasibility is mainly concerned with issues like whether the system will be used if it
is developed and implemented. Whether there will be resistance from users that will effect the possible
application benefits? The essential questions that help in testing the technical feasibility of a system are
 Does management support the project?

 Are the users not happy with current business practices? Will it reduce the time considerably? If
yes, then they will welcome the change and the new system.

 Have the users involved in the planning and development of the project? Early involvement
reduced the probability of resistance towards the new system.

 Will the proposed system really benefit the organization? Does the overall response increase?
Will accessibility of information be lost? Will the system affect the customers in considerable

Legal Feasibility:
A determination of any infringement, violation, or liability that could result from development of
the system. Legal feasibility tells that the software used in the project should be original purchased from
the legal authorities and they have the license to use it or the software are pirated.

Behavioral feasibility:
People are inherently resistant to change and computers have been known to facilitate
change. There is always some reluctance among the users against the introduction of new system but
they were told that this system would eliminate the unnecessary overhead of database migration and
conversion, which presently had to be carried out on daily basis to facilitate transactions between the
different departments. The objective this feasibility phase is to take the operational staff into confidence

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PHP is now officially known as “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor”. It is a server-side scripting

language usually written in an HTML context. Unlike an ordinary HTML page, a PHP script is not sent
directly to a client by the server; instead, it is parsed by the PHP binary or module, which is server-side
installed. HTML elements in the script are left alone, but PHP code is interpreted and executed. PHP
code in a script can query databases, create images, read and write files, talk to remote servers – the
possibilities is endless. The output from PHP code is combined with the HTML in the script and the
result sent to the user’s web-browser, therefore it can never tell the user whether the web-server uses
PHP or not, because the entire browser sees is HTML.

PHP’s support for Apache and MySQL further increases its popularity. Apache is now the most-used
web-server in the world, and PHP can be compiled as an Apache module. MySQL is a powerful free
SQL database, and PHP provides a comprehensive set of functions for working with it. The combination
of Apache, MySQL and PHP is all but unbeatable.

That doesn’t mean that PHP cannot work in other environments or with other tools. In fact, PHP
supports an extensive list of databases and web-servers. While in the mid-1990s it was ok to build sites,
even relatively large sites, with hundreds of individual hard-coded HTML pages, today’s webmasters
are making the most of the power of databases to manage their content more effectively and to
personalize their sites according to individual user preferences.
Reasons for using PHP
There are some indisputable great reasons to work with PHP. As an open source product,
PHP is well supported by a talented production team and a committed user community. Furthermore,
PHP can be run on all the major operating systems with most servers.
a) Learning PHP is easy
Basic is easy any interpreted language should be easy to learn. Since you are isolated

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from the system (no pointers to use, no memory to allocate). The other advantage that all modern
interpreted languages share is good associative array constructs.
b) Its Performance
While we can build an application that serves millions of pages a day on a server, when we
really look at the performance of the language it sucks. We are still orders of magnitude from real
performance. Not only that, but since PHP is designed around a single process model our ability to share
data structures or connection pool resources is left to native code libraries.
The low cost
There are many languages which are available at very less cost. There are some languages which
are available at very less cost like below:

 C

 C++ etc

d) Its Open Source, We can modify it

We can modify it if you need a hole in your head! Technically the point is that it’s an open
source project and they release patches often. You’re point is that the community is actively working out
the bugs. So, what any active language is doing this...
Unfortunately C, C++ and Perl have all “died” at this point and will pretty much remain static at
their current functionality.
It’s Portability
C is portable; it’s just the OS bits that aren’t. A lot PHP isn’t portable to Windows since people
don’t use the OS abstractions to avoid some problems.
It has interfaces to a large variety of database systems
PHP supports a large variety of the database.
Support available
Online Support is available for using PHP.
e) PHP Syntax

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You cannot view the PHP source code by selecting “View source” in the browser – you will only
see the output from the PHP file, which is plain HTML. This is because the scripts are executed on the
server before the result is sent back to the browser.
Basic PHP Syntax
A PHP scripting block always starts with <? Php and ends with?>. A PHP scripting block can be
placed anywhere in the document.On servers with shorthand support enabled you can start a scripting
block with <? And end with?>. However, for maximum compatibility, we recommend that you use the
standard form (<? php) rather than the shorthand form.
A PHP file normally contains HTML tags, just like an HTML file, and some PHP scripting code.
Server Application Development
Server-side applications in the managed world are implemented through runtime hosts.
Unmanaged applications host the common language runtime, which allows your custom managed code
to control the behavior of the server. This model provides you with all the features of the common
language runtime and class library while gaining the performance and scalability of the host server.
The following illustration shows a basic network schema with managed code running in different
server environments. Servers such SQL Server can perform standard operations while your application
logic executes through the managed code.
Server-side managed code
PHP is the hosting environment that enables developers to use the PHP Framework to target
Web-based applications. However, PHP is more than just a runtime host; it is a complete architecture for
developing Web sites and Internet-distributed objects using managed code. Both Web Forms and XML
Web services use IIS and PHP as the publishing mechanism for applications, and both have a collection
of supporting classes in the PHP Framework.
XML Web services, an important evolution in Web-based technology, are distributed, server-
side application components similar to common Web sites. However, unlike Web-based applications,
XML Web services components have no UI and are not targeted for browsers such as Internet Explorer
and Netscape Navigator. Instead, XML Web services consist of reusable software components designed
to be consumed by other applications, such as traditional client applications, Web-based applications, or

