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Marc Beaver Q.

Witness Cul 2nd Semester 2021-2022
4:30 - 5:30 PM MWF
My Reaction

Choosing life is something that we should commit in doing as it is a command from God
our lord and creator. Voting right and the act of choosing is something we have as a gift from
God and it is stated in the forum properly and clearly by Bishop Uy and Father Ado. Voting and
choosing is sacred for it is a gift from God to us human beings. No other animal or organism in
this planet that have the same capacity of intelligence and free will as us who are created in the
likeness of the Lord our God. When Father Uy said his explanation on the sacredness of our
vote; I was smiling the whole time not just because of his charisma in talking but also the
explanation that he gave was perfect with regards to religion and politics.

With regards to the difference of our political beliefs; as Father Ado had said, that we
should respect each other’s opinions which is something that everyone should have done
considering the bouts and conflicts of the supporters that are happening in social media and real
life. We should have respect to others and we should properly discuss and convert others rather
than hating and fighting in a chaotic way. We as voters and citizens of the Republic of the
Philippines should be civilized and act in a way befitting of our society. The separation of the
Church and State is something stated in the forum and was explained by Bishop Uy; He said “
The separation of the Church and State is stated that no church and government body should
interfere with each other’s affairs” ,continuing with, “But if morality and values of the said
government is running off its right path, then the Church is responsible for teaching and
correcting the manners of such government”.

The praying before voting is something that shows our faith and trust in the Lord in
choosing the right leader. It is also said in the forum that one should vote not only for thyself but
also for the good of others. One should not be voting for the purpose of elating one’s life but for
the future and goodness of our nation. Some people can’t even vote, so let us all try to vote
properly and exercise our rights to choose a proper leader for our children and future.
Therefore, I conclude that everything said in the forum should be practiced and acted in our
lives especially during the voting seasons (because the forum was centered in election and
voting). Let us all be responsible in our words and our actions especially during this campaign
and election period.

That is all and God bless!

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