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P-ISSN: 0854 – 9125 E-ISSN: 2599 – 2678 Vol. 28 No.

1, June 2021



Putu Pande Novita Sari1, Ni Luh Putu Sri Adnyani2, I Made Suta Paramarta3

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha



This present study aims at analyzing the turn-taking strategy in a debate of Sunda Empire in
Indonesia Lawyer Club (ILC) talk show broadcasted by TV One, one of the national television
channels in Indonesia. Sunda Empire is an organization whose foundation lies in the romanticized
idea of reviving glorious feudal kingdom of Sunda. With the application of the turn-taking strategy
by Stenstroom's framework, this qualitative study was conducted through conversational analysis.
There were five steps in analyzing the conversation, such as streaming Indonesia lawyer club
episode Sunda Empire, taking note of the conversation, classifying the data, transcribing the data,
translating the data, and interpreting the data. The results of the study revealed that all turn-taking
strategies appear in the debate namely starting up, taking over, interrupting, overlapping, repair,
silent pause, repeating words, filled pause, promoting, appealing, and giving up strategy. The most
frequent turn-taking strategy occurred is starting up strategy. Theoretically, this study can support
the theory of conversational analysis of turn-taking strategy. Practically, teachers can use it as a
reference for an applied linguistics course.

Keywords : conversational analysis, turn taking

Received: 07 January 2021 Revised(1): 14 January 2021 Revised(2): 07 April 2021

Accepted: 13 May 2021 Published: 30 June 2021

INTRODUCTION discover the case in depth. The debate of Sunda

Empire involves a spurious King and His members
Sunda Empire is an organization whose as debaters. Thus, this debate is interesting to be
foundation lies in the romanticized idea of analyzed in order to find out how the debaters
reviving glorious feudal kingdom of Sunda. Sunda use turn-taking while speaking and how the
Empire was established in 2017. This movement intention of their speech is displayed.
has started on social media and eventually
Whenever we communicate, we want to
became viral. A Facebook user who was
have and retain good connections with the
suspected as being a member of Sunda Empire
people around, to prevent humiliation and
named Renny Khairani updated a status. The
maintaining social harmony (Paramartha, 2011).
status was 'Indonesia will be handled by Sunda
A debate is one form of communication. Debate
Empire - Earth Empire'. It caused a commotion
is an activity between two or more people who
amongst social media users. This movement
are arguing, discussing, deciding problems, and
becomes a controversial issue in Indonesia as
differentiating certain things. Conversation
Indonesia is a republic country lead by a
involves two or more people take turns in
president. Thus, many mass media have reported
speaking. The exchange turns of the speaker, and
the foundation of Sunda Empire on television as
the listener or one person takes the turn of a
well as in various social media. One of the
conversation that occurs simultaneously is called
television programs has invited members of the
as turn-taking (Brown & Yule, 1983). Turn-taking
Sunda Empire to the studio. It was aimed to
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P-ISSN: 0854 – 9125 E-ISSN: 2599 – 2678 Vol. 28 No. 1, June 2021

can be defined as the activity of communication Young (2013) studied a conversation