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even other XML Web services. As a result, XML Web services technology is rapidly moving
application development and deployment into the highly distributed environment of the Internet.
If you have used earlier versions of Php technology, you will immediately notice the
improvements that Php and Web Forms offer. For example, you can develop Web Forms pages in any
language that supports the PHP Framework. In addition, your code no longer needs to share the same
file with your HTTP text (although it can continue to do so if you prefer).
Web Forms pages execute in native machine language because, like any other managed
application, they take full advantage of the runtime. In contrast, unmanaged php pages are always
scripted and interpreted. PHP pages are faster, more functional, and easier to develop than unmanaged
php pages because they interact with the runtime like any managed application.

HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language is the standard markup language used to create web
HTML was created in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in Switzerland. It was designed to
allow scientists to display and share their research.
HTML is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle
brackets(like <html>). HTML tags most commonly come in pairs like <h1> and </h1>, although some
tags represent empty elements and so are unpaired, for example <img>. The first tag in a pair is the start
tag, and the second tag is the end tag (they are also called opening tags and closing tags).
The purpose of a web browser is to read HTML documents and compose them into visible or
audible web pages. The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses the tags to interpret the
content of the page. HTML describes the structure of a website semantically along with cues for
presentation, making it a markup language rather than a programming language.
HTML elements form the building blocks of all websites. HTML allows images and objects to
be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. It provides a means to create structured
documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and
other items. It can embed scripts written in languages such as Java Script which affect the behaviour of
HTML web pages.

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HTML is descriptive markup language. Library of various markup languages is defined in

various browsers.
a) HTML Images - The <img> Tag and the Src Attribute
In HTML, images are defined with the <img> tag.
The <img> tag is empty, which means that it contains attributes only, and has no closing tag.
To display an image on a page, you need to use the src attribute. Src stands for "source". The
value of the src attribute is the URL of the image you want to display.

Syntax for defining an image:

<imgsrc="url" alt="some_text">

Creating a form usually involves two independent steps: Creating the layout for the form itself
and then writing a script program on the server side to process the formation you get back from a form.
To create a form, You use the <FORM> tag. Inside the opening and closing FORM tags are each
of the individual form elements plus any other HTML content to create a layout for that form.
The opening tag of the FORM element usually includes the attributes: METHOD and ACTION.
The METHOD attributes can be either GET or POST which determines how your form data is sent to
the script to process it.
The ACTION attribute is a pointer to the script that processes the form on the server side. The
ACTION can be included by a relative path or by a full URL to a script on your server or somewhere
else. For example, the following <FORM> tag would call a script called form-name in cgi-bin directory
on server
The other required attribute for the <form> tag sets the methods by which the browser form’s
data to the server for processing. There are two ways: the POST method and GET method. With POST
method, the browser sends the data in two steps: the browser first contacts the form-processing server
specified in the action attributes, and once contact is made, sends the data.

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c) Image tag (<img>) :

To add an image to an HTML document, we just need to include an <IMG> tag with a reference
to the desired image. The <IMG> tag is an empty element i.e. it doesn’t require a closing tag and we can
use it to include from small icons to large images.
Syntax: <imgsrc=”URL” alt=”alternative text”>

d) HTML Lists:
An ordered list:
An unordered list:
 The first list item
 List item
 The second list item
 List item
 The third list item
 List item


HTML5 will be the new standard for HTML. The previous version of HTML, HTML 4.01,
came in 1999. The web has changed a lot since then. HTML5 is still a work in progress.
However, the major browsers support many of the new HTML5 elements and APIs.
HTML5 is cooperation between the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Web
Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG).
WHATWG was working with web forms and applications, and W3C was working with XHTML 2.0. In
2006, they decided to cooperate and create a new version of HTML.
Some rules for HTML5 were established:
a) New features should be based on HTML, CSS, DOM, and JavaScript
b) Reduce the need for external plug-ins (like Flash)
c) Better error handling
d) More markup to replace scripting
e) HTML5 should be device independent

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f) The development process should be visible to the public

Website is a collection of pages, publications, and documents that reside on web server. While
these pages publications and a document as a formatted in a single format, you should use HTML for
home page and all primary pages in the site. This will enable the millions of web users can easily access
and to take advantage of your website.
HTML is considered first for formatting any new material you plan to publish on the web.
HTML documents are platform independent, meaning that they don’t confirm to any standard. If they
are created properly you can move home page to any server platform or you can access them with any
complaint www browser.
HTML elements perform a defined task. HTML uses two types of elements
 Empty Tags

