CARLO CALUMBA LIT 223 Module 1 Lesson 3 Application

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Application: Reread
Read again the short story entitled ‘How my Brother Leon Brough Home a Wife’ by

Manuel Arguilla. This time, you are going to create three to four questions in each element that would

help guide readers in understanding the story. Afterward, you are also going provide possible answers on

the questions you have created. Make sure that the questions would lead the readers to a better

understanding of the story. Use this table as format in accomplish this task.

Elements of Fiction Questions Answers

PLOT 1 How did the author begin the story? 1. The story is about Leon returning to
his hometown Nagrebcan with his wife,
Maria who is willing to make sacrifices
to go in a rural community for her to
prove herself to her father-in-law that
she is worthy to live in the province, and
at last she will be introduced formally by
her groom.
2 What is the main problem in the 2 Baldo and his older brother Leon were
both waiting for the arrival of their
story? visitor riding the carretela. Seeing his
brother's wife, Baldo was easily taken
away by the beauty of the woman from
city as he narrates their journey to
3. The highest point of the story is when
3. What is the climax of the story?
Maria told Leon that she's anxious
about meeting his father. Later, he
introduced Maria as his wife to his
family and especially to his father
hoping they will accept and like Maria
for him.
4. What are the most important 4. They reach home and are welcomed
events in the story? by their mother and sister. Their father
waits in his room to hear from Baldo
about the journey and regarding the
conduct of the new bride. In the end,
the family accepts Maria as its new
member and Maria accepts them as her
new home.
Characters 5. How would you describe the 5. Maria was brought up in a life of
relationship between Leon and comforts in the city. However, she loved
Maria? Leon truly and was committed to adapt
to his lifestyle. She was willing to uproot
her entire life and give up her privileges
to settle in a village. She was also loving
and caring towards his family, becoming
a part of the family seamlessly.
6. Who is the character in the story 6. Leon/Noel - husband of Maria. The
of how my brother Leon brought protagonist because he is the leading
home a wife? and the main character of the story.
Maria - the wife of Leon from the city.
7. What did you learn from a character 7. The characters emphasizes the
in the story? importance of community and family. It
is about loving and caring for one
another. This implies and needs the skill
and willingness to forego selfish goals or
even comforts in order to make your
loved ones happy.
8. What could be the purpose of Leon 8 They agreed to go to Nagrebcan when
and Maria in coming to Nagrebcan? Maria arrived because Leon wanted to
present Maria to his family. As they
continue their trek to Nagrebcan, Leon
questions Baldo about who directed
him to drive through Waig, and Baldo
replies that it was their father.
Setting 9. Where does the story take place? 9. The place where the story happened
was in Barrio Nagrebcan, Bauang, La
Union, the province of Baldo and his
10. When does the story take place? 10. Manuel E. Arguilla's short novella
How My Brother Leon Brought Home a
Wife was set in Leon's region. It is
nearing the end of the day when the sun
begins to set. It doesn't say anything
about the weather, but it was
11 Where did Leon meet Maria? 11 Maria and Leon rode in Labang's cart
on their way home. While they are in
their journey, Leon learned that his
father asked Baldo to meet him and
Maria at the station.
12 How location and time in the story 12 The time setting of the novel impacts
affect the characters? what types of lives the characters can
lead and what choices they can make.
Point of View 13 Who tells the story? 13 Baldo- He is the narrator of the story.
14 Whose point of view is the story 14. The narrative "How My Brother Leon
told by? Brought Home a Wife" takes place in
Nagrebcan, Bauang La Union, in the
1930s. The narrative is narrated in the
first person, and the narrator is Baldo,
Leon's younger brother.
15 What would happen if the 15 Because each character in the
narrative was told from the narrative has their own thoughts and
perspective of another character? perspectives on how they respond or
cite the flow of the story, the story
would be very different if told from a
different point of view.
16 Do you believe the person who 16 The story's point of view is
narrates the tale is the most determined by the narrator. The
knowledgeable? narrative is considered to be in the first
person if the narrator is a complete
participant in the story's action. A third-
person narrative is a story given by a
narrator who is not a character in the
Style and Voice 17 Describes the story's emotion or 17 The story's sentiment or imagery was
imagery? transmitted effectively to the readers
since they could readily follow the
storyline because the author used a
style and voice that allowed everyone to
grasp the story's key message.
18 What is the author's approach to 18 The author opens the novel with a
the beginning and finish of the story? comment about his brother's wife, their
talk while on the journey, and the
difficulties that the main characters face
during their first encounter. Meanwhile,
the narrative concludes on a bright and
positive note, implying that in order to
have a long-lasting relationship, both
partners must respect each other and
their families. And if you truly love
someone, you should embrace him or
her for who and what he or she is, and
you should not pass judgment on others
before seeing them in person.
19 How effectively does the author 19 The author uses figurative language
describe the process of developing to define the story's style so that the
the style? reader may easily comprehend the
story's objective or message, as well as
to convey a location relevant to the
character's attitude.
20 While reading the novel, what 20 We can envision how wonderful and
scenarios or images come to mind? comforting it is to live in the province
compared to the city, thus the scenarios
or photos you may envisage are the
quiet ambiances of the province with no
honking of traffic or noise from the
Symbolism and 21 What symbolisms you can observe 21. Maria, I believe, is the symbolism in
Allegory in the story? this narrative. Maria represents
perseverance since crossing a waig is
difficult enough for a city girl like her.
She had to suffer the voyage in order to
accomplish her goal of acceptance.
22 What is the symbolism of how 22 It talks about overcoming difficulties
my brother Leon brought home a and worries in order to discover peace
wife? and contentment in each other's
betterment and well-being. Another
moral of the story is to not judge
individuals based on their appearances
and to allow them to express
themselves and be accepted for their
23 Would you read additional books 23 Yes, due of the author's portrayal of
by this author based on the symbols the sequence of events, narrative,
and graphics in the story? If so, why or place, and character, many people will
why not? be drawn to read more of his novels
because of the hidden message.
24 What is the author's interpretation 24 The narrative is shown by the author
of the story? as a mash-up of several character
descriptions. I was interested in the
novel because of Maria and how the
author was able to emphasize her, as
well as the structure of each event.
Theme 25 What is the author's message? 25 It is about conquering difficulties and
worries and, in the end, finding serenity
and contentment in each other's well-
being. Another moral of the story is that
individuals should not be judged based
on their appearances and that they
should be given opportunity to express
themselves and accepted for their
26 What is the story about? 26 Manuel Arguilla's summary of How
My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife.
After being married, Leon and his wife
Maria are set to return to Leon's village.
Maria had never lived in a rural and they
had met in the city. As their horse
carriage approaches the settlement,
they are hailed by Baldo, Leon's younger
27 What does the story mean to you? 27 The narrative emphasizes the
importance of family and unity. It
emphasizes the importance of loving
and caring for one another. This
demands the skill and willingness to put
one's own wishes or even comforts
aside in order to make others happy.
28 What lesson does the story have 28 The ability to sacrifice things for
that resembles life? people you care about is at the heart of
the narrative. Maria grew up in a
comfortable city environment. She, on
the other hand, genuinely loved Leon
and was determined to adapt to his way
of life.

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