since the speaker takes their turn while speaking analysis of turn-taking in an English discussion
(Ghilzai & Baloch, 2016). According to Ghilzai & class. The result of the study shows that the
Baloch (2016), there are three different students frequently use turn-taking system when
possibilities involving the structure of the turn- they use a second language. Napitupulu &
taking system. The current speaker may continue Siahaan (2014) investigated turn-taking in a
to communicate, the current speaker needs to wedding ceremony. The data were obtained
choose the next speaker, and the current through direct observation and documentation.
speaker needs to select another speaker instead This study revealed that there were three types
of choosing the next speaker. Turn-taking exists of turn-taking used; the first rule was more
to organize a running conversation. In verbal dominant in every speech situation. It referred to
communication, turn-taking is used to manage the reference of kinship and the use of pronoun.
talks in interviews, debates, ceremonies, and When the speaker from the man's side gave turn
discussions (Abdullah, 2016). Taking the turn to the woman's side, addresses system was used
refers to how each participant or speaker has a as a reference to the speaker of the woman's side
chance and a turn to speak while doing while the speaker from the woman's side used a
conversation. According to Strenstrom (1994), personal pronoun to give turn to the man's side.
“taking the turn can be tricky”. Holding the turn
However, there are not many studies on a
carries out talking (Stenstrom. 1994). It is about
conversational analysis of turn-taking on a
how the speaker wants to hold a chance, but
debate, especially on a debate of Sunda Empire.
they have difficulty in controlling and planning
Therefore, this current study was worth
what the things have to say. Yielding the turn is
conducting. The present study aimed to explore
when the speaker becomes the listener for
how turn-taking is represented in the debate of
hearing the responses (Strenstrom, 1994). Turn-
Sunda Empire through describing each turn-
taking is interesting to be studied because it
taking strategy that underlies the conversation.
covers the organization of a conversation.
The analysis is based on Stenstroom's strategies
Conversation analysis seems to be an of turn taking (1994).
essential part of our everyday lives. Sack,
Schegloff, and Jefferson (1974) states that
The source of the study is the debate of
conversational is spontaneous and cannot be
Sunda Empire in Indonesia Lawyer Club (ILC) Talk
predicted. When a conversation between two or
Show. The data of the present study were taken
more people talking about different topics,
from YouTube, which was uploaded by Indonesia
misunderstanding cannot be avoided if the
Lawyers Club official YouTube account on
interlocutor does not understand the meaning of
January 22, 2020. The video is three hours and six
the utterance and it could cause serious
minutes long and has approximately two million
problems (Khoddamy Pour & Yazd, 2015).
viewers. Stenstroom's framework is used to
Therefore, it is crucial to analyze what others
analyze the data in this study. In Stenstroom’s
mean to avoid misunderstanding and
framework, the turn-taking strategy covers three
embarrassment. Many studies have discussed a
strategies, namely taking the turn strategy is
conversational analysis of turn-taking in a movie,
when someone wants to take the turn to speak;
radio, television program, and teaching-learning
holding the turn strategy is when someone
process. The first study was conducted by
Emanuel (2000), who explored the kind of carries on talking; and yielding the turn
conversational analysis of turn-taking involving strategy is where the speaker delivers utterance
over-lapping, interruption, and prosody that in which it aims to get an expected response
were used by the interlocutor. The result of the from the listeners.
study shows that interruption in conversation This research is a qualitative content
means a signal to argue other utterances. analysis. Qualitative content analysis is a method
for systematically describing the meaning of
qualitative data (Given, 2008). Besides, Mayring
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(2010) state that qualitative content analysis is into English and interpreting the data based on
understood as a rule guided research process. the theory of turn-taking strategy.
The method of qualitative content analysis by
Mayring (2010) was adopted; streaming
Indonesia lawyer club episode Sunda Empire,
taking note the conversation, classifying the
data, transcribing the data, translating the data
Table 1.
Turn Taking Strategy
Taking the Turn Strategy Starting up strategy 7
Taking over strategy 4
Interrupting strategy:
a) Alert comment 6
b) Meta comment 3
Holding the Turn Strategy Silent pause 4
Repeating word 3
Filled pause & Verbal fillers 4
Yielding the Turn Strategy Promoting strategy 4
Appealing strategy 3
Giving up strategy 5
Sub total 43

FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION tried to start the conversation using a different