 Container Tags

These tags differ because of what they represent. Empty tags represent formatting constricts such
as line breaks and horizontal rules. Container tags define a section of text, formats and dot all of the
selected text. A container tag has both a beginning and an ending.
An HTML document consists of text, which comprises the content of the document and tags,
which, defines the structure, and appearance of the document. The structure of an HTML document is
simple, consists of outer.
<HTML>tag enclosing the document header and body
<TITLE>the title of HTML document</TITLE>
This is where the actual HTML documents

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Text lies, which is displayed in the browser

Each document has a head and body delimited by the <HEAD> and <BODY> tag. The head is
where you give your HTML document a title and where you indicate other parameters the browser may
use when displaying the document. This includes the text for displaying the text. Tag also references
special and indicates the hot spots that link your document to other documents.

CSS tutorial or CSS 3 tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of CSS technology.
Our CSS tutorial is developed for beginners and professionals. The major points of CSS are given
 CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet.

 CSS is used to design HTML tags.

 CSS is a widely used language on the web.

 HTML, CSS and JavaScript are used for web designing. It helps the web designers to apply style on
HTML tags.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS):

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the look and
formatting of a document written in a markup language. While most often used to style web pages and
user interfaces written in HTML and XHTML, the language can be applied to any kind of XML
document, including plain XML, SVG and XUL. CSS is a cornerstone specification of the web and
almost all web pages use CSS style sheets to describe their presentation.
CSS is designed primarily to enable the separation of document content from document
presentation, including elements such as the layout, colors, and fonts. This separation can improve
content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the specification of presentation

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characteristics, enable multiple pages to share formatting, and reduce complexity and repetition in the
structural content (such as by allowing for table less web design).
CSS can also allow the same markup page to be presented in different styles for different
rendering methods, such as on-screen, in print, by voice (when read out by a speech-based browser
or screen reader) and on Braille-based, tactile devices. It can also be used to allow the web page to
display differently depending on the screen size or device on which it is being viewed. While the author
of a document typically links that document to a CSS file, readers can use a different style sheet, perhaps
one on their own computer, to override the one the author has specified.
With plain HTML you define the colors and sizes of text and tables throughout your
pages. If you want to change a certain element you will therefore have to work your way through the
document and change it. With CSS you define the colors and sizes in "styles". Then as you write your
documents you refer to the styles. Therefore: if you change a certain style it will change the look of your
entire site. Another big advantage is that CSS offers much more detailed attributes than plain HTML for
defining the look and feel of your site.
Another kind of client application is the traditional ActiveX control (now replaced by the
managed Windows Forms control) deployed over the Internet as a Web page. This application is much
like other client applications: it is executed natively, has access to local resources, and includes
graphical elements.
JavaScript (JS) is a dynamic computer programming language. It is most commonly used as
part of web browsers, whose implementations allow client-side scripts to interact with the user, control
the browser, communicate asynchronously, and alter the document content that is displayed. It is also
being used in server-side network programming (with Node.js), game development and the creation of
desktop and mobile applications.
JavaScript is a prototype-based scripting language with dynamic typing and has first-class
functions. Its syntax was influenced by C. JavaScript copies many names and naming conventions from
Java, but the two languages are otherwise unrelated and have very different semantics. The key design
principles within JavaScript are taken from the Self and Scheme programming languages. It is a multi-
paradigm language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.

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The application of JavaScript in use outside of web pages—for example, in PDF documents, site-
specific browsers, and desktop widgets—is also significant. Newer and faster JavaScript VMs and
platforms built upon them (notably Node.js) have also increased the popularity of JavaScript for server-
side web applications. On the client side, JavaScript was traditionally implemented as an interpreted
language but just-in-time compilation is now performed by recent (post-2012) browsers.
JavaScript was formalized in the ECMA Script language standard and is primarily used as part of
a web browser (client-side JavaScript). This enables programmatic access to objects within a host
JavaScript is the most popular programming language in the world.
It is the language for HTML, for the Web, for computers, servers, laptops, tablets, smart phones,
and more.
You can use JavaScript to:
 Change HTML elements

 Delete HTML elements

 Create new HTML elements

 Copy and clone HTML elements

About Back End

In a previous blog, we talked about how web programmers are concerned with launching
websites, updates, and maintenance, among other things. All of that works to support the front-end of
the website. The back-end has three parts to it: server, application, and database.
To better explain how all of this works, let’s use the example of a customer trying to
purchase a plane ticket using a website. Everything that the customer sees on the webpage is the front-
end, as we have explained before, but once that customer enters all of his or her information, such as
their name, billing address, destination, etc, the web application stores the information in a database that
was created previously on the server in which the website is calling for information.

