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Another Reaction Paper

Marc Beaver Q. Maputol

Witness Cul 2nd Semester 2021-2022
J 4:30 - 5:30 PM MWF
Democracy is the power of the people as said in the forum with Prof. Paredes.
People have the right and authority when it comes especially to the Government. It is
not just the state officials that are voted by the people who are capable of giving change
and improvements to the people. The people are also the key to change thus, the
people should participate in changes and procedures of the law within the terms of
one’s own rights. Participation does not stop in the voting or the election days, as is said
by Prof. Paredes that democracy and participation should also be done after the
Democracy is described by Prof. Paredes through quoting the speech of Late
Former President of the United States of America Abraham Lincoln “that the
government of the people, by the people, for the people”. Prof. Paredes said that
Government is of the people because the people is a part and are associated with the
Government. People is government, Government is people, and People belong to
government; that is what she described the first part of the quoted speech of Lincoln
which is “Government of the people”. Government by the people is described by Prof.
Paredes and explained that every program, action, policies, and plans should be
something that every people should get involved or be involved and everyone should
engage and participate in such procedures in the Government. Government for the
people is explained and described by Prof. Paredes that government is for the
development of the people, and that government is for the overall human development
and general welfare of the people.
I conclude that democracy is a way of life, especially in democratic countries. It is
our duty and responsibility to adhere, follow, and respect our rights and freedom in this
country. Democracy should be applied in our lives and should be applied in voting for
the proper leader especially in this coming May 9 elections. We should all participate in
Government actions and we should all do what’s right for the good of the country and
the people. The future of the country is in our hands therefore, we should use that
power to choose in order to be truly a country exercising true and proper democracy.

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