The result shows that in Indonesia Lawyer utterance. Below are the examples of a starting
Club talk show, episode: “Sunda Empire’ taking up strategy found in Sunda Empire Debate.
the turn strategy is mostly used. The use of taking
the turn strategy was presented by 49 examples. a) Starting up strategy
First, taking the turn itself consists of seven
starting up strategy, four taking over strategy, 1) Karni ‘Pak Toto, apakah anda bisa
nine interrupting strategy, two overlapping, and menjelaskan kepada kami, bagaimana
four repairs. Second, holding the turn strategy, is ide ini muncul?’
presented by four examples of silent pause, Mr. Toto, how did you come up with
three repeating words, and four filled pause and this idea?
verbal fillers. Last, yielding the turn, is presented Mr. Terima kasih, pada saat ini saya belum
by four promoting strategy, three data of Toto bisa meberitahu apa-apa, karena
appealing strategy, and five data of giving up kasus ini masih diselidiki oleh pihak
strategy. The frequency of three strategies of kepolisian.’
turn-taking can be seen in Table 1. Thank you, as for now, I can’t tell you
anything, because this case is still
1. Taking the Turn Strategy being investigated by the police.
Taking the turn is when someone wants to Karni ‘Jadi, Bapak Ari, apakah ingin
take the turn to speak. In other words, there menambahkan sesuatu?
must be only one speaker who speaks; then Well, Mr. Ari, do you want to add
another one waits for the turn; it is called TRP something?
(transition relevant places). Taking the turn was
divided into four categories, namely starting up, The conversation in example (1) occurred
taking over, interrupting, and overlapping. The in a different place, Karni is in ILC studio, while
host of Indonesia Lawyers Club (ILC), Karni Ilyas, Mr. Toto was in the police office. Mr. Toto was a
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con man who gained dozens of followers by speaker. The use of different utterance in
pretending to be the king of Sunda Empire. The starting the conversation corroborate with
police arrested him on charges of fraud. Hence, findings of Gorjian & Habibi (2015). In
they had a conversation through video call, and conversation (2) Mr. Eko was one of the victims
all the audiences watched it from the studio. of Sunda Empire kingdom. Mr. Eko’s said ‘thank
Karni had started the conversation by asking "Mr. you’ more than once. It means that he felt
Toto how did you come up with this idea?". The grateful to have the chance to share with the
idea in this conversation refers to the idea of audiences and the police of what he felt during
being the king of Sunda Empire. This utterance being a member of Sunda Empire. Thus, he
indicates that Karni wants to shorten the time by hoped that Sunda Empire will be given a penalty.
asking the question directly without greeting.
Then, it was followed by Mr. Toto's response 3) Karni ‘Sekarang, saya ingin bergabung
indicating that he had nothing to say about the dengan Gubernur Jawa Tengah.
case due to the investigation still being held by Selamat malam Bapak Ganjar
the police. In other words, the police did not Pranowo.
allow Mr. Toto to tell about Sunda Empire cases. Now, I want to include the
Then, Karni continued to Mr. Ari Tarigan, who Governor of Central Java. Good
was Mr. Toto's lawyer. Karni asked "Mr. Ari evening Mr. Ganjar Pranowo.’
Tarigan, do you want to add something?" This
statement indicates that Mr. Karni wanted to get Mr.Ganjar ‘Halo Selamat malam Bang
more information from Mr. Toto's lawyer. Thus, Karni.’
the use of starting up strategy in terms of asking Hello, Good evening Mr. Karni
a question corroborates with the findings of
Anwair (2016), who found that in starting up Karni started the conversation by
strategy someone has the initiative to talk by saying “I want to include the Governor of
asking questions. Central Java.” Good evening Mr. Ganjar
Pranowo”. Karni greeted “Good evening” to
2) Karni ‘Kita akan melanjutkan diskusinya, the governor, this indicates that Karni
sekarang saya ke Pak Eko’ showed his respect to the person who has a
high position in central of java. Mr. Ganjar
We will continue our discussion, now also responded by saying “Hello, good
it is Mr. Eko’s chance evening Mr. Karni”. Thus, this finding
Eko ‘Terima kasih Bang Karni, dan saya supports the study conducted by
ingin berterima kasih juga kepada Osuchukwu, Ogayi, & Nwode (2019) who
semua pembicara dalam studio ini, found that deciding to communicate like
sekali lagi terima kasih banyak what and how to say.
karena kasus Sunda Empire sudah b) Taking over strategy
terungkap’. Taking over means that someone takes a
Thank you Mr. Karni, and I would like turn from the speaker to give a response toward
to say thank you to all of the the previous speaker. This may be done directly,
speakers/debaters in this studio, to allow the right speaker to speak to another
once again I would like to say thank conversationalist of his or her choice (Jacob,
you very much because Sunda Empire 2001). Stenstroom (1994) states that taking over
case has been revealed. strategy also in the form of links means the next
speaker takes over by using connecting words,
such as and, but, and because. In conversation
Karni started a conversation by saying (4), taking over strategy uses the word ‘but’.
“now we go to Mr. Eko Pratolo” which means
that Karni already finished with the current