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The web application creates, deletes, changes, renames, etc items in the database. For example,
when a customer purchases a ticket, that creates an item in the database, but when they have a change in
their order or they wish to cancel, the item in the database is changed.
In short, when a customer wants to buy a ticket, the backend operation is the web
application communicating with the server to make a change in a database stored on said server.
Technologies like PHP, Ruby, Python, and others are the ones backend programmers use to make this
communication work smoothly, allowing the customer to purchase his or her ticket with ease.
Difference between java and Java Script
Although the names are almost the same Java is not the same as Java Script. These are two
different techniques for Internet programming. Java is programming language. JavaScript is a scripting
language as the name implies. The difference is that we can create real programs with java. But java
script in not real programming. Java Script is meant to be easy to understand and easy to use. JavaScript
authors should not have to care too much about programming. We could say that Java Script is rather an
extension to HTML than a separate computer language. Of course this is not the official definition but it
makes it easier to understand the difference between java and java script.
How can Java Script scripts run?
The first browser to support java script was the Netscape Navigator 2.0 of course the higher
versions do have java script as well. You might know that java does not run on all Netscape Navigators
2.0 (or higher versions) versions. But this is not true for java script -although there are some problems
with the different versions.
The Mac version for example seems to have many bugs. In the near future there are going to be
some other browsers, which support java script. The Microsoft Internet explorer 3.0 is going to support
java script. JavaScript enabled browsers are going to spread soon - it is worth learning this new
technique now. You might realize that is really easy to write Java Script scripts. We have to know is
some basic techniques and some work-around for problems you might encounter. Of course we need a
basic. Understanding HTML before reading this tutorial you can find many really good online resources
about HTML. Best you make an online search about ‘html’ at yahoo if you want to get informed about
HTML. Now I want to show some small scripts so you can learn how they are implemented into
HTML-documents and to show which possibilities you have with the new scripting language..

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If you are using a java script enabled-browser at the moment then you will have the possibility to
see this script working. If your browser doesn’t support Java Script then this output might be some kind
of strange…
 This is a normal HTML document

 This is java script!

 Back in HTML again.

The database has become an integral part of almost every human's life. Without it, many things
we do would become very tedious, perhaps impossible tasks. Banks, universities, and libraries are three
examples of organizations that depend heavily on some sort of database system. On the Internet, search
engines, online shopping, and even the website naming convention would be impossible without the use
of a database. A database that is implemented and interfaced on a computer is often termed a database
One of the fastest SQL (Structured Query Language) database servers currently on the market is
the MySQL server, developed by T.c.X. DataKonsultAB. MySQL, available for download at, offers the database programmer with an array of options and capabilities rarely seen in
other database servers. MySQL is free of charge for those wishing to use it for private and commercial
use. Those wishing to develop applications specifically using MySQL should consult MySQL’s
licensing section, as there is charge for licensing the product.

These capabilities range across a number of topics, including the following:

a) Ability to handle an unlimited number of simultaneous users.
b) Capacity to handle 50,000,000+ records.
c) Very fast command execution, perhaps the fastest to be found on
the market.
d) Easy and efficient user privilege system.

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However, perhaps the most interesting characteristic of all is the fact that it's free. That's right,
T.c.X offers MySQL as a free product to the general public.

Reasons to Use MySQL

a) Scalability and Flexibility

The MySQL database server provides the ultimate in scalability, sporting the capacity to handle
deeply embedded applications with a footprint of only 1MB to running massive data warehouses holding
terabytes of information. Platform flexibility is a stalwart feature of MySQL with all flavors of Linux,
UNIX, and Windows being supported.
b) High Performance
A unique storage-engine architecture allows database professionals to configure the MySQL
database server specifically for particular applications, with the end result being amazing performance
C) High Availability
Rock-solid reliability and constant availability are hallmarks of MySQL, with customers relying
on MySQL to guarantee around-the-clock uptime. MySQL offers a variety of high-availability options
from high-speed master/slave replication configurations, to specialized Cluster servers offering instant
failover, to third party vendors offering unique high-availability solutions for the MySQL database
d) Robust Transactional Support
MySQL offers one of the most powerful transactional database engines on the market. Features
include complete ACID (atomic, consistent, isolated, durable) transaction support, unlimited row-level
locking, distributed transaction capability, and multi-version transaction support where readers never
block writers and vice-versa.

e) Web and Data Warehouse Strengths

MySQL is the de-facto standard for high-traffic web sites because of its high-performance query
engine, tremendously fast data inserts capability, and strong support for specialized web functions like
fast full text searches.

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f) Strong Data Protection

Because guarding the data assets of corporations is the number one job of database professionals,
MySQL offers exceptional security features that ensure absolute data protection. In terms of database
authentication, MySQL provides powerful mechanisms for ensuring only authorized users have entry to
the database server, with the ability to block users down to the client machine level being possible.
g) Management Ease
MySQL offers exceptional quick-start capability with the average time from software download
to installation completion being less than fifteen minutes. This rule holds true whether the platform is
Microsoft Windows, Linux, Macintosh, or UNIX.
PHP Main Features of MySQL
 Tested with a broad range of different compilers.

