Traction and Soil Mechanics

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‫وحدة ضمان الجودة‬ ‫كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم‬

‫توصيف مقرر دراسي‬

Course description

" Traction and soil mechanics "

Year 2021-2022
1- Basic information: : ‫ بيانات المقرر‬-1
Majoring: Automotive and Tractor
Level: 3rd (6S) Course: Traction and soil mechanics
Technology Dept.
‫الثانية‬:‫المستوى‬/‫الفرقة‬ ‫ ميكانيكا الجر والتربة‬:‫اسم المقرر‬ ‫ تكنولوجيا السيارات والجرارات‬:‫التخصص‬
1:‫عملي‬ 1:‫تطبيقي‬ 2 :‫نظري‬ :‫عدد الوحدات الدراسية‬ Auto 305 :‫الكودى‬ ‫الرمز‬
2- Course Aim: : ‫ هدف المقرر‬-2
This course introduces the student to the solid parameters of different terrains and its interaction with the
motor vehicle traction mechanism. The areas covered include :
 Basic definition (terra mechanics, mobility and traffic ability).
 Vehicle terrain interaction.
 Performance of vehicle running gear over off roads.
3- Intended learning outcomes (ILO’s): : ‫ المستهدف من تدريس المقرر‬-3
The graduates should be able to:
a- Knowledge and understanding skills: : ‫ المعلومات والمفاهيم‬-‫أ‬
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
 Describe the main soil parameters affecting vehicle mobility
 Calculate the motion resistance of terrain to rigid wheel, pneumatic wheel, and track.

b- Intellectual skills: : ‫ المهارات الذهنية‬-‫ب‬

 Measure the main soil parameters in the field and in lab.

 Evaluate the suitability of different terrains for different vehicle crossing.
c- Practical and professional skills: : ‫ المهارات المهنية الخاصة بالمقرر‬-‫ج‬

 Describe the suitable method for improving the traffic civility and vehicle mobility.
d- General and transferable skills: : ‫د – المهارات العامة‬

 Work in a team of troubleshooters.

 Working independently in fixing the vehicle and tractors and searching online for the most common
 Able to transfer the gained knowledge and activities.
‫وحدة ضمان الجودة‬ ‫كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم‬

4- Course content: : ‫ محتوى المقرر‬-4

a- Theoretical : :‫ المحتوى النظرى‬-‫أ‬
 Distribution of stresses in the terrain under vehicular loads.
 Performance of vehicle running gear over unprepared terrain.
b- Practical content: :‫ المحتوى التطبيقى والعملى‬-‫ب‬
 Shear resistance (field test).
 Cone penetration resistance (field test).
 Grain size distribution (lab test).
 Shear resistance.
 Bearing capacity.
 Compaction test.
5- Teaching and learning strategies: : ‫ أساليب التعليم والتعلم‬-5
 Lecturing (Boards)
 Data show
 Video tapes and Over-head projectors
 Class participation and Lab job.
6- Teaching and learning strategies for
: ‫ أساليب التعليم والتعلم للطالب ذوى القدرات المحدودة‬-6
special (low and high) skills student:
 Assistance during assigned office hours.
7- Students Assessment: : ‫ تقويم الطالب‬-7
a- Used tools: : ‫ األساليب المستخدمة‬-‫أ‬
 Written exams, submitting reports, practical exams, oral exams.
b- Time: : ‫ التوقيت‬-‫ب‬
 Assessment 1 Attendance and Assignments Weekly
 Assessment 2 midterm exam Week 6th .
 Assessment 3 regular reports Week every two weeks.
 Assessment 4 final exam Week 14th

c- Grade distribution: : ‫ توزيع الدرجات‬-‫ج‬

 Mid-term examination 10 %
 Final-term examination 60 %
 Oral examination including Activities. 10 %
 Practical examination 20%
 Total 100 %

8- Books and references list: : ‫ قائمة الكتب الدراسية والمراجع‬-8

a- Notes: : ‫ مذكرات‬-‫أ‬
 Lecturer notes and books.

b- Compulsory books: : ‫ كتب ملزمة‬-‫ب‬

 Essential books (text books)
 Instrument technology.
 Tuning of industrial control systems
c- Suggested books: : ‫ كتب مقترحة‬-‫ج‬
 Instrumentation and process measurements.
 Automobile electronics
‫وحدة ضمان الجودة‬ ‫كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم‬

1. Related periodicals …etc.: :‫ إلخ‬... ‫ دوريات علمية أو نشرات‬-‫د‬

 Society of Automotive Engineering SAE
 Institute of Mechanical Engineers
 Journal of sound and vibration
 Journal of Tribology

).Head of Dept( ‫رئيس مجلس القسم العلمى‬ )Lecturer( ‫استاذ المادة‬

‫إبراهيم لطفى محمد احمد‬/‫ د‬.‫أ‬ ‫ ياسر فتوح عبدالحليم‬/‫د‬

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