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4) Sofyan ‘Inspirasi ini muncul ketika dihitung The conversation (5) showed that Karni
500 tahun.’ interrupted the conversation, he switched the
The inspiration arose when it was topic by asking Mr. Toto’s job. Karni rise his tone
counted from a period of 500 years. when asked Mr. Toto, it means that Karni
Karni ‘Tapi apa benar beliau meminta intended to stop Mr.Toto and discuss the other
iuran kepada para anggota topic. This finding supports the study conducted
kerajaan?’ by Schegloff (2000) using sound stretches to
BUT, is it true that he charged to indicate the alert comment.
the member of the kingdom?
Sofyan ‘Itu tergantung perspective yang 6) Karni ‘Apakah saudara pengacara dari
diambil, mereka meminta iuran Ibu Fanny?’
ketika mengadakan kegiatan.’ Are you Mrs. Fanny's lawyer?
It depends on their perspectives.
Mr. Ari ‘Iya, saya pengacaranya.’
They pay dues when activities were
Yes, I am
Karni ‘APA BENAR ibu Fanny mengaku
Karni used the connected word ‘but’ to itu hanya sebuah halusinasi’.
give a response to the speaker, these findings IS IT TRUE that Mrs. Fanny claims
related to a study conducted by Ertanti (2016) that it is just a hallucination?
who found that the hearer giving comments or
responses to the speaker. Karni said “But, is it From conversation (6) Karni started the
true that he is asking for royalties” it means, conversation by asking Mr. Ari “are you Mrs.
Karni intended to make sure that the member Fanny’s lawyer, Karni continued asked Mr. Ari “IS
of Sunda Empire needs to pay dues. IT TRUE” he wanted to make sure that Mr. Ari is
the lawyer of Mrs. Fanny and as a queen of Sunda
c) Interrupting Empire which is not based on her hallucination.
It can be concluded that every utterance with a
Interrupting strategy is categorized into
rising tone indicates that Karni wanted to
two types namely alert and meta-comment.
emphasize his statement. These findings support
Alert comment is the second speaker speaks
the theory by Stenstrom (1994), stated that alert
with a louder tone to attract the interlocutor’s
comment use to signalling the utterance.
attention. Below is the example of interrupting
strategy in the form of alert comment found in
7) Rangga ‘DENGAR! Nanti kita akan jelaskan
the Sunda Empire debate.
kenapa PBB pindah ke Amerika.’
Alert comment LISTEN! Later, we will explain why
PBB moved to America.
Alert is done by the listener to interrupt Karni ‘Berarti Sunda Empire tidak perlu
the current speaker by speaking louder than iuran?’
other participant in order to attract the Does it mean that Sunda Empire
attention. They usually use words like: hey, does not need fees?
listen, look (Ertanti, 2016). Rangga ‘Tidak, karna sudah memiliki
5) Toto ‘Saya ingin meminta maaf kepada No, because we already have
masyarakat Purworejo.’ funds.
I would like to apologize to Purworejo
citizens Conversation (7) presents that Rangga as a
Karni ‘PAK TOTO, apa pekerjaan anda leader (king) of Sunda Empire. When Rangga got
sebelumnya.’ his turn to speak, he said LISTEN with raising his
Mr. TOTO (rising tone), what was your tone. It means he wanted to attract the
previous job? audience’s attention because he intended to tell

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something important about the history of the ___no________