 Works on many different platforms.

 The MySQL Server design is multi-layered with independent modules.

 Fully multi-threaded using kernel threads. It can easily use multiple CPUs if they are available.

 Provides transactional and non-transactional storage engines.

 Uses very fast B-tree disk tables with index compression.

 Relatively easy to add other storage engines. This is useful if you want to provide an SQL interface
for an in-house database.

 A very fast thread-based memory allocation system.

 Very fast joins using an optimized one-sweep multi-join.

 In-memory hash tables, which are used as temporary tables.

 SQL functions are implemented using a highly optimized class library and should be as fast as
possible. Usually there is no memory allocation at all after query initialization.

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Data Adapters (PHP/MySQL)

The Data Adapter object works as a bridge between the Dataset and the source data. Using the
provider-specific SqlDataAdapter (along with its associated Sql Command and SqlConnection) can
increase overall performance when working with a Microsoft SQL Server databases. For other OLE DB-
supported databases, you would use the OleDb DataAdapter object and its associated OleDbCommand
and OleDbConnection objects. The Data Adapter object uses commands to update the data source after
changes have been made to the Dataset. Using the Fill method of the Data Adapter calls the SELECT
command; using the Update method calls the INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE command for each
changed row. You can explicitly set these commands in order to control the statements used at runtime
to resolve changes, including the use of stored procedures. For ad-hoc scenarios, a Command Builder
object can generate these at run-time based upon a select statement. However, this run-time generation
requires an extra round-trip to the server in order to gather required metadata, so explicitly providing the
INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE commands at design time will result in better run-time performance.
Application System Development – A Life cycle Approach

Although there are a growing number of applications (such as decision support systems)
that should be developed using an experimental process strategy such as prototyping, a significant
amount of new development work continue to involve major operational applications of broad scope.
The application systems are large highly structured. User task comprehension and developer task
proficiency is usually high. These factors suggest a linear or iterative assurance strategy. The most
common method for this stage class of problems is a system development life cycle modal in which each
stage of development is well defined and has straightforward requirements for deliverables, feedback
and sign off. The system development life cycle is described in detail since it continues to be an
appropriate methodology for a significant part of new development work.

The basic idea of the system development life cycle is that there is a well-defined process
by which an application is conceived and developed and implemented. The life cycle gives structure to a
creative process. In order to manage and control the development effort, it is necessary to know what
should have been done, what has been done, and what has yet to be accomplished. The phrases in the

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system development life cycle provide a basis for management and control because they define
segments of the flow of work, which can be identified for managerial purposes and specifies the
documents or other deliverables to be produced in each phase.

The phases in the life cycle for information system development are described differently by
different writers, but the differences are primarily in the amount of necessity and manner of
categorization. There is a general agreement on the flow of development steps and the necessity for
control procedures at each stage.

The information system development cycle for an application consists of three major stages.
 Definition.

 Development.

Installation and operation.

The first stage of the process, which defines the information requirements for a feasible cost
effective system. The requirements are then translated into a physical system of forms, procedures,
programs etc., by the system design, computer programming and procedure development. The resulting
system is test and put into operation. No system is perfect so there is always a need for maintenance
changes. To complete the cycle, there should be a post audit of the system to evaluate how well it
performs and how well it meets the cost and performance specifications. The stages of definition,
development and installation and operation can therefore be divided into smaller steps or phrases as

Proposed definition: preparation of request for proposed applications.
Feasibility assessment: evaluation of feasibility and cost benefit of proposed system.
Information requirement analysis: determination of information needed.

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Conceptual design: User-oriented design of application development.
Physical system design: Detailed design of flows and processes in applications processing system and
preparation of program specification.
Program development : coding and testing of computer programs.
Procedure development: design of procedures and preparation of user instructions.

Installation and operation

Conversion : final system test and conversion.
Operation and maintenance : Month to month operation and maintenance
Post audit : Evaluation of development process, application system and results of
use at the completion of the each phase, formal approval sign-off is required from the users as well as
from the manager of the pro

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Design is the first step in the development phase for any techniques and principles for the purpose of
defining a device, a process or system in sufficient detail to permit its physical realization.

Once the software requirements have been analyzed and specified the software design involves three
technical activities - design, coding, implementation and testing that are required to build and verify the

The design activities are of main importance in this phase, because in this activity, decisions ultimately
affecting the success of the software implementation and its ease of maintenance are made. These
decisions have the final bearing upon reliability and maintainability of the system. Design is the only
way to accurately translate the customer’s requirements into finished software or a system.

Design is the place where quality is fostered in development. Software design is a process through
which requirements are translated into a representation of software. Software design is conducted in two
steps. Preliminary design is concerned with the transformation of requirements into data.

UML Diagrams:
A coherent set of roles that users of use cases play when interacting with the use `cases.

