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Concept Paper

Project Name

ABCDE: A Barangay-Level Campaign against Drug Use through Education


There is no denying that today's youth play a vital role in society. They may seem to be bursting

with passion and energy and frequently present novel viewpoints on relevant subjects. The youth have the

potential to significantly impact society with their diverse experiences, perspectives, and energy.

On the other side, numerous difficulties also confront young individuals. They are developing in

a quickly changing world that constantly exposes them to new information and discoveries. Due to this,

they are usually tempted to engage in using drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes as a response to their curiosity

and exploration.

Drug use and misuse are currently on the rise and are taking on more significance in today's youth

culture. They have increased in frequency among teenagers due to the wide variety and accessibility of

drugs, typically correlated with economic and social variables. That being said, youth-focused drug

prevention programs are needed, especially now, when the world faces a global crisis that hinders them

from growing in the outside world.


This project aims to provide a solution to the rising problem of drug use and misuse, especially

for the youth by providing them with the necessary education about its negative repercussions, possible

consequences, and health effects.


ABCDE: A Barangay-Level Campaign against Drug Use through Education is a program

composed of informative actions which aim to educate the people, especially the youth about the

repercussions, consequences, and effects of drug use and misuse.

It will be conducted through a face-to-face program that will be held on the barangay’s covered-

court. The program will cover the following:

● An opening speech from an anti-drugs advocate who previously engaged in the use and

misuse of drugs

● The discussion of the government laws and programs regarding the use and misuse of

● Informative lessons about the possible repercussions, consequences, and effects of drug

use and abuse to one’s-self, family, and society

● An interactive question-and-answer portion with the speakers and participants

● Presentation of activities that the youth could focus on to attain a more productive life

and avoid them from drug use and misuse engagement

Nowadays, these types of programs can be easily conducted through online platforms such as

Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams. However, it is the utmost priority of the proponents that this

program should be able to accommodate those that do not have enough resources and materials to engage

in digital platforms.

Moreover, the proponents believe that a face-to-face setup will allow the program to achieve

better engagement between the speakers and participants - which leads to a more attentive interaction

between them.


The estimated budget for this project is 15, 000 pesos. This will be equally allocated and

distributed for the expenses of learning materials, equipment, and food & snacks of the speakers,

organizers, and participants. The respective venue is free-of-charge, with the help of the Barangay

Officials of Barangay San Roque, while the speakers are volunteers who are genuinely committed to

helping programs that aim to combat drug use and misuse.

This anti-drug campaign through an informative program, which’s initial scope is the residents of

Barangay San Roque, can be subjected to expansion should it receive enough funding and resources from

its contributors.

Contact Information

For questions, clarifications, and other inquiries, the proponents’ leader can be conducted through

the following:

● Facebook Account: Sheena Mae Cayabyab Peralta

● Contact Number: 09632794820

● Email Address:

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