displacement of PBB to America.
In conversation (9), it is revealed that Ari
Meta comment overlaps Karnis’s question. He said ‘no’ when
Karni speak. It means that Ari speaks at the same
8) Sofyan ‘Pak Toto memahami banyak hal
time while Karni asked a question.
tentang fase sejarah di dunia ini’.
Mr. Toto understands many things e) Repair
about the phases of history in this
world. Repair is the speakers correct their
Karni ‘Bisakah saya menanyakan utterance that have been produced in
sesuatu? Apakah itu benar adalah conversation (Paltridge, 2000). Incorrect word
sebuah halusinasi?’ selection, slips of the tongue, and
Can I ask you something? Is it true misunderstanding are problems is
that it was a hallucination? communication. The conversation (10) was
Sofyan ‘Ini tergantung kepada perspektif produced by the speaker in Sunda Empire
mereka’. debate in terms of slip of the tongue.
It actually depends on their
perspectives. 10) Dicky Chandra ‘Saya takutkan
muncul orang-orang,
yang mengaku
Meta comment is commenting on the bahwa menerima
current speaker without offending the speaker pangsit, ehh wangsit
(Stenstrom, 1994). In other words, politely maksud saya’.
interrupted by the current speaker. It can be I'm afraid of people
seen in the conversation above, when Sofyan to claim of receiving
said “Mr. Toto knows everything about the pangsit, ehh.. I
history of Sunda Empire”, Karni was interrupted mean wangsit
the conversation by asking the question “Can I
Audiences Hahahaha
ask something?” it means that Karni wanted to
switch the topic which discussed a different The conversation (10) showed that Dicky
topic. Chandra slips his tongue when
said wangsit. Wangsit is often termed as
d) Overlapping inspiration, word, guidance from God. This
finding supports the theory of Platridge (2000),
Yule (1996), stated that overlapping is reported that the speaker correct thing that has
when two speakers speak at the same time. been said.
Cook (1989), the next speaker pauses his/her
utterance due to they do not know what to. 2. Holding the Turn
Holding the turn is when someone carries
9) Karni ‘Pertanyaanya apakah benar Ibu on talking. It is used when the speakers have the
Fanny mengaku___?’ opportunity to speak but they do not know what
The question is whether Mrs. Fanny to say. Below are the conversations in terms of
confessed_____ silent pause, repeating words, and filled
Ari ‘Tidak_____tidak___ pause and verbal fillers.
a) Silent pause
Karni melapor ke polisi____
report to the police__ Silent pause is the current speaker holds
Ari ____tidak_____ the turn until the listener waits for the current
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speaker to finish to speak. The conversation (11) 13) Mr. Eko ‘Terima kasih pada Bang Karni,
indicated that it was a silent pause. Terima kasih kepada
narasumber semuanya selamat
11) Ari ‘Kasus yang saya temukan pada malam, saya berterimakasih
tahun 2009’. sekali karena terungkapnya
The case that I discovered was in kasus sunda empire’.
Karni ‘Yang saya tanyakan, dari kapan Thank you Mr. Karni, thank you
Pak Toto mengenal Ibu Fanny?’ all the speakers, good night, I
What I'm asking is, when did Mr. am very thankful for the
Toto and Mrs. Fanny know each unfolding of the Sunda Empire
other? case. I feel more…more cheated
Ari ‘Oh, eemmm____sejauh ini after 10 years.
saya_____emmmmm Ibu Fanny
emmmmm____ dia kenal Pak Toto From utterance (13), it is revealed that Mr.
pada tahun 2016’. Eko said ‘thank you’ three times, it means that
Oh, eemmm____as far as I he felt very grateful because ILC already invited
know_____emmmm Mrs. Fanny him. However, Mr. Eko said ‘more’ two times, it
emmmmm___ she knew Mr. Toto indicated that Mr. Eko felt cheated for a long
in 2016. time, he felt very disappointed of Sunda Empire

Example (11) shows that Ari paused 14) Karni ‘Katanya juga polisi menemukan
aliran dana direkening tersangka.
three times, but despite that, he has answered
Berapa jumlahnya?
Karni's question. The silent pause which is He also said that the police found
used by the speaker in a strategic place the flow of funds in the suspect's
syntactically and semantically (Ertanti, 2016). account. How much was that?
Being silent is also a way to control situation Budi ‘Ditemukan 1,4 milyar, nnti kita
(Hadisaputra & Adnyani, 2012) This silent akan dalami lagi, sumbernya dari
mana dan untuk apa, nanti kita
pause also used as turn holder.
akan dalami lagi’.
b) Repeating Words 1.4 billion was found, we will
explore it again, where was it come
12) Karni ‘Bagaimana cerita kerjaan from and what does it for, later we
Sunda Empire?’ will explore again.
How does the story of Sunda
Empire go? The utterances “we will explore it again” is
Mr. Toto ‘Ya, pada kesempatan ini, saya produced two times by Budi Harianto as police.
mungkin belum.. belum bisa This indicates that Budi and all police officers are
menceritakan’. not convinced yet about the money found in
Well, in this opportunity, I Sunda Empire account, thus they will explore it
might not…I’m not be able to further to convince it.
c) Filled pause & Verbal Fillers
Based on conversation (12), Mr. Toto
Filled pause and verbal fillers which is in
repeated the utterances “I might not” two times,
the form like em:, ahh: am: a: which is vebal
it means that Mr. Toto really could not answer
fillers, and used by the speaker at the same time
Karni’s question.
while he or she is trying to think about what he
or she is going to say (Ertanti, 2016).