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Use case: A description of sequence of actions, including variants, that a system performs that yields
an observable result of value of an actor.

UML stands for Unified Modeling Language. UML is a language for specifying, visualizing and
documenting the system. This is the step while developing any product after analysis. The goal from this
is to produce a model of the entities involved in the project which later need to be built. The
representation of the entities that are to be used in the product being developed need to be designed.
There are various kinds of methods in software design:

They are as follows:

 Use case Diagram

 Sequence Diagram
 Collaboration Diagram
 Activity Diagram
 State chat Diagram

Use case diagrams model behavior within a system and helps the developers understand of what the
user require. The stick man represents what’s called an actor.
Use case diagram can be useful for getting an overall view of the system and clarifying who can do and
more importantly what they can’t do.
Use case diagram consists of use cases and actors and shows the interaction between the use case and

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 The purpose is to show the interactions between the use case and actor.
 To represent the system requirements from user’s perspective.
 An actor could be the end-user of the system or an external system.

A Use case is a description of set of sequence of actions. Graphically it is rendered as an ellipse with
solid line including only its name. Use case diagram is a behavioral diagram that shows a set of use
cases and actors and their relationship. It is an association between the use cases and actors. An actor
represents a real-world object. Primary Actor – Sender, Secondary Actor Receiver.

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Sequence diagram and collaboration diagram are called INTERACTION DIAGRAMS. An interaction
diagram shows an interaction, consisting of set of objects and their relationship including the messages
that may be dispatched among them.

A sequence diagram is an introduction that empathizes the time ordering of messages. Graphically a
sequence diagram is a table that shows objects arranged along the X-axis and messages ordered in
increasing time along the Y-axis


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A collaboration diagram is an introduction diagram that emphasizes the structural organization of the
objects that send and receive messages. Graphically a collaboration diagram is a collection of vertices
and arcs.


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Class is nothing but a structure that contains both variables and methods. The Class Diagram shows a
set of classes, interfaces, and collaborations and their relating ships. There is most common diagram in
modeling the object oriented systems and are used to give the static view of a system. It shows the
dependency between the classes that can be used in our system.
The interactions between the modules or classes of our projects are shown below. Each block contains
Class Name, Variables and Methods.

A description of set of objects that share the same attributes operations, relationships, and semantics

State Chart Diagram

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Implementation is the stage where the theoretical design is turned into working system. The most crucial
stage in achieving a new successful system and in giving confidence on the new system for the users that
it will work efficiently and effectively.

The system can be implemented only after thorough testing is done and if it is found to work according
to the specification. It involves careful planning, investigation of the current system and its constraints
on implementation, design methods to achieve the changeover and an evaluation of change over
methods a part from planning.

Two major tasks of preparing the implementation are education and training of the users and testing of
the system. The more complex the system being implemented, the more involved be the system analysis
and design effort required just for implementation.

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The DFD takes an input-process-output view of a system i.e. data objects flow into the
software, are transformed by processing elements, and resultant data objects flow out of the software.

Data objects represented by labeled arrows and transformation are represented by circles also called as
bubbles. DFD is presented in a hierarchical fashion i.e. the first data flow model represents the system as
a whole. Subsequent DFD refine the context diagram (level 0 DFD), providing increasing details with
each subsequent level.

The DFD enables the software engineer to develop models of the information domain & functional
domain at the same time. As the DFD is refined into greater levels of details, the analyst performs an
implicit functional decomposition of the system. At the same time, the DFD refinement results in a
corresponding refinement of the data as it moves through the process that embodies the applications.
A context-level DFD for the system the primary external entities produce information for use by the
system and consume information generated by the system. The labeled arrow represents data objects or
object hierarchy.


 Fix the scope of the system by means of context diagrams.

 Organize the DFD so that the main sequence of the actions

 Reads left to right and top to bottom.

 Identify all inputs and outputs.

 Identify and label each process internal to the system with Rounded circles.

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 A process is required for all the data transformation and Transfers. Therefore, never connect a
data store to a data Source or the destinations or another data store with just a Data flow arrow.

 Do not indicate hardware and ignore control information.

 Make sure the names of the processes accurately convey everything the process is done.

 There must not be unnamed process.

 Indicate external sources and destinations of the data, with Squares.

 Number each occurrence of repeated external entities.

 Identify all data flows for each process step, except simple Record retrievals.

 Label data flow on each arrow.

 Use details flow on each arrow.

 Use the details flow arrow to indicate data movements.

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User registration

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User details

User registration

Register Update Search for view user

user user user details
details details

Taking Test

User details

Taking Test

End Exam
Start Result

E-R Diagrams:

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The Entity-Relationship (ER) model was originally proposed by Peter in 1976 [Chen76] as a
way to unify the network and relational database views. Simply stated the ER model is a conceptual data
model that views the real world as entities and relationships. A basic component of the model is the
Entity-Relationship diagram which is used to visually represent data objects. Since Chen wrote his paper
the model has been extended and today it is commonly used for database design For the database
designer, the utility of the ER model is:

 It maps well to the relational model. The constructs used in the ER model can easily be
transformed into relational tables.
 It is simple and easy to understand with a minimum of training. Therefore, the model can be used
by the database designer to communicate the design to the end user.
 In addition, the model can be used as a design plan by the database developer to implement a
data model in specific database management software.

Connectivity and Cardinality

The basic types of connectivity for relations are: one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many.
A one-to-one (1:1) relationship is when at most one instance of an entity A is associated with one
instance of entity B. For example, "employees in the company are each assigned their own office. For
each employee there exists a unique office and for each office there exists a unique employee.

A one-to-many (1:N) relationships is when for one instance of entity A, there are zero, one, or many
instances of entity B, but for one instance of entity B, there is only one instance of entity A. An example
of a 1: N relationships is

A department has many employees

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Each employee is assigned to one department

A many-to-many (M:N) relationship, sometimes called non-specific, is when for one instance of entity A, there
are zero, one, or many instances of entity B and for one instance of entity B there are zero, one, or many instances
of entity A. The connectivity of a relationship describes the mapping of associated

ER Notation

There is no standard for representing data objects in ER diagrams. Each modeling methodology
uses its own notation. The original notation used by Chen is widely used in academics texts and journals
but rarely seen in either CASE tools or publications by non-academics. Today, there are a number of
notations used; among the more common are Bachman, crow's foot, and IDEFIX.

All notational styles represent entities as rectangular boxes and relationships as lines connecting boxes.
Each style uses a special set of symbols to represent the cardinality of a connection. The notation used in
this document is from Martin. The symbols used for the basic ER constructs are:

 Entities are represented by labeled rectangles. The label is the name of the entity. Entity
names should be singular nouns.
 Relationships are represented by a solid line connecting two entities. The name of the
relationship is written above the line. Relationship names should be verbs
 Attributes, when included, are listed inside the entity rectangle. Attributes which are
identifiers are underlined. Attribute names should be singular nouns.
 Cardinality of many is represented by a line ending in a crow's foot. If the crow's foot is
omitted, the cardinality is one.
 Existence is represented by placing a circle or a perpendicular bar on the line. Mandatory
existence is shown by the bar (looks like a 1) next to the entity for an instance is required.
Optional existence is shown by placing a circle next to the entity that is optional

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Table structure for table mst_admin

Column Type

loginid varchar(20)

pass varchar(20)

Table structure for table mst_question

Column Type

que_id int(5)

test_id int(5)

que_desc varchar(150)

ans1 varchar(75)

ans2 varchar(75)

ans3 varchar(75)

ans4 varchar(75)

true_ans int(1)

Table structure for table mst_result

Column Type

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login varchar(20)

test_id int(5)

test_date date

score int(3)

Table structure for table mst_subject

Column Type

sub_id int(5)

sub_name varchar(25)

Table structure for table mst_test

Column Type

test_id int(5)

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sub_id int(5)

test_name varchar(30)

total_que varchar(15)

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Levels of testing

Unit testing or module Testing

The starting point of testing is unit testing. In this, a module is tested separately at each step. This helps
to detect syntax and logical errors in this program and is performed by the coder himself/herself during
Integration Testing
The modules, which are tested in the unit testing, are integrated to build the overall system. It is
observed that many errors crop up when the modules are joined together. Integration testing uncovers
these errors while integrating the modules. It helps in establishing confidence (correctness) in the
complete, assembled system. Is tests the system design. It focus on control, communications, interfaces,
performances (other system qualities). It make use of stubs, test beds, data generators. It is the phase of
software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group. It follows
unit testing and precedes system testing.
Integration testing takes as its input modules that have been unit tested, groups them in larger
aggregates, applies tests defined in an integration test plan to those aggregates, and believers as its
output the integrated system ready for system testing.
Integration testing concentrates entirely on module interactions, assuming that the details within each
module are accurate. Module and integration testing can be combined, verifying the details of each
module’s implementation in an integration context. Many projects compromise, combining module
testing with the lowest level of subsystem integration testing, and then performing pure integration
testing at higher levels. Each of these views of integration testing may be appropriate for any given
project, so an integration testing method should be flexible enough to accommodate them all.
The system testing in bringing together of all programs that a system comprises for testing purposes.
System testing is testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system’s
compliance with its specified requirements. System testing falls within the scope of black box testing,
and as such, should require no knowledge of the inner design of the code or logic. Programs are

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typically integrated in a top-down, incremental fashion. It is series of different tests whose primary
purpose is to fully exercise the computer-based system. It includes the following tests: -
 Recovery Testing: - It is a system test that forces the software to fail in a variety of ways
and verifies that recovery is properly performed.
 Stress Testing: - These are designed to confront program functions with abnormal
situations. It executes a system in a manner that demands resources in abnormal quantity,
frequency or volume.
 Security Testing: - This testing attempts to verify that protection mechanism built into a
system will protect it from unauthorized penetration.
The system testing is an investigatory testing phase, where the focus is to have almost a
destructive attitude and test not only the design, but also the behaviour and even the believed
expectations of the customer. It is also intended to test up to beyond the bounds defined in the
software/hardware requirements specification(s).