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15) Karni ‘Apa betul para anggota tersebut 16) Karni ‘Pak Toto, sebelumnya
akan digaji? Dari mana pekerjaan anda apa?’
uangnya?’ Mr. Toto, what was your
Is it true that the members will previous job?
be paid? Where does the money Mr. Toto ‘Ya, Bang Karni?’.....
come from? Pardon, Mr Karni? ....
Sofyan ‘Saya tidak menyangka hal itu ya (emphasizing what the question
karena__emmmm itu dibagian is)
penyidikan ya bapak’. Karni ‘Apa pekerjaan anda sebelum
I did not expect that mendapat kekuasaan menjadi
because___(filled pause) that seorang raja?’
was a part of investigation What was your previous job
section, Sir. before you got the authority to
Mr. ‘Setelah beberapa bulan itu establish a kingdom?
Eko Emmmmm mengadakan di Mr. Toto ‘Saya sebagai wirausaha’.
Dieng, di dieng dari dieng sampai I was an entrepreneur
patung arjuna. Setelah itu di Karni ‘Kapan anda pindah dari Jakarta
Prambanan diadakan semacam ke Jogja’?
emmmmm apa ya? When did you move from
After a few months Jakarta to Jogja?
Emmmmm____ held at Dieng, Mr. Toto ‘Itu sekitar tahun 2014’
Dieng from Dieng to Arjuna It was around 2014
statue. After that, a kind of Karni ‘Apakah anda pindah kesana
emmmmm (filled pause) was Bersama keluarga atau sendiri’?
held in Prambanan ____ (filled Did you move there with your
pause) what was it? family or by yourself?
Mr. Toto ‘Saya sendiri’.
By myself
From conversation (15) showed that Karni ‘Dimana Pak Toto lahir?’
Sofyan has paused because he thought about Where was Mr. Toto born?
what he was going to say. Then, Mr. Eko took the Mr. Toto Wonosogo
turn in answering Karni’s question. Mr. Eko tried Karni ‘Tahun berapa Pak toto lahir?’
to remember the place where the ceremony of What year was Mr. Toto born?
Sunda Empire was held and it can be seen from Mr. Toto ‘Pada tahun 1978’
Mr. Eko paused his utterances three times. In 1978
Karni ‘Dimana bersekolah?’
3) Yielding the Turn
Where did you go to school?
The last strategy, yielding the turn, is Mr. Toto ‘Mohon maaf saya belum bisa
where the speaker delivers utterance in which it memberitahunya’.
aims to get an expected response from the I cannot tell it, I'm so sorry.
listeners (Stenstroom, 1994). Yielding the turn is
divided into prompting strategy, appealing From conversation (16) showed that Karni
strategy, and giving up strategy. applied a turn-taking strategy in terms of asking
a question. The first question was “what was
a) Promoting Strategy your previous job” this question indicated that
Karni wants to know Mr. Toto’s job. Then, the
In promoting the strategy, the speaker second question was asked about “when Mr.
needs to invite, greet, offer, question, request, Toto moves to Jogja”, this question aimed to
and apologize. Below are the utterances related know when Mr. Toto stays in Jogja and started
to promoting the strategy in conversation. his kingdom. Then, it is followed by the personal