Types of testing
Black box Testing
It is also known as functional testing. It tests the overall functional organisational of product. Inputs are
supplied to product and outputs are verified. If the outputs obtained are the same as the expected ones
then the product meets the functional requirements. In this, the internal procedures are not considered. In
this the tester would only know the “legal” inputs and what the expected outputs should be, but not how
the program actually arrives at those outputs. This testing is more effective on larger units of code. In
this test’s are done from user point of view.
White Box Testing
It is also known as structure testing. It focuses on the internal functioning if the product. It tests the
loops of the procedure, decision points, execution paths etc.
White box testing uses specific knowledge of programming code to examine outputs. The test is
accurate only if the tester knowns what the program is supposed to do. He or she can then see if the
program diverges from its intended goal. White box testing does not account for errors caused by
omission, and all visible code must also be readable. As the knowledge of internal coding structure is

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prerequisite, it becomes very easy to find out which type of input/data can help in testing the application
effectively. The other advantage of white box testing is that it helps in optimizing the code. It helps in
removing the extra lines code, which can bring in hidden defects.
Acceptance Testing
This testing is done when the software is developed for the specific customer. A Series of tests are
conducted to enable the customer to validate all requirements.
The end user customer conducts these tests and may range from adhoe test to wall –planed systematic
series of tests . Acceptance testing may be fixed and better quality software will be delivered to the
Acceptance testing is a performed by the customer on a system prior to the customer Accepting
delivery or Accepting transfer of ownership of that system
The customer specifies scenarios to test when a user story has been correctly implemented. A story can
have one or more Acceptance tests are block box system tests each Acceptance test represents some
expected result from the system customers are responsible for verifying the correctness of the acceptance
tests and reviewing test scores to decide which failed tests are of highest priority. Acceptance tests are
also used as regression tests prior to a production release .A user story is not considered complete until it
has passed its acceptance tests .this mean that new acceptance tests must be created each iteration or the
development team will report zero process.
Testing after code is mostly complete or contains most of the functionality and prior to users being
involved sometimes a select group of users are involved. More often this testing will be performed in-
house or by an outside testing firm in close co-operation with the software engineering department.
In house virtual user environment can be created for this type of testing. Testing is done at the end of
development. Still minor design changes may be made as a result of such testing.
Beta testing:-
Testing after the product is code complete .betas are often widely distributed or even distributed
to the public at the large in hopes that they will buy the final product when it is released.

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The application can be uploaded in the BLUE DART COURIER SERVICES to access it, the
user will just require running the executable file of the software system must have turbo C++ diver
basically the application is for the recording of star sport’s records. As implementation was done to
replace a manual system with the computerized one . This objective was to put the tested system into
operation .critical aspects of the organization. This phase gives us the clears pictures of our new system
and all the points that have been carefully looked in when designing the computerized system.
Sincere efforts were taken for the implementation of the following goals.
 Maximizing the output reliability
 Maximizing the source test readability
 Minimizing the development time.

Testing is a process of executing a program with the indent of finding an error. testing is a critical
element of software quality assurance and presents ultimate review of specification, design and coding.
System testing is a important phase .represents an interesting anomaly for the software thus a series of
testing are performed for the purposed system is ready for user acceptance testing.
A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding an as un discovered error .a successful test
is one the uncovers an discovered error.

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Testing objectives:-
 Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an Error
 A good test case is one that has probability of finding an as yet undiscovered error
 A successful test is one that uncovers an undiscovered error.

Testing principles:-
 All test should be traceable to end user requirements
 Test should be planned long before testing begins
 Testing should begin on scale and process towards testing in large
 Exhaustive testing is not possible
 To be most effective testing should be conducted by a independent third party

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The package was designed in such a way that future modifications can be done easily. The following
conclusions can be deduced from the development of the project.

 Automation of the entire system improves the efficiency

 It provides a friendly graphical user interface which proves to be better when compared to the
existing system.
 It gives appropriate access to the authorized users depending on their permissions.
 It effectively overcomes the delay in communications.
 Updating of information becomes so easier.
 System security, data security and reliability are the striking features.
The System has adequate scope for modification in future if it is necessary

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This application avoids the manual work and the problems concern with it. It is an easy way to
obtain the information regarding the different scheduled examinations information that are Currently
Well I and my team members have worked hard in order to present an improved website better
than the existing one’s regarding the information about the various activities. Still, we found out that the
project can be done in a better way. Primarily, when we request information about a particular schedules
it just shows the exam date and platform. So, after getting the information we can get access to the
online exam.

The enhancement that we can add the searching option. We can directly search to the particular student
details from this site.

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The following books were referred during the analysis and execution phase of the project
Books Referred:

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