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question about “where was Mr. Toto born”, this Based on Fanny’s utterance in
question Mr. Toto answered was very brief. conversation (18) it can be seen that Mrs. Fanny
Thus, Karni asked a different question paused her statement, it seems that she had no
about “where did he go to school”, and he could idea and the conversation had stopped. The
not answer that because at that time Mr. Toto result of the present study is in line with the
still investigated by the Police. study conducted by Ertanti (2016) who states
that giving up strategy is a strategy which leads
b) Appealing Strategy the speaker to use pauses and a longer pause in
their utterance. It is because the speaker cannot
Appealing means the speaker intended share the information on his/her minds. The
to get a kind of feedback, such as question speaker also has no more words to say or thinks
tags in the form of “all right, you know” from that it is time to the listener to give response to
the listener. the speaker’s utterance. Turn taking strategies
which are used by the both of the participants in
17) Karni ‘Pak Toto mengatakan bahwa anda this study are showing how both of the
mendapatkan sebuah mimpi, participants using strategies in order to use turn
menjadi seorang raja. Apakah itu taking in a good way in their conversation.
Mr. Toto said that you got a dream The result of this study also corresponds
of becoming a king, is that true? to the previous study in which showed that the
Mr. ‘Mohon maaf untuk saat ini most frequent strategy is used by the speaker is
Toto saya belum bisa menjawabnya’. starting up strategy in the conversation. Dewi,
I’m so sorry for now I cannot Dewi, Suharsono, & Munir (2018) found that
answer it. during the interaction of English conversation,
The conversation (17) indicates that Karni the students tend to use starting up strategy to
asked the question in the form of a question tag, start their talk. Turn taking is usually occurred in
to make sure that Mr. Toto got a dream of conversation. Mulyandari (2017) agreed that
becoming a kind of Sunda Empire. turn-taking technique in conversation is very
important for people when they interact with
c) Giving up Strategy each other and it helps the conversation go
smoothly. Ertanti (2016) states that there should
Giving up is the speaker stop his utterance be someone to initiate or to start the talk and
since they have nothing to say. This strategy the participant must be corporate in order to get
occurred when the speaker has no idea what to a smooth conversation.
say, thus the speaker is waiting for the listener’s
response. The use of repeating words in
conversation is also found in the debate of
18) Karni ‘Dimana Ibu Fanny lahir?’ Sunda Empire. Lexical repetition is a strategy
Where was Mrs. Fanny born? used by the speaker by repeating a single word
Mrs. ‘Saya lahir di Jogjakarta, maaf many times in order to continued his or her
Fanny untuk saat ini saya belum bisa speaking. This finding corroborates with the
meberitahu apa-apa….’ study conducted by Mubarak (2019) found that
I was born in Jogjakarta, sorry, I the use of lexical repetition it aimed to stress or
can't answer anything right now emphasized the expression to the interlocutor.
because ... (she has no any idea) Thus, turn taking is important in communication
Karni ‘Baik, jadi kalian berdua tidak in order to manage their roles when they
ingin menjawabnya, kami juga become listener and speaker.
tidak akan memaksa.
Well, if both of you do not want
to answer, we won’t force it
Lingua Scientia | 55
P-ISSN: 0854 – 9125 E-ISSN: 2599 – 2678 Vol. 28 No. 1, June 2021

CONCLUSION Cook, G. (1989). Discourse. Oxford University

press. Coulthard, Malcolm. 1997. An
The purpose of this research is to examine Introduction to Discourse Analysis. New
turn taking strategy that was used by debate York: Longman Inc.
participants in Indonesia lawyer club talk show in
the episode Sunda Empire. Conversational Dewi, F. R., Suharsono, & Munir, A. (2018). Turn
analysis of turn taking by Stenstroom’s Taking Strategies and Its Relations To Efl
framework was used in this study. There were Learners' Personality and Power in the
three strategies of turn taking. The first is taking Interaction of English Conversation Class.
the turn strategy which is when the speaker ETERNAL (English, Teaching, Learning, and
takes their turn while speaking. This strategy is Research Journal), 4(2), 288.
divided into five categories namely starting up,
taking over, interrupting, overlapping, and 8.a12
repairing. The second, holding the turn is the
speaker tries to control and plan what the Emanuel A. S. (2000). Overlapping talk and the
speakers wants to say. This strategy is divided organization of turn-taking for
into three categories namely silent pause, conversation. Language in Society, 29(1),
repeating words, filled pause, and verbal fillers. 1–63.
The last is yielding the turn is the speaker gives
the turn for the listener to speak. In conclusion 019
this study reveals that the most frequent turn
Ertanti, D. (2016). Turn Taking Strategies Used in
taking strategy occurred was starting up strategy.
Masterchef Junior Season 3 in America TV
Besides, alert comment is also mostly used by
Show. Language Horizon, 4(3), 73–76.
speaker. The use of alert comment by debate
participants due to he was intended to Ghilzai, S. A., & Baloch, M. (2016).
emphasize his statement, to attract people’s Conversational Analysis of Turn taking
attention, and to interrupt others while Behavior and Gender Differences in
speaking. Thus, this study implies that Multimodal Conversation Shazia Akbar
conversation analysis is pivotal to learn to know Ghilzai December 2015. Perspectives in
the intentions of people’s utterances. Language, Linguistics and Media,
Furthermore, this study can be used as 1(January), 1–13.
considerations for both theoretical and practical
contributions. Theoretically, this study supports Given, L. M. (2008). The Sage Encyclopedia of
the theory of conversational analysis of turn Qualitative Research Methods (1st & 2nd
taking strategy. Practically, the teachers can use ed.). United States of America: SAGE
it as a reference for an applied linguistics course. Publication, Inc.

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